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Contents of Aminet CD 29

    | TITLE
    |     Aminet CD 29
    |     Aminet CD 29 contains close to 1 gigabyte of freely distributable 
    |     software. The newest archive included is from Jan 3rd. This CD is
    |     completely filled with new material, there was no room for anything
    |     else. The contents are (after decompression):
    |     910M of software newer than Aminet CD 28, consisting of:
    |     200 Utilities
    |     200 Games
    |     200 Mods
    |     200 Pictures/Anims
    |     700 Files of other categories
    |     The commercial highlight of the CD is the image processing software
    |     ArtEffect 1.5
    | Local files at Aminet CD 29 on 6-Jan-99
    | Sorted by directory and file name. Age in weeks.
    | A wide version of this file can be found in info/index/
    |File              Dir        Size Age Description
    |----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
    CTUitext_nor.lha   biz/cloan   14K   8+Norsk translation for ColorType 3.1 
    HtmlColors.lha     biz/cloan    2K   4+Hex values of PPaint current palette
    TransCat_Port.lha  biz/cloan    2K   4+Portuguese locale Catalog for TransCat v
    2b_XBase55.lha     biz/dbase  182K   4+Very easy2use flexible and fast database
    2b_XBaseSP.lha     biz/dbase    5K   3+Spanish catalog for XBase 5.5 v1.0
    AAA_MegaBook.lha   biz/dbase  279K   1+The ULTIMATE Amiga Address Book (Christm
    AlphaBase.lha      biz/dbase  204K   6+V2.2 Universal database, English/German
    AmwayDeckV5.lha    biz/dbase  616K   5+DataBase For AMWAY Distributors done In 
    basicadr.lha       biz/dbase   66K   4+Small german database.
    CBAdress.lha       biz/dbase  593K   9+Adressenverwaltung in MagicWB (Germany o
    CMLV_2_Conv.lha    biz/dbase   32K   3+CD-MC-LP Databaseconv
    CMLV_V21.lha       biz/dbase  231K   4+CD-MC-LP Database
    F-BaseV2_40.lha    biz/dbase  143K   6+Easy-to-use DataBase manager for Amiga w
    Fiasco2_21_pch.lha biz/dbase  118K   8+Patches Fiasco 2.2 to 2.21
    HomeCINEMA.lha     biz/dbase  133K   2+V1.12 - Easiest German Video Database
    MicroBase402.lha   biz/dbase  764K   1+German database supports dBASE, HTML
    MsqlLib.lha        biz/dbase  101K   7+Access mSQL database with a shared libra
    mSQLPrefs.lha      biz/dbase   25K   7+GUI to configure mSQL database server
    MTRechIII_1_03.lha biz/dbase  1.1M   5+MT-RechnungIII Invoice program V1.03
    MUIL-Italiano.lha  biz/dbase    2K   6+Italian catalog for MUI-Ligamaster 1.20
    MUIVideo_236.lha   biz/dbase  222K   6+Video Database using Magic User Interfac
    MusicManIII.lha    biz/dbase  589K   4+A must have for CD, MC... collectors
    Pix2HP.lha         biz/dbase   15K   4+Creates galleries for homepages using MU
    quickfile.lha      biz/dbase  292K   0+V3.19.5 Powerful, fast and easy database
    StarBase.lha       biz/dbase   48K   1+Star Trek Style Database Program (2.0)
    VA_Czech.lha       biz/dbase    3K   9+Czech Catalog for VideoArchiv v3.0
    BurnIt_Demo.lha    biz/demo   857K   3+CD-Recording software. Supports DAO&TAO.
    CandyProDemo.lha   biz/demo   2.8M   4+CandyFactoryPro demo version
    CycasDemoNoFPU.lha biz/demo   720K   0+CYCAS Demo 1.78 Architecture Design 2+3D
    CycasDemo__FPU.lha biz/demo   693K   0+CYCAS Demo 1.78 Architecture Design 2+3D
    FantasticDemoE.lha biz/demo   2.6M   3+FantasticDreamsEnglish demo version
    FantasticDemoG.lha biz/demo   2.6M   3+FantasticDreamsDeutsch Demo Version
    FantasticDocsE.lha biz/demo   1.4M   4+FantasticDreams english instruction
    FantasticDocsG.lha biz/demo   1.4M   3+FantasticDreams german instruction
    FDFunroomLow.lha   biz/demo   2.0M   3+FantasticDreams Funroom images (low)
    FDFunroomMask.lha  biz/demo   1.3M   3+FantasticDreams Funroom images (Mask)
    FDFunroomPrev.lha  biz/demo   2.0M   3+FantasticDreams Funroom images (Preview)
    golded5.lha        biz/demo   6.1M   5+GoldED Studio 5 DEMO
    ktdtdemo.lha       biz/demo   367K   4+British driving theory tester demo
    wf7_dok.lha        biz/demo    53K   4+Wildfire7\PPC - German Doc./Deutsche Dok
    wf7_LinearFX.jpg   biz/demo   108K   9+Wildfire7\PPC - Linear FX Snapshot
    wf7_NonLinear.jpg  biz/demo   100K   9+Wildfire7\PPC - Non-Linear FX Snapshot
    wf7_PicManager.jpg biz/demo   143K   9+Wildfire7\PPC - wf7_PicManager FX Snapsh
    CutNPaste31.lha    biz/dopus   15K   4+Adds Cut'n'Paste to DOpus5.5+ (multi-fil
    D5XFilesTheme.lha  biz/dopus  1.4M   4+XFiles Theme for DOpus Magellan II
    dalfa.lha          biz/dopus   12K   2+Arexx scripts for filename conversion.
    Exocist.lha        biz/dopus  556K   4+Directory Opus 5.8 Magellan Theme 
    HTTPlister.lha     biz/dopus   25K   0+View AMINET RECENT in lister +download f
    Magnum_Opus31a.lha biz/dopus  270K   4+435 Filetypes AmigaGuide Docs & Extras
    mp3info.lha        biz/dopus   11K   5+Gives you information about MP3's with D
    PlayHIP.lha        biz/dopus    4K   5+Arexx script to play modules from DOpus 
    Simpsons.lha       biz/dopus  169K   4+Directory Opus 5.8 Magellan Theme 
    SoundOpus.lha      biz/dopus    9K   2+The ultimate Dopus soundplaying solution
    SouthPark.lha      biz/dopus  110K   4+Directory Opus 5.8 Magellan Theme 
    SPTheme.lha        biz/dopus  4.0M   0+SouthPark theme for DOpus MagellanII
    VortTheme.lha      biz/dopus   78K   2+Vort's theme for Dopus Magellan II
    BondsV152b.lha     biz/misc   255K   8+New chart-software like Amibroker. needs
    e_money_100.lha    biz/misc   163K   9+A Personal Accounts Manager (V1.00).
    GestaBanque30.lha  biz/misc   651K   1+Accounting Suite - Suite Comptable 
    HomeBank.lha       biz/misc   225K   8+V1.21 The Bank Account Manager (MUI)
    IsisPPC-2_12.lha   biz/p5     337K   3+IsisPPC V2.12 MPEG Player
    CandyProUpdate.lha biz/patch  449K   5+Update for CandyFactoryPro Rev2 (24.11.9
    CanonSt221Up.lha   biz/patch  1.7M   4+V2.21c Update for registered CanonStudio
    eTeacherIT5.10.lha biz/patch  249K   9+ETeacher IT 5.0->5.10 service pack 2
    FantasticDream.lha biz/patch  132K   6+Update for FantasticDreams Rev1
    FantasticDrUpd.lha biz/patch  104K   6+Update for FantasticDreams Rev2
    FantasticUpdat.lha biz/patch  254K   3+Update for FantasticDreams Rev6 (10.12.9
    PFS2_4142.lha      biz/patch  599K   6+Upgrade patches for PFS2 V4.1 to PFS2 V4
    PGSUniFilter13.lha biz/patch  245K   4+V1.31 PageStream V3.x/V4.x Gfx Import Fi
    STFax3036bUpd.lha  biz/patch  545K   3+Upgrade STFax Pro from version 3.0 to 3.
    STFax3036Upd.lha   biz/patch  545K   4+Upgrade STFax Pro from version 3.0 to 3.
    STFax3037Upd.lha   biz/patch  547K   1+Upgrade STFax Pro from version 3.0 to 3.
    STFax36bUpd.lha    biz/patch  430K   3+Upgrade STFax Pro from 3.6 to 3.6b
    STFax36Upd.lha     biz/patch  472K   4+Upgrade STFax Pro from 3.5 to 3.6
    STFax37Upd.lha     biz/patch  439K   1+Upgrade STFax Pro from 3.6b to 3.7
    StudioUpV215c.lha  biz/patch  1.0M   3+V2.15c Update of Studio Prof. Printer So
    StudioUpV216c.lha  biz/patch  1.2M   3+V2.16c Update of Studio Prof. Printer So
    StudioUpV221.lha   biz/patch  776K   4+V2.21 Studio Update (incl. Stylus Photo/
    fwml9810.lha       biz/swood   24K   8+Messages about FW during October 1998
    fwml9811.lha       biz/swood   20K   4+Messages about FW during November 1998
    CDS_Setup.lha      comm/bbs     8K   1+A config file compiler for CDScroller
    cit_docs_8L17.lha  comm/bbs   571K   2+Citadel 68K Documenation
    cit_exec_8L17.lha  comm/bbs   247K   2+Citadel 68K BBS Program
    cit_src_8L17.lha   comm/bbs   543K   2+Citadel 68K BBS Program Source
    cit_util_8L17.lha  comm/bbs   485K   2+Citadel 68K BBS Program Utilities
    DC-X106i.lha       comm/bbs   853K   2+System-X 1.06 (eSSeXX) Bulletin Board Sy
    DC-X106u.lha       comm/bbs   218K   2+System-X 1.06 (eSSeXX) Updatefiles 1.05 
    sx105r2src.lha     comm/bbs   235K   9+Source code to System-X BBS Software
    trionupd112.lha    comm/bbs   291K   6+Trion Shareware BBS update V1.12
    Boink_218.lha      comm/cnet   20K   8+Boink 2.18 (22-Oct-98) - CNet Amiga 4.69
    IQ-Test_26.lha     comm/cnet   13K   8+IQ-Test 2.6 (6-Nov-98) - CNet Amiga v4 I
    VegFL.lha          comm/cnet   11K   4+File lister for CNet v4
    ZoolDIZII.lha      comm/cnet  927K   0+ZoolDIZ II, The best describer ever made
    BlackIRC.lha       comm/irc   296K   2+NEW IRC-Client for AmigaOS V0.91prerelea
    DalHelper.lha      comm/irc    32K   1+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
    Henry.lha          comm/irc   140K   4+Powerful and configurable Amiga IRC Bot
    HenryARexx.lha     comm/irc    33K   2+Latest ARexx scripts for Henry. Major Se
    KuangEleven.lha    comm/irc    44K   1+KuangEleven 3.0 Gamma(25) Update
    OrionIRC07.lha     comm/irc   114K   2+An IRC Client Pre-Release
    TeaBot.lha         comm/irc    36K   3+Feature packed IRC BOT addon for AmIRC !
