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Contents of Aminet CD 23

    | TITLE
    |     Aminet CD 23
    |     Aminet CD 23 contains close to 1 gigabyte of freely distributable 
    |     software. The newest archive included is from Jan 2nd. This CD is
    |     completely filled with new material, there was no room for anything
    |     else. The contents are (when uncompressed):
    |     960M of software newer than Aminet CD 22, consisting of:
    |     350 Mods
    |     300 Utilities
    |     250 Pictures
    |     200 Games
    |     150 Communications programs
    |     800 Files of other categories
    |     The commercial highlight of the CD is the spreadsheed TurboCalc 3.5
    | Local files at Aminet CD 23 on 14-Jan-98
    | Sorted by directory and file name. Age in weeks.
    | A wide version of this file can be found in info/index/
    |File              Dir        Size Age Description
    |----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
    AExplor_Update.lha biz/cloan   30K   3+Free update to AExplorer 1.1 D
    pio_icon.lha       biz/cloan   16K   6+Use PersonalPaint as (New)Icon-Editor
    pprx_WAD.lha       biz/cloan   12K   4+WebAnimDesigner 1.1 for PersonalPaint7.+
    2b_XBase13.lha     biz/dbase   63K   8+Very easy2use flexible and fast database
    almanac_f3.lha     biz/dbase  368K   3+A day to day database with lots more.
    AlphaBase.lha      biz/dbase  178K   2+V2.0: Universal database, English/German
    Black_Book.lha     biz/dbase   40K   5+Address book written in Blitz2 
    CDDateiUpdate.lha  biz/dbase   71K   2+Update V3.12 to V3.13a (Bugfix)
    CDDatei_GR_upd.lha biz/dbase   19K   6+Greek catalog for CD-Datei V3.12.
    db_sv.lha          biz/dbase    5K   7+Swedish translation for DB 3.5
    F_basev2_20.lha    biz/dbase  150K   8+Easy DataBase for Amiga with Rom 2.04+
    lsdbase.lha        biz/dbase   41K   8+Small database program for CDIDs (v1.0)
    McA45a.lha         biz/dbase   60K   4+*McAgenda* is a phonebook very easy to u
    McF51.lha          biz/dbase  147K   6+*McFiler* catalogues files w/ many usefu
    MTRechIII_0_80.lha biz/dbase  325K   2+MT-RechnungIII Invoice program V0.80
    MUIVideo_211a.lha  biz/dbase  182K   1+Video-Database-System
    MusicManIII.lha    biz/dbase  572K   8+A must have for CD, MC... collectors
    Scion506.lha       biz/dbase  598K   8+Genealogy database manager (MAJOR upgrad
    Scion_DE.lha       biz/dbase   27K   5+German translation for Scion 5.06
    Scion_Turkish.lha  biz/dbase   12K   5+Scion Turkish Catalog
    VA_V30.lha         biz/dbase  141K   6+VideoArchiv v3.0 ** eng/ger/swe
    Videobaender.lha   biz/dbase   19K   7+German Videoarchiver for AmigaBase
    WorldDATA.lha      biz/dbase    0K   8+WorldDATA has been renamed to AlphaBase
    BurnIt_Demo.lha    biz/demo   403K   2+CD-Recording software. Supports DAO&TAO.
    DrawStudioPL.lha   biz/demo    17K   3+DrawStudio - PL version by WFMH LocalePL
    EZPager.lha        biz/demo   179K   9+V1.11, Send paging messages to pagers (P
    MasterISO2demo.lha biz/demo   408K   7+MasterISO v2.0 Demo - CD-R/RW Mastering
    WF_Benoit.lha      biz/demo    80K   3+PPC (!) + Amiga Wildfire-Benoit Operator
    WF_Update1.lha     biz/demo   299K   3+PPC (!) + Amiga first Big Wildfire-Updat
    WildfirePPC.lha    biz/demo   2.1M   7+PPC (!) + Amiga Version 4.43 of Wildfire
    19FileTypes.lha    biz/dopus    3K   2+19 new filetypes for Opus Magellan
    DO5CleanRam.lha    biz/dopus    1K   6+CleanRam Script for DOpus 5.5+
    DopusARexx.lha     biz/dopus   42K   8+AmigaGuide for DirectoryOpus 5.66 ARexx 
    DOpusPatch6265.lha biz/dopus   68K   8+Upgrade patch files for Directory Opus 5
    GifToPng.lha       biz/dopus   49K   7+Convert GIF images to PNG with DOpus5.5+
    Laz_images.lha     biz/dopus   33K   4+DOpus ToolBar images by Laz (NI format)
    NewIcnDoTBar2.lha  biz/dopus   83K   5+DOpus ToolBar NewIcons *V2* by Dr_Ash
    NewIconDoImgs1.lha biz/dopus   44K   3+DOpus Images1 NewIcons by Dr_Ash
    NI4OpusT.lha       biz/dopus  150K   5+Toolbar NewIcons r.7! by danneS
    WolleDOpus.lha     biz/dopus   14K   8+WolleDOpus V1.4 - RexxScripts/Modules fo
    Brokerrexx.lha     biz/misc     4K   3+ARexx scripts for use with IBrowse/AmiBr
    CompteBanc213.lha  biz/misc    30K   9+MUI accounting program v2.13 (french)
    Functions.lha      biz/misc    17K   9+TurboCalc-Worksheet (shows all functions
    Kredit.lha         biz/misc    25K   6+Loan calculation V0.2 (German)
    MUIBank1_62.lha    biz/misc   172K   9+Bank account manager (English & French).
    BBase13aPch1.lha   biz/patch  551K   2+Patch 1.3a (v1.1) Registered BancaBase f
    CinemaPatch.lha    biz/patch    1K   5+Very usful patch for Maxon Cinema users.
    DCF77update.lha    biz/patch  141K   9+Update for DCF77 3.0-3.5 to 3.6
    Ds_ita.lha         biz/patch   13K   2+Italian translation of DrawStudio 2.0
    EpicLexikonPa.lha  biz/patch   94K   4+Screenmoderequesterpatch for EPIC MM LEX
    StudioUpV215c.lha  biz/patch  1.0M   9+V2.15c Update of Studio Prof. Printer So
    TurboCalc501.lha   biz/patch  162K   4+Updates TurboCalc 5.00 -> 5.01 (D,E,F,I 
    FDtoHTML.lha       biz/swood    3K   9+Converting FinalData Tables to HTML-Tabl
    fwcalc.lha         biz/swood   28K   8+FWMacros for Calculation ( Docs German )
    fwhtmlin.lha       biz/swood    3K   8+HTML- Import- Filter for FinalWriter
    fwlist.lha         biz/swood   25K   8+Catalogues your fonts ( German )
    FW_TipsNTricks.lha biz/swood   93K   9+FW-Tips&Tricks - Release 13 - german -
    RenamePS2FW.lha    biz/swood    2K   1+Renames PS-Fonts to FinalWriter format (
    AmBoS_Explorer.lha comm/ambos  13K   6+Descibes all files used by AmBoS
    AmBoS_V2_92.lha    comm/ambos 1.8M   4+AmBoS BBS V2.92 - now nearly for free!
    AP_Developer.lha   comm/ambos  53K   6+Developer docs for AmBoS autopoint-inter
    AP_UpDownload.lha  comm/ambos  27K   7+Up-/Download Autopoint-Tool for AmBoS
    CreditTransfer.lha comm/ambos   9K   8+Credit transfer tool for AmBoS
    Lyriker.lha        comm/ambos   9K   8+Great lyric poetry tool for AmBoS
    MakeStat.lha       comm/ambos  13K   8+Make your own user/online states
    MakeStt_C01.lha    comm/ambos   8K   7+New Configfiles for MakeStat
    OnlineShop.lha     comm/ambos 171K   4+Create your own great OnlineShop
    TDMF_ANSIs.lha     comm/ambos  34K   7+Great ANSIs for backgrounds and batches 
    VerAmBoS.lha       comm/ambos   2K   8+Version Information for AmBoS 
    abbs1_1.lha        comm/bbs   360K   9+Full version of ABBS v1.1
    ABI_TNS101.lha     comm/bbs    26K   9+Convert ascii to echomail for Trion BBS
    ansiartpack_I.lha  comm/bbs   180K   4+Ansiart Pack I
    Cit_Docs_8A01.lha  comm/bbs   571K   1+Citadel 68K Documenation
    Cit_exec_8A01.lha  comm/bbs   243K   1+Citadel 68K BBS Program
    Cit_Util_8A01.lha  comm/bbs   467K   1+Citadel 68K BBS Program Utilities
    ddbbs130b4.lha     comm/bbs   594K   5+Free release of Powerful BBS Software wr
    DSE_2_02.lha       comm/bbs   571K   4+A Customizable Space Empire for all BBS'
    JEOLast.lha        comm/bbs    14K   9+JEOLast v1.22b - ABBS last callers utili
    JEOPopFiles.lha    comm/bbs    12K   9+JEOPopFiles v1.03 - ABBS most popular fi
    mv_m132.lha        comm/bbs   135K   5+Blue Wave format MAIL doOR for DayDream 
    Nuclear_Warfar.lha comm/bbs    86K   4+Nuclear Warfare
    pronotify10.lha    comm/bbs    15K   9+(PMBS) Notifies Sysop of new PMs
    pwatch20.lha       comm/bbs    29K   9+PortWatcher for the Prometheus System
    RIPgraphicsp_I.lha comm/bbs   979K   2+RIP graphics pack I
    tnf_v32.lha        comm/bbs    29K   6+New Files to Ascii for Trion BBS Systems
    tRSi_T2F.lha       comm/bbs    11K   9+Tempest to FAME UserData-converter (v1.0
    compulist16.lha    comm/cnet   20K   6+A nice BBS lister for CNet v3.05c.
    DL100i1.lha        comm/cnet   40K   3+The most In-Depth RPG EVER for CNet!
    dstry111.lha       comm/cnet   10K   6+A Quick & Simple Kill-Kill-Kill RPG
    InformLoader.lha   comm/cnet   16K   5+V1.05 Menu for playing Infocom Games on 
    MC121.lha          comm/cnet   15K   4+A Multi-Player Strategic Military Game
    murder_motel.lha   comm/cnet   62K   6+Murder Motel for CNet v2.63 thru v4.35!
    Pug3_0.lha         comm/cnet  135K   5+Boxing Pfile for Cnet BBS
    PugFix.lha         comm/cnet   15K   5+Bug Fix Boxing Pfile for Cnet BBS
    SadoModem.lha      comm/cnet   57K   8+SModem interface for CNet v3.05c 
    SnarfURL.lha       comm/cnet   21K   2+Finds URLs in messages and sends them to
    supertags.lha      comm/cnet  244K   1+SuperTags TagLine Manager / Generator
    tdl137a.lha        comm/cnet   67K   7+RPG Game rivaling H&S, LORD, & USURPER
    CDR.lha            comm/dlg    29K   2+CD Rom Reader for DLG.
    SuperFresh.lha     comm/dlg    13K   9+Replacement for the DLG's Freshen comman
    superup.lha        comm/dlg    16K   9+A CLI & GUI File Uploader for DLG2000 V1
    CrashMail.lha      comm/fido  316K   8+V1.31, a FidoNet tosser for UMS and *.ms
    CrashTick.lha      comm/fido  229K   7+V1.2, a file echo processor with many fe
    Filehatch2_2.lha   comm/fido    9K   4+FileHatch v2.2 - hatch files via your (F
    FluffyNet.lha      comm/fido   26K   4+Fluffy Net - Mail Net Starter Kit!
    Mercury202a.lha    comm/fido   38K   4+Mercury v2.02a1, Multi-BBS Filelist Gene
    AmyBW215b7.lha     comm/mail  243K   6+QWK and Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader, O
    Eucalyptus.lha     comm/mail  482K   5+New e-mail program.  V1.0 Beta test rele
    Monsoon080beta.lha comm/mail  180K   3+Mail editor, supports E-Mail/News/Fido.
    MPDMailpostV2.lha  comm/mail   86K   7+Multiple Mailposter now with YAM and scr
    NoAdvert.lha       comm/mail    1K   6+YAM script to remove NetForward advert
    OctetPurger.lha    comm/mail   22K   3+Purges binary data from MIME spool files
    SMTPsend.lha       comm/mail   13K   7+Emails messages queued using SMTPpost wi
    YAM134Hun.lha      comm/mail    7K   1+Hungarian catalog for YAM 1.3.4
    YAM13_5Upd.lha     comm/mail   69K   3+'Yet Another Mailer' 1.3.5 Update
    YAMcat135Ital.lha  comm/mail   13K   3+Italian catalog also for YAM 1.3.5 UPTO
    YamClickURL.lha    comm/mail    1K   6+Reading mail with buttons on URL and mai
    YAMTurkish.lha     comm/mail    6K   5+Turkish YAM catalog
    yam_iso2_v106.lha  comm/mail   22K   8+EE encodings ISO-8859-2 for YAM
    YRT.lha            comm/mail   15K   4+YAM ARexx scripts review in AmigaGuide f
    alife101.lha       comm/maxs    7K   8+MAXs Shell (cli) Type Door
    CapForce.lha       comm/maxs    3K   8+Filenames all Uppercase Letters
    Fluffy_Guide.lha   comm/maxs   18K   4+Fluffy Net Guide (..always updated)
    Lunar.lha          comm/maxs   16K   9+Maxs 'arcade' game - Lunar lander, compl
    mAG_cH_11.lha      comm/maxs   22K   5+Revolutionary Chat Door for MaxsBBS
    mlastcl.lha        comm/maxs   24K   7+Show a list of the last ten users. (swed
    mockwall.lha       comm/maxs   12K   7+It`s a MaxsBBS wall door. (swedish)
    AmIstec151.lha     comm/misc   86K   6+Configuration software for Istec 1003/10
    ANetGUI.lha        comm/misc   72K   4+Allows browsin'thru Aminet off-line. MUI
    AsmsC.lha          comm/misc   72K   5+Send SMS message to GSM phones v1.4a
    BE_rates.lha       comm/misc   32K   1+Belgium rates setting for PhoneBill 3.6
    BorayLetter52.lha  comm/misc  206K   4+Prog to make letters with graphics/text
    boss.lha           comm/misc   21K   3+Casio BOSS - backup and restore V1B
    CallerID.lha       comm/misc   14K   8+Displays/Executes/Logs incoming calls (c
    Caller_IDKey.lzh   comm/misc    0K   6+Free key to unlock GS Caller ID
    CostGUI.lha        comm/misc    2K   8+Online-o-meter costs viewer with GUI
    EucaGer.lha        comm/misc   10K   2+German Catalog for Eucalyptus
    FiDED39455.lha     comm/misc   44K   9+FileId+Aminet-.readme Extractor (6! new 
    GigaGuide.lha      comm/misc   23K   7+Makes guide of aminet files etc. v1.7
    isdnmon114.lha     comm/misc   43K   2+New ISDN - Statemon - Clone (MUI)
    itime10.lha        comm/misc   43K   4+Little Clock/InternetTimer (MUI)
    Make_UUE_yam.lha   comm/misc    3K   5+Makes Full Files from UUencoded FTP Mail
    net_time.lha       comm/misc   17K   7+V1.23 Online-time/month +arexx. Bug-fix
    New8n1.lha         comm/misc   93K   7+Replaces serial.device.  V43.5
    oc41pro.lha        comm/misc   66K   7+Indirect Telefon Costs/Time Calculator (
    Packet_Point.lha   comm/misc  137K   6+German point programme for Packet-Radio
    pbill36.lha        comm/misc  339K   2+Log file analyzer for comm. programs
    PDial.lha          comm/misc   77K   9+PDial v2.97 (Phone Dialer)
    Phone_Price.lha    comm/misc   41K   4+A soft who calcul the Phone Internet Pri
    ProfiPacket.lha    comm/misc  275K   1+Packet Radio terminal program
    RecentScript.lha   comm/misc   52K   8+Scripts from AmiNetIndex w. MUIRexx V1.6
    RS_C_Thor.lha      comm/misc    5K   5+Config-File for RecentScript to generate
    SayNO.lha          comm/misc   13K   6+Make it easy to respond to a SPAM
    smodem.lha         comm/misc   32K   8+Bi-dir xfer protocol w/ chat, Amiga rev4
    syncwatch.lha      comm/misc    6K   7+(v1.1) Set systemtime by an Atomic Clock
    Telecost.lha       comm/misc   56K   9+See how much you spend on phonecalls - n
    TTimeDeluxe.lha    comm/misc  183K   3+Displays Phonecosts online (Germany only
    ttvcdemo.lha       comm/misc   11K   4+TEXT TV2 annons r, DEMO
    wmblistv006.lha    comm/misc  268K   9+German BBS-List for WWW-BROWSER(MB-LISTE
    ACS_Notify.lha     comm/net     4K   5+NotifyArexx For AmicomSys (reg Users)
    AMarquee1_46.lha   comm/net   210K   5+TCP Data broadcast system w/ARexx suppor
    AmiComSysMUI.lha   comm/net    95K   3+V1.15b Personal Communicator (MUI) Needs
    binkd_0_9_2bin.lha comm/net    54K   6+Binkley style fido mailer over tcp/ip. 
    FreedomC1_09a.lha  comm/net   166K   2+Internet's Connections Manager V1.09a
    Sircle.lha         comm/net    14K   3+Serlog IRC Log Extractor v1.0 beta
    Sniffer.lha        comm/net    22K   6+SANAII packet Debug/Trace Tool (ClassAct
    Ahmatti.lha        comm/tcp    16K   4+Batch downloader for AWeb3.x
    AmFTPPL.lha        comm/tcp     7K   2+AmFTP - PL version by WFMH LocalePL (upd
    amircsounds.lha    comm/tcp   1.5M   2+Pack of WAVs for AmIRC
    autoconn.lha       comm/tcp     8K   8+Auto Connect scripts for Miami
    CBPch164a.lha      comm/tcp    22K   9+ChatBox 1.164 to 1.164a bugfix patch
    DalHelper.lha      comm/tcp    30K   6+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
    dctel_11.lha       comm/tcp    52K   4+DCTelnet Client 1.1 with file transfers
    Emerod10_demo4.lha comm/tcp   112K   4+Golden Emerod 1.0 Demo4 IRC channel bot
    EmerodTxtLog.lha   comm/tcp     3K   7+Text logger replacement for Emerod Pro
    Gir06.lha          comm/tcp   269K   7+Gsm internet realtime audio player
    hpy.lha            comm/tcp    17K   2+Automatic offline with Miami
    LedA099.lha        comm/tcp    23K   2+Tiny frontend for AmiTCP & related tools
    MCF_Buttons.lha    comm/tcp    49K   6+Buttons for all your AmIRC Clients.
    Miami_Netsurf.lha  comm/tcp     1K   3+Miami ISDN Settings for Netsurf Germany
    MyTimer.lha        comm/tcp    20K   3+Simple but good timer for AmiTcp
    NNTP.lha           comm/tcp    22K   5+A fast, flexible NNTP client
    NNTPd_1_5_12_1.lha comm/tcp   717K   9+NNTPd - NNTP Daemon for AmiTCP 
    NSC_IB_ButtonX.lha comm/tcp    11K   9+Netscape Communicator buttons for IBrows
    socksproxy.lha     comm/tcp    16K   6+Transparent SOCKS 4 proxy client for Ami
    StartEmerodNC.lha  comm/tcp     3K   8+Start Emerod No Console
    SynClock48.lha     comm/tcp     2K   9+SynClock replacement for AmiTCP
    TCP_Start_Stop.lha comm/tcp     4K   9+Update AmiTCP start/stopnet 1.9
    TOnline_PPP.lha    comm/tcp   264K   2+German TOnline-FAQ.(Internet,BTX,KIT)
    bbsread_update.lha comm/thor   64K   6+Small update to bbsread.library in THOR 
    ProcessEvents.lha  comm/thor   18K   6+Event handler for Thor V2.4+ (V1.5)
    ThorFAQsp.lha      comm/thor   11K   4+THOR FAQ Spanish translation 1.1
    UMSBiff1_1.lha     comm/ums    16K   3+Mailbox flag for UMS
    FakeUUCP0_33.lha   comm/uucp   36K   3+NNTP/POP3 <> UUCP module for MicroDot
    rcsmtp.lha         comm/uucp   25K   2+Receive batched mails via uucp
    autoindex2c.lha    comm/www    26K   9+Generates html doc to view pictures with
    AwcrMAN.lha        comm/www     5K   8+Show/update AWeb cache register to 3.0
    CheckLink.lha      comm/www    13K   4+(V1.10) Checks *all* links in HTML pages
    cP_IBClock.lha     comm/www     9K   1+CP!_IBClock V1.4 - Displays the clock on
    DogTired.lha       comm/www    24K   5+Digitised Andrex Puppy Dog Transferanim 
    DuluxDog.lha       comm/www    26K   5+Digitised Dulux Dog Transferanim for IBr
    htdig3_0_8b2a1.lha comm/www   1.5M   8+WWW searchengine 
    RingHelp.lha       comm/www    17K   9+(V1.0) Amiga Web Ring source creator
    Shark.lha          comm/www    36K   5+Digitised Shark Transferanim for IBrowse
    SouthTyrolAnim.lha comm/www    40K   3+South Tyrol transfer anim - any browser
    URLManager1_3.lha  comm/www    72K   8+Import/Export/Edit URL hotlists, D&D, Mu
    WebDesgnNoLib.lha  comm/www   177K   3+Easy to use powerful html editor.
    WebDesign.lha      comm/www   292K   3+Easy to use powerful html editor.