    AFM2.lha           comm/mail   34K   0+FTP Aminet by Email 2 (MUI,YAM)
    AminetFTPMail.lha  comm/mail   67K   1+Get recent aminet uploads via mail with 
    AmiURLReq.lha      comm/mail   10K   4+Download www files via mail using downlo
    FaxByEmail.lha     comm/mail   58K   4+Send Faxs Via The Internt Useing Yam2P6
    FoXGate.lha        comm/mail   42K   3+Send/Receive Fidonet Mail via E-Mail (V3
    GetMailWD.lha      comm/mail    7K   5+FlashMail script for Miami&Yam - v1.3
    Hurl.lha           comm/mail   14K   5+An intelligent plugin for YAM's URL-grab
    liststats.lha      comm/mail   62K   0+Mailing list stats tracking program
    PEA.lha            comm/mail  251K   8+Courier service for YAM (MUI, German onl
    YAM135_Port.lha    comm/mail    8K   8+Portuguese Catalog for YAM v1.3.5
    YAM2AmIRC.lha      comm/mail   12K   4+V2.0 of the popular script. Includes nic
    yam2p6fr.lha       comm/mail   21K   8+French catalog for YAM 2.0 Previex 6
    YAM2Usenet.lha     comm/mail   30K   6+Turn YAM2 into a newsreader!  (v0.6a, bu
    Fluffy_Guide.lha   comm/maxs   20K   2+Fluffy Net Guide (16-Dec-98)
    KewlCDPro_21.lha   comm/maxs  295K   4+A powerful CD-ROM accessing door for MAX
    KFBspeedup2.lha    comm/maxs   38K   9+Maxs BBS / KFB Speedup Utility
    maxcid.lha         comm/maxs   18K   8+Caller ID security door for MAXs BBS
    MaxsAmosDoors.lha  comm/maxs   25K   0+Several door sources in Amos to play wit
    MAXs_Coders.lha    comm/maxs   11K   4+MAXs Coders Guide (01-Dec-98)
    MAXs_Files.lha     comm/maxs   94K   1+Gremlins MAXs file listings (01/99)
    maxtetris.lha      comm/maxs   22K   8+A Tetris style game door for MAXs BBS
    SM_12.lha          comm/maxs    7K   0+SysOp's only menu with options.
    Time_Bank_12.lha   comm/maxs   13K   0+MAXs BBS time bank options.
    User_Cfg_12.lha    comm/maxs   16K   1+User configuration menu options.
    ampop134.lha       comm/misc   91K   6+Sending/recieving of WinPopUp Messages
    atomic1_4.lha      comm/misc   11K   2+Amiga Worldwide Atomic Clock Synchronize
    CallMan13_Loc.lha  comm/misc   72K   7+Locale files for CallMan 1.3
    Cibils301.lha      comm/misc  110K   3+MUI Amateur Radio utility v3.01
    cim_v2.lha         comm/misc  179K   2+Caller Id Manager for the Amiga, V2.297
    CManager.lha       comm/misc  434K   5+Contact Manager, a centralised system-wi
    CrashCheck.lha     comm/misc   13K   8+1.0 - Fixes up Miami logs after crash (+
    Fidonet.txt        comm/misc    2K   3+Information on how to access FIDONET via
    GSM_Text_Messa.lha comm/misc    9K   8+A simple GUI program to send text messag
    Homebank_fix.lha   comm/misc   17K   8+Update of Homebank_SK.lha
    MACT151.lha        comm/misc   15K   4+Activates program/script when modem turn
    MakeFTPScript.lha  comm/misc    4K   6+Make FTP script for UNIX system (V1.4)
    multiterm_log.lha  comm/misc    1K   8+Rexx Script for Multiterm 5.x log(german
    Netter.lha         comm/misc   20K   4+Monitors amount of time Online.
    Oma1.22.lha        comm/misc   52K   3+Calculation from OnlineMeterLogfile(Germ
    Packet-Point.lha   comm/misc  201K   0+Point program for Packet-Radio (ham)
    TIMOcount.lha      comm/misc   32K   8+TIMOcount V1.43- Spanish auto-counter/ph
    trsi-m34.lha       comm/misc   67K   2+Textviewer for FAME BBS. Recognizes over
    TTimeDeluxe.lha    comm/misc  558K   0+Displays Phonecosts online (Germany only
    TX-232Demo.lha     comm/misc  100K   5+Software for Kenwood transceivers
    uprc.lha           comm/misc   56K   1+Creator for Aminet readme files.
    VitalConnect.lha   comm/misc  190K   7+Bugfixed FULL program.FREE Net connextio
    YAMFax.lha         comm/misc   45K   4+YAMFax1.2 TPC-Mail2Fax Client for YAM
    ZOOM56kupd_201.lha comm/misc  226K   6+ZOOM External 56k DualMode voice faxmode
    ZPCollection.lha   comm/misc  797K   3+A Collection (Scripts&Tools) for ZPoint
    Interkom.lha       comm/net   728K   2+How to use Provider Planet-Interkom
    NetKeys.lha        comm/net    17K   7+Remote keyboard/mouse for ProNET
    webplug_ger.lha    comm/net     8K   6+Updated german Catalog for webPlug1.45
    2b_Yam2NN.lha      comm/news   99K   1+Usenet access for YAM 2.0+ v. 0.81
    MD2_fr.lha         comm/news    8K   4+French catalog for Microdot-II v0.238
    amiftpd13a.lha     comm/tcp    33K   6+Easy-to-use FTP service daemon for Miami
    AMPhone191_src.lha comm/tcp     5K   0+Source of AMPhone191.lha
    bos.lha            comm/tcp     5K   6+Amiga nobo
    DCTel_15.lha       comm/tcp   102K   4+DCTelnet Client 1.5 with file transfers
    facts.lha          comm/tcp    27K   0+2.1/GUI Syncronise clock with NTP server
    ftp4all224.lha     comm/tcp   327K   5+FTP Server for Amiga.
    HostJunkey101.lha  comm/tcp    20K   6+HostJunkey 1.0  REALTIME Hostname/IP - G
    hserv.lha          comm/tcp   134K   4+Hserv 6.0 ARexx HTTP/1.0 server
    Miami3.2_Fr.lha    comm/tcp    11K   7+French catalog for H. Kruse's Miami V3.2
    MiamiDX-Fix.lha    comm/tcp     9K   6+Quick fix for MiamiDX-beta 0.8l Config b
    MiamiPhone.lha     comm/tcp    51K   2+V1.4 The Miami Phone Log Parser (MUI)
    MiamiStartStop.lha comm/tcp    60K   0+Ultimate Miami Controlling/Full Online D
    Qcamwebcam.lha     comm/tcp    10K   4+Arexx scripts for Webcam (connectix B/W 
    rxmiamibpf.lha     comm/tcp    15K   9+Rxmiamipbf 2.7 ARexx pcap/bpf packet fil
    rxsocket.lha       comm/tcp    71K   4+Rxsocket 6.7 TCP/IP for ARexx
    Sniffy.lha         comm/tcp    31K   4+Internet packets monitor via ARexx
    WebVision20.lha    comm/tcp   138K   2+(WebTV 2.0) The ultimate webcam viewer (
    NComm306PubKey.lha comm/term    1K   8+FREE KEY FILE for NComm 3.06
    HeaderManager.lha  comm/thor    7K   0+Add/edit/delete message headers in Thor
    AWeb2Miami.lha     comm/www     7K   0+V1.02 ARexx scripts to controll Miami fr
    BookCon.lha        comm/www    86K   4+Bookmark/Hotlist converter with GUI
    ffchecker.lha      comm/www    17K   0+Website Checking Utility
    HTTPResume.lha     comm/www   101K   2+Resume interrupted HTTP downloads
    HTTPResume_Cat.lha comm/www     2K   1+Catalan localization for HTTPResume v1.4
    HTTPResume_Fre.lha comm/www     3K   0+French localization for HTTPResume v1.4
    HTTPResume_Ita.lha comm/www    17K   1+Italian localization for HTTPResume v1.4
    Hunt.lha           comm/www    10K   1+Find and request GUI for grep/wget
    IB2Mozilla.lha     comm/www     6K   5+1.4:Patch IBrowse1.22 spoof as Netscape
    Lynx282dev7.lha    comm/www   694K   4+Fast,free text-based WEB Browser, v2.8.2
    MarkIt.lha         comm/www    11K   3+MarkIt 0.41-Add bookmarks to HTML files
    tidy.lha           comm/www    47K   4+Utility to tidy up and pretty-print HTML
    TVGuide.lha        comm/www    39K   5+V1.3 - Loads TV guides from www (german 
    Upd8.lha           comm/www    12K   9+Reports updated webpages v.1.0 2
    WebDesign.lha      comm/www   321K   1+Html editor with external editor support
    WebDesignFix.lha   comm/www   117K   8+Web Design 2.0 bug fix
    WebDesignNoLib.lha comm/www   206K   1+Html editor with external editor support
    WebFX.lha          comm/www   539K   4+(V2.20) The best tool for Web Designers
    WebTVGrab13.lha    comm/www    47K   5+UPDATE 1.3 - Leeches GERMAN TV-Program a
    DKG-Moving.lha     demo/40k    40K   0+Darkage'n'Scoopex at TP8 6th place in Am
    DKG-Theorema.lha   demo/40k    41K   0+A new 40k intro released at The Party 8!
    SCX-1000.lha       demo/40k    41K   0+1000% - 40kb intro from The Party'98 by 
    98party.lha        demo/aga   703K   6+"Party 98" by ZUGRIFF
    APX-RIOT.lha       demo/aga   1.7M   4+RiOT by Appendix, 2nd at Gravity 3-demo 
    DKS-Style.lha      demo/aga   1.7M   4+Style by Darkness. 2nd at the RTS-Party 
    EMB-DELTA.lha      demo/aga   3.3M   6+Official release of DELTA the demo 2nd a
    EMB-DELTAfix.lha   demo/aga    83K   6+Official release of DELTA the demo 2nd a
    EMB-MYTR.lha       demo/aga   3.7M   6+Myster & Tremor the demor 1st at DreamHa
    EMB-MYTRfix.lha    demo/aga    96K   6+Myster & Tremor (020/030 BUGFIX)
    Flying_Minds.lha   demo/aga    59K   7+"Flying minds" by Floppy released at SAT
    Gimme_Alcohol.lha  demo/aga   165K   2+Gimme Alc. by BoNZai!, Rel. Dooms Day
    ham-tro.lha        demo/aga    65K   3+Site intro for Hacked Amiga Music
    IRS-SWT.lha        demo/aga   1.6M   0+IRIS demo from The Party 8
    MWI-E4.lha         demo/aga   349K   6+"E4" by Mawi. Excess#04 intro/Satellite`
    MWI-TheGirl.lha    demo/aga   1.4M   5+"THE GIRL..." by Mawi at Quast`98
    nah-blow.lha       demo/aga   3.0M   1+Blow - 1st price at Quast'98
    Omen.lha           demo/aga   525K   0+Demo by E.R.S.98
    PCO-Euphoria.lha   demo/aga    61K   7+EUPHORIA 64kb intro. PICCO at SATELITE`9
    PhaseOne.lha       demo/aga   2.9M   6+Winner of Abduction'98, best demo ever
    proklive.lha       demo/aga    57K   8+ProkLive by Ozone&Network. 2nd place at 
    PSB-Kociokwik.lha  demo/aga   282K   5+KOCIOKWIK by PSBB - 3rd at Satellite`98 
    PSB-Sejm.lha       demo/aga   1.2M   5+SEJM by Przyjaciele Stefana B. - polish 
    PSY-CV.lha         demo/aga   423K   0+Prophesy - Cartoon violence demo. 
    PSY-Hal.lha        demo/aga   284K   0+Prophesy - Halloween demo. 
    PSY-xmas.lha       demo/aga   107K   0+Prophesy - Christmas demo. 
    Radiation.lha      demo/aga   1.5M   3+Radiation - first AGA demo from VRT
    rrr-mc14.lha       demo/aga   2.0M   6+Malevolent Creations XIV
    SCX-1000.lha       demo/aga    41K   0+1000%/SCoopeX - WINNER from THE PARTY 8
    SCX.IfN.090.lha    demo/aga   719K   6+Infestation 0090/SCOOPEX - SATELLITE 98 
    SCX.IfN.091.lha    demo/aga   567K   6+Infestation 0091/SCOOPEX - KINDERGARDEN 
    SCX.IfN.092.lha    demo/aga   728K   0+InFestatioN 0092/SCOOPEX - THE PARTY 8 (
    tlu-life.lha       demo/aga   1.6M   8+Life? by Tulou, 2nd at Dreamhack 98 demo
    TriumphKG98.lha    demo/aga    62K   6+64k intro by Triumph (KG98) (2nd place)
    VA_OffShore.lha    demo/aga   2.8M   4+Drowned Off Shore by Venus Art (PPC)
    vnt-vm.lha         demo/aga   5.2M   8+Winning Satelitte demo by Venture
    vnt-vm_patch.lha   demo/aga    54K   8+Patch for party version only
    WPZ-Frozen04.lha   demo/aga   847K   7+Frozen Pack#o4 - Satellite'98
    WPZ-Frozen05.lha   demo/aga   678K   7+Frozen Pack#o5 - Kindergarden'98
    WPZ-Frozen06.lha   demo/aga   644K   0+Frozen Pack#o6 - The Party 8 Edition
    Animators.lha      demo/euro  4.0M   4+Collection of old Animators demos
    DKG-Electra.lha    demo/intro  58K   6+Winner intro at Dreamhack'98!
    ind-y99p.lha       demo/intro  23K   8+YALP'99 preINVITATION
    InsideDeluxe.lha   demo/intro 297K   1+InsideDeluxe (68k & PPC) by DeGeNeRaTiOn
    IRS-TNT.lha        demo/intro  40K   0+IRIS intro from The Party 8
    MWI-AFModul.lha    demo/intro  66K   6+AUDIOFREQUENCYMODULATOR 64K by Mawi at S
    MWI-Oaid.lha       demo/intro  11K   6+Oaid4k (Diao remix) - MAWI at Satellite`
    MWI-Pacou.lha      demo/intro  10K   6+P a c o u 4 k - madwizards at Satellite`
    8ohms_11_src.lha   demo/mag   308K   0+Source code for 8ohms pack/mag in AMOS
    AmigaCS_004.lha    demo/mag   2.4M   1+4th issue of the best CZECH DISKMAG
    HDU-no14.lha       demo/mag   1.5M   8+Mag & utility with graphic interface
    HDU-no15.lha       demo/mag   1.6M   4+Mag & utility with graphic interface
    mwisdv15.lha       demo/mag   1.1M   5+SAVE DA VINYL #15 - packmag by MAWI edit
    obligement12.lha   demo/mag   872K   7+Obligement #12 - FRENCH fanzine (Scala)
    Planet05.lha       demo/mag   997K   9+Planet 05 - ITALIAN Diskmag by Degenerat
    SceneArchives.lha  demo/mag   987K   1+SASU v1.0: 11375 Demo Entries on 7 CD's
    TopSecret12-CZ.lha demo/mag   884K   9+CZECH DISKMAG "Top Secret 12"
    TSG_Last.lha       demo/mag   426K   4+The Scene Guide - Last Issue!
    WPZ-Info01.lha     demo/mag    88K   3+WhelpzInfo issue#o1. Minimagazine about 
    apx-ps13.lha       demo/sound 238K   1+Psychol #13 by Appendix - chip pack.
    bbw0.lha           demo/sound 137K   3+Chip tune mini digital magazine issue #0
    bbw1.lha           demo/sound 137K   3+Chip tune mini digital magazine issue #1
    bbw2.lha           demo/sound 138K   3+Chip tune mini digital magazine issue #2
    AMOSList-1098.lzh  dev/amos   366K   8+Messages about AMOS during October 1998
    AMOSList-1198.lzh  dev/amos   260K   4+Messages about AMOS during November 1998
    AMOSList-1298.lzh  dev/amos   209K   0+Messages about AMOS during December 1998
    AMOSPro_Delta.lha  dev/amos   174K   7+New small extension for AMOS Pro
    AP_newlook.lha     dev/amos    24K   6+New look for AmosPro editor
    IFF2AMOSSource.lha dev/amos    79K   4+Converts IFF Pics to Amos Source Code
    iscreen.lha        dev/amos     3K   6+Treat AMOS screens as Intuition screens.
    lightsim.lha       dev/amos    71K   2+LightSim v0.7756. simulates emissions
    snc001.lha         dev/amos   357K   4+AMOS disk magazine
    snc002.lha         dev/amos   368K   4+AMOS disk magazine
    snc003.lha         dev/amos   461K   4+AMOS disk magazine
    snc004.lha         dev/amos   382K   4+AMOS disk magazine
    AsmPro.lha         dev/asm    156K   4+Asm-Pro V1.15 mc680x0 macro assembler
    PhxGUI1.0.lha      dev/asm     42K   0+GUI 4 PhxAss assembler. Version 1.0.
    PhxLnk432.lha      dev/asm     62K   7+PhxLnk V4.32 Amiga DOS Linker
    ppcasmpk11.lha     dev/asm     61K   4+PowerPC Emulator&Disassembler V1.1 for C
    3DSolids.lha       dev/basic    4K   4+3DSolids - 3D Line Plotting System writt
    AFM_Source.lha     dev/basic   35K   3+AFM1.01 Blitz Basic Source Code
    algebra.lha        dev/basic    2K   4+Algebra and Geometry Program - AmigaBasi
    amigseq.lha        dev/basic    0K   4+Sequencial files - AmigaBasic
    BB2Icons.lha       dev/basic    2K   9+2x1 4 colour Blitz Icons
    bin2data.lha       dev/basic   19K   5+V1.00 Convert file to Basic-DATAs
    BlitzFileID.lha    dev/basic   42K   1+File identification for Blitz Basic
    BlitzLibMan.lha    dev/basic   43K   2+Library manager for Blitz Basic.
    BlitzLstDEC98.lha  dev/basic  455K   0+Messages Posted To The Blitz List DEC 98
    BlitzLstNov_98.lha dev/basic  468K   4+Messages Posted To The Blitz List NOV 98
    BlitzLstOCT98.lha  dev/basic  504K   9+Messages Posted To The Blitz List OCT 98
    cca-source.lha     dev/basic  612K   3+Collision Course Alpha (source)
    dbplayLibBB2.lha   dev/basic   20K   1+Dbplayer library v2 - BB2 Include files
    fidbb2inc.lha      dev/basic   14K   0+FileID.library includes for Blitz2
    GFA_Gadgets.lha    dev/basic   28K   0+Gadgets with GFA-Basic
    GFA_Menus.lha      dev/basic   15K   0+Better GFA-Basic menus
    hookfunc.lha       dev/basic    3K   1+Working example of hooks in Blitz2
    hsb_amf_inc.lha    dev/basic   21K   0+AmigaMetaFormat - Includes for Hisoft/Ma
    hsb_dignet_inc.lha dev/basic    4K   0+Dignet.library - Includes for Hisoft/Max
    hsb_fid_inc.lha    dev/basic   51K   0+FileID.Library (V8) - Includes for Hisof
    hsb_gi1_inc.lha    dev/basic  122K   0+GI1-Includes for Hisoft/MaxonBasic
    hsb_ident_inc.lha  dev/basic   52K   0+Identify-Lib - Includes for Hisoft/Maxon
    hsb_txf_inc.lha    dev/basic   58K   0+Textfield.gadget - Includes for Hisoft/M
    Monopoly.lha       dev/basic   42K   4+Monopoly written in AmigaBASIC
    multisel.lha       dev/basic   25K   0+Multiple select listviews in Blitz2
    NewCommandSet.lha  dev/basic   68K   5+NCS V1.50 - 16 new Blitz Basic II libs t
    NewFDConvert.lha   dev/basic   33K   8+Easier FDConvert for Blitz Basic
    openurl_bb.lha     dev/basic   10K   3+Blitz BASIC files for openurl.library
    polydraw.lha       dev/basic   27K   4+Polydraw - Make polygons in AmigaBASIC
    pseudo3d.lha       dev/basic  382K   5+Pseudo-3d engine done in BlitzBasic2
    Pupit.lha          dev/basic   27K   9+Use powerpacker library in Blitz
    SampleStuff.lha    dev/basic    5K   4+Save samples Blitz function
    shuttle.lha        dev/basic    0K   4+Shuttle - AmigaBasic
    StatsFuncs.lha     dev/basic   33K   1+More statements and functions for Blitz!
    tk_dpaint.lha      dev/basic  137K   8+Large paint program (bb2 source/executab
    tk_JumpAndFly.lha  dev/basic   37K   5+Jump'n Fly engine done in BlitzBasic2
    viewfsrc.lha       dev/basic   23K   5+Viewfonts 2 Blitz 2 source.
    2b_VRastPort.lha   dev/c       34K   8+Link library of 2D vector graphics funcs
    AMesaRTL.lha       dev/c      210K   6+AmigaMesaRTL Mesa runtime library+GLUT
    Bin2C.lha          dev/c        3K   2+Converts binary files to C source
    chunky_lib.lha     dev/c       33K   2+Complete 8-bit chunky gfx system for AGA
    clibpdf.lha        dev/c      192K   3+PDF Writer Linker-Lib for StormC (68k+PP
    EGCS-WarpUP-Ad.lha dev/c      108K   0+Installtion help for EGCS WarpUP
    ElfCheckWos.lha    dev/c       42K   0+WarpUP-ELF Object-Checker for 68k
    flashsort.lha      dev/c        9K   4+Flashsort1 implementation (5.12.98)
    GED_Scripts.lha    dev/c        4K   1+Useful ARexx Scripts for C Programming
    qtools0.3-src.lha  dev/c      698K   0+A compilation of utils for QuakeI v0.3 (
    stormamiga_lib.lha dev/c      217K   5+Small and fast linker lib for StormC (de
    5600x_disasm.lha   dev/cross   23K   2+DSP5600x disassembly library 1.0a (w/src
    debuglib.lha       dev/debug    2K   7+Debugging linked library.
    dbplayerE.lha      dev/e       52K   2+DigiBooster replayer as Shared library(E
    E-List9809.lha     dev/e       44K   7+All September 98 msgs on the AmigaE Mail
    E-List9810.lha     dev/e       41K   8+All October 98 msgs on the AmigaE Mailin
    gtlayout-E.lha     dev/e        9K   2+Amiga E modules for gtlayout.library V5.
    MDArray.lha        dev/e       14K   1+Use multi-dimensional arrays in Amiga E.
    P2C.lha            dev/e        4K   8+Planar to chunky conversion module (with
    Shark1.lha         dev/e       61K   2+Examples and Modules for E. Part 1.
    ClassFree.lha      dev/gui     38K   7+Collection of free BOOPSI gadgets.
    PhxOpts.lha        dev/gui     19K   5+A GUI for setting PhxAss options
    prexx.lha          dev/lang    13K   0+Pascal Unit to use Arexx in pascal+src
    Python.lha         dev/lang   992K   3+Python language 1.5 (bin+lib)
    Python_Doc.lha     dev/lang   685K   3+Python 1.5.1 documentation (HTML)
    Python_Patch.lha   dev/lang    26K   3+Python patch b14 to b15
    Python_Src.lha     dev/lang   694K   3+Python language 1.5 (source)
    AutodocViewer.lha  dev/misc    29K   6+A really neat autodoc viewer v1.2 (OS3.0
    e9Visions.lha      dev/misc   467K   2+Create Myst type games, w. Visions from 
    FD2Pragma.lha      dev/misc    92K   0+V2.83 creates pragma, inline, ... files
    Istar.lha          dev/misc   519K   2+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
    PManager.lha       dev/misc    46K   3+Visual C project manager v2.2
    Progr_Langs_v4.lha dev/misc    58K   0+Comparison of progr. langs
    ReCatItPro.lha     dev/misc   279K   7+(1.00) A *Pro* tool to localize programs
    wilduser.lha       dev/misc   644K   7+New 3D modular library for games.
    yaav.lha           dev/misc    73K   3+YAAV V0.93b - Yet Another Autodoc Viewer
    HunkFunc.lha       dev/moni     8K   1+V1.3 display executable file structure
    MCC_BetterS_HU.lha dev/mui      5K   1+Hungarian catalog for BetterString
    MCC_Newstr_HU.lha  dev/mui      5K   1+Hungarian catalog for Newstring
    MCC_NList0.87.lha  dev/mui    186K   8+MUI List clone with horiz scroll and muc
    MCC_SetWin1_00.lzh dev/mui     80K   1+SettingsWindow MUI custom class
    mui38dev-storm.lha dev/mui     61K   4+MagicUserInterface 3.8, developer files.
    cobol2000.lha      dev/src      2K   0+COBOL and the Year 2000
    mwAGDsrc.lha       dev/src    201K   5+AmigaGuide Designer (C source)
    RKRM_Devs_prgs.lha dev/src    323K   1+Example code from RKRM: Devices, 3rd ed.