    WebFX.lha          comm/www   326K   6+(V1.80) The best tool for Web Designers
    Zebra.lha          comm/www    29K   4+Digitised Zebra Transferanim for IBrowse
    bbslst1197.lha     comm/xeno   37K   7+The Xenolink ONLY BBS-LIST [ Year 3, Edi
    Apt_dc23.lha       demo/aga   371K   9+Digital Chips gOEs tECHNO!  by apt! 
    ast_4kb_intros.lha demo/aga    31K   3+All 4 4kb intros from Astrosyn`97
    ast_64k_intros.lha demo/aga   852K   3+All 12 64kb intros from Astrosyn`97
    ast_capsule.lha    demo/aga   1.5M   3+CAPSULE by Appendix - 2nd at Astrosyn`97
    ast_results.txt    demo/aga    29K   3+Official results from Astrosyn`97 c-part
    BackInTown.lha     demo/aga   1.1M   5+Back In Town / Embassy
    Cb_vectoria.lha    demo/aga   443K   5+Czech Retro Production
    crs_odak.lha       demo/aga    84K   7+ODA KINGU  - AGA intro by Co
    dph_idea.lha       demo/aga   361K   5+I.De.A. a demo by Depth
    GNS_Syntex.lha     demo/aga   853K   7+SYNTEX, Amiga AGA Demo from GeNeSiS.  3r
    Ho_Xmas96.lha      demo/aga   1.2M   5+Merry Xmas 1996
    IsoHD.lha          demo/aga    16K   3+Iso/Scoopex HD fix
    Kinematic.lha      demo/aga   2.7M   3+Kinematic- demo.
    MWI_Astrosyn97.lha demo/aga   1.1M   8+ASTROSYN`97 INVITATION by Mawi
    Odorless.lha       demo/aga   595K   9+Odorless by EMS-Design (demo)
    PSB_Polsilver.lha  demo/aga   238K   6+POLSILVER - wild dentro from Astrosyn`97
    PSB_Wyklad.lha     demo/aga   569K   3+WYKLAD - who knows Pickpoke`s speaking?
    Puzzle_Nude.lha    demo/aga   1.5M   6+Nude by Puzzle Productions    Released a
    Ritual_LED.lha     demo/aga   1.1M   3+Ritual / Limited Edition  -  Released Se
    rrr_mc13.lha       demo/aga   1.5M   9+Malevolent Creations XIII, Horror
    TimeOut_AP.lha     demo/aga   997K   3+Time Out / Artificial People
    UtmostVacancy.lha  demo/aga   1.3M   5+Utmost Vacancy / Scum  -  Winning demo a
    VAD_Ghost.lha      demo/aga   1.9M   8+Gravity '97 1st place, fixed, CyberGraph
    WOAN.lha           demo/aga   396K   9+Dentro for our World of Animes-Project
    Anime.lha          demo/ecs    22K   9+Intro for the Anime-Slideshow 2
    Gbl_Hazard.lha     demo/ecs   318K   8+Global Hazard! demo by GiGA Prod.   
    Peartro.lha        demo/ecs    47K   8+A very cool little intro by Lamers Inc.
    FLT242HD.lha       demo/file  579K   2+Fairlight 242 Hard drive
    AH97_INT.lha       demo/intro 437K   5+AMIGAniga HUNgarica '97 - AMIGA INTROs
    ap_mosaik.lha      demo/intro  63K   9+Mosaik by Artificial People
    AYS_Spam.lha       demo/intro  65K   9+64K intro by Abyss
    CRX_XFIX.lha       demo/intro  11K   2+Fixes CRX-XMAS.lha for CHIP only Amigas
    CRX_XMAS.lha       demo/intro 177K   2+The CRUX X-MAS intro 1997
    DAT_CS97.lha       demo/intro 324K   7+Compusphere'97 Invitation - Dat^Pst
    DKG_Sublime.lha    demo/intro  63K   9+2nd Placer Intro at Saturne 97
    hjb_styf.lha       demo/intro  62K   8+Haujobb - "with style" (FINAL!) asm97 64
    IRS_J97.lha        demo/intro  78K   4+Christmas intro 97 from IRIS
    MST_AZL.lha        demo/intro  56K   7+MYSTIC brings you - Azuli 64K intro -
    MWI_Brick.lha      demo/intro   9K   3+BRICK - Mawi`s 4kb from Astrosyn`97
    Pumpkin.lha        demo/intro  58K   9+Small Halloween Shocker (AGA)
    TRIP_Amy.lha       demo/intro 133K   6+TRIP 97 Party Invitation
    8ohms_8.lha        demo/mag   533K   6+Ascii pack / mag
    Antydre1.lha       demo/mag   1.3M   2+AntyDresiarz Issue #1 - SYSTEM FRIENDLY 
    Antydre2.lha       demo/mag   3.4M   3+AntyDresiarz Issue #2 - SYSTEM FRIENDLY 
    Antydre3.lha       demo/mag   2.2M   3+AntyDresiarz Issue #3 - SYSTEM FRIENDLY 
    Antydresiarz0.lha  demo/mag   603K   3+AntyDresiarz Issue #0 Beta - SYSTEM FRIE
    Atw_G25.lha        demo/mag   821K   7+Generation Issue 25 by Artwork
    ATW_G25b.lha       demo/mag   793K   5+Generation Issue 25 by Artwork
    CRS_HC4H.lha       demo/mag   959K   3+HARdCORE #4 scene diskmag 
    DKGST07a.lha       demo/mag   810K   8+ShowTime #7! (Disk 1)
    DKGST07b.lha       demo/mag   857K   8+ShowTime #7! (Disk 2)
    DKGST07c.lha       demo/mag   454K   8+ShowTime #7! (Disk 3)
    DKG_ST08.lha       demo/mag   2.5M   2+The New Showtime 8 by darkage!!
    DnG_PI01.lha       demo/mag   691K   4+Planet Italy #1 - The new italian diskma
    EC26a.lha          demo/mag   720K   5+The Official Eurochart 26 by Static Byte
    EC26b.lha          demo/mag   603K   5+The Official Eurochart 26 by Static Byte
    EC31a.lha          demo/mag   822K   5+The Official Eurochart 31 by Depth 1/2
    EC31b.lha          demo/mag   684K   5+The Official Eurochart 31 by Depth 2/2
    HDUdec.lha         demo/mag   1.3M   7+Mag & utility with graphic interface - v
    HDU_NO5.lha        demo/mag   1.8M   3+Mag/utility in graphic mode
    MWI_Excees01.lha   demo/mag   819K   8+EXCEES #1 - an demoscene magazine by Maw
    MWI_SDV09.lha      demo/mag   787K   5+SAVE DA VINYL #9 - packmag by Azzaro/Maw
    nce_xf20.lha       demo/mag   345K   3+Issue 20 (december 97) of the scene news
    Oepir9.lha         demo/mag   548K   1+Oepir Risti issue 9
    Point_Rock6.lha    demo/mag   874K   4+A New Issue, A new layout of Point & Roc
    rage6.lha          demo/mag   1.0M   3+RAGE! Issue 06 - Scene Charts (December 
    Retro_01.lha       demo/mag   724K   7+A new DiscMag from Instinct. (English)
    Scoopex_SP7.lha    demo/mag   2.2M   2+Seenpoint #7 - THE demo scene mag by Sco
    Speed_17.lha       demo/mag   683K   9+Speed #17, magpack made by NAH-KOLOR
    tr4s_1_2.lha       demo/mag   541K   6+Trashcan #4 Spanish Version (Disk 1)
    tr4s_2_2.lha       demo/mag   764K   6+Trashcan #4 Spanish Version (Disk 2)
    tr4s_gal.lha       demo/mag   737K   6+Trashcan #4 Spanish Gallery
    tr4s_int.lha       demo/mag   212K   6+Trashcan 4 intro (spanish edition)
    3LE_CS97.lha       demo/slide 1.2M   5+PartySlideshow from Compusphere'97 by 3L
    cmx_prev.lha       demo/slide 160K   8+Preview of a comix (Polish)
    Dreamorreality.lha demo/slide 4.4M   7+AGA slideshow by Unreal/Steve/Snotty
    speccy2.lha        demo/slide 566K   3+Slide with pics from Speccy Scene
    Apt_dc24.lha       demo/sound 242K   3+DigitalChips#24! Released 10. Dec.
    NCE_Tri8.lha       demo/sound 187K   6+Chapter 8 of TRILOBYTE! by NUANCE !
    NCE_Tri9.lha       demo/sound 151K   1+Chapter 9 of TRILOBYTE! by NUANCE !
    W9_KO1.lha         demo/sound 473K   2+Knock Out 1 by Warp9 & HHR 
    Zif_Parallax.lha   demo/ta95  1.0M   6+Zif by Parallax  -  Winning demo at The 
    asm97_re.lha       demo/ta97    4K   8+Results from Assembly97 
    limbo911.lha       demo/ta97   34K   8+Winner of an Intro Compo at Asm'97
    pzl_zoo.lha        demo/ta97  2.2M   8+A demo by Puzzle called Zoo
    Flames.lha         demo/tp94  297K   8+Flames demo by GiGA Prod. TP94 (AmosPro)
    AMOS1097.lzh       dev/amos   339K   7+Messages about AMOS during October 1997
    AMOS1197.lzh       dev/amos   235K   5+Messages about AMOS during November 1997
    AMOS1297.lzh       dev/amos   183K   1+Messages about AMOS during December 1997
    AmosHTML_Dec.lha   dev/amos   287K   1+MSGS FM Amos-L for December in HTML form
    bobsg01.lha        dev/amos    49K   5 Bobs Galore #1 - Sprite banks for AMOS
    jly_jtre.lha       dev/amos   124K   6+THX 2.x replayer for AmosPro
    SoupDEMO.lha       dev/amos   303K   8+Learn to type with audio!
    Transi.lha         dev/amos    30K   2+Tired of Fade and Appear? Try these FX!
    FDI.lha            dev/asm     14K   7+Very good FD to Asm converter.  v2.2
    ppctut.lha         dev/asm     39K   2+MagicSNs PowerPC ASM Tutorial
    asldemo.lha        dev/basic    2K   9+How to use in Blitz2 ASL font and Screen
    BDGfxLib.lha       dev/basic    2K   7+V1.3 - Library for BlitzBasic
    ChangeLibNum.lha   dev/basic    8K   6+Change Blitz library numbers (Source inc
    Crazy8_src.lha     dev/basic   17K   7+Complete Blitz Source for Crazy 8's game
    CyberShape.lha     dev/basic   50K   5+CyberShape converts .iff to Blitz.shape
    DemoMaker.lha      dev/basic  241K   2+Make demos easily V0.41 beta
    EFMUILibSrc.lha    dev/basic   34K   4+EFMUILib sources
    GUIToolKit.lha     dev/basic   95K   3+Tool for creating GUI's in Blitz2 code 
    hsb_cgx_inc.lha    dev/basic   36K   8+Cybergraphics-Includes for Hisoft/MaxonB
    hsb_reqt_inc.lha   dev/basic   49K   8+ReqTools-Includes for Hisoft/MaxonBasic
    hsb_wbs_inc.lha    dev/basic   21K   8+WBStart-Includes for Hisoft/MaxonBasic
    Play.lha           dev/basic   12K   3+An easy example how to play trackers in 
    XDat2Cat.lha       dev/basic   46K   3+V2.0 - Data2Catalog for Blitz
    AsyncIO.lha        dev/c       52K   8+AsyncIO library for fast IO. V39.2a
    CLib37x.lha        dev/c       34K   2+Example.library in 100% C (SAS/Storm/Max
    cref.lha           dev/c       35K   3+C Cross Reference Tool
    fortify22.lha      dev/c       31K   8+Fortify V2.2. A C/C++ memory bug/leak de
    northc13.lha       dev/c      623K   7+Public Domain C Compiler
    nrdargs.lha        dev/c       10K   3+Shell-/workbench transparent ReadArgs in
    Orion.lha          dev/c       21K   2+Resource Tracker/Debugger for C programm
    stormamigalibd.lha dev/c      170K   8+Small and fast linker lib for StormC (de
    stormlibr.lha      dev/c      383K   8+Small and fast linker lib for StormC
    vbcc.lha           dev/c      1.7M   1+Free optimizing ANSI C compiler (68k/PPC
    vbcc_ppc.lha       dev/c      421K   1+Vbcc-executables running on PowerUp
    apic1812.lha       dev/cross  485K   3+PIC microcontroller Development package
    BugAdvisor_1_3.lha dev/debug   20K   2+GREAT bug report creator
    HRTmon.lha         dev/debug  100K   9+V2.13 demo, 'Action-Replay' like monitor
    TRSaferPtch.lha    dev/debug    9K   9+Safer Setfunctions Debug Tools
    DECH.lha           dev/e       28K   7+Deniil's E-Compiler Handler v1.3
    EasyPLUGINs.lha    dev/e       70K   5+V1.3 - New style guide and more PLUGINs
    eaudio11.lha       dev/e        9K   9+An Amiga-E module to play samples (v1.1)
    ebuild.lha         dev/e       27K   4+E's own "Make" clone (public beta)
    ECTv100.lha        dev/e       10K   2+The First(?) E Case Tool !!!
    icongads.lha       dev/e       13K   9+E source for .info files as gadtools but
    vmemmod.lha        dev/e        8K   7+*PL* Vmem module for AmigaE + polish aut
    gui4cli.lha        dev/gui    291K   5+Scripted, Visually editable GUIs - V3.3
    pmdev.lha          dev/gui    107K   3+PopupMenu.library V7.1
    nrcobol_1b.lha     dev/lang   260K   9+COBOL compiler V1.0b. ANSI85. GUI + Cli.
    Address.lha        dev/misc    50K   4+A program to read computer address
    ahidev.lha         dev/misc   339K   9+Retargetable audio v4.16, Developer's Ar
    Backbon1.lha       dev/misc   700K   2+V1.13 GUI Game Creator -FIXED AGAIN-
    Backbon2.lha       dev/misc   665K   3+Game Creator 2nd Archive
    BackbonMin.lha     dev/misc   507K   2+V1.13 GUI Game Creator - Min. Download
    BackbonUpd.lha     dev/misc   214K   2+Update V1.13 to V1.14
    CheckForUAE.lha    dev/misc     7K   2+Detect an UAE environment
    DigiConverter.lha  dev/misc     9K   5+Handy dec/hex/bin/ASCII-converter
    FD2Pragma.lha      dev/misc    57K   5+V2.42 creates pragma, lvo and stub files
    gms_dev.lha        dev/misc   443K   2+Games Master System V0.9B (developer fil
    gms_french.lha     dev/misc   155K   8+French documentation for GMS V0.8B
    gms_user.lha       dev/misc   230K   2+Games Master System V0.9B (user files)
    Hunk.lha           dev/misc    51K   6+Editor 4 hunk structure of binary files 
    HunkShort.lha      dev/misc    14K   9+Compressing reloc32 to reloc32short
    IFF_RGFX.lha       dev/misc     7K   5+New IFF graphics file format standard, R
    Istar.lha          dev/misc   466K   2+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
    Localizer1_36.lha  dev/misc   175K   3+A Locale Development Tool
    MEDlibPasHS.lha    dev/misc     8K   8+Play MED modules using HSPascal 1.1 BUG-
    MkDepend_1_4.lha   dev/misc    53K   9+V 1.4: Dependencygenerator for Makefiles
    Offset.lha         dev/misc    67K   5+Calc. offset of any OS structure field
    RenderLib.lha      dev/misc   165K   5+Image processing kernel
    robodoc.lha        dev/misc    35K   3+V3.0j, Autodocs HTML/GUIDE/RTF/LATEX
    StripHunk.lha      dev/misc    10K   5+Tiny cli-command to strip hunks/relocs
    Studio16add.lha    dev/misc   167K   5+Studio 16 add-on archive - docs and tool
    WatchMem.lha       dev/misc    13K   9+BugFix! V1.4d - Small prog to observe me
    Address.lha        dev/moni    50K   4+A program to read computer address
    hr_mon165.lha      dev/moni     2K   4+Hunt relative command for mon165; v1.0
    MCC_TextEditor.lha dev/mui    193K   8+Powerful texteditor (MUI custom class)
    mui38dev_bb2.lha   dev/mui    199K   4+MUI Developer package for Blitz Basic 2
    BListView.lha      dev/src     77K   9+Fast boopsi ListView with many features 
    CdBS_KQSrc0_3.lha  dev/src    482K   9+In progress version of a Beast-like game
    VectorGlyph.lha    dev/src     20K   9+Scalable boopsi image class with bitmap 
    fback.lha          disk/bakup  94K   9+Utility to make daily backup of changed 
    ACDPlay_15.lha     disk/cdrom 166K   2+Fontsensitive non-MUI SCSI CDDA player
    amibonlex.lha      disk/cdrom  30K   4+Viewer for (Swedish) CD-ROM Bonniers Lex
    amicdfs240.lha     disk/cdrom 133K   3+AmiCDFS (AmiCDROM) v2.40
    CDCat20.lha        disk/cdrom 255K   3+(Aminet-)CDROM cataloger (MUI/Locale/XPK
    CDIDCollection.lha disk/cdrom 1.3M   9+The defenite CDDA ID collection!
    CDIDColUpd.lha     disk/cdrom 114K   9+CDDA ID collection updater (from v4.5)
    IDEfxCD32G.lha     disk/cdrom  41K   2+IDEfix-CD32-Emulator-Support-Guide
    JerryCDs.lha       disk/cdrom  35K   1+A Small collection of CDID Files
    2b_WFormat.lha     disk/misc   52K   2+V1.86 - A 'format' program for damaged d
    adf2fms.lha        disk/misc    2K   2+Transfer ADFs to FMS device
    AllowBad.lha       disk/misc   18K   7+Format damaged floppies. V1.0
    BBInstall.lha      disk/misc   12K   8+Install or Save Boot Blocks. v1.7
    DeluxeCopy.lha     disk/misc   21K   7+System friendly copyprg. handles HD-disk
    DiskState.lha      disk/misc    9K   2+Checks if a partition is validated 1.1
    Doubler.lha        disk/misc   38K   2+V3.3: DD&HD disk copying/formatting tool
    Etiketti_2.lha     disk/misc  118K   2+Prints Disklabels for 3 1/2" Disks
    hdinst.lha         disk/misc   85K   2+HDInstTool - Harddisk Installation Tool
    HDOff_1_40.lha     disk/misc   31K   8+Noise saver, now supports ProModule
    HomerDrive.lha     disk/misc   18K   5+Plays samples after diskchange
    HotStartup.lha     disk/misc   18K   9+Runs a script every time you insert a di
    MacTransfEr.lha    disk/misc    4K   8+Decrypt full filenames on Mac-written DO
    oktapus.lha        disk/misc   71K   1+OktaPussy - New Driver set for Oktagon, 
    PMV.lha            disk/misc    1K   8+Pattern renaming for advanced usage
    Rigids.lha         disk/misc   18K   4+Backup RDB along with data before it (eg
    TransADF.lha       disk/misc   70K   5+Creates Compressed ADFs (G/PKZip). v3.72
    twin.lha           disk/misc   17K   3+V1.4+ Finds files that are twice on the 
    xfs208b.lha        disk/misc  165K   3+Multi filesys+.device, pc+pcw+minix+more
    2b_RecoverRDB.lha  disk/salv   22K   8+Helps to recover deleted RDB
    ffstest.lha        disk/salv   14K   6+FFS filesystem checker
    BB_compo.txt       docs/anno    2K   8+Backyard Borthers announces a graphics c
    MagicMenuHome.txt  docs/anno    2K   1+The NEW Magic Menu Homepage is done!
    PulsarNet.lha      docs/anno    4K   2+Information about PulsarNet, the best IR
    RGFX.lha           docs/anno    2K   8+New IFF graphics file format standard!
    sv_bbs.lha         docs/anno    1K   2+SuperView Support BBS Information
    swtedsupport.txt   docs/anno    0K   4+Swosted 3.0 Home Page support Announceme
    aguidehowwrite.lha docs/help   84K   5+How To Write Amigaguide Documents
    csaiFAQ.lha        docs/help   26K   7+Comp.sys.amiga.introduction FAQ (11-22-9
    csai_FAQ_de.lha    docs/help   32K   5+German translation of the c.s.a.i FAQ
    csai_FAQ_g.lha     docs/help   29K   7+Comp.sys.amiga.introduction FAQ (11-22-9
    DbPRO2_17D_Gui.lha docs/help   21K   6+German guide for DBPro V2.17
    Gloom3loading.txt  docs/help    4K   4+How to get the Gloom3 demo/game to work!
    HardDrive.lha      docs/help    8K   5+The Amiga Hard Disk Guide
    inetguid.lha       docs/help   43K   4+Guide for internet conection (Spanish)
    irritate_html.lha  docs/help   27K   3+Irritating FAQ in HTML (v2.4, 12/97)
    PC_Task_Guide.lha  docs/help   12K   3+A guide for PC Task 4.4 owners
    tentacle.lha       docs/help  137K   8+Day Of The Tentacle su Amiga!!! (030)
    tkg_edit.lha       docs/help  596K   3+Version 4.1 of THE BEST TKG-Editor guide
    VFAQ_TXT.lha       docs/help   18K   8+V1.4 FAQ for Voyager - Text Edition
    AMIGAzette_22.lha  docs/hyper  41K   9+Fanzine AMIGAzette 22 index (French)
    AMIyNET33.lha      docs/hyper 1.6M   7+Spanish Amiga Internet users list.(HTML)
    aosguide.lha       docs/hyper 119K   8+Amiga-DOS-Guide ( German )
    f1gp_hof.lha       docs/hyper  35K   5+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame (December 1997)
    France_G_Inst.lha  docs/hyper   8K   6+Fixed Install script for France Guide
    HeavyMetal.lha     docs/hyper 225K   2+German AG to Heavy Metal CDs 3.0
    Metallica.lha      docs/hyper  29K   6+A guide of METALLICA lyrics incl. RELOAD
    png.lha            docs/hyper  77K   3+PNG specification (in HTML)
    smurftvguide.lha   docs/hyper  65K   3+Smurf Season Guide
    stccg.lha          docs/hyper 1.2M   3+AmigaGuide to Star Trek CCG from Deciphe
    VFAQ_AG.lha        docs/hyper  19K   8+V1.4 FAQ for Voyager - AmigaGuide Editio
    VFAQ_HTML.lha      docs/hyper  43K   3+V1.5 FAQ for Voyager - HTML Edition
    WebDesignAG.lha    docs/hyper  15K   2+Docs for Web Design v1.9 (AmigaGuide)
    whota13.lha        docs/hyper 3.7M   9+What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine V1.3
    whota14.lha        docs/hyper 3.0M   8+What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine V1.4
    whota15.lha        docs/hyper 1.0M   6+What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine V1.5
    whota16.lha        docs/hyper 1.5M   4+What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine V1.6
    whota17.lha        docs/hyper 2.0M   1+What's Hot On The Amiga Magazine V1.7
    ZCD.lha            docs/hyper 319K   4+Guide for Amiga products (in italiano)
    Aminet_CD_22.lha   docs/lists  59K   5+Aminet CD 22 index and description
    DevGuide.lha       docs/lists  65K   6+Biggest Guide of Amiga Devices   - 7-
    DTypeGuide.lha     docs/lists  66K   6+Biggest Guide of datatypes       - 9-
    f1info.lha         docs/lists 482K   1+Tons of info on F1 Software, Jan 98
    GrafittiError.lha  docs/lists  15K   1+What isn`t compatible with Grafitti card
    LibGuide.lha       docs/lists 179K   6+Biggest Guide of Amiga libraries -22-
    Mac_Complist.lha   docs/lists 180K   2+New Shapshifter-Compatibility-List
    NAM1297.lha        docs/lists  42K   4+Norwegian Amiga BBS list for 10/12/97
    Aakt0198GUIDE.lha  docs/mags  239K   1+AMIGA aktuell - German news magazine (AM
    Aakt1197HTML.lha   docs/mags  291K   9+AMIGA aktuell - German news magazine (HT
    Aakt1297GUIDE.lha  docs/mags  229K   6+AMIGA aktuell - German news magazine (AM
    Aakt_1297_HTML.lha docs/mags  466K   5+AMIGA aktuell - German news magazine (HT
    agsaku23.lha       docs/mags  499K   6+AmigaGuide-Saku #23. Finnish diskmag.