    RKRM_Libs_prgs.lha dev/src    711K   1+Example code from RKRM: Libraries, 3rd e
    ShuttleWheel.lha   dev/src     15K   0+A shuttlewheel.gadget class
    fback.lha          disk/bakup 231K   6+Utility to make daily backup of changed 
    SortCopy.lha       disk/bakup  17K   4+Tiny directory/link/backup/copy program
    ACDPlay16_Port.lha disk/cdrom   2K   8+Portuguese Catalog for ACDPlay v1.6
    cdid2track.lha     disk/cdrom   9K   4+Converts disk ID files to CD track listi
    hardCDIDs.lha      disk/cdrom  23K   2+Collection of CD IDs (Metal,Hardcore,Ind
    MakeCDfrancais.lha disk/cdrom  37K   9+French catalog for MakeCD V3.2a
    MakeCDitalianC.lha disk/cdrom  36K   9+Italian catalog for MakeCD V3.2a
    muicd113_hu.lha    disk/cdrom  47K   1+Fixed Hungarian catalogs for MUICD
    OptyMPEGSave.lha   disk/cdrom  16K   0+Better save mpeg music with OptyCDPlayer
    rexxcd.lha         disk/cdrom 262K   0+CD player-synchronized lyrics v1.4+sourc
    2b_WFormat.lha     disk/misc   74K   8+bWorseFormat 2.1 n - formats damaged dis
    FFS43.19_patch.lha disk/misc    2K   9+Alert-removal patch for FFS 43.19
    File2Disk.lha      disk/misc   11K   6+Write diskimages back to disk
    hdinst.lha         disk/misc   87K   6+HDInstTool - Harddisk Installation Tool
    killblizzppc.lha   disk/misc    1K   1+Kills blizzppc.device (BlizzPPC-Board)
    MDPrefs.lha        disk/misc   13K   5+Replacement for MultiDiskPrefs based on 
    oktapus.lha        disk/misc  106K   5+OktaPussy - New Driver set for Oktagon, 
    Park.lha           disk/misc    6K   2+Parks devices and ejects media
    sfs_beta.lha       disk/misc  132K   5+Smart Filesystem 6th BETA version
    sss.lha            disk/misc   14K   3+Smart filesplitter with ESA sources (v1.
    Sysjet-Drivers.lha disk/misc    5K   3+Dosdrivers for Sysjet 1.5Go drive by Syq
    TransADFGUI.lha    disk/misc   22K   4+GUI for TransADF for uncompessing ADF/Z
    YADI.lha           disk/misc   40K   9+Yet Another Disk Imager  (v2.0)
    patchReOrg.lha     disk/optim  10K   2+Patch ReOrg for disks with n*65536 block
    RescueCode011.lha  disk/salv   29K   7+Rescues C/Asm code from trashed disks V0
    a99-inv0.lha       docs/anno   12K   6+ASTROSYN`99 announce file v 0.1 - read n
    AIOgui.lha         docs/anno   45K   6+AIO magazine gets new coded GUI (with pr
    akJFIF-WOS.lha     docs/anno    1K   3+AkJFIF WarpUp/WarpOS (PPC) information
    NONAME_Amiga.txt   docs/anno    3K   9+We can work with Amiga in 98 ! French & 
    SoloTrekIII.lha    docs/anno    7K   6+22/11/98 Update of the development of So
    adosguide.lha      docs/help  291K   4+Detailed AmigaDOS Ref Guide. V2.5
    Amiga_MO_FAQ.lha   docs/help   46K   4+V1.2, Amiga Magneto-Optical Drive FAQ
    ShopsGuideD.lha    docs/help    8K   5+Amiga Shops and Mailbox Guide  28.11.98
    Sol_Lucas11.lha    docs/help   89K   1+Lucas Arts Classics Solutions 1.1 German
    AmigaInfo.lha      docs/hyper  96K   1+AmigaInfo - ITALIAN ONLY AmigaGuide Mags
    aMiGaPoWeR.lha     docs/hyper  67K   0+AMiGa=PoWeR Guide (French)
    AMIyNET36.lha      docs/hyper 2.1M   6+Spanish Amiga Internet users list.(HTML)
    BibelGuide00.lha   docs/hyper 403K   6+The 5 books Mose as AmigaGuide (german)
    f1gp-hof.lha       docs/hyper  33K   4+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame (December 1998)
    fu_psv.lha         docs/hyper  63K   4+Large info about famous football club
    fu_psv_guide.lha   docs/hyper  63K   4+Large info about famous football club
    fu_psv_pix_1-6.lha docs/hyper 3.9M   4+Pictures to "PSV Guide" [1/6]
    fu_psv_pix_2-6.lha docs/hyper 4.7M   4+Pictures to "PSV Guide" [2/6]
    fu_psv_pix_3-6.lha docs/hyper 5.0M   4+Pictures to "PSV Guide" [3/6]
    fu_psv_pix_4-6.lha docs/hyper 4.6M   4+Pictures to "PSV Guide" [4/6]
    fu_psv_pix_6-6.lha docs/hyper 4.8M   4+Pictures to "PSV Guide" [6/6]
    HeavyMetal35.lha   docs/hyper 289K   4+German AG to Heavy Metal CDs 3.5
    HMLG.lha           docs/hyper  28K   5+The Heavy Metal Lyrics Guide
    indexag.lha        docs/hyper  17K   4+Make context index for AmigaGuide docume
    IronMaiden.lha     docs/hyper  85K   0+Iron Maiden Guide V1.8
    DevGuide.lha       docs/lists  50K   5+Guide about  264 Amiga Devices   -18-
    DTypeGuide.lha     docs/lists  50K   5+Guide about  231 Amiga datatypes -20-
    Eutelsat_fq.lha    docs/lists 219K   8+Eutelsat frequences in WW3 format
    LibGuide.lha       docs/lists 189K   5+Guide about 2111 Amiga libraries -34-
    NAM1298.lha        docs/lists  19K   4+Norwegian Amiga BBS list for 01/12/98
    ukbbslist1.txt     docs/lists  74K   6+List of UK BBSes - Version 1 - Nov 1998
    ukbbslist2.txt     docs/lists  31K   4+List of UK BBSes - Version 2 - Dec 1998
    ukbbslist3.txt     docs/lists  76K   0+List of UK BBSes - Version 3 - Jan 1999
    Aakt0199GFX.lha    docs/mags  259K   0+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0199GUIDE.lha  docs/mags   68K   0+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1198GFX.lha    docs/mags   91K   9+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1198GUIDE.lha  docs/mags  106K   9+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1198HTML.lha   docs/mags  233K   8+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1298GFX.lha    docs/mags  215K   4+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1298GUIDE.lha  docs/mags  107K   4+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1298HTML.lha   docs/mags  239K   4+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    ACNews_5.lha       docs/mags   65K   6+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #5-Nov 98
    ACNews_6.lha       docs/mags   42K   2+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #6-Dec 98
    agsaku27.lha       docs/mags  1.3M   0+AmigaGuide-Saku #27. Finnish diskmag.
    AIOV18.lha         docs/mags   49K   6+Amiga Information Online, Issue 18 (Nove
    AIOV19.lha         docs/mags  367K   2+Amiga Information Online, Issue 19 (Dec'
    Amiga4ever5.lha    docs/mags  508K   2+German Freeware-Mag
    AmigaTimes8h.lha   docs/mags  858K   9+German Online Mag (HTML)
    AmigaTimes9.lha    docs/mags  1.3M   1+German Online Mag (Guide)
    AmigaTimes9h.lha   docs/mags  1.3M   0+German Online Mag (HTML)
    ascene09.lha       docs/mags  976K   8+First Austrian Online Amigazine, Okt.98
    ascene0A.lha       docs/mags  534K   4+First Austrian Online Amigazine, Nov.98
    ascene0B.lha       docs/mags  1.5M   2+First Austrian Online Amigazine, Dez.98
    astorm5.lha        docs/mags  681K   4+Croatian AMIGA Magazine
    astorm6.lha        docs/mags  408K   0+Croatian AMIGA Magazine
    Draconer.lha       docs/mags  565K   5+Journal for DraCo-Users (German only)
    FT_Online6_98.lha  docs/mags  725K   8+German Amiga Magazin (FunTime) - Online
    FunTimeGUI6_98.lha docs/mags  218K   8+Fun Time 6/98 Guide Version
    FunTimeUp2.lha     docs/mags  114K   5+Fun Time Update 2/98
    gadget38.lha       docs/mags  535K   4+German Freeware Magazine
    hp20html.lzh       docs/mags  748K Magazine #20 (Aug/Sep) HTM
    ripper3.lha        docs/mags  914K   3+New issue of The FREE disk mag!!!
    saku27d1.lha       docs/mags  475K   0+Saku #27 (1/99). Finnish diskmag. 1/2
    saku27d2.lha       docs/mags  342K   0+Saku #27 (1/99). Finnish diskmag. 2/2
    sm-anm_014.lha     docs/mags  741K   0+A german amiga-newsmagazine
    sm_anm_012.lha     docs/mags  649K   3+A german amiga-newsmagazine
    StarMag16.lha      docs/mags  234K   2+Ultimate German Diskmag, DECRUNCH IT!
    EuroChamp.lha      docs/misc   22K   2+Statistics of soccer Euro Champs '60-'96
    F1Champ.lha        docs/misc   25K   2+Statistics of Formula One '50-'98
    FutureAmi.lha      docs/misc    5K   4+The future (of) Amiga
    GMvsBillGatesF.txt docs/misc    3K   9+French. Funny text about Kro$oft.
    io5_res.lha        docs/misc    0K   7+Fixed results from iNtel outside 5
    jadec.lha          docs/misc  130K   0+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
    janov.lha          docs/misc   88K   4+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
    JAOCT.lha          docs/misc  181K   6+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
    MaturitaCJ.lha     docs/misc   72K   1+Prehled maturitnich otazek do CJ (CZECH)
    PatchZJTool1_2.txt docs/misc    2K   0+HOW to patch ZJTools V1.2 to work with I
    scenet25.lha       docs/misc   51K   2+Sceners's e-mail addresses #25
    SDPackN.lha        docs/misc   30K   0+Info on joining Satanic Dreams.
    WorldCup.lha       docs/misc  110K   8+Statistics of soccer World Cups '30-'98
    WW-FKeys.lha       docs/misc    4K   4+Wordworth-Overview over F-Keys also PC-k    game/2play 1.0M   6+Little cars races (AGA) game/2play 649K   5+2 new tracks for
    ABDTNB_NewGfxF.lha game/2play  93K   8+New Gfx set for ABD The Next Break
    ABDTNB_NewGfxS.lha game/2play  97K   8+New Gfx set for ABD The Next Break
    ABDTNB_NewGfxT.lha game/2play  48K   8+New Gfx set for ABD The Next Break
    bug.lha            game/2play  21K   2+V1.70 (5-12-98) Guide for Bug Bomber
    bugDEMO.lha        game/2play 169K   2+V1.70 (5-12-98) Demo of Bug Bomber
    FAGuide.lha        game/2play   9K   1+The OFFICIAL Frontal Assault Guide!!!
    FreeCiv1.7-020.lha game/2play 355K   8+Solo/Multiplayer Civ II clone  (Xserver)
    FreeCiv1.7-040.lha game/2play 353K   8+Solo/Multiplayer Civ II clone  (Xserver)
    FreeCiv1.7-dat.lha game/2play 172K   8+Solo/Multiplayer Civ II clone  (Xserver)
    FreeCiv1.7-src.lha game/2play 701K   8+Solo/Multiplayer Civ II clone  (Xserver)
    W2a.lha            game/2play 660K   0+W2. New Wormgame from EM. 1/2
    W2b.lha            game/2play 657K   1+W2. New Wormgame from EM. 2/2
    wizards.lha        game/2play 668K   8+3-player puzzle/platform action!