    AIOV7.lha          docs/mags   52K   7+Amiga Information Online #7 (November '9
    am2_1_am2_2ag.lha  docs/mags  338K   5+The Amiga Monitor: August-September 1997
    am2_3_am2_4htm.lha docs/mags  312K   5+The Amiga Monitor: October-November 1997
    AmigaChannel10.lha docs/mags  493K   8+'Amiga Channel 10' [Spanish Magazine] 18
    AmZeigeH_3.lha     docs/mags  360K   1+German Online-Magazine for AMIGA.
    AmZeigerG_3.lha    docs/mags  257K   1+German Online-Magazine for AMIGA.
    ANN9612.lha        docs/mags   11K   2+Amiga Network News, December 1996 (HTML)
    ANN9701.lha        docs/mags   47K   2+Amiga Network News, January 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9702.lha        docs/mags   49K   2+Amiga Network News, February 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9703.lha        docs/mags  128K   2+Amiga Network News, March 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9704.lha        docs/mags  128K   2+Amiga Network News, April 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9705.lha        docs/mags   61K   2+Amiga Network News, May 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9706.lha        docs/mags   73K   2+Amiga Network News, June 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9707.lha        docs/mags   90K   2+Amiga Network News, July 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9708.lha        docs/mags  171K   2+Amiga Network News, August 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9709.lha        docs/mags  144K   2+Amiga Network News, September 1997 (HTML
    ANN9710.lha        docs/mags  165K   2+Amiga Network News, October 1997 (HTML)
    ANN9711.lha        docs/mags   61K   2+Amiga Network News, November 1997 (HTML)
    ar509.lha          docs/mags  104K   7+Amiga Report 5.09, November 17, 1997
    ar509_HTML.lha     docs/mags  919K   4+Amiga Report 5.09 HTML Edition
    ATimes3.lha        docs/mags  211K   2+German Mag - Guide
    ATimes3h.lha       docs/mags  341K   2+German Mag - HTML
    auch1097.lha       docs/mags  756K   7+News Disk from A.U.C.H 10/97 (German)
    auch797.lha        docs/mags  132K   7+News Disk from A.U.C.H 7/97 (German)
    Calendar261197.lha docs/mags    2K   6+Calendar of next Partys coming soon.
    Dadamag.lha        docs/mags  648K   3+International cult mag #1 (italian)
    DC5_vGuide.lha     docs/mags  624K   6+DoubleClick issue 5 e-zine, Guide versio
    DC5_vHTML.lha      docs/mags  615K   6+DoubleClick Issue 5, HTML version
    F0NT05.lha         docs/mags  638K   5+Hungarian all-about mag issue #05
    fash1097.lha       docs/mags  942K   7+Fashion Magazine in HTML.
    FT_Online6_97.lha  docs/mags  605K   9+German Amiga Magazin (FunTime) - Online 
    FunTime6_97.lha    docs/mags  412K   6+German Amiga Magazin (FunTime) 
    gadget33.lha       docs/mags  500K   6+German Freeware Magazine
    hp16html.lzh       docs/mags  445K   1+HousePool - Issue 16 (Dec/Jan) HTML
    NoCover45.lha      docs/mags  1.4M   9+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCovr46.lha       docs/mags  1.4M   5+Great german diskmagazine
    PAmiga_1.lha       docs/mags  1.4M   3+PowerAmiga #1 - HTML Turkish Amiga Mag
    phas6_07.lha       docs/mags  256K   9+Phase6 - German Disk-Mag issue #7
    phas6_08.lha       docs/mags  447K   5+German Disk-Mag issue #8 - no guide
    Reflector037I.lha  docs/mags  274K   4+HTML mag for REFLECTIONS users (German)
    saku23.lha         docs/mags  489K   6+Saku #23 (4/97). Finnish diskmag.
    sakujo97.lha       docs/mags  499K   2+Joulu-Saku 1997. Finnish diskmag.
    Starmag11.lha      docs/mags  633K   2+Ultimate German Diskmag, DECRUNCH IT!
    AfA.lha            docs/misc   75K   8+A Guide about the AMIGA for beginners
    ahiman.lha         docs/misc  257K   9+Retargetable audio v4.16, Doc. Archive
    AmigaHistory.lha   docs/misc    5K   7+The AMIGA`s history.
    AmigaNC97.lha      docs/misc  283K   2+Amiga News Central 1997 news archive
    ampd020.lha        docs/misc   24K   5+Description of various MOD packed format
    ArmGefaesse.lha    docs/misc  382K   9+Brachial anatomy (FW-Doc) (german)
    Betreuung.lha      docs/misc   16K   9+How to help dying peoples (FW-Doc) (germ
    Branchial.lha      docs/misc    6K   9+The branchial arch and his evolution (ge
    fcomm130.lha       docs/misc   48K   1+FAME V1.30
    GehirnAnatomy.lha  docs/misc  255K   9+BrainAnatomy (FW-Doc) (german)
    Glycolyse.lha      docs/misc    8K   9+Glycolyse (FW-Doc) (german)
    html32.lha         docs/misc   39K   3+HTML 3.2 specification
    KnieAnatomie.lha   docs/misc  143K   9+KneeAnatomy (FW-Doc) (german)
    Krebs.lha          docs/misc  1.1M   9+Cancer and its causes (FW-Doc) (german)
    Monster.lha        docs/misc    5K   7+My last 2 years of coding animation form
    mtgrul12.lha       docs/misc  906K   1+Magic The Gathering - AmiGuide Database
    Mukoviscidose.lha  docs/misc   66K   9+Cystic fibrosis (FW-Doc) (german)
    Overlay.lha        docs/misc   18K   2+Doc about binary overlay files
    PleuraAnatomie.lha docs/misc    4K   9+Pleura (FW-Doc) (german)
    Projektionen.lha   docs/misc   41K   9+Projection (FW-Doc) (german)
    scnetv20.lha       docs/misc  126K   2+Sceners's e-mail addresses #20, 23/12/97
    TeamAMIGA1297.txt  docs/misc    5K   4+Team Amiga Application
    Verweigerung.lha   docs/misc   10K   6+Text for german people who don't want to
    WK_Syndrom.lha     docs/misc  1.3M   9+Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom (FW-Doc) (germ
    worldcup.lha       docs/misc  138K   5+Statistics of soccer World Cups ('30-'94
    Multimedia.lha     docs/rview  25K   6+1.8 QT,AVI,MPEG,MPI&II&III FAQ
    Prelude.txt        docs/rview  18K   7+Review of the Prelude 16-bit audio card
    BattleXIIWB.lha    game/2play 280K   9+Fight of 2 spacebases and their shuttles
    burst.lha          game/2play 144K   9+Clone of Sega game "Bust a Move2"
    supert.lha         game/2play 233K   2+SuperTron 97. Lightcycle game(all Amigas
    TCC2.lha           game/2play 201K   8+Two guys with guns kill eachother
    Bounce_ball.lha    game/actio 490K   6+Great new Pong-rooted game.  AGA-only.  
    CrackOut.lha       game/actio 265K   8+Rather old break out clone (fixed again!
    hamhven.lha        game/actio 286K   8+Guide a Hot Dog to safety.
    sk_disk1.lha       game/actio 555K   8+SHANKARA: the arcade adventure (3.20)
    sk_disk2.lha       game/actio 687K   8+SHANKARA: the arcade adventure (3.20)
    wreckage.lha       game/actio  98K   9+Driving Simulation Experimental Revision
    AmonopolyV16.lha   game/board 202K   8+The classic game, International version
    ProGammon.lha      game/board  61K   5+An intelligent game of backgammon. 2.3
    STowers.lha        game/board 356K   7+Castles, like Thromulus /by LEGION S.A./
    80movsnd.lha       game/data  1.3M   3+Worms:DC sound set by That1Guy (80's mov
    bbw.lha            game/data  600K   8+BBW Cardset for use with Klondike AGA
    bdgfx.lha          game/data   70K   5+Collection of graphic files for Guido Me
    CityHunt_SLTN.lha  game/data  432K   9+CityHunter cardset for Soliton (256col.)
    CRacerKurse1.lha   game/data  199K   9+7 extra courses for the Classic Racer
    DC2LvlJ1.lha       game/data  504K   8+99 new Levels for Diamond Caves II
    DC2LvlJ2.lha       game/data  521K   8+99 new Levels for Diamond Caves II
    FunWorms.lha       game/data  1.1M   2+New Levels for WORMS DC
    Gloom_KTX336.lha   game/data    0K   9+KTX 33.6k modem config for Gloom Delux
    Gundam_REKO.lha    game/data  749K   4+Gundam HAM8 cardset for Reko Klondike AG
    HirosueREKO.lha    game/data  520K   9+Ryoko Hirosue cardset for Klondike AGA
    HotGirls_REKO.lha  game/data  777K   3+HotGirls HAM8 cardset for Reko Klondike 
    Ikkoku_REKO.lha    game/data  745K   7+Maison Ikkoku HAM8 cardset for Reko Klon
    Lamu_REKO.lha      game/data  771K   8+Lamu (UY) HAM8 cardset for Reko Klondike
    Macross_REKO.lha   game/data  750K   5+Macross (Robotech) HAM8 cardset for Reko
    MaPgame.lha        game/data  993K   5+New *more improved* Cardset for MarryAmP
    MaPgame2.lha       game/data  1.3M   5+New *more improved* Cardset for MarryAmP
    MaPgame3.lha       game/data  1.0M   5+New *more improved* Cardset for MarryAmP
    MaP_Trek.lha       game/data  639K   6+New cardset for MarryAmPic
    MRPGuignols95.lha  game/data  699K   9+CardSet of Guignols for Marryampic
    MRP_Guignols97.lha game/data  1.2M   2+CardSet of Guignols97 for Marryampic
    reko_acg.lha       game/data  496K   6+Cardset for Klondike/CardGames DL. (ACG)
    REKO_Tennis.lha    game/data  609K   8+Tennis cardset for REKO's Klondike AGA
    rk_xtr1_1.lha      game/data  448K   3+4 new tracks for Xtreme Racing
    SpaSwosUp.lha      game/data   14K   7+Spanish league updated for SWOS (23th No
    swosfin.lha        game/data    4K   8+SWOS Finnish league updated data file (N
    twarnie.lha        game/data  1.6M   8+Another sample set for WORMSDC
    XMAS_Worms.lha     game/data   99K   1+New Landscapes for WORMS DC
    aafinal.lha        game/demo  3.0M   6+Vulcans-Final Odyssey CDRom Action Adven
    aauropa2.lha       game/demo   15M   5+Vulcans-Uropa2 CDRom Space Adventure Dem
    euro_man.lha       game/demo  439K   8+Football Management Game 5DL
    FlyinHigh.lha      game/demo  2.1M   6+V1.05 demo of a 3D-Racing Game!!!
    FoundDemoAGA.lha   game/demo  2.9M   8+Foundation Aminet Demo1 AGA Main Archive
    FoundLarge.lha     game/demo  927K   7+Foundation - Large Graphics Set + Manual
    FoundMedium.lha    game/demo  642K   7+Foundation - Medium Graphics Set + Manua
    FoundMission.lha   game/demo  1.5M   8+Foundation Aminet Demo1 (Missions IMPORT
    FoundMugsAGA.lha   game/demo  2.8M   8+Foundation Aminet Demo AGA MugShots Opti
    FoundSamples.lha   game/demo  1.4M   8+Foundation Aminet Demo1 (Samples Recomen
    FoundUpdate.lha    game/demo  291K   7+Foundation Update 2 and Manual (in progr
    Found_DemoRTG.lha  game/demo  2.7M   8+Foundation Aminet Demo1 CyberGFX Main Ar
    Found_MugsRTG.lha  game/demo  2.1M   8+Foundation Aminet Demo RTG MugShots Opti
    Groundwars.lha     game/demo  430K   3+DEMO of an NC.Gamez game (req. AGA+030)
    MMonopoly.lha      game/demo  348K   6+Monopoly game demo written in Amos
    proto.lha          game/demo  677K   8+New shoot'em up from F1Software
    NeedSpeed.lha      game/gag    40K   1+Highend 3D racing game
    TheBlack.lha       game/gag    21K   1+Little gag proggy
    ThinkCool.lha      game/gag    14K   1+Guess a number between 0 and 100
    ViriCheck.lha      game/gag     5K   4+Fake Virus checker, scare people. By Chr
    WBF1_1.lha         game/gag     3K   4+A little FormulaOne in a WB window (V1.1
    AB3Dedit.lha       game/hint  455K   2+Alien Breed 3D II LevelEditor V2.10 (281
    ARGH.lha           game/hint    1K   4+Amiga Rapid Games Helpline site now up
    FoundationHint.lha game/hint   19K   4+Hints & Tips Guide for the game FOUNDATI
    It_Goes.lha        game/hint   18K   8+Game Kompatibilitie List 68060 68030 680
    mysthlp2.lha       game/hint    5K   7+Myst Hints version 1
    N64CheatsGuide.lha game/hint  677K   8+Nintendo64 Cheat Guide (only German)
    Nint64Tips.lha     game/hint   24K   2+German hint database for Nintendo 64
    PSXCHEATSv1_6.lha  game/hint  156K   8+German PSX-Cheats-Guide, Cheats:191/Bust
    sh_solve.lha       game/hint    1K   9+Severed Heads Walkthrough.
    SpaceQuest4.lha    game/hint    6K   9+Space Quest 4 Hints.
    StarDustCode.lha   game/hint    0K   9+Cheat Codes for Stardust.
    StarMap.lha        game/hint    4K   9+Star-Map For SoloTrek2 User By Magnetic 
    boulderdaesh.lha   game/jump  1.7M   4+Best BoulderDaesh 1:1 Clone V4.14 RTG
    boulderupdate2.lha game/jump  227K   4+BoulderDaesh RTG V4.13+ -> V4.14
    Kangy_Demo1_01.lha game/jump  201K   4+Guide a kangaroo collecting fruits
    4lynx4.lha         game/misc  626K   3+Connect 4 hybrid with xtra features.
    AMIgotchy.lha      game/misc  497K   6+The first *REAL* virtual pet for the AMI
    ClassicRacer.lha   game/misc  511K   9+Amiga-version of an old paper game
    DiamondCavesII.lha game/misc  440K   2+Emerald Mine - the next generation v1.4
    DNA2HD.lha         game/misc    6K   4+A simple HD-Installer for DNA
    FBusiness.lha      game/misc  204K   8+FootballManager-Game in german. V1.8.6
    FiveDice.lha       game/misc   31K   4+A multiscan productivity 5 dice game.
    herman.lha         game/misc  595K   8+Educational games collection from F1Soft
    HoF_Analyzer.lha   game/misc   73K   4+Analyze F1GP Hall of Fame files V1.3
    PakmanNew2000.lha  game/misc  374K   6+Fixed : More Modern PACMAN Style Game Fo
    psb.lha            game/misc   76K   9+Power Signal Box Simulation Beta
    SnapshotF1GP.lha   game/misc   13K   4+Record action from F1GP as IFF images V1
    SteelFortress3.lha game/misc  168K   5+Castle-RISK clone, V3.0, needs MUI3
    alfredhd.lha       game/patch   9K   8+HD Installer for Alfred Chicken ECS v1.0
    AmigaPtchListA.lha game/patch  51K   8+V2.9, patches to deprotect software, cut
    anrchyhd.lha       game/patch  13K   4+HD Installer for Anarchy v0.9
    bldwarhd.lha       game/patch  18K   4+HD Installer for Blade Warrior v1.0c
    blordhd.lha        game/patch  14K   2+HD Installer for Beastlord v1.0
    boulderkithd.lha   game/patch  44K   9+HD Install for BoulderDash Const. Kit
    bugbshhd.lha       game/patch  15K   7+HD Installer for BugBash v1.0
    civeditpreview.lha game/patch  12K   5+Save file editor for "Civilization" prev
    clsarchd.lha       game/patch  17K   4+HD Installer for Classic Arcadia v1.0
    cmandohd.lha       game/patch  14K   7+HD Installer for Commando v1.1
    cmcrlfhd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Cosmic Relief (NTSC) v1
    crckdnhd.lha       game/patch  23K   4+HD Installer for Crackdown v1.0
    DaCoolInstalle.lha game/patch 106K   3+Installs nearly every DOS game/demo to H
    debluehd.lha       game/patch  17K   7+HD Installer for Demon Blue v1.0
    denisahd.lha       game/patch  12K   4+HD Installer for Dennis AGA v1.2 (JST)
    dizyeahd.lha       game/patch  19K   4+HD Installer for Dizzy's Excellent Adv v
    dshd.lha           game/patch  21K   8+HD Installer for Desert Strike V2.0
    dynahd.lha         game/patch  17K   3+HD-Installer for Dynablaster V0.9
    eskmoghd.lha       game/patch  15K   2+HD Installer for Eskimo Games v.9
    essencehd.lha      game/patch  17K   8+HD-Installer for Essence demo BETA
    flntsthd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Flintstones v1.0
    FlyinHigh105it.lha game/patch   3K   3+Italian catalog for Flyin'High V1.05
    FlyinHPatch.lha    game/patch  80K   6+Patch to V1.05 of Flyin'High
    FlyinH_TUR.lha     game/patch   6K   6+Turkish catalogs for Flyin'High
    fzballhd.lha       game/patch  18K   8+HD Installer for Fuzzball v1.1
    gpmhd.lha          game/patch  15K   8+HD-Installer for Grand Prix Master V1.0
    hookhd.lha         game/patch  20K   9+Hook HD Installer V1.2
    ikariwhd.lha       game/patch  12K   4+HD Installer for Ikari Warriors v0.8
    ItaFlyinCats.lha   game/patch   5K   7+Italian catalogs for Flyin'High
    jst.lha            game/patch  24K   2+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
    jst_hdinstalls.lha game/patch 3.8M   5+Complete HD Install & fix collection fro
    kglovehd.lha       game/patch  24K   8+HD Installer for Kid Gloves v1.0
    klaxhd.lha         game/patch  17K   4+HD Installer for Klax v1.0 (2 versions s
    KQ3_fix.lha        game/patch  16K   5+Installable King's Quest 3
    KS2Install.lha     game/patch  26K   2+Kikstart-II HD Installer
    leanderhd.lha      game/patch  79K   5+HD Installer for Leander V1.3
    ledstormhd.lha     game/patch  41K   8+HD Installer & Patch for Led Storm V1.0
    lenrdohd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Leonardo v1.0
    lotus3hd.lha       game/patch  22K   5+HD-Installer & fix for Lotus 3 V1.0
    lotushd.lha        game/patch  28K   3+HD-Installer & fix for Lotus Turbo Chall
    lsquadhd.lha       game/patch  18K   1+HD Installer for Laser Squad v1.1
    lurehd.lha         game/patch  36K   3+HD Installer for Lure of the Temptress V
    matrixhd.lha       game/patch  13K   1+HD Installer and fix for Matrix Marauder
    mcdnldhd.lha       game/patch  12K   4+HD Installer for McDonaldLand v1.0b
    mgapnxhd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Mega Phoenix v1.2
    mnshnrhd.lha       game/patch  18K   4+HD Installer for Moonshine Racers v0.9
    mtrhedhd.lha       game/patch  17K   4+HD Installer for Motorhead v1.0c
    nickybhd.lha       game/patch  17K   4+HD Installer for Nicky Boom v1.0
    nuclushd.lha       game/patch  15K   7+HD Installer for Nucleus v1.0
    nzshd.lha          game/patch  17K   2+HD-Installer for New Zealand Story V1.2
    opwolfhd.lha       game/patch  15K   4+HD Installer for Operation Wolf v1.1
    orkhd.lha          game/patch  14K   1+HD Installer for Ork v1.0
    PBD_Install.lha    game/patch   0K   3+Patch for installing Pinball Brain Damag
    pdreamhd.lha       game/patch  22K   4+HD Install&Fix 4 Pinball Dreams PAL/NTSC
    pgagolfhd.lha      game/patch   9K   2+HD Installer for PGA Golf AGA
    princehd.lha       game/patch  22K   4+HD Installer for Prince Of Persia V1.1f
    pslstrhd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Parasol Stars v1.1
    puggsyhd.lha       game/patch  12K   5+HD Installer for Puggsy V1.0
    puzznichd.lha      game/patch  37K   5+HD Installer for Puzznic V1.2
    pxse_hd.lha        game/patch  22K   9+HD Installer for Project-X Special Editi
    rampagehd.lha      game/patch  19K   2+HD-Installer & fix for Rampage V1.0b
    rickdhd.lha        game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Rick Dangerous v1.3
    roadrashhd.lha     game/patch  13K   5+HD Installer for RoadRash V1.2
    ruffhd.lha         game/patch  20K   5+HD Installer & Fix for Ruff'n'Tumble V1.
    skullhd.lha        game/patch  18K   4+HD Installer for Skull & Cross Bones v1.
    slkwrmhd.lha       game/patch  20K   8+HD Installer for Silkworm v1.0
    snoopyhd.lha       game/patch  19K   8+HD Installer for Snoopy & Peanuts v1.0
    spcrushd.lha       game/patch  19K   5+HD-Installer & fix for Space Crusade V1.
    speedballhd.lha    game/patch  20K   2+Speedball HD-Installer & fix V0.9
    splbndhd.lha       game/patch  14K   4+HD Installer for Spellbound v0.9
    stftr2hd.lha       game/patch  25K   8+HD Installer for Street Fighter II v1.1
    strmldhd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Stormlord (NTSC) v1.0
    stryxhd.lha        game/patch  19K   1+HD-Installer & fix for Stryx V1.1
    swblade2hd.lha     game/patch  19K   5+HD Installer for Switchblade 2 V1.0a
    SWOSEd.lha         game/patch 171K   4+V1.7. Team editor for SWOS. (MUI)
    swted30eval.lha    game/patch  97K   7+SWOS Team Edit 3.0 (Eval) Bugfixed
    t2nahd.lha         game/patch  17K   4+HD Installer for Terminator II (non arca
    tgrrodhd.lha       game/patch  15K   8+HD Installer for Tiger Road v1.0
    TOBInstall.lha     game/patch  41K   3+Tower of Babel HD Installer
    toobinhd.lha       game/patch  15K   7+HD Installer for Toobin v1.0
    trollshd.lha       game/patch  17K   8+HD Installer for Trolls AGA & ECS v1.0
    walkerhd.lha       game/patch   7K   5+HD Installer for Walker V1.2
    wavngrhd.lha       game/patch  15K   7+HD Installer for Warlock the Avenger v1.
    wdywldhd.lha       game/patch  21K   8+HD Installer for Woody's World v1.0
    WHDTheLastNinj.lha game/patch  12K   6+HD+ Installer for The Last Ninja 3
    wickedhd.lha       game/patch  19K   4+HD Installer for Wicked v1.0 (JST)
    wizlizhd.lha       game/patch  17K   1+HD Installer for Wiz 'N' Liz v1.0
    xenon2hd.lha       game/patch  31K   5+Xenon 2 HD-Installer V1.3a & Fix
    xenonhd.lha        game/patch  17K   3+HD-Installer for Xenon V0.9
    zarthrhd.lha       game/patch  15K   1+HD Installer for Zarathrusta v1.0
    zoolhd.lha         game/patch  22K   5+HD Installer for Zool ECS V1.5a
    bhhiv.lha          game/role  647K   7+Battle Organizer for AD+D V1.0
    BHHIVdocs.lha      game/role  106K   7+Doc's for BHHIV (Nov-97)
    fGRAAL2A.lha       game/role  360K   9+"Olaf va a l'est" FRENCH indy adv. clone
    fGRAAL2B.lha       game/role  370K   9+"Olaf va a l'est" FRENCH indy adv. clone
    Frotz232r10.lha    game/role  289K   5+Infocom game interpreter
    GraalDriverUpd.lha game/role  172K   1+Graal Driver 2.206 - Bug fix release
    HammyTown.lha      game/role  534K   8+Graphic Adventure, Full Game!
    kryjelDEMO.lha     game/role  251K   8+RPG front end
    oscar.lha          game/role   22K   4+NPC Editor for Silver
    PlayMud.lha        game/role   61K   9+V1.9 Simple interface to Amiga-LPMud
    RFNCS.lha          game/role    8K   3+Random Fantasy Name Construction Set
    sendai.lha         game/role  698K   9+Anime-style RPG
    ZAngband.lha       game/role  798K   3+ZAngband - a solo RPG based on Angband
    ADoom_0_2.lha      game/shoot 204K   1+Amiga port of DOOM v0.2
    AgeOfRock.lha      game/shoot 239K   7+Tetris the other way round: shoot at blo
    amibee.lha         game/shoot 826K   7+V1.22 (TWINBEE) *-Cute Anime Shooter-*
    Croins1_05.lha     game/shoot 458K   9+Asteroids-clone game
    Groundwars.lha     game/shoot 152K   6+AGA shooter from NC.Gamez
    Guardian35.lha     game/shoot 148K   9+Horizontal-scrolling shoot em up for wb
    TigersBane.lha     game/shoot 846K   9+Side-view Attack Helicopter action/sim
    AGA_Puzzle.lha     game/think 124K   8+Play puzzle with any IFF picture.
    Crazy8.lha         game/think 436K   3+Card game  you vs. computer
    Magic_Cards.lha    game/think 277K   5+Selection of patiences
    Marryampic.lha     game/think  96K   8+A CardSet game to find sound-pairs
    NeverMind.lha      game/think 113K   2+Avoid mines to reach exit. (0.72 )
    soliton151.lha     game/think 232K   3+Solitaire card game, V1.51 (MUI)
    STQuizE_3.lha      game/think 612K   3+Sounds for STQuiz_1.5E
    STQuiz_1.lha       game/think 464K   3+German QUIZgame - AGA
    STQuiz_2.lha       game/think 634K   3+Sounds for STQuiz_1.5E
    amipet.lha         game/wb     60K   7+Amiga Pet V1.13 
    amipet01.lha       game/wb      5K   8+AmiPet Blob Graphics
    amipet02.lha       game/wb      2K   8+AmiPet Sheep Graphics
    amipet03.lha       game/wb      3K   8+AmiPet Spider Graphics
    AQuix.lha          game/wb    123K   9+Separate blocks by drawing lines
    WBsteroids.lha     game/wb    162K   9+Asteroids-clone in scaleable wb-window
    Plotter3D_Upd.lha  gfx/3d     282K   5+Plots 3D-datas with shading etc.-MUI
    POVAm040.lha       gfx/3d     1.7M   5+Official POV-Ray (tm) V3.02c RayTracer
    POVAm060.lha       gfx/3d     1.7M   5+Official POV-Ray (tm) V3.02c RayTracer
    POVAmFPU.lha       gfx/3d     1.7M   5+Official POV-Ray (tm) V3.02c RayTracer
    raystorm_020.lha   gfx/3d     735K   6+V2.01 of RayStorm (68020 binaries)
    rayst_040.lha      gfx/3d     802K   7+V2.0 of RayStorm (68040 binaries)
    rayst_060.lha      gfx/3d     803K   7+V2.0 of RayStorm (68060 binaries)
    rayst_881.lha      gfx/3d     697K   6+V2.01 of RayStorm (68020+881 binaries)
    rayst_exam.lha     gfx/3d     433K   7+V2.0 of RayStorm (examples)
    T3D_Gadgets.lha    gfx/3d      30K   9+Tornado 3D replacement gadgets.
    7800joystick.lha   gfx/3dobj   38K   3+Detailed Atari 7800 joystick obj.
    Earth.lha          gfx/3dobj  3.6M   9+Earth and moon objects and scene for LW
    LWO_Columns.lha    gfx/3dobj  167K   7+Columns of Php. tower -LW o. by AMIFLASH
    lw_brak.lha        gfx/3dobj  313K   3+Brakiri-Cruiser (Babylon5) for Lightwave
    lw_drazi.lha       gfx/3dobj  285K   3+Drazi SunHawk (Babylon5) for Lightwave
    lw_eatr.lha        gfx/3dobj   30K   3+Earth Alliance Transport (Babylon5) for 
    lw_njump.lha       gfx/3dobj   97K   3+Narn Jumpgate (Babylon5) for Lightwave
    lw_thun.lha        gfx/3dobj  610K   3+Thunderbolt Starfury (Babylon5) for Ligh
    NebulaSphere.lha   gfx/3dobj   16K   7+Cool nebula-sphere for spacescenes (Ligh
    QT_Travelpod.lha   gfx/3dobj  584K   4+Imagine Obj:Travel pod(star trek movies)
    r_atpt.lha         gfx/3dobj  141K   3+Reflections Object:Star Wars AT-PT by Ma
    r_droid2.lha       gfx/3dobj   84K   3+MiningDroid (Star Wars) for Reflections
    r_gonk.lha         gfx/3dobj   66K   8+GONK (StarWars) for Reflections.
    r_ra.lha           gfx/3dobj   82K   4+Ra-Fighter for Reflections
    r_skimme.lha       gfx/3dobj  459K   4+Skimmer for Reflections
    r_terraf.lha       gfx/3dobj  207K   5+Terra-Fighter for Reflections
    R_XI.lha           gfx/3dobj   16K   3+Xi-Fighter for Reflections
    r_yt1800.lha       gfx/3dobj  112K   4+Star Wars YT-1800 3D Reflections object
    XWingTR.lha        gfx/3dobj   61K   7+X-Wing by Tobias Richter (Lightwave)
    CGXModefr.lha      gfx/board    2K   7+French catalog to CGXMode 2.4 
    CGXModeit.lha      gfx/board    2K   6+Italian catalog to CGXMode 2.4
    CGXModeno.lha      gfx/board    4K   8+Norwegian catalkog to CGXMode 2.4 
    cgxmode_frcat.lha  gfx/board    4K   9+French catalog for CGXMode 2.4 - v7.01
    CGXPrefs.lha       gfx/board   35K   9+PrefsPrg for CGX3 vars & tooltypes(MUI)
    CybViewBMP.lha     gfx/board    8K   4+CyberGraphics Viewer for .bmp files.
    MaVi1_0T1.lha      gfx/board  774K   7+MaVi-System Trial 1 (AVI/Quicktime/IFF/W
    MovieShop_fr.lha   gfx/board   47K   6+French catalog for MovieShop 
    P96Pan4GSettin.lha gfx/board    2K   6+Moni-Settings for Panasonic "PanaSync 4G
    P96PSync4GSet.lha  gfx/board    2K   6+Moni-Settings for Panasonic "PanaSync 4G
    Picasso96.lha      gfx/board  395K   4+Picasso96 system for Amiga graphics boar
    ppm4opal.lha       gfx/board    8K   8+PPM Modules V1.60 for Opalpaint
    PVS.lha            gfx/board   13K   2+P96 Env variable and tooltype manager
    qrt4opal.lha       gfx/board    7K   8+QRT Modules V1.60 for Opalpaint
    AGAiff28.lha       gfx/conv   114K   2+Low-Level Image Converter, V2.8
    ArtPRO1_10.lha     gfx/conv   352K   5+Easy to use gfx-converter, V1.10
    PCD_Manager_3e.lha gfx/conv   126K   6+PhotoCD converter,Thumbnail,ADPro Loader
    PNG_rip.lha        gfx/conv     2K   5+Extracts PNG image from ECC animation
    UConvNGDemo.lha    gfx/conv   783K   4+V2.1: Now with fire-effects and CGX-supp
    AGA_Morph_V2_2.lha gfx/edit   717K   2+Morphing program (AGA) V2.2 (Bugfix) 680
    DrawStudioCZE.lha  gfx/edit    13K   9+Czech catalog for DrawStudio
    tronicad.lha       gfx/edit   140K   3+Schematic Drawing program, shareware ver
    vmorph.lha         gfx/edit   423K   3+Shareware Morphing Program.
    SMan303.lha        gfx/fract   33K   4+Mandelbrot generator for CyberGfx.
    Gallery.lha        gfx/misc   693K   4+Creates HTML gallery from your pictures
    GLCv1_0.lha        gfx/misc   136K   4+GLOCK Keyboard controller
    PicSort2.lha       gfx/misc   126K   4+Tool to sort pictures to predefined dirs
    ProRen.lha         gfx/misc   122K   3+Manager for ya animframes, bugfix (MUI)
    QbistAmiga11.lha   gfx/misc    48K   4+Creates good looking abstract art pics
    Ripple12.lha       gfx/misc    52K   6+Funky rippling water effect on your WB s
    RT_Palette.lha     gfx/misc     7K   7+Opens reqtools palette on front screen.
    ShadeBobs.lha      gfx/misc   174K   5+RGB Shadebobs on your Workbench!
    VideoEasel.lha     gfx/misc   934K   2+THE flexible Cellular Automata (LIFE + m
    XLabProcess.lha    gfx/misc   135K   5+V1.24a - Image Process in BlitzBasic
    STIMP_noise.lha    gfx/pbm    279K   4+Several programs for noise reduction und
    aMiPEG_bin.lha     gfx/show    96K   6+MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX
    aMiPEG_src.lha     gfx/show    65K   6+MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX
    BlzVw_09b.lha      gfx/show    10K   9+Blitz-View - Med Res IFF picture viewer 
    FastView.lha       gfx/show   105K   2+Shows JPEG pics. (68k + PPC support)
    MysticView.lha     gfx/show   317K   5+User-friendly picture viewer
    SubTitler.lha      gfx/show   181K   6+V2.17 pro subtitler. RS-232 SMPTE time c
    SViewLight.lha     gfx/show   281K   9+SViewLight - limited (quickstart) demo
    SViewNG.lha        gfx/show   858K   5+SViewNG V7.35 + Library 19.7 (6.12.97)
    SViewNG730.lha     gfx/show     5K   6+*Fix* for SViewNG V7.30
    SViewNG735.lha     gfx/show     5K   5+*Fix* for SViewNG V7.35
    cnetdevice.lha     hard/drivr  77K   3+PCMCIA Network Card driver. V0.6
    PreludeAHI.lha     hard/drivr   7K   7+AHI driver for Prelude soundcard, V2.25
    ScanTek3_7.lha     hard/drivr 168K   1+V3.7 Microtek/Highscreen/Mustek scanner 
    trueamiga.lha      hard/drivr  29K   8+Driver for "truesound" mp3-decodercard.
    Wi95Keybrd.lha     hard/drivr   3K   3+German keymap for Wi*95-keyboard
    zipPlus.txt        hard/drivr   3K   3+Squirrel Zip Tools for Zip 100 PLUS driv
    4IDE.lha           hard/hack   13K   4+Connect 4 IDE drivers to your A1200/4000
    a2232tuning.lha    hard/hack   43K   2+Enhance the A2232 [Release with SOURCE]
    A2K_agnus_hack.lha hard/hack    8K   8+Install a 2MB Agnus on A2000 motherboard
    CardAttack11.lha   hard/hack  198K   2+Chipcard reader and writer
    DCF77_Plus1_22.lha hard/hack  405K   3+Radio-controlled watch NEW Features
    FGrab.lha          hard/hack  712K   7+Frame grabber V1.2, produces 768x575 col
    Gyromouse.txt      hard/hack    2K   2+PC gyromouse adaptor
    hddmem.lha         hard/hack   76K   9+IDE HDD, ROM and RAM controller for A500
    pcmciafix.lha      hard/hack    1K   8+Fixes problems with A1200 PCMCIA-port.
    protapp.lha        hard/hack   52K   7+Protection circuit for amiga parallel po
    Schaltuhr.lha      hard/hack   14K   2+Turn on and off your amiga automatically
    TickIt.lha         hard/hack    7K   3+Generates TICK-Signal for CIA-Timer
    a12hard_html.lha   hard/misc   10K   3+A1200 Hardware FAQ in HTML (v2.1, 12/97)
    a4khg_html.lha     hard/misc   97K   3+A4000 Hardware Guide in HTML (v4.1, 12/9
    EOLM.lha           hard/misc  118K   6+(AMIGA) disco effect EOLM V1.0
    ifaq_html.lha      hard/misc   27K   3+Irritating FAQ in HTML (v2.4, 12/97)
    MoniAdap.lha       hard/misc    7K   3+Monitor adaptor to avoid vert. stripes. 
    remote.lha         hard/misc    6K   9+TV Remote GUI for CU-Amiga AirLink
    scsiex_html.lha    hard/misc   16K   3+SCSI Examples in HTML (12/97)
    zipPlus.txt        hard/misc    3K   2+Squirrel Zip Tools for Zip 100 PLUS driv
    AmigaWorld519.lha  misc/edu   1.4M   5+World Countries Database
    Conjuguer.lha      misc/edu    52K   4+Conjugates french verbs (French version)
    DITO_ALV.lha       misc/edu   180K   5+Latin-German database for the DITO-Line
    DITO_big.lha       misc/edu   1.4M   5+Big English-German Dictionary for DITO (
    DITO_English.lha   misc/edu   239K   5+English Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
    DITO_Espanol.lha   misc/edu   247K   5+Spanish Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
    DITO_fastdict.lha  misc/edu   285K   5+MUI Dictionary System (Dirk Holtwick)
    DITO_icelandic.lha misc/edu    10K   5+Icelandic-German Dictionary for DITO (MU
    DITO_misc.lha      misc/edu   484K   5+Misc English-German Dictionaries for DIT
    DITO_Snap.lha      misc/edu    70K   5+Snapshots of the DITO_Spanish dictionary
    DITO_Spanish.lha   misc/edu   2.8M   5+Spanish Dictionary - 120000 words (MUI)
    DITO_SpEng.lha     misc/edu   294K   5+Spanish->English verbs for DITO
    GeoWorld.lha       misc/edu   559K   2+GeoWorld-Demo (German) UPDATE from 12/22
    GeoW_engl.lha      misc/edu     9K   7+GeoWorld V1.0 - english locale files
    GeoW_Up1.lha       misc/edu   155K   2+GeoWorld-Update (28.12.97) - new data ar
    GeoW_Up2.lha       misc/edu   130K   2+GeoWorld-Update2 (28.12.97) - new countr
    Massive.lha        misc/edu   673K   5+Map plotter, beta-release
    MCC_Spanish.lha    misc/edu    20K   2+Spanish output grammar class for DITO
    Vokabelpauker.lha  misc/edu    29K   4+Vokabelpauker V2.2 (German)
    AmigaNPI.lha       misc/emu   133K   2+V1.4 Load packages into the Newton
    AmiMasterGear.lha  misc/emu    65K   5+AmiMasterGear 0.43 !! MAJOR UPDATE !!
    amiSPIMbin.lha     misc/emu   410K   8+A simple port of the SPIM MIPS RS2000/30
    amiSPIMsrc.lha     misc/emu   440K   8+A simple port of the SPIM MIPS RS2000/30
    amitamagotchi.lha  misc/emu   235K   2+Amitamagotchi 0.54,New GFX&+ Balrog soft
    anes.lha           misc/emu    55K   2+A/NES v0.96b - Nintendo emulator
    C64_tape.lha       misc/emu     3K   9+Asm Sources for transferring c64 tapes t
    darkNESs0_22.lha   misc/emu    20K   1+Nintendo Entertainment System emulator v
    DCMtoImg.lha       misc/emu    27K   9+Atari 800 '.DCM' files -> disk image fil
    Ech0.lha           misc/emu     6K   7+RANDOM PC & Microsoft RIP-OFFS! for IBM 
    FastFormat1541.lha misc/emu     2K   9+Conversion of 9 sec format for C=1541
    GBRipper.lha       misc/emu    62K   2+Game Boy GFX Ripper 0.3 by Balrog Soft
    IBMConv.lha        misc/emu    52K   6+GUI program to convert IBM/PC Text files
    ssmanital.lha      misc/emu    59K   4+Italian translation of ShapeShifter's ma
    SwitchBoard.lha    misc/emu    43K   4+GUI for AmigaVGB, DarkNESs, MasterGear, 
    TurboEVD.lha       misc/emu   141K   6+V2.0 - Speedy external video driver for 
    Turbo_EVD_src.lha  misc/emu    64K   6+V2.0 sources - Speedy external video dri
    Vision_8.lha       misc/emu    59K   8+Vision-8: The Portable CHIP8 Emulator
    wzonka_lad.lha     misc/emu   230K   3+Wzonka-Lad - Gameboy emulator v0.97 + so
    aYaSieve.lha       misc/math   19K   8+Sieve of Eratosthenes prime test Ver 2.0
    Geometry121.lha    misc/math   42K   9+Geometrical calculations (minor update, 
    GraphX.lha         misc/math   72K   3+GERMAN Math program V2.5 FREEWARE
    LAnt10.lha         misc/math    6K   3+Langton's Ant
    newtn.lha          misc/math   29K   7+Math program in Italian language.
    prime.lha          misc/math    9K   3+Calculation of primenumbers, V6.2
    Fanta.lha          misc/misc   17K   3+Italian Fantacalcio organiser.
    ItaTrans.lha       misc/misc   40K   2+Italian translation of some programs
    LocaleHR.lha       misc/misc  2.8M   5+Complete Croatian AmigaOS localization
    LotoShoot11.lha    misc/misc   95K   5+French Stats for Loto Foot
    Loto_2_3.lha       misc/misc  150K   8+LOTO v2.3 Very nice loto program with st
    MagicBNS.lha       misc/misc  1.1M   3+Pack for print electronic board
    miniamiga.lha      misc/misc    9K   3+Build a portable Amiga!
    PBRSE.lha          misc/misc    1K   9+Updated swedish rates for PhoneBill
    PBRts9711.lha      misc/misc    1K   8+Updated swedish rates for PhoneBill (fro
    poet.lha           misc/misc   84K   8+Generates random poetry
    SpaTra01.lha       misc/misc  155K   2+Spanish Translations Pack 01 - 1.25
    SpaTra02.lha       misc/misc  180K   2+Spanish Translations Pack 02 - 1.25
    SpaTra03.lha       misc/misc  155K   2+Spanish Translations Pack 03 - 0.35
    TurkCats.lha       misc/misc   13K   9+Turkce Spot,Flexcat,Xpk,BenchTrash...