    Xhess.lha          game/2play  70K   2+A simple board game based on chess. AGA 
    ccalpha.lha        game/actio 560K   3+Collision Course Alpha
    diamondfever18.lha game/actio 147K   4+A Special Ballgame! Full Version 1.8
    Tronn.lha          game/actio 200K   8+Tronn by THY
    Ambassador.lha     game/board 149K   3+Client for IGS, Internet Go Server, V1.1
    AmigaDraughts.lha  game/board 201K   7+A traditional game of Draughts (checkers
    AB3d2_XC.lha       game/data  945K   1+16 Replacement levels for AB3DII Dec 98
    atracks.lha        game/data   22K   3+10 Tracks for Aerial Racers (by Lee Hess
    atracks2.lha       game/data   31K   8+12 tracks for AerialRacers
    A_SweeperNI4.lha   game/data    7K   8+Brushes for A_Sweeper V1 with NewIcon V4
    budgybreed.lha     game/data  262K   4+The attack of the Budgies - TKG custom l
    C-d_Pairs.lha      game/data   10K   0+A great Pairs Blockset from CRACK-design
    cards_yaper.lha    game/data   31K   9+Lo-Res Cardset for Soliton
    F1GP_1998.lha      game/data    7K   9+Final 1998 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed
    Fears_Xav01.lha    game/data   51K   4+New Levels to use with FEARS
    FoundDeutsch.lha   game/data    5K   9+Foundation Deutsch (Catalog+Missions)
    FoundNederland.lha game/data    5K   8+Foundation Nederlands (Catalog+Missions)
    gm_backdrop7.lha   game/data  234K   1+Replacement Backdrops for F1GP
    gm_backdrop8.lha   game/data  138K   1+Replacement Backdrops for F1GP
    jensbreed.lha      game/data  350K   6+A custom levels to The Killing Grounds -
    jensbreed2.lha     game/data  255K   6+A custom level to The Killing Grounds - 
    jensbreed3.lha     game/data  298K   4+A Christmas 1998 special - Jens Breed 3
    RevAll_DeadCut.lha game/data   12K   8+My Head contribution to Revenge_AGA!
    RevAll_Fruity.lha  game/data   24K   6+10 Fruit & Veg Head/Vic/DFX For Rev AGA 
    RevAll_Lego.lha    game/data   28K   2+Legoland Vics,DFX for RevAGA
    RevAll_RobT-01.lha game/data  191K   2+Victims and stuff for RevengeAGA
    RevAll_Scandal.lha game/data   31K   7+Clinton,Lewinsky,Starr Vics,DFX for RevA
    RevHed_5-more.lha  game/data    3K   8+5 assorted heads for Revenge AGA 
    RevHed_8-new.lha   game/data    4K   8+8 assorted heads for Revenge AGA 
    squarebreed.lha    game/data   21K   6+A short but tricky custom level to The K
    SWOSFin.lha        game/data    5K   8+Finnish league datafile for SWOS96/97
    wrm_select.lha     game/data   27K   4+Allows multiple sample sets with Worms f
    ETW_Demo.lha       game/demo  597K   6+Demo version of the new GREAT soccer gam
    ImprD1fr.lha       game/demo  795K   8+Imperator - The Battles (FRENCH)
    ImprD2fr.lha       game/demo  920K   6+Imperator - The Strategy (FRENCH)
    Moonbases_demo.lha game/demo  679K   2+Moonbases playable demo (AGA)
    Moon_RTG_demo.lha  game/demo  592K   2+Moonbases playable demo (graphics card)
    Petro.lha          game/gag    69K   2+Find out how to say Petro Tyschtschenko!
    thought.lha        game/gag     9K   0+Virtual Nostradamus.
    univ_ag.lha        game/gag   326K   3+How can you recognize a mad cow ??? Down
    univ_apl.lha       game/gag   344K   3+Polisch version University of Agricultur
    ACheatBox-HTML.lha game/hint  2.2M   3+Big collection of Cheats, HTML (german)
    ACheatBoxLight.lha game/hint  523K   5+BIG Collection of Cheats V1.2 (german)
    AmigaCheatBox.lha  game/hint  1.4M   5+BIG Collection of Cheats V1.2 (german)
    Cheatfinder.lha    game/hint   29K   8+The game tool is freeware now
    Civil_Tips.lha     game/hint    3K   4+Reach a score over 180% in Civilization.
    DuneII-Trainer.lha game/hint   10K   3+Trainer for more credits and short hint 
    Goddesses.lha      game/hint    3K   0+Solution for Leather Goddesses of Phobos
    Heart-Of-China.lha game/hint   12K   2+Solve of Heart Of China ( French )
    HintList.lha       game/hint   53K   1+List of available cheats, codes, solves
    it_goes.lha        game/hint  218K   1+Game Compatibilitie List UAE,PPC,060,040
    laby2_sl.lha       game/hint    5K   3+How to complete Labyrinth 2 (!)
    Legend-of-Kyra.lha game/hint   15K   2+French Solve of Legend Of the Kyrandia
    Maupiti-Island.lha game/hint    8K   2+French solve of Maupiti Island
    MD-Hook.lha        game/hint    9K   2+Solve of Hook ( French )
    MD-Indy-IV.lha     game/hint   20K   2+French Solve of INDY IV
    Michaels_Cheat.lha game/hint   87K   6+V1.0 Metal Michael's Collection Of Codes
    Police-Quest-3.lha game/hint   14K   2+French Solve Police Quest 3
    RTCC.4.6.lha       game/hint  677K   7+THE Cheat-Collection -latest Update-
    sg1_0.lha          game/hint   59K   4+13 Game Solutions & Licenceware (V1.0)
    Voyageur-Du-Te.lha game/hint    8K   2+French solve Of  "voyageurs du temps la 
    ZAC-McKracken.lha  game/hint   18K   2+French solve of  Zac McKracken
    Buzzy.lha          game/jump  668K   8+A bouncy platform game + editor. (French
    laby2.lha          game/jump   73K   6+One big level platform game
    WiZiO.lha          game/jump   86K   9+Platform romp in Mario style
    bouncing.lha       game/misc  420K   8+Bouncing Round-First Puzzle Bobble  Clon
    calidan.lha        game/misc  371K   6+A realtime war strategy game like c&c
    CQuiz30.lha        game/misc  319K   8+German question & answer game about C=
    F1GP-Ed.lha        game/misc  547K   4+Formula One Grand Prix / WC Editor V3.43
    F1GP-Ed_Upd340.lha game/misc   91K   4+Patch F1GP-Ed 3.40 to 3.43
    F1GP-Ed_Upd341.lha game/misc   86K   4+Patch F1GP-Ed 3.41 to 3.43
    F1GP-Ed_Upd342.lha game/misc   86K   4+Patch F1GP-Ed 3.42 to 3.43
    fu_smfc.lha        game/misc  772K   3+Football management game.
    gardening.lha      game/misc  149K   1+Electronic game
    GPLogFiler.lha     game/misc   33K   6+F1GP logfile viewer. (MUI)
    HArbiter1.12.lha   game/misc   87K   6+The best Core Wars environment for Amiga
    PoPuP.lha          game/misc  855K   4+A high quality shapes puzzle game 
    rfm10.lha          game/misc  430K   8+German soccer manager
    swos2etw.lha       game/misc   17K   0+Convert SWOS teams in ETW teams!
    UFO_EU_Full.lha    game/misc  324K   9+UFO Enemy Unclothed Full Game.
    UFO_EU_Quit.lha    game/misc    1K   7+Quit Workaround for UFO Enemy Unclothed
    WarGrounds.lha     game/misc  317K   3+The real Dune 2 sequel. (update #2)
    WormWars.lha       game/misc  644K   4+WormWars 4.0: Excellent snake game
    ADeusf.lha         game/patch  19K   3+DeuSF like tool to make DOOM total conve
    CivilizationHD.lha game/patch   6K   9+Civilization (ECS) HD installer. V1.0
    CoolPatcher1_2.lha game/patch  46K   6+Patch your favourite games/programs
    DrMario.lha        game/patch   6K   0+HD Installer for Dr. Mario
    ETW-CD11p.lha      game/patch  62K   6+Patch commercial ETW (soccer game) to ve
    etw-turk.lha       game/patch   5K   6+Turkish locale for Eat The Whistle.
    ezquake.lha        game/patch  48K   2+Frontend for launching Quake.
    flashbackhd.lha    game/patch  13K   4+HD-Install script & fix for Flashback V2
    FlyinHighPatch.lha game/patch 169K   6+Flyin'High on GfxBoards
    FoundationUpd.lha  game/patch 484K   8+Foundation Commercial Update 20
    Ftn-fotr.lha       game/patch  27K   0+Final Odyssey - 68020 - Trained +14
    Ftn-oetr.lha       game/patch  28K   0+OnEscapee - Trained +5
    Ftn-pbdt.lha       game/patch  20K   0+PiNBALL BRAiN DAMAGE MiCRO TRAiNED [+3]
    ImprManF.lha       game/patch  47K   6+French manual for Imperator
    jst.lha            game/patch  82K   1+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
    ManiacManV3.lha    game/patch  50K   4+ManiacMan V3 Last Beta
    p5_key.lha         game/patch   0K   2+Keyfile for "Polataa 5"
    populoushd.lha     game/patch  15K   9+HD-Install+Fix for Populous by Bullfrog
    Qboost1.lha        game/patch 134K   1+Quakeboost - better framerate for Quake!
    Qboost2.lha        game/patch 643K   2+Quake framerate boost
    QuakePPC.lha       game/patch   0K   8+Quake PPC-Patch was illegal
    slampch.lha        game/patch  40K   7+Bugfix for SlamTilt. By F.Ultra
    SlamtiltJudge.lha  game/patch  28K   1+Imports slamtilt highscores.
    StuntsSetUp.lha    game/patch  62K   1+Highscore for different cars in Stunts.
    WHDF16Combat.lha   game/patch  21K   9+HD Installer for F-16 Combat Pilot V1.3
    WHDHeroQuest.lha   game/patch  27K   4+HD Installer for Hero Quest V1.1
    WHDHPokerPro.lha   game/patch  20K   4+HD Installer for Hollywood Poker Pro
    WHDShadowLands.lha game/patch  20K   6+HD Installer for Shadow Lands V1.3
    WHDShadoworlds.lha game/patch  18K   6+HD Installer for Shadoworlds
    WHDYeagersAFT2.lha game/patch  27K   2+HD Installer for Chuck Yeager's AFT2.0
    WingTrainer.lha    game/patch  28K   5+Wing Commander Trainer V1.0b
    AngbandPPC.lha     game/role  910K   5+AngbandPPC 2.8.3 - a solo RPG, similar t
    DarkSpring.lha     game/role  714K   4+A fun point'n'click adventure
    DeadLand.lha       game/role  404K   4+A fun gfx/text adventure game
    graal2a.lha        game/role  318K   4+Graphic Adventure Authoring Language 2.3
    graal2audio.lha    game/role  1.0M   4+GRAAL 2.3 Demo Audio Files
    graal2b.lha        game/role  403K   4+Graphic Adventure Authoring Language 2.3
    graal2c.lha        game/role  222K   4+Graphic Adventure Authoring Language 2.3
    graal2d.lha        game/role  240K   4+Graphic Adventure Authoring Language 2.3
    Omega804.lha       game/role  369K   3+RPG v0.80.4. Bug fixed and improved w/ G
    Omega804Src.lha    game/role  302K   3+RPG v0.80.4. Source code.