    TurkceWB12.lha     misc/misc  333K   2+Turkish Locale For Workbench 3.x (V1.2)
    CDB_106.lha        misc/sci   179K   5+IDEA TEAM - Chemistry Database V1.06 (lo
    DAlmanac_Data.lha  misc/sci   5.5M   4+Datas for Digital Almanac (V39.5)
    DAlmana_Exe.lha    misc/sci   366K   4+Great Astronomical Program (V39.9)
    E12.lha            misc/sci    13K   9+Best match a resistance with the E12 ser
    PSB_111.lha        misc/sci    35K   4+IDEA TEAM - Prosite Browser V1.11 (now l
    SunCalc.lha        misc/sci    17K   2+Shell based Sunrise/Sunset Calculator
    VWorlds30.lha      misc/sci   2.2M   9+Images of sky from any planet or comet.
    adt.c              misc/unix   78K   4+Aminet Download Tool 2.4, minor update
    ad_inferos.lha     mods/atmos 179K   3+A module by Cobolt/Triumph. Atmospheric
    t13n_hang.lha      mods/atmos 141K   7+"Hangar_18" - [soft atmos] by ElbiE/t13n
    GavinsQuest.lha    mods/chip    1K   9+THX Music Module by G.Lucas
    resixfour.lha      mods/chip   12K   3+Remix of some C64-tunes (MED-MMD1)
    TakeMyHand.lha     mods/chip    2K   4+.NRp. ChipCover by FaRMoR
    aelon.lha          mods/cloud 237K   4+"Aelon Land" - techno XM by Cloud
    yolk.lha           mods/cloud 170K   4+"Yolk Song" - techno XM by Cloud
    synthstage.lzh     mods/csm   485K   9+New tracks by CSM
    ops_as97.lha       mods/demo  311K   3+"Funkadelic" by Oops! -#2 at Astrosyn'97
    ops_duo1.lha       mods/demo  436K   8+Oops! Duo Pack #1 - 2 brand new modules
    t13n_bicent.lha    mods/elbie  29K   8+"A Bicentennial Man" - [synth] by ElbiE/
    t13n_breakz.lha    mods/elbie 161K   7+"Breakz n' Beatz" - [techno] by Elbie/t1
    t13n_dress.lha     mods/elbie 230K   8+"Dressed In Black" - [trance/goa] by Elb
    t13n_extat.lha     mods/elbie 237K   8+"Extatica" - [trance] by ElbiE/t13n!
    t13n_just.lha      mods/elbie 322K   8+"Just Hear" - [chill out/trance] by Elbi
    t13n_party.lha     mods/elbie  71K   8+"Party Time" - [synth] by ElbiE/t13n!
    t13n_souls.lha     mods/elbie 205K   8+"Souls" - [piano] by ElbiE/t13n!
    t13n_sovjet.lha    mods/elbie   3K   8+"Sovjet Anthem" - chipmodule by ElbiE/t1
    t13n_sweet.lha     mods/elbie 133K   8+"Sweet Silence" - [hardcore techno] by E
    t13n_synIII.lha    mods/elbie  76K   8+"Synthetic III" - [goa/trance] by ElbiE/
    t13n_tripp.lha     mods/elbie 219K   8+"A -Tripp- Into The" - [techno] by ElbiE
    Am_I_Insane.lha    mods/evrim   6K   2+Chiptune by eVRIMSSON
    A_Time_2_Stand.lha mods/evrim  81K   2+A great movietrack by eVRIMSSON
    Do_Dah_Bing.lha    mods/evrim 231K   2+Crazy funky module by eVRIMSSON
    Isnt_My_Day.lha    mods/evrim 156K   2+Breakbeat tune by eVRIMSSON
    JungleBeat.lha     mods/exprt  40K   6+"Jungle Beat" - ProTracker (4ch) module 
    Ilys.lha           mods/fby   633K   9+FBY 1997 16Ch 3:19 2nd place Saturne V
    jazzjamminII.lha   mods/funk   64K   3+Jazz Jammin II
    r_sublim.lha       mods/funk   18K   8+"sublime" by racoon/c-lous, from "sublim
    jfz_redl.lha       mods/hardc 264K   9+UK Happy Hardcore by Hyper/Jo!Nt FoRZe
    narcoticbeats.lha  mods/hardc  47K   3+In The Mix
    owTenO.lha         mods/hardc  99K   7+Hardcore rave by Mopz
    base_ole.lha       mods/house 291K   8+Really Groovy Mod by Olethros
    AamuSarastaa.lha   mods/huezo  69K   8+A Short Mid-Evil-Mod by Huezo
    Arena.lha          mods/huezo 165K   8+Soundtrack by Huezo
    BlackCoffeeGr.lha  mods/huezo 278K   8+Groove by Huezo
    Black_CoffeeJz.lha mods/huezo  67K   8+Jazz by Huezo
    GreenPlastic.lha   mods/huezo  93K   8+StrippokerMusic by Huezo
    HelloAgain.lha     mods/huezo 336K   8+Music by Huezo
    Homejuusto.lha     mods/huezo 116K   8+Weird- and doskpop by Huezo
    IAmComing.lha      mods/huezo  87K   8+Doskpop by Huezo
    Juhlavalmistel.lha mods/huezo  72K   4+A Short Mid-Evil-Mod by Huezo
    KeisariKuolema.lha mods/huezo  87K   1+Mid Evil War Tune by Huezo
    Kopteri.lha        mods/huezo 236K   8+Some Strange style for Huezo
    LostDreams.lha     mods/huezo  43K   8+Doskpop by Huezo
    November1995.lha   mods/huezo  65K   8+Doskpop by Huezo
    Prestidigitate.lha mods/huezo  53K   8+Doskpop by Huezo
    Reikaleipa.lha     mods/huezo  13K   1+Small chippie by Huezo
    Suspicious.lha     mods/huezo  53K   8+Doskpop by Huezo
    TerminalIsland.lha mods/huezo 365K   8+Guitarpop by Huezo
    Travelling.lha     mods/huezo 211K   1+Doskpop by Huezo
    Wanderi2.lha       mods/huezo 150K   4+Doskpop by Huezo
    Wandering.lha      mods/huezo 113K   4+Doskpop by Huezo
    WhenYoureGone.lha  mods/huezo 165K   4+Sadpop by Huezo
    Curiosum.lha       mods/instr 114K   5+Music by Jimy
    Intro.lha          mods/jogei 243K   7 Short mod by Jogeir Liljedahl
    Memories.lha       mods/jogei 123K   7 Slow, sad mod by Jogeir Liljedahl
    AutumTrans.lha     mods/jungl 154K   9+Autumn Transitional - A Drum n bass MED 
    corinth.lha        mods/jungl 1.0M   3+A drum+bass .mod by Salty
    dd_hctd.lha        mods/jungl 138K   9+Here Comes   by Jammz of DD
    dd_human.lha       mods/jungl  70K   9+Humanist     by Jammz of DD
    dd_r2u.lha         mods/jungl 486K   9+Rolling 2 U  by Jammz of DD
    Lopez_303Mach.lha  mods/jungl 581K   3+Wild 303-Samples 4 remixin ! Nice MED!
    onyx.lha           mods/jungl 741K   3+BarnAmiga'97 winner module by Cueder/Ozo
    phd_yule.lha       mods/jungl 346K   4 [ PHD ] - yuletide ride by rhino
    PianoDream.lha     mods/jungl 128K   9+Wild 303-Samples 4 remixin ! Nice MED!
    LEAD_TrtSpace.lha  mods/lead  310K   6+[LEAD] Mr Turtle In Space - Acid by LEAD
    3_hilrmx_med.lha   mods/med   190K   8+B.C.'s MED remix of "The Hillside"
    AK_FlyTr.lha       mods/med   336K   9+Dream - OSS Module by AudioKiller
    AK_Frnds.lha       mods/med   350K   9+Amb - OSS Module by AudioKiller
    AK_Hands.lha       mods/med   226K   9+Love - OSS Module by AudioKiller
    AK_Journ.lha       mods/med   214K   9+Amb - OSS Module by AudioKiller
    bc_bc.lha          mods/med   268K   2+"B.C." - self titled eastern ambience
    bc_tr808.lha       mods/med   235K   2+"Asteroid Trip 808" - tripdance by B.C.
    bc_vortx.lha       mods/med   139K   2+"Vortex" - acid drum n bass by B.C./NoAf
    C64Tunelet.lha     mods/med    34K   1+*64 TUNELET* COVER BY RECOIL
    crosover.lha       mods/med    74K   5+Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 1
    endtime.lha        mods/med    79K   5+Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 2
    epitaph.lha        mods/med    62K   5+Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 3
    HB_NextPhase.lha   mods/med    93K   3+8th HOLOBOYS release: Fast beating 8-Ch!
    HB_Silent.lha      mods/med    78K   3+6th HOLOBOYS release: My last 4-Channel!
    HB_Snowfall.lha    mods/med    82K   5+7th HOLOBOYS release: A cool 8-Ch MMD2 !
    infinity.lha       mods/med   495K   9+12ch OCSS trance module by IMMORTAl
    mitnacht.lha       mods/med   155K   5+Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 4
    MoreThanMusic.lha  mods/med   216K   4+MoreThanMusic - whole song
    Motions.lha        mods/med   124K   6+A new rock MMD3 from The_Highlander
    Oriental.lha       mods/med   201K   1+*ORIENTAL MIX* BY RECOIL
    raystorm.lha       mods/med   281K   8+8-track OSS mod By A.Atkins
    rose.lha           mods/med    34K   5+Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 5
    ScorpioRemix.lha   mods/med   168K   3+Theme tune for Scorpio BBS -Remix-
    screamin.lha       mods/med   555K   8+10ch hOuSe mod by IMMORTAL(MMD3)
    SOU_Visuals98.lha  mods/med   153K   5+Octamed mod - remix of "Visuals" by Dese
    stringsp.lha       mods/med   107K   7+Strings of Paradise - The best OSS modul
    StupidNM.lha       mods/med   151K   6+Nice slow melody tune for OCSS on 06/11/
    tst_wast.lha       mods/med   215K   6+Smooth electro dance 10-track MMD3 modul
    warriors.lha       mods/med    83K   5+Genocide's Metal Mayhem Vol.2 Part 6
    ms_agt.lha         mods/melod 309K   4+Melodic Song by Markus Schnell
    ms_elove.lha       mods/melod 148K   5+Eternal Love
    sy_loft.lha        mods/melod  58K   3+Slow love song by Sync
    sy_shore.lha       mods/melod  98K   3+Slow melodic song by Sync
    Tivoli.lha         mods/melod  47K   3+Tivoli - A module by Cobolt/Triumph. A t
    VoxIndefessa.lha   mods/melod 133K   3+Vox Indefessa - A module by Cobolt/Trium
    advance_ole.lha    mods/misc  339K   3+TripHop-like mod by Olethros
    aire_borne.lha     mods/misc  266K   2+Aire-Borne
    back_pages.lha     mods/misc   27K   5+Music with a Swing to it...
    base_ole.lha       mods/misc  291K   8+Really Groovy Mod By Olethros
    chz_destruct.lha   mods/misc  217K   4+Chavez - De.Destruction (4ch pt)
    concrete_waves.lha mods/misc  151K   5+Remember "Jay's Song" from Sonix?? ... H
    dreams_over.lha    mods/misc  208K   5+An original.. another slow depressing on
    dreamworld.lha     mods/misc  144K   5+An original.. another slow depressing on
    ELE_KITC.lha       mods/misc  356K   4+Kitchen maid #007 by elektrik empire
    ELE_THAT.lha       mods/misc  101K   4+That  lesund thing #008 by elektrik empi
    Ele_twit.lha       mods/misc   85K   6+Strugling acid no#006 by elektrik empire
    Ele_unbr.lha       mods/misc  226K   9+"unbreak" composed by sami/elektrik empi
    Eloy.lha           mods/misc  422K   1+Three awesome modules by Eloy
    flying.lha         mods/misc  231K   5+An original.. another slow depressing on
    funkydis.lha       mods/misc   66K   9+Mtut > groovy elektro-synth-mixture
    I_LikeTheBass.lha  mods/misc  113K   6+I Like The Bass
    Joelbitar.lha      mods/misc   93K   3+.NRp. Funky Oldskool by FaRMoR
    mt_as.lha          mods/misc  428K   7+(mono) - As in cockroach by Whiskas
    mt_dna.lha         mods/misc  228K   7+(mono) - Retro Dna by Dreamfish
    mt_klu.lha         mods/misc  576K   4+(monotonik) - Klusterpunk EP by Distance
    mt_rid.lha         mods/misc  393K   4+(monotonik) - Twisted Riddim by Dreamfis
    m_100.lha          mods/misc  129K   7+(mono) - 100% Sh*t by Vim!
    m_dto.lha          mods/misc  262K   7+(mono) - D-Tour by Relief + Skizo
    m_ech.lha          mods/misc  337K   5+(mono) - Echtzeit (rmx) by Jazz + Fndr
    m_evil.lha         mods/misc  315K   5+(mono) - Evil Banquet EP by Zyad
    m_nor.lha          mods/misc  455K   3+(mono) - Norman by Vim
    perklove.lha       mods/misc  193K   6+Perkuchione love ! by UnIsOn
    phd_batt.lha       mods/misc  244K   4 [ PHD ] - the battlefield by dane
    psychotic_60s.lha  mods/misc   62K   5+Psychotic 60's Rock
    salsa.lha          mods/misc   29K   8+HairyDrummer's first (and probably last)
    shards+splinte.lha mods/misc   86K   8+HairyDrummer's third Heavy Metal mod upl
    Shock_Waves.lha    mods/misc   93K   6+Shock Waves (mod)
    T_Mage1.lha        mods/misc  163K   6+Techno-Mage mix 1
    T_Mage2.lha        mods/misc  146K   6+Techno-Mage mix 2
    merry.lha          mods/mpg   2.2M   2+Christmas song for all you amigans
    acidspace.lha      mods/ooze  353K   2+"Trip To Acidspace" - [acid/trance] by T
    drunken.lha        mods/ooze    2K   4+"The Drunken Sailor" - chip XM by TribaL
    jesus.lha          mods/ooze  109K   4+"Jesus" - techno XM by TribaL
    julsaga.lha        mods/ooze  574K   4+En Julsaga - hardcore by TribaL
    rmb.lha            mods/ooze  818K   4+"Rmb - Reality Mix" - techno XM by Triba
    pnk_hcmf.lzh       mods/panik 116K   6+HardJungle: Hardkore MF (mod)
    pnk_jltd.lzh       mods/panik 112K   6+(IT)971118: Jilted?
    pnk_me.lzh         mods/panik 402K   6+(IT)971118: Mixed Emotions
    pls_cruise.lha     mods/pop   108K   8+Mod by pulse^lgp. 1st place at halloween
    3_distrt_mod.lha   mods/pro   182K   3+"Distorted Reality" - synthpop by RS3
    ArtificialLove.lha mods/pro    95K   7+A typic ballad by UnIsOn ;-)
    Bzr_Mods1.lha      mods/pro   1.0M   9+5 modules by Buzzer/Zenon
    drd_Baktepot.lha   mods/pro   174K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    drd_Dancedel.lha   mods/pro   251K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    drd_Doormat.lha    mods/pro    15K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    drd_Jungles.lha    mods/pro   189K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    drd_Oki.lha        mods/pro    99K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    drd_Pianocol.lha   mods/pro    89K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech & sp
    drd_Sugarfre.lha   mods/pro   243K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    drd_Voidofvo.lha   mods/pro    54K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech & my
    drd_Yahoooo.lha    mods/pro   291K   4 4 channel pt mod by dr.death/eltech.
    HeavyGoes.lha      mods/pro   107K   9+Heavy Goes Techno - Composed by Nemesis/
    Lonely_N.lha       mods/pro   120K   9+Lonely Nights - By Nemesis/Zenon
    paradis.lha        mods/pro   134K   5+Synthie-Pop by MASTER_T.O.M.
    paradise.lha       mods/pro   134K   9+Synthie-Pop by MASTER_T.O.M.
    pha005_t.lha       mods/pro   205K   6+"The Way Of Life V2" [Dance] - PT mod by
    Rising.lha         mods/pro    40K   9+Rising - Composed by Nemesis/Zenon
    train.lha          mods/pro   158K   5+Protracker module by MIM
    Worries.lha        mods/pro   144K   9+Worries On My Mind - By Nemesis/Zenon
    XmasJoy.lha        mods/pro   238K   4+Christmas Joy - By Nemesis/Zenon
    csm_Maybe.lzh      mods/rock  1.5M   8+XM Song by CSM
    Direction.lha      mods/rock   95K   4+Nice "Softrock" module.
    doingwah.lha       mods/rock  237K   6+Doing Wah... sick module
    dtheme.lha         mods/rock   17K   5+Dark rock-song
    modsandanims.lha   mods/rock  364K   4+Some mods and anims by Barry Newman
    m_a.lha            mods/rock  364K   4+Some mods and anims by Barry Newman
    R_O_F.lha          mods/rock  168K   2+Realm Of Fairlight - mixed eVRIMSSON
    spinout_ole.lha    mods/rock  477K   6+Rock Mod by Olethros (Octamed SS)
    The_Flight.lha     mods/rock   99K   2+Nice/pretty fast hardrock module
    capricorn.lha      mods/sbc   345K   3+The capricorn - trance 4ch
    Comfort.lha        mods/sbc   241K   3+Comfort - mellow triphop 4ch
    Decay.lha          mods/sbc   104K   3+Decay to Infinity - old school elektro 4
    Different.lha      mods/sbc   109K   3+Different Substance - experimental tranc
    Dream.lha          mods/sbc   137K   3+Dream Infinity - hardcore/acid 4ch
    Flow.lha           mods/sbc   112K   3+Flow Into Trance - hardtrance 4ch
    Global.lha         mods/sbc    49K   3+Global Groove - hardtrance 4ch
    Greenspace.lha     mods/sbc    43K   3+Green Space Cola - experimental techno 4
    Housextreme.lha    mods/sbc    63K   3+House Extreme - hardtrance 4ch
    Ill.lha            mods/sbc    76K   3+Ill - experimental techno 4ch
    Landing.lha        mods/sbc    65K   3+Landing on Planet Earth - trance 4ch
    Lovetribe.lha      mods/sbc    77K   3+Lovetribe - dance/trance 4ch
    Orgastik.lha       mods/sbc   202K   3+Orgastik Hypnostist - experimental techn
    Seashell.lha       mods/sbc   189K   3+Seashell - jazzy triphop 4ch
    Sunrise.lha        mods/sbc    59K   3+Sunrise - hardtrance 4ch
    Tension.lha        mods/sbc   377K   3+Tension - Dance/Trance 4ch
    United.lha         mods/sbc   249K   3+United Frequencies of Love - hardtrance 
    Urban.lha          mods/sbc    49K   3+Urban Drums - tribal techno 4ch
    Wandering.lha      mods/sbc    66K   3+Wandering Spirit - hardtrance 4ch
    Woh.lha            mods/sbc   165K   3+World of House - house 4ch
    AH97_MCH.lha       mods/sets  4.9M   5+AMIGAniga HUNgarica '97 - multichannel m
    cling_on_ole.lha   mods/slow  378K   3+Moody Mod by Olethros
    Nora_.lha          mods/slow  187K   2+Slowly Mod by fLAW
    pls_colours.lha    mods/slow   82K   8+A pathetic mod by pulse^lgp. Very silly.
    pls_first.lha      mods/slow   72K   8+Mod by pulse^lgp. From "X-Files #16" dis
    AMPlus01.lha       mods/smpl  588K   5+Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMu
    AMPlus02.lha       mods/smpl  567K   4+Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMu
    AMPlus03.lha       mods/smpl  577K   4+Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMu
    happyxmas.lzh      mods/synth 2.0M   2+Happy Xmas Pack 97/98
    psl_dsr.lha        mods/synth 124K   7+Delphins Song Remix
    02_Hypnotised.lha  mods/techn  86K   7+Techno by Delight!
    04_IndianDream.lha mods/techn 119K   7+Techno by Delight!
    06_Psychodelic.lha mods/techn  61K   7+Techno by Delight!
    07_MovingMachi.lha mods/techn  73K   7+Techno by Delight!
    08_DelightMake.lha mods/techn 121K   7+Techno by Delight!