    QuakerQuest.lha    game/role  372K   4+A fun gfx/text adventure game
    Zangband.lha       game/role  994K   5+Zangband 2.2.1 - a solo RPG based upon A
    ZangbandPPC.lha    game/role  1.2M   5+ZangbandPPC 2.2.1 - a solo RPG based upo
    3D_Core.lha        game/shoot 477K   0+Nearly finish wing commander style game 
    ADescent040-08.lha game/shoot 317K   2+ADescent Warp3D Version 0.8w (040 Versio
    ADescent060-08.lha game/shoot 313K   2+ADescent Warp3D Version 0.8w (060 Versio
    Choplift3d011.lha  game/shoot  79K   7+ChopLifter 3D V0.11
    DCharge.lha        game/shoot 127K   2+Small Game where you blow up submarines
    fatally2.lha       game/shoot 466K   4+Silly shoot-em-up featuring Fat Ally
    FatalM2.lha        game/shoot 482K   4+Shoot 'em up style game (full version)
    FatalM3.lha        game/shoot  95K   4+Shoot 'em up style game (full version)
    RevengeAGAntsc.lha game/shoot 511K   2+Revenge AGA NTSC Version 1.20 
    RevengeAGApal.lha  game/shoot 525K   3+Revenge AGA PAL Version 1.20 
    RevGuide.lha       game/shoot  11K   3+Latest guide for REVENGE AGA 
    dod.lha            game/text  161K   4+Text-based Adventure by Lee Hesselden
    bigtriple.lha      game/think  83K   6+V1.1 of WB-Games
    chaos.lzh          game/think 500K   4+World's best strategy game. 0-8 players,
    Crazy8.lha         game/think 710K   2+Card game  you vs. computer
    Crazy8.samps1.lha  game/think 250K   2+Alternate sample set for Crazy 8's
    DawnVideoPoker.lha game/think 261K   2+VideoPoker. VirtualCards Updt.
    ifd-log.lha        game/think  65K   4+Lights Out Simulation, programmed in Eas
    lazymines.lha      game/think  52K   2+The ULTIMATE minesweeper game
    lazymines_src.lha  game/think  66K   2+Source code for LazyMines
    MUIMastermind.lha  game/think  35K   9+Mastermind Game, 1.12a, MUI, incl. Sourc
    MUIMine.lha        game/think  62K   1+MUI based Minesweeper game V1.1
    MUIMine100.lha     game/think 133K   4+MUI based Minesweeper game with C source
    MUIMineDeutsch.lha game/think   6K   3+Deutsch Catalog for MUIMine V1.0
    MUIMineSrc.lha     game/think  98K   1+C Source code for MUIMine V1.1
    multipuzzle.lha    game/think  26K   2+Sort the bricks with any motive
    multipuzzl_src.lha game/think  25K   2+Source code for MultiPuzzle
    newmastermind.lha  game/think  26K   3+NewMasterMind - just a doc update
    newmasterm_src.lha game/think  27K   3+Sorce code for NewMasterMind
    Soliton_Cat.lha    game/think  11K   8+Catalan translation for Soliton 1.70
    TaskForce.lha      game/think 216K   1+Tactical combat game & editor (V0.31)
    tp.lha             game/think 422K   1+This is version 1.4 of TetrisPro!
    Yarzee05b.lha      game/think  82K   0+MUI Yahtzee clone.
    BM_V2_77.lha       game/wb    278K   6+Buergermeister V2.77 - manage your city 
    BSnake.lha         game/wb    170K   3+Snake game in Blitz2
    Luffar.lha         game/wb     10K   3+TCP/IP Game. Tic Tac Toe. Now with graph
    ShkSnake.lha       game/wb      3K   8+WB Game - Snake clone [v1.3]
    GfX3d_24.lha       gfx/3d      81K   4+3d graphics library for AGA Amiga. v2.4
    LightView.lha      gfx/3d     393K   3+V1.05 - Realtime LightWave objects showe
    make_city.lha      gfx/3d      11K   4+Makes cities for Pov Ray. source include
    pview3d.lha        gfx/3d     287K   3+3D object viewer for PPC, V0.9
    raylabwos.lha      gfx/3d     435K   8+PPC WarpOS port of Raylab Raytracer
    i-bast.lha         gfx/3dobj   49K   4+Cylon BaseStar for Imagine
    i-coba.lha         gfx/3dobj   29K   4+Colonial Battlestar for Imagine
    lightfighter.lha   gfx/3dobj   36K   1+A simple spaceship model for imagine
    R-CAM.lha          gfx/3dobj   29K   6+Little camera (Faces of Mars)
    r-coba.lha         gfx/3dobj   59K   4+Colonial Battlestar for Reflections
    r-r2gol.lha        gfx/3dobj  152K   4+R2-Astromech (SW-Episode1) for Reflectio
    r-sps5.lha         gfx/3dobj  213K   1+Station5 (2001) for Reflections
    r-tied.lha         gfx/3dobj   66K   4+TIE-Defender (Star Wars) for Reflections
    r4_A-Wings.lha     gfx/3dobj  1.5M   3+A-Wing-Fighters for monzoom/REFLECTIONS
    R4_Maquis.lha      gfx/3dobj  803K   9+Maquis Fighter for REFLECTIONS/monzoom
    T3DObjects1.lha    gfx/3dobj  581K   8+Two nice T3D objects (1/3)
    T3DObjects3.lha    gfx/3dobj  877K   8+Two nice T3D objects (3/3)
    T3DTank1.lha       gfx/3dobj  888K   8+A nice rocket tank Made in Tornado3D
    T3DTank2.lha       gfx/3dobj  937K   8+A nice battle tank Made in Tornado3D
    table.lha          gfx/3dobj   19K   3+Very nice Imagine object with demo JPEG
    tk_calcobj.lha     gfx/3dobj  244K   8+Detailed imagine object of a calculator 
    TVLogos.lha        gfx/3dobj   33K   8+3D Lw objects, SpanishTV inspired.
    vase.lha           gfx/3dobj  123K   5+Vase (C4D Object by C.Bubel)
    CGXPrefs.lha       gfx/board   44K   7+PrefsPrg for CGX4 vars & tooltypes(MUI)
    Cybermagic.lha     gfx/board  229K   4+Blanker f. GFXCards 15/16/24Bit(V0.31)
    p4_1438.lha        gfx/board    2K   4+Microvitec 1438 Monitor Settings for Pic
    P96Speed.lha       gfx/board  137K   8+P96/CGFX v1.00 graphics benchmark progra
    Picasso96.lha      gfx/board  499K   8+Picasso96 system for Amiga graphics boar
    PVS.lha            gfx/board   20K   6+Global Prefs setter for Picasso96
    Warp3D-1.1.lha     gfx/board  324K   1+Warp3D hardware independent driver for 3
    Warp3DDev-1.1.lha  gfx/board  175K   1+Warp3D developer archive
    animpro.lha        gfx/conv    13K   1+Convert animations with image processing
    bild2rgfx.lha      gfx/conv     5K   8+Converts images to IFF RGFX format using
    compface.lha       gfx/conv    36K   2+X-Face image compression and decompressi
    Ham32k.lha         gfx/conv    12K   5+Display 32000 colours with OCS/ECS chips
    JPEG-Box.lha       gfx/conv   147K   0+JPEG generator for WWW graphics V3.25 (6
    jpeg2mov.lha       gfx/conv    26K   1+Creates a QuickTime-Movie with many JPEG
    pdhfic.lha         gfx/conv    62K   0+Datatypes to Spectrum SCR/TAP/ZX82/TZX/b
    AmiCAD1.5.lha      gfx/edit   467K   8+Schematics vectorial electronics program
    MicroPaint204.lha  gfx/edit   427K   1+Paint program w. effects / BMP support
    VEShadow.lha       gfx/edit     8K   2+Create different kind of dropshadows
    Mavica_411.lha     gfx/ifx      5K   4+Mavica .411 loader for ImageFX
    VisibleHuman.lha   gfx/ifx      7K   1+Visible Human Project loaders for ImageF
    BulletMe10.lha     gfx/misc     9K   3+Shoot holes in your WB windows (CGX 3 + 
    CDXL-GUI.lha       gfx/misc   198K   3+The only and best French Gui using Argue
    collector_germ.lha gfx/misc    13K   4+German Catalog for Collector V3.5
    photoalbum61.lha   gfx/misc   225K   2+Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&Cy
    ShkScrIFF.lha      gfx/misc     1K   2+Grab active screen
    SvII-1.lha         gfx/misc   244K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 1/8
    SvII-2.lha         gfx/misc   207K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 2/8
    SvII-3.lha         gfx/misc     0K   5+Info - SvII-3.lha is obsolete
    SvII-3a.lha        gfx/misc   135K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 3a/8
    SvII-3b.lha        gfx/misc   213K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 3b/8
    SvII-4.lha         gfx/misc    39K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 4/8
    SvII-5.lha         gfx/misc    51K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 5/8
    SvII-6.lha         gfx/misc    62K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 6/8 (opt
    SvII-7.lha         gfx/misc   113K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 7/8 (opt
    SvII-8.lha         gfx/misc   211K   6+SViewII V8.20 (22.11.98) - Part 8/8 (opt
    SvII-GL.lha        gfx/misc    11K   4+SViewII-based AmigaMesaRTL outputhandler
    SvII-PPC.lha       gfx/misc   656K   6+Update for SViewII PPC modules V22.1
    SVProPics.lha      gfx/misc    27K   4+Script to handle many pics with SViewII
    VideoEasel.lha     gfx/misc   936K   4+THE flexible Cellular Automata (LIFE + m
    Vsta_tm.lha        gfx/misc   219K   2+CapeTown's Table Mountain DEM
    ppmtoscr.lha       gfx/pbm     28K   0+PPM -> Spectrum SCR/tap/ZX82/bytes/TZX
    AMP.lha            gfx/show    72K   2+MPEG1/2 video player for PPC, very fast!
    AMP012b.lha        gfx/show    68K   4+MPEG1/2 player for PPC, very fast! v0.12
    AnimFX.lha         gfx/show   513K   0+Great player for IFF-SoundAnims and CDXL
    bdAnim1_15b.lha    gfx/show   206K   6+Transferanimation player to enhance the 
    fastview.lha       gfx/show    14K   2+Pic Viewer 4 jpg/gif/tif/iff/pcx images 
    NewView.lha        gfx/show    45K   1+V1.2 of the Datatype-Pic/Anim-Viewer
    PPCjpeg.lha        gfx/show    50K   0+Very fast PowerPC (WarpOS) JPEG-Viewer
    Show.lha           gfx/show   426K   3+Cybergfx only picture viewer
    sjfif.lha          gfx/show    14K   9+JFIF viewer for AGA AmigOS
    TIPic.lha          gfx/show    24K   4+Picture viewer for TI8x graphical calcs.
    VisageCtrl.lha     gfx/show    12K   4+GUI for Visage to copy/delete/move/uuenc
    yav167.lha         gfx/show   214K   2+Shows bitmap pictures on all amigas. 
    BetaScanCanon.lha  hard/drivr  19K   0+Driver for Canon scanners (1998.12.29)
    BetaScanHP.lha     hard/drivr  12K   0+Driver for HP ScanJet scanners
    IOBlix_151298.lha  hard/drivr 243K   3+V37.5, IOBlix software update, 14-Dec-98
    MUISnapScan.lha    hard/drivr 123K   7+Scanner driver for AGFA SNAPSCAN's 68020
    PreludeAHI.lha     hard/drivr   8K   8+64 kHz AHI driver for Prelude(1200)
    ScanTek4_3.lha     hard/drivr 200K   3+V4.2 Microtek/Highscreen/Mustek scanner 
    ScanTrax_SP.lha    hard/drivr  11K   5+ScanTrax 2.0 spanish catalogs V1.0
    SetupIOBlix.lha    hard/drivr  27K   1+V37.5a, SetupIOBlix update, 23-Dec-98
    G24_PCMCIA_A.lha   hard/hack  147K   1+Graffito24 videodigitizer pcmcia adapter
    GoldenImgMouse.lha hard/misc    4K   2+How to replace a broken cable at the Gol
    turd_ii.lha        hard/misc  229K   4+The Ultimate Relay Driver 0.35
    Boing.lha          misc/antiq  21K   5+The original Boing Ball demo
    AmigaWorldKey.lha  misc/edu     2K   6+Public key for the AmigaWorld-program
    ConjPor.lha        misc/edu    81K   3+Conjugates portuguese and brazil verbs (
    GeoWorld-DemoD.lha misc/edu   729K   1+*GeoWorld-Demo german* (12/27/98) - new 
    GeoWorld-Upd06.lha misc/edu   239K   1+*GeoWorld-Update6* (12/26/98) - new vers
    GeoWorldDemo_D.lha misc/edu   729K   0+*GeoWorld-Demo german* (12/27/98) - new 
    multik.lha         misc/edu   119K   4+A funny multiplication table. (French)
    voktd.lha          misc/edu   217K   8+Flexible vocabulary prog.(German).V1.2
    1541_GUI.lha       misc/emu    26K   9+1541 GUI
    AmiTRS80.lha       misc/emu   176K   0+TANDY Model1/3 Emulator V0.9f
    anes.lha           misc/emu    47K   0+A/NES v0.99.98b - Nintendo emulator
    Anonymous.lha      misc/emu    36K   3+Beta SPC-700 emulator V0.30 (11.12.98)
    BBGuide.lha        misc/emu   339K   1+Bridgeboards Reference Guide V2.8 (forme
    cbsv016b.lha       misc/emu   131K   1+ZX-Spectrum128k emulator + TR-DOS v0.16b
    cbsv017b.lha       misc/emu   132K   1+ZX-Spectrum128k emulator + TR-DOS v0.17b
    CoolNESs.lha       misc/emu    94K   9+Cool-NES-emulator v0.71   98.10.25
    cp4.lha            misc/emu   224K   2+C= Plus4 Emulator - V0.52 beta
    dissa.lha          misc/emu    47K   7+HuC6280 Disassembler V1.70+Gui
    execute64.lha      misc/emu    32K   8+V1.12 Amiga->C64 Transfer and Execute.