    Acid200.lha        mods/techn 126K   9+Nice rave module
    Albumin.lha        mods/techn 147K   7+Techno by Chromacyta!
    bass.lha           mods/techn  14K
    Bazuona.lha        mods/techn  95K   1+Rave by Mopz of NC.Gamez
    BD_Dragon.lha      mods/techn  73K   8+"Dragon Revenge" by Black Dragon/Honoo+L
    BD_DrgonMIX.lha    mods/techn  70K   8+"Dragon Revenge MIX" by Black Dragon/Hon
    BD_Kaleidoscop.lha mods/techn  60K   8+"Kaleidoscope" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED
    BD_VirtualR.lha    mods/techn 145K   6+"Virtual Reality" by Black Dragon/Honoo+
    blindlov.lha       mods/techn  64K   6+Techno module by MIM
    captured.lha       mods/techn 105K   6+Techno module by MIM
    crs_601r.lha       mods/techn 187K   5+CRS00003: "6-0-1 REMIX" mod by dominator
    crs_blbr.lha       mods/techn  96K   4+CRS00011: "black break" by phuzzy logik
    crs_brnf.lha       mods/techn 310K   2+CRS00022: "burning out fix!" by dominato
    crs_burn.lha       mods/techn 309K   2+CRS00018: "burning out" by dominator
    crs_dbyo.lha       mods/techn 143K   5+CRS00001: "DOWN BY ONE" mod by phuzzy lo
    crs_deab.lha       mods/techn 138K   4+CRS00006: "DEADBEAT" by dominator
    crs_dimu.lha       mods/techn  52K   5+CRS00002: "DIABLOS MUNDOS" mod by .A.
    crs_imat.lha       mods/techn 114K   4+CRS00007: "imagine a tree" by .A.
    crs_lime.lha       mods/techn  64K   4+CRS00004: "LINEA METRICA" by phuzzy logi
    crs_pmtv.lha       mods/techn  60K   2+CRS00019: "Primitive" by phuzzy logik
    crs_pnb.lha        mods/techn 239K   4+CRS00005: "perfectly normaL beast" by Al
    crs_ranc.lha       mods/techn  64K   4+CRS00009: "rancid raven" by phuzzy logik
    crs_spls.lha       mods/techn 201K   2+CRS00020: "splash" by dominator
    crs_stpe.lha       mods/techn 123K   4+CRS00010: "stolen petardo" by dominator
    crs_tgs.lha        mods/techn 503K   2+CRS00017: "The Great Spirit EP" by Phuzz
    crs_veka.lha       mods/techn 100K   4+CRS00012: "vekaritihualtanaja" by .A.
    crs_wotg.lha       mods/techn 206K   2+CRS00021: "Wrath of the Guild" by phuzzy
    crs_xtet.lha       mods/techn 144K   4+CRS00008: "xternal eternal" by dominator
    cyberpun.lha       mods/techn 107K   7+Mixture between punk and techno.
    djh_oa98.lha       mods/techn 177K   1+THE LAST TUNE RELEASE OF 1997!  (MMD1-3)
    DJH_SHpF.lha       mods/techn 173K   4+(FastTracker 2 archive) The `sequal' to 
    DJH_SHpO.lha       mods/techn 187K   4+(OctaMED SoundStudio archive) The `sequa
    Fabiness.lha       mods/techn  78K   3+13ch tEKNo mod by Johnny Z
    fictionaldream.lha mods/techn 103K   3+Rave by Maze
    fighter1.lha       mods/techn  32K   7+The last Fighter - Part 1 (Aminet-Remix)
    fighter2.lha       mods/techn  76K   7+The last Fighter - Part 2 (Aminet-Remix)
    HappyVibe.lha      mods/techn  37K   7+Techno by NoName!
    ia_key.lha         mods/techn  83K   4+Turn The Key-=Club/Mellow=-Cydrone/inter
    ia_mompa.lha       mods/techn 243K   4+Moments of Passion By cydrone/interactiv
    ia_thing.lha       mods/techn  57K   4+The Things We Do - By cydrone/interactiv
    ia_time.lha        mods/techn 123K   4+Gangsta Time -cydrone/interactive- Remix
    ia_weird.lha       mods/techn 112K   4+!WEiRD POWERS! -Jungle- By  cydrone/inte
    LHAB.lha           mods/techn 153K   2+Breakbeat Music - By Lento
    Lotec.lha          mods/techn  93K   2+Lotec (techno, MED-MMD3) by Mixa
    ms_phone.lha       mods/techn 138K   4+Techno Song by Markus Schnell
    NewDream.lha       mods/techn 169K   9+Rave by Mopz of NC.Gamez
    nwp_bott.lha       mods/techn  79K   2+(NWP 005) - Back Of The Track
    nwp_dost.lha       mods/techn 108K   2+(NWP 004) - Don't Stop
    nwp_evbe.lha       mods/techn 267K   4+(NWP 002) - Evolution Begins
    nwp_nivi.lha       mods/techn 126K   4+(NWP 001) - Nightvisions
    phd_clay.lha       mods/techn 459K   5 [ PHD ] - ground of clay by psycho
    phd_deto.lha       mods/techn 929K   7 [ PHD ] - detonate by pirat
    phd_join.lha       mods/techn 259K   8 [ PHD ] - join the dream by dane
    phd_klub.lha       mods/techn 969K   2 [ PHD ] - klub 28 by neemo
    phd_magn.lha       mods/techn 154K   8 [ PHD ] - magnetic layers by ganja/nerve
    phd_mini.lha       mods/techn 190K   8 [ PHD ] - minimal musik part 1 by ronny
    phd_nite.lha       mods/techn 216K   6 [ PHD ] - nighthunt by linus
    phd_sub.lha        mods/techn 491K   6 [ PHD ] - submarket by neemo
    phd_wond.lha       mods/techn 394K   1 [ PHD ] - wonderful christmas by pirat
    Pjux.lha           mods/techn  68K   7+Very soft techno by Mopz
    pls_firesight.lha  mods/techn 202K   8+Mod by pulse^lgp. From demo "Elements".
    pls_resist.lha     mods/techn 188K   8+Mod by pulse^lgp. 2nd at Berzan'97.
    PrepareToDie.lha   mods/techn  56K   7+Techno by NoName!
    QuietBoom.lha      mods/techn  96K   7+Some rave by Mopz
    RootsRave.lha      mods/techn 168K   8+Roots` Rave ... Techno Mod by fLAW/sCum
    Sheim.lha          mods/techn 179K   6+Rave by Mopz of NC.Gamez
    SL_733.lha         mods/techn 180K   8+7.33 AM by Raptor & Midnight Flip of Spe
    SwG_Papr.lha       mods/techn 190K   1+.o.Pho-Goa Music for the masses in PT.o.
    SynapticII.lha     mods/techn 321K   3+A module by Cobolt/Triumph. Dance/Techno
    sy_whiterose.lha   mods/techn 150K   2+Melodic techno song by Sync
    Transfiguratio.lha mods/techn 206K   4+.NRp. TranceRemix by FaRMoR
    unreal.lha         mods/techn  86K   5+Techno module by MIM
    vdo_daca.lha       mods/techn 180K   8+The 19th voodoo release
    vdo_lesb.lha       mods/techn 378K   9+The 16th voodoo release
    vdo_marm.lha       mods/techn 274K   9+The 17th voodoo release
    vdo_opti.lha       mods/techn 394K   3+The 20th voodoo release
    vdo_xmas.lha       mods/techn 842K   2+The 21th voodoo release
    WhenIWokeUp.lha    mods/techn 248K   4+.NRp. Trance by FaRMoR
    Wonder.lha         mods/techn 155K   1+Rave by Mopz of NC.Gamez
    XMas1995.lha       mods/techn  52K   6+XMas-Song-Medley by MrOLI / DATiSTiCS
    BoughOfYou.lha     mods/tranc 341K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "A bough of you" (PT)
    CountDown.lha      mods/tranc  36K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Count down" (PT)
    d2dp.lha           mods/tranc 186K   5+Jazzstep by istari
    Dejected.lha       mods/tranc 115K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Dejected" (PT)
    digifree.lha       mods/tranc 294K   6+DigiBoosterPro TranceAcid Music
    EnterTheRealm.lha  mods/tranc 263K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Enter the realm" (PT)
    Excursio.lha       mods/tranc  67K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Excursio" (PT)
    farts.lha          mods/tranc  57K   5+Future Arts (Aminet-Remix)
    FlexibleWorld.lha  mods/tranc 216K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Flexible World" (PT)
    GoaMania.lha       mods/tranc 192K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Goa Mania" (PT)
    Gradivus.lha       mods/tranc 104K   1+Hardtrance MOD by TSt
    Indigestible.lha   mods/tranc 176K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Indigestible" (PT)
    LeaveMe.lha        mods/tranc   7K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Leave me" (PT)
    Max.lha            mods/tranc 1.5M   5+Trance by Drawer (DigiBooster Pro 16bit/
    Protoplasm.lha     mods/tranc 158K   1+GOA mod by TSt
    psl_str.lha        mods/tranc 119K   7+Sonic Trance Remix
    psy_trance.lha     mods/tranc 721K   5+16bit/22chn trance by Drawer (DBpro)
    rby_pfh.lha        mods/tranc 178K   2+Peaceful Harmony MOD by Ramboy
    rby_tdr.lha        mods/tranc 330K   2+THE DREAMER DigiBoosterPro-MOD by Ramboy
    SadReality.lha     mods/tranc 128K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Sad Reality" (PT)
    SpaceActivity.lha  mods/tranc 145K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s and Marc`s "Space Activit
    SpaceNights.lha    mods/tranc 168K   8+Space-Nights ... Trance Mod by fLAW/sCum
    StrangeRhythm.lha  mods/tranc  36K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Strange Rhythm" (PT)
    Strzal2.lha        mods/tranc 508K   5+16bit/24chn Trance by Drawer (DBpro)
    Substance.lha      mods/tranc 169K   1+Hardtrance/GOA by TSt
    SunHearts.lha      mods/tranc 116K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Sunshine and hearts" (PT
    Sunshine.lha       mods/tranc  99K   4+Mod.sunshine and hearts
    VBiohazard.lha     mods/tranc  51K   4+Dr.Avalanche`s "Virtual Biohazard" (PT)
    ortouch.lha        mods/voice 561K   3+The Orion Touch !
    winill.lha         mods/voice 566K   3+Windows illusion
    6581_4_ever.lha    mods/voy     1K   6+THX 2.0 tune by V0yager
    singin.lha         mods/voy     1K   6+THX 2.0 tune by V0yager
    7thheven.lha       mods/wmr   731K   6+WMR: "7th Heaven" by DJ Joge
    aoaries.lha        mods/wmr   350K   9+WMR: "The Age of Aries" by Crux
    armed.lha          mods/wmr   164K   7+WMR: "Armed" by Raper
    atmos.lha          mods/wmr   201K   7+WMR: "Trance.Atmospheric" by Balistic
    beez.lha           mods/wmr   458K   7+WMR: "Beez" by SideWinder
    biomnkby.lha       mods/wmr   176K   7+WMR: "Bionic Monkey Boy" by Skullsaw
    blues.lha          mods/wmr   143K   7+WMR: "Deborah's Song" by The Prof
    b_nsane.lha        mods/wmr   364K   9+WMR: "My Insanity" by Blurry
    c20_328.lha        mods/wmr     8K   7+WMR: "March 28th" by Klaws
    chains.lha         mods/wmr   250K   7+WMR: "Chains of Iron" by Ackers
    closet.lha         mods/wmr   324K   7+WMR: "Monster in the Closet" by Cyber...
    cosmicof.lha       mods/wmr   482K   7+WMR: "Cosmic Outflow" by Falcon
    c_whendr.lha       mods/wmr   544K   7+WMR: "When I Dream" by Chimp&Z
    deathweb.lha       mods/wmr   232K   9+WMR: "Rave on the Web of Death" by Darkn
    deepcvr.lha        mods/wmr   269K   7+WMR: "Deep Cover" by Aftab Hussein
    elw_fall.lha       mods/wmr   311K   9+WMR: "Fall From Sky" by Elwood
    endrmx.lha         mods/wmr   134K   7+WMR: "End Meets End" by J. Devlin
    evoluti2.lha       mods/wmr   592K   7+WMR: "Evolution" by Motion
    extreme.lha        mods/wmr   181K   7+WMR: "Extreme Existance" by Frizzlefried
    extvoid.lha        mods/wmr   138K   7+WMR: "Ex Turn Void" by CyberCerberus
    feedback.lha       mods/wmr   3.2M   8+WMR: Feedback music disk
    ftb_find.lha       mods/wmr   383K   7+WMR: "Find Yourself" by Rowie
    inverse.lha        mods/wmr     5K   7+WMR: "Inverse Science" by CyberCerberus
    lunarmas.lha       mods/wmr   148K   9+WMR: "Lunar Mass" by Pfister
    lz_image.lha       mods/wmr   484K   9+WMR: "Images of Terror" by LioZ
    machina.lha        mods/wmr   390K   7+WMR: "Deus Ex Machina" by CyberCerberus
    mc_absen.lha       mods/wmr   159K   9+WMR: "In Absence of Minor" by ManChild
    midnight.lha       mods/wmr   344K   7+WMR: "Midnight" by Soulfunk
    mixmaste.lha       mods/wmr   264K   7+WMR: "Mixmaster" by Mixmaster
    mi_nowrd.lha       mods/wmr   216K   7+WMR: "Not With Words" by Ming
    nasty_d.lha        mods/wmr    79K   7+WMR: "Nasty and D (D and Nasty)" by W...
    nb_oafk1.lha       mods/wmr   178K   7+WMR: "Dawn of Pendragon" by Nightbeat
    nb_rangr.lha       mods/wmr   241K   7+WMR: "Ranger Song" by Nightbeat
    n_rat.lha          mods/wmr   519K   8+WMR: "Rat in a Cage" by ZackmanO
    n_sform.lha        mods/wmr   274K   7+WMR: "Shadowform" by Nemesis
    pocoloco.lha       mods/wmr   180K   7+WMR: "Pocoloco" by KimiK
    puredev.lha        mods/wmr   160K   7+WMR: "Pure Devotion" by CSM
    rr_phony.lha       mods/wmr   339K   7+WMR: "Cacaphonium" by BizKid
    si_wrft.lha        mods/wmr   356K   7+WMR: "Winter Frost" by Skull
    sk_fe.lha          mods/wmr   238K   7+WMR: "False Emotions" by Skull
    sonata01.lha       mods/wmr    75K   7+WMR: "Sonata 01" by Chris and the Clones
    steppin.lha        mods/wmr   155K   7+WMR: "Steppin'" by Alex Noble
    sufvar.lha         mods/wmr   331K   7+WMR: "Suffering Variety" by Shrift
    thebells.lha       mods/wmr   195K   7+WMR: "The Bells" by Chris & the Clones
    vrb_tuz.lha        mods/wmr   115K   7+WMR: "Tuzie" by The Virtual Reality Band
    wi_castl.lha       mods/wmr    68K   7+WMR: "The Castle" by Wizo
    WMR_wk32.lha       mods/wmr    51K   9+WMR: New reviews for week of 11.03.97 (w
    WMR_wk33.lha       mods/wmr    53K   8+WMR: New reviews for week of 11.10.97 (w
    up_n_x.lha         mods/xceed  19K   2+GoA-tRANz form APX intro "UP 'N X"  [PT]
    ays_t21n.lha       mus/edit    41K   5+"THX Sound System v2.1n (Deli-/Bang-)Pla
    dbpro217.lha       mus/edit   298K   4+128 channel tracker; XM, MOD, DBM export
    DigiBooster1_7.lha mus/edit   156K   4+Digi Booster 1.7 full (8 chn tracker)
    SymphDEMO.lha      mus/edit    95K   2+Symphonie 3.2 feat. Resonant Filters eve
    chromatic.lha      mus/midi     5K   4+Bars&Pipes chromatic transpose tool
    Cs1xed1_4.lha      mus/midi   416K   9+MIDI-Editor Yamaha CS1x Version 1.4
    Euterpe.lha        mus/midi   395K   5+MultiMedia Sequencer v1.13 (Direct-To-Di
    Gmpgui.lha         mus/midi   109K   9+GUI for GMPlay (v1.6) 
    markovmidi.lzh     mus/midi    20K   8+Algorithmic midi music application
    MidiTracker.lha    mus/midi   343K   9+Midi composing software, tracker-style w
    MrMIDI.lha         mus/midi    57K   3+GUI frontend for GMPlay using MUIRexx
    MSE.lha            mus/midi   192K   5+MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE
    qs300.lha          mus/midi    32K   7+Yamaha QS300 Voices Guide V1.00
    SamX20.lha         mus/midi   383K   8+A powerful MIDI-driven sample player (us
    VectX1.lha         mus/midi   347K   8+MIDI Vector Synthesis on the Amiga
    ahiusr.lha         mus/misc   287K   9+Retargetable audio v4.16, User's Archive
    AIFF2Studio.lha    mus/misc     4K   9+Convert AIFF (mono/st/8/16) to Studio 16
    JoinAIFF.lha       mus/misc     3K   9+Join 2 AIFF files to one stereo file 
    mp3enc.lha         mus/misc   247K   7+Mp3 encoder. (v0.3)
    MPTool.lha         mus/misc    33K   8+Calculate the total duration of your MPE
    octarexx.lha       mus/misc    10K   7+3 useful Octamed SoundStudio Arexx scrip
    PLSTsearch10.lha   mus/misc     7K   9+A search-tool for PLST files generated b
    ps3mrec.lha        mus/misc    21K   3+V2.1. Creates samples out of modules
    S16Reg2Files.lha   mus/misc     2K   7+Studio 16: Convert Regions to files
    S16StampRegs.lha   mus/misc     2K   7+Studio16: Copy SMPTE from file 2 Regions
    SEKD2CDDA.lha      mus/misc    20K   3+Convert Samplitude HD Projects into CDDA
    Studio2AIFF.lha    mus/misc     2K   8+Convert Studio 16 files to AIFF files
    TB_303.lha         mus/misc   748K   4+Generates TB-303 like sounds
    AHI_NotePlayer.lha mus/play    15K   9+AHI noteplayer (1.8) for DeliTracker 
    CLITracker98.lha   mus/play    23K   1+Small feature-packed ProTracker&Clones p
    DiamondGUI11.lha   mus/play    35K   9+V1.1 of the most usable GUI for MPEGA
    hippoplayer.lha    mus/play   686K   3+V2.42, module player. Try it!
    MedPlayer.lha      mus/play    26K   9+Nice little play for OctaMED Meds
    mpegahi.lha        mus/play    60K   2+MPEG audio player with GUI
    MPEGAPlayer.lha    mus/play    29K   4+MPEG Audio DeliTracker player V2.50 6802
    MrMPEG.lha         mus/play    33K   4+GUI frontend for MPEGA using MUIRexx
    sidplay.lha        mus/play   168K   6+A Commodore 64 Music Player/Emulator v1.
    sidplay_r2.lha     mus/play   168K   6+A Commodore 64 Music Player/Emulator v1.
    SID_Searcher.lha   mus/play    31K   4+Plays not-converted SIDs! V1.99d (971111
    SPlayer_v1_8.lha   mus/play   107K   3+GUI for Mpega and Play16. Major Update
    TheMpegaGUI.lha    mus/play   122K   5+A very nice gui for Mpega, with commodit
    ApacheANIM.lha     pix/3dani  3.4M   6+Rendered animation of an APACHE AH-64
    DolbySourround.lha pix/3dani   98K   6+(ALN) "Dolby Sourround" Logoanim. eg. fo
    PDV_Tunnel.lha     pix/3dani  288K   3+Look this anim with red/blue 3D glasses
    Roundabout.lha     pix/3dani  5.9M   9+Roundabout animation, LW v3.5
    ACG_Venus.lha      pix/anim   2.7M   2+The transformation of s.venus
    ApacheAttack.lha   pix/anim   260K   2+AH-64A Apache helicopter takes off, and 
    ChmasDCTV.lha      pix/anim   1.2M   4+DCTV/Imagine Anim Christmas wish/greetin
    ChmasILB.lha       pix/anim   3.9M   4+DCTV/Imagine Anim Christmas wish/greetin
    DrWhoGT1.lha       pix/anim   854K   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 01 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT2.lha       pix/anim   3.0M   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 02 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT3.lha       pix/anim   448K   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 03 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT4.lha       pix/anim   1.5M   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 04 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT5.lha       pix/anim   1.7M   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 05 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT6.lha       pix/anim   1.2M   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 06 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT7.lha       pix/anim   1.7M   4+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 07 of 8 ) 
    DrWhoGT8.lha       pix/anim   2.0M   5+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. (Part 08) An Ani
    DrWhoGTM.lha       pix/anim    12M   5+Dr. Who Get's The Mail. An Animation
    FlammeAnims.lha    pix/anim   330K   9+2 good fire anim created with FLAM1.04 a
    GalantineCheck.lha pix/anim   284K   7+Galantine animation
    GordonsWB.lha      pix/anim   509K   8+Animation Intro to WB by GWright
    MountainFlight.lha pix/anim   8.4M   6+Nice IFF-ANIM7 animation created with Sc
    Paddle.lha         pix/anim   320K   4+No story, just color,pattern and sound
    RAtt2_w.mpg        pix/anim   745K   3+Raider attack 2 in mpeg format
    Ratt2_w_cdxl.lha   pix/anim   7.0M   4+Raider2 CDXL animation with soundtrack
    Rejects.lha        pix/anim   1.7M   8+3 minute Cartoon with sound!
    RobShotw.lha       pix/anim   614K   8+RobotShot a Cinema 4D animation with sou
    Sea.lha            pix/anim   997K   4+A school of fish with music
    Snowman.lha        pix/anim   749K   4+Animated snowman Christmas card
    space05.lha        pix/anim   2.9M   2+An Animation by M.Bragaggia & J.Thomas -
    Spacestation.mpg   pix/anim   138K   8+A little space animation
    Tank_Sound.lha     pix/anim   364K   4+Two tanks battling w/sound effects
    TeleKidsAnim.lha   pix/anim   3.0M   4+Tele-Kids 4 TVs (3D Imagine4.0)
    TheSnowman.lha     pix/anim   190K   4+Snowman and covered bridge.
    torus.lha          pix/anim    39K   9+Torus animation
    A4000.lha          pix/art     37K   2+Painted picture of an A4000
    ACG_Manga_1.lha    pix/art    271K   6+Anime Style Graphics 
    AH97_HGR.lha       pix/art    3.1M   5+AMIGAniga HUNgarica '97 - handdrawn grap
    AH97_NGR.lha       pix/art    3.3M   5+AMIGAniga HUNgarica '97 - non-handdrawn 
    Ansi2gfx.lha       pix/art      7K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s "Ansi 2 GFX Logo"
    AvalancheGFX.lha   pix/art     65K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s GFX-Archive
    BNZ_Logo.lha       pix/art     23K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s "Bonzai Bros Logo"
    DominiqueLady.lha  pix/art    376K   2+Picture of a cartoon Dormouse
    Greetings_1997.jpg pix/art    168K   2+Happy Holidays! 
    ILS_Logo.lha       pix/art      9K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s "Illusion Logo"
    Kaneda.lha         pix/art     16K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s "Kaneda" Manga Picture
    Pencil.lha         pix/art      7K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s "Pencil"
    Peterbilt.lha      pix/art      5K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s and Bela`s "Peterbilt" tr
    Shrimps.lha        pix/art     47K   1+Dr.Avalanche`s "Shrimps" Logos
    skullhead.lha      pix/art     51K   9+Picture of guitar playing "skullhead"
    skullhead_j.jpg    pix/art     43K   9+Picture of guitar playing "skullhead"
    VicsPics3.lha      pix/art    251K   8+Amiga drawn images and art by Victor Fil
    XmasRachel97.lha   pix/art    139K   6+Rachel Raccoon Tobogganing
    AnimeOS.lha        pix/back   236K   3+Anime style backgrounds (640x512)
    GothbenchII.lha    pix/back   417K   5+Darken your desktop.
    nicebg.lha         pix/back   150K   6+Star trek and amigalogo backdrops
    PowerPortia.lha    pix/back    31K   3+Cool 8-colour WB pic of Amiga cybergirl!
    SHARKbench.jpg     pix/back    70K   4+Backdrop from my 24-bit-CGX3-WB
    Weird_3DO.lha      pix/back   436K   1+24bit WB backdrop, warped 3DO logo
    cyber_thx.lha      pix/boot   113K   7+(ALN) Very cool CYBERGFX v2.0 / THX Boot
    os_boot.lha        pix/boot   434K   9+OS_Boot (640x480x8)
    OS_Boot_II.lha     pix/boot   596K   6+OS_Boot_II (800x600)
    MyZoo.lha          pix/clip   670K   5+Some Good Quality Animal Pics
    Plight_Full.lha    pix/eric   2.4M   6+Plight of the Artist Moviesetter anim by
    Plight_Half.lha    pix/eric   2.8M   6+Plight of the Artist Moviesetter anim by
    Coke_2.jpg         pix/glenn   88K   7+Another Coke can image                  
    Eyes_2.jpg         pix/glenn   67K   6+Two eyes looking at you.                