    fMSX_2.0.lha       misc/emu   841K   8+MSX emulator (v2.0), req. 68020/OS3.0
    FS1541-13.lha      misc/emu    64K   0+FileSystem for CBM 1541 disks, v1.3+src.
    gpatchix.tgz       misc/emu   283K   6+Ix binaries of the GPatch package      misc/emu    18K   2+Windows binaries of the GPatch package
    Mac_Troublesho.lha misc/emu    49K   6+Macintosh Troubleshooter AmigaGuide v1.5
    PippinEVD.lha      misc/emu    13K   0+ShapeShifter EVD with PIP display
    ROMSearcher.lha    misc/emu    53K   0+Finds hidden/encoded text in videogame R
    sge.lha            misc/emu    23K   0+SGE: The Spectrum Graphics Editor/Ripper
    SNES9xGUI1_6.lha   misc/emu    43K   2+Probably the best GUI for SNES9x/WarpSNE
    SPCRecord.lha      misc/emu    25K   3+SNES9x SPC-700 emulator V0.90 (11.12.98)
    Spectrum128.lha    misc/emu   101K   4+Spectrum 128K emulator V0.2 
    taer199810.lha     misc/emu     1K   8+Amiga Emulation Report / OCTOBER 1998
    taer199811.lha     misc/emu     1K   4+Amiga Emulation Report / NOVEMBER 1998
    tr-981125-amir.lha misc/emu   106K   1+Nintendo 64 emulator - Amiga revision 2 
    UAEPPC-Script.lha  misc/emu   131K   0+Start-Script for UAE0.8.6 PowerUP
    vMac_bin.lha       misc/emu   224K   3+VMac(bin)-Amiga (PPC) port of mac plus e
    vMac_src.lha       misc/emu   157K   3+VMac(src)-Amiga (PPC) port of mac plus e
    warpsnes.lha       misc/emu   543K   6+SNES Emulator for PowerPC (WarpUP) V3.4
    wzonka-lad.lha     misc/emu   240K   4+Wzonka-Lad - Gameboy emulator v0.99.12e
    YAAE.lha           misc/emu   149K   4+An ABC80 emulator.
    Geometry_16.lha    misc/math  131K   8+Geometrical calculations v1.6 (update)
    mathx132.lha       misc/math  264K   5+Math program V1.32, MUI
    rachmist.lha       misc/math  573K   2+Math program
    AmiTarot.lha       misc/misc   29K   1+Tarot card reader program v1.15
    BiblishScions.lha  misc/misc  181K   6+ScionV5.06 Database of biblish persons 
    cctools.lha        misc/misc   10K   0+Transfer Progs to C-Control Unit
    fulltimedemo.lha   misc/misc   91K   7+Amiga football prediction s/w v1.22
    LC2.lha            misc/misc  151K   5+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
    lotolib.lha        misc/misc   19K   2+Lotolib for LOTO v2.3+ (1976 au 05-dec-9
    Lotto.lha          misc/misc  724K   9+Play (Ger) Lotto! Print forms. (V1.32)
    MUIMastermindT.lha misc/misc    1K   9+Turkish Localization for MUIMastermind
    Nept10.lha         misc/misc  105K   3+Astrology prog. with excellent gfx. V1.0
    SpaTra05.lha       misc/misc  140K   8+Spanish Translations Pack 05 v0.2
    SWERates.lha       misc/misc    2K   4+Swedish rates for Phonebill (981204)
    toto8.lha          misc/misc   60K   4+Totogol forecast. *32 matches* Italian.
    Wiseman.lha        misc/misc   17K   6+Displays random wise words in Workbench!
    wx200_1.10b.lha    misc/misc   20K   1+Monitors RS WX200 Weather Station
    amilab.lha         misc/sci   337K   0+Electronic circuit simulator. V2.10
    AmiSPICEed.lha     misc/sci   450K   6+Simulation environment for SPICE (V1.8)
    PetitChimiste.lha  misc/sci   195K   9+A 3D presentation tool for chemical mole
    SkippoV2_1.lha     misc/sci   254K   7+DBase-Program for CB-radio
    texmas11.lha       mods/atmos 336K   7+Winning module from iNtel outside 4
    eingaard2.lha      mods/boray 369K   8+Demo sample from new music CD by Boray!
    helgon2.lha        mods/boray 524K   8+Demo sample from new music CD by Boray!
    improve.lha        mods/boray 532K   8+Demo sample from new music CD by Boray!
    puppy.lha          mods/boray 380K   8+Demo sample from new music CD by Boray!
    tuban.lha          mods/boray 479K   8+Demo sample from new music CD by Boray!
    AHX_Andi.lha       mods/chip   13K   1+7 AHX-Tunes by Andreas Spreen
    ay-colly1.lha      mods/chip   45K   6+Collection of the best AY musics for DT.
    Scream2.lha        mods/crash 533K   9+Multi-Channel SoundStudio MOD
    olavs_discormx.lha mods/demo   37K   3+Spoochy's 7th OctaMed mod.
    Short_Chime.lha    mods/evrim   6K   6+A short chime by eVRIMSSON
    TerrorInside.lha   mods/evrim 163K   6+A great introtune by eVRIMSSON
    WarriorsThs.lha    mods/evrim  93K   6+Ancient tune by by eVRIMSSON
    3xDreams98.lha     mods/exprt 477K   4+Symphonie module composed by eXpert
    HarmonySoul.lha    mods/exprt 1.2M   4+Symphonie module composed by Expert
    JustDance.lha      mods/exprt 1.5M   4+Symphonie module composed by eXpert
    JustDance2.lha     mods/exprt 1.1M   4+Symphonie module composed by eXpert
    JustDance_3.lha    mods/exprt 1.1M   4+Symphonie module composed by eXpert
    PositiveFeel.lha   mods/exprt 702K   4+Symphonie module composed by Expert
    djh_wxm.lha        mods/hardc 156K   4+Merry Christmas '98!  (OctaMED SoundStud
    djh_wxmx.lha       mods/hardc 167K   4+Merry Christmas '98!  (FastTracker 2 rel
    HaHaHardcore.lha   mods/hardc 382K   8+Amiga Teenage Riot Remix of a Hardcore/G
    HardcoreCall.lha   mods/hardc 439K   8+Amiga Teenage Riot Remix of a Hardcore m
    toytown_remix.lha  mods/hardc  96K   4+Remix of DJ Hixxy's Toytown
    zab-babysitter.lha mods/hardc 107K   8+Gabba pt.mod by Zabba, 225bpm
    zab-metalic303.lha mods/hardc 205K   8+DBM.6ch acidhardcore by Zabba, 200bpm
    zab-this_s_hc.lha  mods/hardc 188K   8+GABBA pt.mod by Zabba --> 255bpm <--
    zzats_avenger.lha  mods/hardc  74K   7+Zznic VS ATS Crew challenge (Avenger)
    zzats_doggydoc.lha mods/hardc  75K   7+Zznic VS ATS Crew challenge (DoggyDOC)
    zzats_mephisto.lha mods/hardc  74K   7+Zznic VS ATS Crew challenge (Mephisto)
    zzats_sadista.lha  mods/hardc  74K   7+Zznic VS ATS Crew challenge (Sadista)
    zzats_zabba.lha    mods/hardc  28K   7+Zznic VS ATS Crew challenge (Zabba)
    sideras2.lha       mods/house 146K   3+Sideras2 - OctamedSS MOD by Olethros
    aftrtgts.lha       mods/jungl 267K   8+Afterthoughts
    Korrekt.lha        mods/jungl 203K   6+Jungle by istari
    legomix.lha        mods/jungl 240K   8+Minder/WhoKers remixes Legoland by Skid
    PirateRadio.lha    mods/jungl 240K   6+JunglisticRave Music by istari
    stepdarkness.lha   mods/jungl 246K   1+-*AMOREL*- Old but THE best breakbeat/ju
    Suling.lha         mods/jungl  89K   6+Weird Breakbeat by istari
    beastly.lha        mods/med   173K   8+Fun dance mod
    short1.lha         mods/med     5K   4+Short synthy mod created with OctamedV5 
    tst_astr.lha       mods/med   232K   5+Atmospheric drum'n'space by B.C. octamed
    tst_boom.lha       mods/med    98K   5+Acid trance trip octamed module
    tst_disc.lha       mods/med   124K   5+Mellow drum n bass 8 channel ocss module
    tst_drip.lha       mods/med   120K   5+Beat based minimalist techno octamed mod
    tst_elti.lha       mods/med   124K   5+Tweaked remix of The 11th Hour octamed m
    tst_flip.lha       mods/med   218K   5+Two infectious trancy octamed modules
    tst_fr98.lha       mods/med   499K   5+Quality refix-remix of "Freedom" octamed
    tst_hbpu.lha       mods/med   298K   5+Trance remix of "Heartbeats" octamed mod
    tst_juas.lha       mods/med   196K   5+Remix of Transient's "Jubilee" octamed m
    tst_jujo.lha       mods/med   332K   5+Hard edged remix of "Jubilee" octamed mo
    tst_proj.lha       mods/med   149K   8+Dance hall trance octamed module
    tst_pxal.lha       mods/med   258K   5+Deepish techno remix of parallax octamed
    tst_simp.lha       mods/med   176K   8+Trancy rave style octamed module
    tst_trip.lha       mods/med   260K   2+Trip group theme-tro octamed module
    32_LoVeS.lha       mods/melod 160K   0+Spoochy's 9th OctaMed mod.
    elecbeat.lha       mods/melod  42K   3+Music mod by Vent(XM format)
    after.lha          mods/misc   11K   4+A chaos-style xm-mod by sbf/phx
    binaural.lha       mods/misc   23K   3+Get out of your body with the binaural b
    Brat.lha           mods/misc  105K   2+Bjorn Lynne Protracker module
    BrokenHe.lha       mods/misc  203K   4+A little nervsong ;) - XM-mod
    byebyesodankyl.lha mods/misc   89K   5+A simple 4-channel Protracker tune
    djD_EWorld.lha     mods/misc  164K   0+6ch DigiBoosterModule from djd
    girl-dof.lha       mods/misc  176K   3+DegreeOfintelligence
    LogOffBrain.lha    mods/misc  139K   6+XM-Synth/Trance-mod
    LordOfTheRings.lha mods/misc  285K   1+Lord of the Rings (MON format)
    Ramona.lha         mods/misc  156K   4+A tribute - XM-mod
    ref-cu4ever.lha    mods/misc  281K   8+CU4ever.XM from Dreamhack 98 multichanne
    Remember.lha       mods/misc   54K   6+Remeber da good old Times-XM-mod
    Sie_Flog.lha       mods/misc   41K   4+Sie flog uebers kuckucksnest - xm-mod
    SuperStardust.lha  mods/misc  379K   5+Techno musics by RIB (v1.1)
    Tangram.lha        mods/misc   78K   0+Tangram music (Hippel COSO format)
    TechnoV.lha        mods/misc   13K   2+House style Module in Tracker Format
    there.lha          mods/misc  320K   3+16-Chn DigiBoosterPro mod by MIM
    Wonderful.lha      mods/misc   38K   4+Synth-song whit piano (?) XM-mod
    bad_day.mpg        mods/mpg   3.8M   8+A very dangerous tune !