    IDX_gjs_03.jpg     pix/glenn  137K   6+Index of images by Glenn J. Schworak
    InterLink_1.jpg    pix/glenn   75K   6+Some interesting cube shapes interlinked
    LegoCoke_1.jpg     pix/glenn   70K   6+Some lego people scaling a Coke can for 
    Legos_3.jpg        pix/glenn   62K   6+A couple of lego people and some blocks 
    Legos_4.jpg        pix/glenn   43K   6+A frame from a lego animation. Two guys 
    Lego_Army_1.jpg    pix/glenn  152K   6+The lego red army                       
    Lego_Biker_1.jpg   pix/glenn   87K   6+Lego people and motorcycles             
    Lego_Coke_2.jpg    pix/glenn   74K   6+Lego people and Coke-A-Cola             
    Lego_Workers_1.jpg pix/glenn   75K   6+Lego people at work                     
    Money_1.jpg        pix/glenn   95K   6+Lots of money flying by                 
    MyFamily_1.jpg     pix/glenn   75K   6+My family in small brass picture frames.
    Retina_1.jpg       pix/glenn  108K   6+Nifty little Retina Z2 start up image.  
    Scrubbu2.jpg       pix/glenn   76K   6+Three of the little guys cleaning a floo
    Scrubbu3.jpg       pix/glenn   74K   6+Three on another floor with soapbubbles!
    Scrubbu4.jpg       pix/glenn   39K   6+Scrubbers in a sink headed for the drain
    Scrubbu5.jpg       pix/glenn   54K   6+Two scrubbers in the night on acheckerbo
    Scrubbu6.jpg       pix/glenn   72K   6+Yep there are more... Five little guys i
    Scrubbu7.jpg       pix/glenn   27K   6+Frame 45 of the ScrubbingBubbles Animati
    Scrubbu8.jpg       pix/glenn   85K   6+Scrubbing Bubbles meet cyber counter!   
    Scrubbu9.jpg       pix/glenn   59K   6+A bubble guy in a Santa hat with a sack 
    Scrubbubbles_1.jpg pix/glenn   67K   6+Like on the TV commercials. (try #1)    
    SnakTime_1.jpg     pix/glenn   81K   6+Chips, dip, and beans                   
    Tacks_2.jpg        pix/glenn   71K   6+Some more tacks. Stuck in a wood globe a
    TI_35X.jpg         pix/glenn   90K   6+My TI-35X calculator in 3D on a checker 
    VideoTape.jpg      pix/glenn   76K   6+Some video tapes                        
    WatchBand.jpg      pix/glenn   82K   6+A watch band. I will be making the rest 
    Watch_1.jpg        pix/glenn   54K   6+A watch falling onto a table top        
    CBUG_16c_Pat.lha   pix/icon   1.0M   1+CBUG 16c Amiga Pattern Collection
    CBUG_Patterns.lha  pix/icon   1.0M   1+CBUG 16c Amiga Pattern Collection
    danm_futureMUI.lha pix/icon   331K   9+MUI buttons and pat's. New arrowimages!
    LinuxBrushes.lha   pix/icon   601K   8+Brushes collection from Linux
    madmonk_icons.lha  pix/icon     6K   7+Icons, Parappa The Rappa icons
    NIinBeStyle.lha    pix/icon   267K   6+BeIcons for NewIconsV3+
    RoaIcons.lha       pix/icon    36K   2+Some new NewIcons in the 4.x style.
    SM_20x20_Bru.lha   pix/icon   158K   5+StartMenu 20 X 20 pixels brushes
    WinIconz001.lha    pix/icon   2.5M   6+Dozeyly use WB Also Beware large amounts
    Computer97.lha     pix/illu   1.5M   8+Some pictures from the Computer97
    Abysse.jpg         pix/imagi   12K   4+Abysse par Staquet Olivier
    cybernaut.jpg      pix/imagi   98K   7+A Jpeg pic depicting a cybernaut
    light.lha          pix/imagi  294K   6+Imagine Light by I.L.S
    mezo.lha           pix/imagi   23K   6+Imagine:m sozo que BY I.L.S
    molecule.lha       pix/imagi   40K   6+Imagine:molecule BY I.L.S
    Piano.jpg          pix/imagi   21K   3+Piano by Staquet Olivier
    PianoBar.jpg       pix/imagi   48K   9+Piano Bar par Staquet Olivier
    serpent.lha        pix/imagi   93K   6+Imagine picture of a snake BY I.L.S
    tricedigit.lha     pix/imagi  118K   6+Imagine:tricedigit BY I.L.S
    trombone.lha       pix/imagi   64K   6+Imagine picture of a trombone BY I.L.S
    TVfutur.lha        pix/imagi  110K   6+Imagine TVfutur BY I.L.S
    winter.jpg         pix/imagi  251K   9+Imagine rendering of a landscape (San Be
    Shareware.lha      pix/jake    19K   8+Share And Ware
    Surefix.lha        pix/jake    33K   6+The SureFix For Your Amiga Blues
    computertable.jpg  pix/jason   37K   9+Mag illustration of junk on a computer t
    goofygob.jpg       pix/jason   27K   9+Goofy kid cartoon next to his computer
    lennon.jpg         pix/jason   30K   9+Watercolour toon illustration of John Le
    moneyman.jpg       pix/jason   17K   9+Image catalogue business guy cartoon
    rockers.jpg        pix/jason   25K   9+Two cartoons, guys with guitars
    sepiacomputer.jpg  pix/jason    9K   9+Icon sepia computer screen
    sepiamouse.jpg     pix/jason    6K   9+Icon sepia mouse
    testbitch.jpg      pix/jason   16K   9+Some tart - goofy and ugly. Test piece
    testblokes.jpg     pix/jason   34K   9+Old funny looking fellas. Test piece
    testsexy.jpg       pix/jason   16K   9+Bald guy close up. Test piece
    A2000T.lha         pix/misc    74K   4+A different tower.. (A2000 TOWER) 
    ACBIG.jpg          pix/misc   818K   9+Amiga Central logo By SL/\SH! (Me!)
    Aldiana1.jpg       pix/misc    95K   3+Landscape of lake rosa in Senegal
    Aldiana2.jpg       pix/misc   148K   3+Landscape with very much birds on a tree
    Aldiana3.jpg       pix/misc   169K   3+Landscape with a palm in Senegal
    Aldiana4.jpg       pix/misc   185K   3+Trees you don`t see every day
    Aldiana5.jpg       pix/misc    75K   3+*Landscape* : in the sky
    Aldiana6.jpg       pix/misc    64K   3+Not a high-tech jeep
    Arcano3.jpg        pix/misc    22K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    browsers.jpg       pix/misc   285K   8+Jpeg picture of various net browsers
    C64Pics.lha        pix/misc   191K   7+Great pix for C64 lovers
    CBMAd.lha          pix/misc   203K   4+1986 CBM advert for the Amiga.
    chickinv.lha       pix/misc    58K   9+Mtut > logo of the "chickeninvasion"-par
    Circle.jpg         pix/misc    26K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    Colors.jpg         pix/misc    46K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    Colors2.jpg        pix/misc    36K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    Cross.jpg          pix/misc    61K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    Die_alten.jpg      pix/misc    92K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    Epithat.jpg        pix/misc    68K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    Eukanuba.jpg       pix/misc   120K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    Gizeh.jpg          pix/misc    24K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    Landschaft.jpg     pix/misc    80K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    lordvader.lha      pix/misc   167K   6+DarthVader pic (by Kelly Samel)
    macros01.jpg       pix/misc    73K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros02.jpg       pix/misc    96K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros03.jpg       pix/misc    81K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros04.jpg       pix/misc    49K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros05.jpg       pix/misc   139K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros06.jpg       pix/misc    34K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros07.jpg       pix/misc    67K   8+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros08.jpg       pix/misc   107K   7+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros09.jpg       pix/misc   157K   7+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros10.jpg       pix/misc   199K   7+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros11.jpg       pix/misc    71K   7+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros12.jpg       pix/misc    58K   6+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macros13.jpg       pix/misc    72K   6+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    macross9999.jpg    pix/misc    73K   4+Macross VF-1S Valkyrie 3D
    MosaicZoom.jpg     pix/misc    38K   5+Abstract art, created with QbistAmiga
    NEW.lha            pix/misc    28K   7+New production from Switzerland
    Oorko.jpg          pix/misc   174K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    saku97k1.lha       pix/misc   889K   9+Pics from Saku 97, Finnish Amiga event.
    saku97k2.lha       pix/misc   956K   9+More Saku 97 pics (Finnish Amiga event).
    Shubnigu.jpg       pix/misc    76K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    Tritone.jpg        pix/misc    69K   9+Jpeg Image from Nik97
    wp_bern.gif        pix/misc     2K   7+(ALN) heraldic device of the JOSS FAmili
    freighter1.mpg     pix/mpg    633K   7+(ALN) MPEG Version of "Spaceanim mit "Fr
    Mandtrip.mpg       pix/mpg    7.6M   6+Deep tour to Mandelbrot
    MagicCDIcons.lha   pix/mwb    153K   5+MagicWB icons for many CD's
    MatWBAdd_on2.lha   pix/mwb    1.5M   9+This is another VERY cool add-on package
    RabbitPattern7.lha pix/mwb    647K   7+RabbitPatterns 7  Multicolor pattens
    TTCPicons.lha      pix/mwb     86K   2+MagicWB icons for TermiteTCP!
    Arthropodicons.lha pix/nicon  157K   9+Insects, spiders, & more! needs NewIcons
    CurtsNIcons.lha    pix/nicon   31K   4+Various NewIcons 
    Egypticons.lha     pix/nicon   16K   7+Egyptian artifacts
    FabiusNIDocs2.lha  pix/nicon  160K   1+New Icons docs, Doom, Quake, QuickTime
    NIvroom.lha        pix/nicon    4K   3+NewIcon set for "Vroom Multiplayer93"
    Pack001_4NI.lha    pix/nicon   44K   3+More Icons for NewIcons v4, DOC in Spani
    RoaIcons.lha       pix/nicon   40K   2+Some new NewIcons in the 4.x style.
    StartMenu2_NI.lha  pix/nicon   72K   2+NewIcons brush and icons for StartMenu2
    Treefrogicons.lha  pix/nicon   12K   7+Tree frogs in 9 colors, needs NewIcons
    VWBugicons.lha     pix/nicon   11K   9+Volkswagen Bugs in various colors
    MerryChristmas.lha pix/real3  186K   9+A christmas card
    3ptc1.lha          pix/trace  235K   8+3Pyramids-Digital Tradingcards 1-10
    AlienAt2.jpg       pix/trace   74K   8+Alien Attack 2 By Francesco Gambino
    AlienAttack1.jpg   pix/trace   84K   8+Alien Attack 1 By Francesco Gambino
    And_3.lha          pix/trace  199K   9+Anadune logo by AMIFLASH
    BonzaiLogo.jpg     pix/trace   42K   4+Dr.Avalanche: Bonzai Bros. Logo
    Bottiglia.jpg      pix/trace  103K   3+Imagine Raytrace.
    byrdi.jpg          pix/trace   48K   6+(FUG) Reflections rendered Space Atteck 
    byrdi2.jpg         pix/trace   52K   6+(FUG) Spacestation and Warbird and StarW
    Centrale.jpg       pix/trace  408K   8+Lightwave render of an Alien central
    DefiantBorg.jpg    pix/trace  318K   8+Defiant being attacked by a Borg cube
    enterb1.jpg        pix/trace   41K   6+(FUG) A little abstract "Enterprise" Sce
    explos.jpg         pix/trace   35K   6+(FUG) Nice explosion Scene with a Romula
    Eye.lha            pix/trace  244K   9+Trace by AMIFLASH for demo 'EPISODE'
    F14.jpg            pix/trace   18K   3+Imagine Raytrace.
    FUN.jpg            pix/trace   58K   6+(FUG) Picture Title: "FreeForm" ...
    IllusionLogo.jpg   pix/trace   19K   4+Dr.Avalanche: Illusion Logo
    ImAlone.lha        pix/trace  269K   8+Alone in big city - trace by AMIFLASH
    Mamain_3D.lha      pix/trace  117K   9+Some Pictures by Mamain
    MementoMori.lha    pix/trace  181K   8+Train is close - trace by AMIFLASH
    ngk.jpg            pix/trace  178K   9+Imagine rendering of a indoor still life
    PCB.lha            pix/trace  166K   9+Cool picture of a PCB rendered with LW5
    Psilocybin.jpg     pix/trace   33K   4+Dr.Avalanche: Psilocybin
    RaveObject.jpg     pix/trace   39K   4+Dr.Avalanche: Rave Object
    Recreation.jpg     pix/trace   79K   8+Ray-Paesage By Francesco Gambino
    Ruota.jpg          pix/trace   48K   3+Imagine Raytrace.
    Salone.jpg         pix/trace   48K   3+Imagine Raytrace.
    sattack.jpg        pix/trace  121K   9+Space Attack
    shuttle.jpg        pix/trace  194K   6+(FUG) Pic of Shuttle and the USS Enterpr
    spaceback.lha      pix/trace  178K   4+3 Spacebackgrounds Textures
    SSCloudMEGA.jpg    pix/trace  855K   4+Stunning hi-quality bkdrp pic 1280x1024
    SSWaterBIG.jpg     pix/trace  578K   4+Stunning hi-quality bkdrp pic 1152x900
    SubtleClouds.jpg   pix/trace  113K   3+Sky pic made w/Imagine 696x448 
    TrialsTribbles.jpg pix/trace  245K   2+Defiant meeting Classic-Enterprise at K7
    twist1.jpg         pix/trace  120K   5+Twister-Picture
    twist2.jpg         pix/trace   88K   5+Twister-Picture
    twist3.jpg         pix/trace   59K   5+Twister-Picture
    unsterb.jpg        pix/trace   83K   6+(FUG) A Rendered Booktitle with a Light.
    VeniVidiVici.lha   pix/trace  206K   8+Way to the future made by AMIFLASH
    warp1.jpg          pix/trace  229K   3+(FUG) The USS Enterprise going into Warp
    Wildstyle.jpg      pix/trace   17K   4+Dr.Avalanche: Wildstyle Prod.
    Workplace.jpg      pix/trace   70K   4+Dr.Avalanche: Workplace
    zerst1.jpg         pix/trace   51K   3+(FUG) This should be a SpaceStation :)..
    AndyDs_WB.lha      pix/wb      81K   6+AndyD's 32-col ProWB Workbench.
    BloodWb.lha        pix/wb     122K   3+Screens of Blood's WB
    boundless_WB2.lha  pix/wb     534K   4+WB Picture using the new IFF RGFX format
    Burcgrab.lha       pix/wb      57K   5+Magellan and WB screenshots
    chz_dobench.lha    pix/wb     238K   7+Chavez`DOpusbench with e.schwartz!
    chz_DOpus565.lha   pix/wb      72K   8+FTP, AStart inside! chavez`DOpus565!
    CyberSONNO.lha     pix/wb      80K   9+The SONNO Grab Screen on A1200T/060/cybe
    HirschiWB.lha      pix/wb     249K   9+Grab of Hirschi Workbench
    LepusWB.lha        pix/wb     763K   3+Lepus Scalos CGFX Screenshot
    mixaWB.lha         pix/wb      35K   3+Nice WB-screen without any backdrops!
    MWBandNI.jpg       pix/wb     279K   8+NewIcons & MagicWB, together in perfect 
    OpusGrab.lha       pix/wb     322K   6+1160x864x24 Opus Magellan grab with very
    Pave2ndWB.lha      pix/wb      92K   6+Dopus 5.66 WB 800x600 32 col,Highly opti
    RipasCVWB.lha      pix/wb     430K   9+Ripa's 1024*768*8 bit CyberVision64/3D W
    Rldwb1.jpg         pix/wb     282K   7+My 1024x768x16bit CGXv3&Delfina WB
    Rldwb2.jpg         pix/wb     291K   7+My 1024x768x16bit CGXv3&Delfina WB
    SoNNo_Win95.lha    pix/wb     721K   4+SoNNo WB screenshots With Windows95
    TomtenWB.lha       pix/wb     363K   2+Tomten Strikes Back With an Even Cleaner
    Ved_WB.lha         pix/wb      48K   4+2 Snaps of my 640x256 WB with 32 colors
    Ved_WB_old.lha     pix/wb      59K   4+My old 640x256 WB with 16 colors
    Volmer_WB_3.lha    pix/wb     437K   8+Volmer's Workbench - Part3!
    WB2NickTNF.lha     pix/wb      83K   7+My 64 colors Workbench screenshot (NewIc
    espisans.lha       text/bfont  12K   9+Two nice proportional fonts
    helveticalt.lha    text/bfont  15K   2+Lithuanian modification of HelveticaLT f
    TwoPass.lha        text/bfont   2K   2+Doublewidth version of Topaz 8
    PGS_CAMM_cut.lha   text/dtp     2K   8+Pagestream 2.x driver - Roland PC-50 vin
    AmisED.lha         text/edit  224K   7+Powerful EZ to use editor (C/ANSI/AG)
    BlacksEditor.lha   text/edit  338K   5+Wonderful Text Editor (Version 1.1a)
    GED_Hexedit.lha    text/edit   39K   7+Hexedit Environment for GOLDED V0.90
    kezaco2.lha        text/edit  305K   3+A Japanese text editor
    MiniHex.lha        text/edit   19K   7+System-friendly little HexEditor
    Smartindent.lha    text/edit   82K   4+GoldED4 online code indention V37.6
    tifg4.lha          text/edit   37K   2+Toolbar images for GoldEd 4
    STTNGfont.lha      text/font   31K   3+Fonts like on STAR TREK - TNG monitors
    S_Fonts.lha        text/font   30K   5+Greek ELOT Times and Helvetica fonts
    easyhtml.lha       text/hyper  81K   4+HTML editor (without WYSIWYG) Version 1.
    gconv.lha          text/hyper  12K   3+Makes guides more backwards compatible
    GuideML.lha        text/hyper  18K   8+Cool AmigaGuide -> HTML converter (V1.5)
    hsc.lha            text/hyper 267K   9+V0.915; html-preprocessor (bin+docs)
    hsc_source.lha     text/hyper 420K   9+V0.915; html-preprocessor (source)
    HTML2Guide.lha     text/hyper  39K   7+HTML to AmigaGuide convertor
    abwh.lha           text/ifont  60K   9+A Roger Dean-like font
    BuzzWord.lha       text/misc   12K   4+Buzzword Generator v0.6 
    catdoc.lha         text/misc   14K   9+MS-Word reader for Amiga, Unix, etc.. v0
    FastFonts.lha      text/misc    4K   2+Faster output of topaz.8 and topaz.9
    logsizer12.lha     text/misc    2K   1+Easy logfile maintenance. 
    micronote.lha      text/misc   19K   9+Little Notepad. MUI. V1.0
    ObjectStrat.lha    text/misc   36K   4+Object Strategies v0.2
    TextInfo.lha       text/misc   12K   4+Sorts unique words in txts after freqncy
    TheTagThing06b.lha text/misc   39K   8+A sort of tagline (and more) inserter.
    WordConverter.lha  text/misc   59K   6+Converts Word 2,5,6,7,8 files to text, H
    helveticaltps.lha  text/pfont 165K   2+Lithuanian modification of HelveticaLT f
    BTXNEC_Printer.lha text/print  29K   4+BECKERtextII/III driver f. NEC Pinwriter
    Envelope.lha       text/print  21K   2+Prints addresses onto Envelopes (v1.08)
    ESCUtil.lha        text/print  73K   1+EPSON Stylus COLOR Series Utilitiy
    HPDeskjet670C.lha  text/print   7K   3+Deskjet 670C Driver for Workbench
    HP_Deskjet870C.lha text/print   7K   2+Deskjet 820C/870C Driver for Workbench V
    Laserjet3.lha      text/print   5K   8+Laserjet III Driver for Workbench
    Stylus300.lha      text/print   8K   7+Epson Stylus300 printerdriver+doc, rel6
    PsilonTextView.lha text/show   24K   3+PSILON - Textviewer Version 1.0
    TextView119.lha    text/show   61K   5+Textviewer for PP,XPK,AGuide,HTML,Pipes.
    Peperoni.lha       util/app    66K   5+AppIcon frontend for LHA/LZX/ZIP, V1.2, 
    Archiver.lha       util/arc   176K   3+A very good MUIGui for Lha, Lzx...etc.V2
    DeTar.lha          util/arc    47K   9+DeTar for Amiga (68000/030) V1.3, incl. 
    DMS2HD.lha         util/arc    45K   2+Decrunch DMS archives directly to HD/RAM
    DzA.lha            util/arc    61K   2+Archives Files using GUI Arexx
    LhaLzxConvert.lha  util/arc    30K   8+Convert files Lha to Lzx and Lzx to Lha 
    lzx121r1.lha       util/arc   194K   3+The Ultimate Archiver V1.21R Registered,
    lzxkeyfile.lha     util/arc     1K   5+Generic Keyfile for LZX authorized by Jo
    MagicArchiver.lha  util/arc    14K   5+GUI for archiving data.New concept (fren
    Packmaster122a.lha util/arc   143K   2+GUI for LHA,LHASFX,LZX,DMS,ZIP,UNZIP,UNA
    ShortQtG.lha       util/arc    18K   9+German files for ShortQt v1.4
    UnAce.lha          util/arc    34K   4+UNACE v1.1 Dearchiver for .ACE files
    UnARJ241.lha       util/arc   131K   9+Amiga port of UnARJ 2.41 (68000/030), in
    UnZip.lha          util/arc   128K   4+UnZip v5.32 .ZIP archive extracter
    WbUnArc.lha        util/arc     8K   8+Use the good extractor for an archive.
    Zip.lha            util/arc   133K   4+Zip v2.2 .ZIP archive creator
    rt_ReqDevice.lha   util/batch   2K   7+Prompt a user to select a device.
    SavePath.lha       util/batch  13K   9+Saves a path in a file
    ScriptCopy.lha     util/batch  12K   9+Copies entries of a script to a path
    Access.lha         util/boot   37K   2+A Cool password program for ya Amiga.
    AmiGreet.lha       util/boot  227K   5+Speaks to you on BootUp! (Many Languages
    AStart33.lha       util/boot   31K   4+Loadin'WB with mo'memory & no WBStartup
    HDlock.lha         util/boot    3K   2+A good HD protection for IDE-HDs
    HDLock11.lha       util/boot    3K   3+A good HD protection for IDE-HDs V1.1
    KeyReq.lha         util/boot  136K   5+Small but cool requester improver (+src)
    MCGXBoot_1_2.lha   util/boot    9K   4+MultiCGXBoot V1.2 selects from different
    mConfig.lha        util/boot   20K   3+Chooses random system config on startup
    memclear2.lha      util/boot    4K   8+Flushes & Clears memory (v2.0)
    MicroBoot.lha      util/boot    1K   8+Infinitesimally small reboot code
    MicroBoot2.lha     util/boot    1K   8+Infinitesimally smaller reboot code !
    mtpatch.lha        util/boot    2K   9+Mathtrans.library speedup patch 1.0b
    NewAllocMem.lha    util/boot    2K   9+Patch for AllocMem() V1.0
    NewPassword.lha    util/boot   10K   4+V1.7 of the Password-Protection-Tool
    NoMoreVal.lha      util/boot    1K   6+Prevent validation when reset pressed V0
    nscsif10.lha       util/boot    1K   7+An protection against HD formats.
    orpsw24.lha        util/boot   45K   3+A1200/A4000 only facilities
    QuantumX.lha       util/boot   22K   7+Speeds up exec taskswitching. V1.1
    resetrun.lha       util/boot    5K   8+A reset run type util using A-DOS script
    sdate10.lha        util/boot   12K   8+A program to let you set the date / time
    ShowAmiga96.lha    util/boot  189K   9+Superfast bootpic-viewer for Picasso96
    speedychip.lha     util/boot    3K   7+Speed up 060 chipmem writes! V1.0.6
    SSClock.lha        util/boot  358K   2+Sampled Speaking Clock!
    StackAttack.lha    util/boot   88K   7+V1.2 Kills GURUs (stack problem)
    StartupCtrl231.lha util/boot  106K   7+All In One - utility to control the boot
    StreamlineOS2.lha  util/boot   23K   8+Dynamic System SpeedUp Patch (v2.2)
    Wblogo.lha         util/boot  231K   2+Animate your Workbench backdrop!
    WBStartup_turk.lha util/boot    1K   9+WBStartupPlus Turkish Catalog
    wkMenu.lha         util/boot    6K   4+Boot menu when caps-lock is activated
    AHelp.lha          util/cdity  81K   9+The ultimate HELP: manager!
    CalCom.lha         util/cdity  11K   6+WorkBench Calendar commodity
    CalCom1_03.lha     util/cdity  12K   1+WB Calendar commodity - V1.03
    CGXDPMS.lha        util/cdity  13K   3+DPMS manager for CyberGraphX. V1.3
    HandBook104.lha    util/cdity  63K   3+Easy access to your docs, guides, etc.
    HappyDT.lha        util/cdity  91K   8+Allow all prog. to use Datatypes
    IFX.lha            util/cdity 109K   5+(V2.36 w/src) Sound FX for Windows/Scree
    MCXPsp.lha         util/cdity  21K   9+Spanish catalog & guide for MCXP 3.35
    MMKeyboard.lha     util/cdity  24K   3+3x4-Keys Matrix-Encoder
    MRQ.lha            util/cdity  59K   3+The MUI requester improver
    NewMode39_no.lha   util/cdity   4K   4+Norwegian translation to NewMode 3.9 
    PrlMixerMUI10.lha  util/cdity  25K   6+PrlMixerMUI V1.0 Mixer for the Prelude s
    AKCC.lha           util/cli   152K   6+Advanced CLI-Commands for KS V33-40 (27.
    Cal.lha            util/cli    10K   6+Calendar utility for Shell/CLI
    Cal1_2.lha         util/cli    10K   3+Calendar for Shell/CLI Version 1.2
    case.lha           util/cli    51K   3+Powerful prg to rename/manipul filenames
    DevEx10a.lha       util/cli     2K   3+Checks for devices (esp. HDs on boot)
    fsearch.lha        util/cli    17K   9+Pure CLI command to search files
    LibMon.lha         util/cli    18K   8+Small utility to manage libraries. v2.10
    LoadLibs.lha       util/cli    16K   7+Loads/lists library/datatype/class v1.0
    lowcase.lha        util/cli     4K   4+Rename files to lowercase
    move37.lha         util/cli     3K   3+Yet another Move command for AmigaDOS (3
    MoveIcon.lha       util/cli     2K   6+CLI command to position icons by co-ordi
    pop.lha            util/cli     3K   2+(CA)Command to display message boxes wit
    randENV.lha        util/cli     3K   3+Sets env variable to a random value
    Rename95.lha       util/cli     5K   6+V1.0 Long names in files from Win95
    rep.lha            util/cli     9K   9+Replace strings in files (CLI-Pure)
    TeeHandler.lha     util/cli     8K   8+Output to the Shell and several files. v
    ts.lha             util/cli     3K   7+*PL* CLI command for making indexes of a
    VERsioner.lha      util/cli    13K   7+Puts the version string into the comment
    g2h.lha            util/conv   33K   6+G2h - AmigaGuide to html converter
    GOtoISO2_21.lha    util/conv   10K   2+AmigaPL to ISO-8859-2 converter  v2.21
    gtoh.lha           util/conv   22K   9+Gtoh Guide To Html converter
    macwhack.lha       util/conv    6K   7+MacBinary header remover v1.1a
    nolf12.lha         util/conv    2K   7+Small util for deleting CR:s in texts.
    Prevodnik112.lha   util/conv  116K   9+Excellent CZECH texts&catalogs converter
    StripCodes.lha     util/conv    5K   3+V1.9 - strip/replace ASCII codes
    TextCnv151d.lha    util/conv   70K   9+Ami/PC/Mac/Atari ASCII-Converter V1.51 G
    TextCnvDocs.lha    util/conv   83K   9+Additional documentation TextConv V1.51 
    Text_Conv151e.lha  util/conv   67K   9+Ami/PC/Mac/Atari ASCII-Converter V1.51 E
    Text_ConvDocs_e.lh util/conv   65K   9+Additional documentation TextConv V1.51 
    DextorInfo.txt     util/crypt   8K   8+V2.0 DEX-II (good and fast) encryption.
    runrc564.lha       util/crypt   4K   9+Start/stop the Amiga rc564 client easily
    CLIMaster.lha      util/dir   101K   7+Great little Directory Utility
    Filer4_05.lha      util/dir   240K   5+Directory Utility for OS 2.04+
    Filer_sve.lha      util/dir     6K   4+Swedish catalog for Filer + text search 
    simplefind.lha     util/dir    95K   6+V2.0 of the FileFinder
    Tree.lha           util/dir    12K   3+Directory tree listing V1.10
    16svdtc012.lha     util/dtype  82K   8+IFF 16SV V1.2 - sound_dtc reference impl
    acbmdtc013.lha     util/dtype  78K   8+IFF ACBM V1.3 - picdtc reference impleme
    akJFIF43x.lha      util/dtype 217K   5+AkJFIF-dt V43.130 (JPEG, 68000-060)
    akLJPG43x.lha      util/dtype 100K   4+AkLJPG-dt V43.130 (LJPG, 68000-060)
    akMUIPrefs.lha     util/dtype  93K   1+AkMUIPrefs (JFIF, PNG, SVG, LJPG), Rel. 
    akPNG43x.lha       util/dtype 219K   4+AkPNG-dt V43.130 (PNG, 68000-060)
    akSVG43x.lha       util/dtype  85K   4+AkSVG-dt V43.130 (SVG, 68000-060)
    animation4104.lha  util/dtype  31K   8+Animation.datatype V41.4
    animdtc0112.lha    util/dtype  92K   8+IFF ANIM DataType V1.12
    cdxldtc011.lha     util/dtype   8K   8+CDXL DataType V1.1
    dirdtc018.lha      util/dtype  62K   8+Directory datatype V1.8
    embeddtc013.lha    util/dtype  59K   8+Embed V1.3 - Embed objects in other obje
    ilbmdt44.lha       util/dtype   4K   3+Replacement for ilbm.datatype V43.x (44.
    mpadtc011.lha      util/dtype  71K   8+MPEG audio datatype V1.1
    mpsdtc011.lha      util/dtype  59K   8+MPEG System datatype V1.1
    mpvdtc0111.lha     util/dtype 645K   8+MPEG video datatype V1.11
    PCD_DT.lha         util/dtype  49K   6+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (V43.0)
    rgfx_dt.lha        util/dtype  22K   5+Datatype for the new IFF-RGFX-Format (V4
    XBM_DT.lha         util/dtype   8K   2+XBM DataType
    board216.lha       util/libs   23K   4+Boards.library V 2.16 - 370 Expansion bo
    dtypes454upd.lha   util/libs   44K   8+New datatypes.library, V45.4
    Identify.lha       util/libs  145K   5+ListExp, identifies expansions and more 
    mpega_library.lha  util/libs  166K   9+MPEG Audio decoder library V1.0 (68020+)
    MUI_ASL_turkce.lha util/libs    2K   9+MUI-ASL Turkish Catalog
    newfmt.lha         util/libs   10K   2+New way to format strings (DOpus-like)
    pmuser.lha         util/libs   32K   3+PopupMenu.library V7.1
    tmathtrans.lha     util/libs    2K   8+Faster FPU mathtrans.library v43.3b
    Amib00t.lha        util/misc    3K   4+A WB friendly bootup screen in a WB wind
    AmiSearchII_1.lha  util/misc  140K   9+Powerful Aminet index handler
    aview.lha          util/misc  143K   4+Multiview enhancement V1.44
    bulkr101.lha       util/misc    7K   6+Renames files to the 8+3 standard
    bulkre10.lha       util/misc    7K   8+Renames files to the 8+3 standard
    compare12.lha      util/misc    7K   9+Compares two saved games for editing
    DePassword.lha     util/misc    2K   3+Removes PassWd protection (V1.1)
    diary11.lha        util/misc   72K   3+Writing diaries with your Amiga, V1.1
    EuraTooDocs.lha    util/misc  352K   8+EuraTools DVI, HTML, PostScript Docs, Re
    EuraTools.lha      util/misc  253K   8+Tools for EuraCom, Quante IS,... , Rel. 
    FastFontList.lha   util/misc    6K   7+Makes font listing fast
    Filecutter.lha     util/misc   25K   9+Version 1.3 Shareware-Version
    fixiff.lha         util/misc    8K   6+Fix IFF files
    fortunes.lha       util/misc  5.2M   5+98506 cookies!
    goados.lha         util/misc    4K   8+Short A-DOS script to reset into a custo
    gpatch.lha         util/misc   49K   2+Patch system for program updates
    GuruStatistix.lha  util/misc  198K   9+Analyses the Guruhistory of MCP (V1.82)
    launchpal.lha      util/misc    2K   8+Launch and play old games from an AGA-WB
    LChecker211.lha    util/misc   75K   1+Checks your Lottery Numbers every week.
    LocaleTest.lha     util/misc   67K   3+Tester of Amiga locale system. v.1.0
    Lotto.lha          util/misc  457K   9+Play (German) Lotto! Print forms.
    LottoMaster.lha    util/misc    6K   6+Random Lotto numbers (Finnish only)
    passwd14.lha       util/misc   10K   3+Password protection for Executeable-file
    RaXchange1_4.lha   util/misc   30K   5+A curency conversion program V1.4
    Reboot019.lha      util/misc   27K   8+Reboot utility. V1.9
    Reboot_10.lha      util/misc    1K   5+Simple Reboot Command
    RHelfer.lha        util/misc  177K   6+Helps to solve german crosswords. V2.08
    RSIBreak1_4.lha    util/misc   21K   3+Helps stop RSI. * GUI Enhancement * 
    selector60.lha     util/misc  208K   3+Powerful script based launching tool.
    Stepdown_10.lha    util/misc    4K   5+CPU Degrader System
    SuperToto_New.lha  util/misc  292K   9+Prog. TotoGol & TotoCalcio (italiano)
    TeeHandler.lha     util/misc    9K   3+Output to the Shell and several files. v
    tlumacz.lha        util/misc    9K   7+*PL* Small program which makes translati
    Tottogol2.lha      util/misc  115K   3+Italian program for Totogol-Needs MUI
    VorwahlenGui.lha   util/misc  114K   5+Vorwahlen D-Land und Welt (Mui Gui)
    DhrystonePPC.lha   util/moni   41K   3+Dhrystone2.1 compiled for PowerUp
    Scout.lha          util/moni  354K   9+System monitor (MUI & AmiTCP optional) (
    SysInspector13.lha util/moni  114K   8+SysInspector 1.3 - System monitor (OS 3.
    xpkACCA.lha        util/pack    4K   8+ACCA (Andr  Code Compression Algorithm)
    ARCLIC.lha         util/rexx    5K   8+ARexx Command Line Interpreter Console (
    arclic_fr.lha      util/rexx    5K   6+ARexx Command Line Interpreter Console F
    arxced31.lha       util/rexx   21K   7+ArexxGuide online help macro for CED 3.5
    AutoLWRender.lha   util/rexx    3K   5+An arexx script for Lightwave v4.0 or hi
    ElAssign.lha       util/rexx    7K   3+Remove assigns from a dir and its subdir
    ffds.lha           util/rexx   52K   3+File Find Database System V1.2
    hebrew_enter.lha   util/rexx    2K   3+When typing in right-to-left direction (
    LMRexx.lha         util/rexx   25K   7+ARexx interface for LigaManager
    PedigreeGuide.lha  util/rexx   11K   7+Create Scion dbase pedigree Amigaguides
    RexxSpeeder.lha    util/rexx    2K   9+Little hack to speed up Arexx programs (
    TasString.lha      util/rexx    2K   7+*PL* Arexx script to assemble 2 text fil
    WebChat.lha        util/rexx   11K   9+Web based mailing list maker
    WordFax.lha        util/rexx    5K   9+WordFax v1.0. Use GPFax from WordWorth.
    WymAmi.lha         util/rexx    1K   7+*PL* Arexx script for AmiSlownik (TwinSp
    ShellScr.lha       util/shell  17K   4+Open a shell on its own PUBLIC screen 
    ViNCEd.lha         util/shell 379K   2+The final CON: solution, ^Z, XTerm, Intu
    2bmvos2.lha        util/sys   103K   5+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement
    2bmvos2_loca.lha   util/sys    54K   5+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement - Locale
    FastAssignPlus.lha util/sys    12K   5+Fast Assign all your assigns+asm source
    info.lha           util/sys    17K   2+AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.9)
    ldmndrvs.lha       util/sys     1K   3+Faster loading of monitor drivers       
    napulitano.lha     util/sys    31K   9+Neapolitan locale/catalogs for AmigaOS 2
    nd2_ara.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*ARABIC* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_chi.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*CHINESE* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_dan.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*DANISH* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_dut.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*DUTCH* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_eng.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*ENGLISH* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_fra.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*FRENCH* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_ger.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*GERMAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_gre.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*GREEK* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_heb.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*HEBREW* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_ind.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*INDONESIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_ita.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*ITALIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_jap.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*JAPANESE* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_kor.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*KOREAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_por.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*PORTUGUESE* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_rus.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*RUSSIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_ser.lha        util/sys     1K   1+*SERBIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_spa.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*SPANISH* Datafile for NewDate 2
    nd2_tha.lha        util/sys     1K   2+*THAI* Datafile for NewDate 2
    PoolMem.lha        util/sys    27K   5+Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset
    SerPrefs.lha       util/sys    72K   1+Serial Preferences v40.2
    SetBatt1_0.lha     util/sys    20K   7+Manipulate battery backed memory in A300
    sort1_75.lha       util/sys    63K   9+Sorts ASCII-Files, FAAAAST, many differe
    Startup.lha        util/sys    42K   8+Startup-Sequence Prefs v40.1
    VersionWB.lha      util/sys    33K   3+V2.9b AmigaDos Version replacement. (bug
    BenchClock.lha     util/time   12K   9+BenchClock V1.60 - Real Digital Clock fo
    CoolDesign.lha     util/time    9K   8+Cool design for SkandalfoClock.
    cP_YAC2000T.lha    util/time    8K   1+CP!_YAC2000T - Yet Another Countdown 200
    DRemind.lha        util/time   94K   7+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.3!
    Easter.lha         util/time   26K   4+Calculates the date for Orthodox Easter
    EZCron.lha         util/time  104K   3+Start programs/reminders/scripts automat
    i_timer.lha        util/time   24K   2+On-line clock, measures your online time
    Magic_Clock.lha    util/time   28K   8+A WB clock with the MagicWB look. V2.2b
    SkandalfoClock.lha util/time  111K   9+Advanced Analog Clock (Bug Fixes + more)
    talktime.lha       util/time   12K   6+Talking clock
    TimeKeep.lha       util/time   50K   3+TimeClock Util for Clients-Projects-Invo
    TrapTimer.lha      util/time   18K   9+A small timer using TRAP instructions
    FastKiller.lha     util/virus  34K   3+New virus-killer (1.14)
    VCBrain21.lha      util/virus  13K   2+Version 2.1 of Virus_Checker brainfile.
    VC_II100.lha       util/virus 208K   2+Virus_Checker II v1.00 - World Release
    vhwarn19.lha       util/virus  63K   5+All the latest virus warnings from Virus
    VirusZ_II141.lha   util/virus 195K   3+VirusZ II v1.41 (16.12.97) By G.Hoermann
    VT_Binary.lha      util/virus 384K   5+V3.02 virus killer, binary files
    VT_DocFiles.lha    util/virus 460K   5+V3.02 virus killer, German documentation
    ActionPrefsEdi.lha util/wb     47K   3+Prefs Prg for ScreenTab DirWalker PlugIn
    advent.lha         util/wb     35K   7+Graphical Advent Calendar for Workbench!
    Ameko.lha          util/wb     39K   5+V1.01 Ameko displays a cat chasing the m
    AmigaEYE.lha       util/wb     88K   8+Colorized 'PointerEYEs', former MagicEYE
    AmiLogo.lha        util/wb     89K   5+Add Amiga Logo to WB bar.
    BosnianLocale.lha  util/wb    142K   7+Comlete Bosnian Workbench localization k
    CA_Croatian.lha    util/wb     13K   8+Croatian files for ClassAction 3.5 & 2.8
    CA_Italian.lha     util/wb     50K   8+Italian files for ClassAction 3.5 & 2.8
    CA_Nederlands.lha  util/wb     29K   3+Dutch files for ClassAction 3.5 
    CA_Portugues.lha   util/wb     31K   9+Portugues files for ClassAction 3.5 & 2.
    ClickClose.lha     util/wb     22K   6+Easy handling of drawer windows. V2.1
    clvrwin.lha        util/wb      8K   3+Speeds up window refreshing (37.8)
    Convert.lha        util/wb     13K   5+WorkBench Units Converter
    CopyIcon.lha       util/wb     61K   5+= CopyNewIcon, but copies also old image
    cP_ShowConfig.lha  util/wb     61K   1+CP!_ShowConfig V2.1 - Shows your System-
    explorer.lha       util/wb    677K   6+Explorer. Displays File_ID`s, Converts A
    format13.lha       util/wb     30K   3+Format replaecement using MUI
    Formation_1_0a.lha util/wb     86K   5+Powerful New Virtual Directory Tool.
    FullPal19_no.lha   util/wb      2K   4+Norwegian translation to FullPalette 1.9
    FullPalette19.lha  util/wb     26K   6+Define, save & lock ALL Workbench colors
    GlobalTrash.lha    util/wb    156K   4+Global-Trashcan with GUI,undelete and mo
    HFRemove17.lha     util/wb     22K   9+Removes HFDevices from system !
    HighGFX40r5upd.lha util/wb     28K   7+Screenmodes up to 1024x768
    HotBar.lha         util/wb     26K   2+V3.0: Icon-based program hotlist
    KillTitle.lha      util/wb      6K   5+Removes the Workbench titlebar
    Launcher.lha       util/wb      5K   5+A simple ASL requester for executing pro
    M2I5_73.lha        util/wb    321K   6+Run Programs with Menus & Icons v5.73
    MagicMenu_II.lha   util/wb    177K   8+THE Intuition Menus Enhancer (V2.21)
    magictv2.lha       util/wb     49K   5+AGA Flicker Fixer
    MatWBMUI.lha       util/wb     13K   2+MatWB MUI Configuration for MatWB 3.0! B
    MatWB_DB.lha       util/wb      2K   2+Executive Dashboard preferences for MatW
    MatWB_ED.lha       util/wb     19K   2+Default picture to create MatWB patterns
    MaxMenu.lha        util/wb    173K   1+MaxMenu V1.1 - ToolManager like startbar
    NIPrefs.lha        util/wb      9K   7+BGUI NewIconsV4 prefs program replacemen
    NIRemapFix.lha     util/wb     23K   7+Wrong parts of NewIcons are transp FIX
    PESv100.lha        util/wb     92K   5+Password Protect Executables on your HD!
    PowerWB.lha        util/wb    153K   3+V0.8 Small but cool WB enhancer/improver
    prtman39.lha       util/wb     42K   2+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.1)
    RandomPic.lha      util/wb      3K   4+Efficient (assembler) random workbench b
    RandyPic.lha       util/wb      3K   4+Assembler random wb backdrop prog (that 
    RndPat.lha         util/wb     19K   3+Simple WB bakground pic. selector. 1.2
    rndwbpix.lha       util/wb      8K   3+Another random wbpattern picture selecto
    scicalc.lha        util/wb     49K   9+Scientific Calculator for Workbench 
    ScreenToIFF1_2.lha util/wb     34K   4+Save a screen as a picture
    TTManager30d.lha   util/wb     55K   2+Powerful, easy to use ToolType editor.
    UpBR.lha           util/wb     95K   8+Portugu s-BRASIL upgrade kit for AmigaOS
    VisualPrefs.lha    util/wb    256K   1+Configure the look of the Amiga GUI!
    wbinfo12.lha       util/wb     23K   3+MUI-Replacement for the Workbench Inform
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>