    century.mpg        mods/mpg   1.1M   6+Audio track from cancelled Amiga game Ce
    chz_cube.mpg       mods/mpg   5.9M   8+CHAVEZ` monotonic "The cube" (mp3) [ster
    chz_squeeze.mpg    mods/mpg   4.7M   6+CHAVEZ` monotonic stomper "squeeze" (mp3
    death.mpg          mods/mpg   2.7M   1+Death star. Psykedelic trance (MP3) tune
    deep.lha           mods/mpg   2.3M   8+Deep Inside. MP3 tune from Transplant
    earth.lha          mods/mpg   2.1M   7+Earth Quake. MP3 tune from Transplant
    Flying.mpg         mods/mpg   2.8M   3+Flying Low
    luke.mpg           mods/mpg   2.1M   6+Luke Skywalker. Psykedelic trance (MP3) 
    MOB.mpg            mods/mpg   1.6M   0+Jungle Mpeg by istari
    Privateers.lha     mods/mpg   3.3M   8+Themed/folk written in B&PP by Nessus
    Scratcher.mpg      mods/mpg   2.7M   5+Scratcher Reaction by Infinity
    SH-Buzzing_Bee.mpg mods/mpg   1.0M   6+Joyful Electronic Music by Simon Holm
    SH-End_of_Time.mpg mods/mpg   862K   3+Moody Soundtrack by Simon Holm
    SH-Global_Com.mpg  mods/mpg   1.6M   2+Industrial Trance by MONDY
    SH-Jap_Revenge.mpg mods/mpg   1.3M   3+Asian Folk type of Music by Simon Holm
    SH-Jingle.mpg      mods/mpg   138K   2+Jingle by Simon Holm
    SH-Speed_Up.mpg    mods/mpg   1.3M   2+Industrial by MatriX Wired
    nd-omnic.lha       mods/neuro 353K   0+Omniconscious (10 Channels OSS, 11+ mins
    caribe.lha         mods/pete   78K   0+21-ch "pirate" IT Mod by PiratePete
    flint.lha          mods/pete  651K   0+14 ch "secretagent" IT mod by PiratePete
    teotwak1.lha       mods/pete  475K   8+15-ch METAL version of TEOTWAWKI by PP
    Dynamic2.lha       mods/pop   950K   8+Pop Rock tune by Antonio
    friendlydance.lha  mods/pro   178K   8+Friendly dance by Vyger of D.A.S.S.
    materialdance.lha  mods/pro   111K   8+Material Dance by Vyger of D.A.S.S.
    synthesmass2.lha   mods/pro   100K   8+Synthes Massacre 2 by Vyger of D.A.S.S.
    viciousrumours.lha mods/pro   145K   8+Vicious Rumours 2 by Vyger of D.A.S.S.
    voiceofvyger.lha   mods/pro   251K   8+Voice of Vyger by Vyger of D.A.S.S.
    Xmas_night.lha     mods/pro   247K   1+Christmas Night - By Nemesis/Zenon^Dynam
    DeathsEmbrace.lha  mods/rock  155K   3+Death metal MOD
    Freakshow.lha      mods/rock  216K   3+Rock/Techno MOD
    Madness.lha        mods/rock  170K   3+Death metal MOD
    Money_Poney.lha    mods/rock  132K   3+Rock/Techno MOD
    Rock-n-Roll.lha    mods/rock  154K   3+MOD of some sort...
    teotwak1.lha       mods/rock  475K   9+15-ch METAL version of TEOTWAWKI by PP
    The_End.lha        mods/rock  177K   3+Metal MOD
    brokent.lha        mods/roz   208K   4+Hardhouse Slammer by Roz
    rufftuff.lha       mods/roz   220K   4+Electro-bigbeat-acid by Roz
    st_mix01.lha       mods/sets  650K   5+A collection of music modules by Stamen
    ttx_songs.lha      mods/sets   13M   2+Some octamed soundstudio tunes from TTX
    Nadia.lha          mods/slow  111K   3+Spoochy's 8th OctaMed mod.
    Nadia_s-mix.lha    mods/slow  114K   2+Stereomix of Spoochy's great Nadia song.
    InTheMixx10.lha    mods/smpl  977K   1+Mixed-144-BPM Loops Part 2 
    InTheMixx7.lha     mods/smpl  1.2M   1+Mixed-110-BPM Loops Part 2 
    InTheMixx8.lha     mods/smpl  1.2M   1+Mixed-110-BPM Loops Part 2 
    InTheMixx9.lha     mods/smpl  1.3M   1+Mixed-144-BPM Loops Part 2 
    Affected_Xmas.lha  mods/symph 139K   4+Symphonie module by lUkE/n^Ex
    artmusic.lha       mods/symph 301K   7+Simphonie music module
    shape.lha          mods/symph 141K   7+Simphonie music module
    funkyclo.lha       mods/synth  84K   9+6 voice Fasttracker II module 
    jammed.lha         mods/synth   2K   3+AHX(THX:) mod by MIM
    af-atmosphere.lha  mods/techn 182K   3+DBM10ch ->Acid Frog<- progrtechno,136bpm
    af-iberlauf.lha    mods/techn 396K   2+DBM14ch ->Acid Frog<- psyhrdtrance136bpm
    af-intro.lha       mods/techn 440K   2+DBM10ch ->Acid Frog<- hardtrance,136bpm
    af-introing.lha    mods/techn 440K   2+DBM10ch ->Acid Frog<- hardtrance,136bpm
    af-mozgolom.lha    mods/techn  79K   8+140BPM acidtrack by Acid Frog, DBM.12ch
    af-subaquatic.lha  mods/techn 679K   2+DBM10ch ->Acid Frog<- monoacid,136bpm
    af-tetra.lha       mods/techn 1.2M   3+DBM-14ch acidtrack by Acid Frog,138bpm
    af-vrt_xtc.lha     mods/techn 930K   8+DBM.14ch acidtrance by Acid Frog,140bpm
    brm_surv.lha       mods/techn 749K   8+The Survivor by Broom.
    c9h13n_pt2.lha     mods/techn 465K   6+"C9H13N_pt.2" a commercial techno-tune b
    DesertPlanet.lha   mods/techn 1.0M   3+Desert Planet (Symphonie 3.0+)
    Hollogen.lha       mods/techn 442K   4+Incredible techno mods
    lah.lha            mods/techn 146K   7+Looking At Her. By Mopz of NC.Gamez
    little_spider.lha  mods/techn  48K   3+Spoochy's 5th OctaMed mod.
    lnsR2_matrix.lha   mods/techn 279K   8+Ec35 extended intro module-downbeat
    MouthofMadness.lha mods/techn 269K   6+"Mouth of Madness" a commercial techno-t
    OrdoAbSanguis.lha  mods/techn 299K   6+"Ordo Ab Sanguis" a commercial techno-tu
    ph-hbd.lha         mods/techn  76K   4+Human by Design, electric pop
    phd_2000.lha       mods/techn 1.2M   5+[ PHD ] - siemens 2000 by tweeter
    phd_clog.lha       mods/techn 175K   8+[ PHD ] - clog by quality control
    phd_deep.lha       mods/techn 508K   5+[ PHD ] - d.e.e.p. dive by dane
    phd_drs6.lha       mods/techn 270K   8+[ PHD ] - dreamscope 6 by dexter
    s-weird.lha        mods/techn  57K   8+-*AMOREL*- Very experimental track, gues
    SD-BM.lha          mods/techn 173K   0+A Rave module made by EcheXiO.
    SuperStardust.lha  mods/techn 379K   6+Techno musics by RIB
    vdo_lofi.lha       mods/techn 678K   8+The 36th voodoo release
    weird.lha          mods/techn  57K   8+-*AMOREL*- Very experimental track, gues
    Uncroblam.lha      mods/tranc  54K   3+Spoochy's 6th OctaMed mod.
    Yashmak.lha        mods/tranc 346K   1+Trance/Acid DIGI Released at Vajsing 98
    advance.lha        mods/wmr   243K   5+IMM: "Advance"
    an_2lst8.lha       mods/wmr   723K   4+IMM: "Made to Last" (8-bit version)
    border.lha         mods/wmr   685K   1+IMM: "The Border"
    chipshit.lha       mods/wmr     6K   5+IMM: "Chip's Hit"
    cltcrmnc.lha       mods/wmr   317K   5+IMM: "Celtic Romances"
    dc-tlas.lha        mods/wmr   195K   5+IMM: "The Last Atlantis Song"
    doll.lha           mods/wmr   119K   3+IMM: "The Doll"
    eyepick.lha        mods/wmr    53K   5+IMM: "Eye Pick"
    faraway.lha        mods/wmr   226K   5+IMM: "Faraway Love"
    fatterthangod.lha  mods/wmr   192K   5+IMM: "Fatter Than God"
    ftbclub1.lha       mods/wmr   572K   5+IMM: "It's Wonderfull (to Feel)"
    funken.lha         mods/wmr   330K   0+IMM: "Funkenstein"
    gfx_tr8.lha        mods/wmr   819K   4+IMM: "Untenable Peace"
    inmotion.lha       mods/wmr   155K   5+IMM: "In Motion"
    insects.lha        mods/wmr   348K   4+IMM: "Insects"
    jazz1.lha          mods/wmr    64K   0+IMM-Ref: "Bombastic Jazz"
    judgeme.lha        mods/wmr   1.1M   5+IMM: "Judge Me"
    k_bomb.lha         mods/wmr   1.7M   1+IMM-Mon: "Bomb on the City"
    k_death.lha        mods/wmr   825K   1+IMM-Mon: "I Inherit Death"
    k_lead.lha         mods/wmr   1.5M   1+IMM-Mon: "Leadbelly (Remix)"
    k_pearl.lha        mods/wmr   1.0M   1+IMM-Mon: "Perlen des Pops"
    lonoise.lha        mods/wmr   293K   4+IMM: "LoNoise"
    magicflute.lha     mods/wmr   725K   1+IMM: "Magic Flute"
    mnkybsns.lha       mods/wmr   392K   5+IMM: "Monkey Business"
    nm_atom.lha        mods/wmr   1.0M   1+IMM-Mon: "Chant Atomique"
    nm_bblon.lha       mods/wmr   763K   3+IMM: "Moon over Babylon"
    oncloud9.lha       mods/wmr   740K   5+IMM: "On Cloud NiNe"
    opiumchip.lha      mods/wmr   226K   5+IMM: "The Opium Chip"
    redbrick.lha       mods/wmr   664K   5+IMM: "Red Brick"
    tele.lha           mods/wmr   306K   5+IMM: "Telemetry"
    vigilante.lha      mods/wmr   307K   5+IMM: "Vigilante"
    elw-aftr.lha       mods/xm    359K   4+DL: "After Hours" by Elwood         ****
    elw-dead.lha       mods/xm    254K   4+DL: "Dead Lock" by Elwood          *****
    elw-expe.lha       mods/xm    503K   0+DL: "Experience" by Elwood         *****
    elw-feat.lha       mods/xm    370K   4+DL: "Feats of Valor" by Elwood     *****
    elw-infe.lha       mods/xm    223K   4+DL: "Inferiority Complex" by Elwood*****
    elw-litt.lha       mods/xm    277K   4+DL: "Little Man" by Elwood         *****
    elw-neut.lha       mods/xm    309K   4+DL: "Neutral Zone" by Elwood       *****
    elw-onef.lha       mods/xm    319K   4+DL: "One Fine Day" by Elwood       *****
    elw-shad.lha       mods/xm    228K   4+DL: "Into the Shadow" by Elwood    *****
    elw-shoo.lha       mods/xm    207K   4+DL: "Shooting Star" by Elwood      *****
    elw-sick.lha       mods/xm    387K   4+DL: "Sick On Monday" by Elwood     *****
    elw-swee.lha       mods/xm    312K   4+DL: "Sweet Dreams" by Elwood       *****
    Hit_The_Gas.lha    mods/xm    246K   4+Dr.T0m's Hardcore/rave XM
    mv-donts.lha       mods/xm    252K   4+DL: "Don't Stop" by MyVoice         ****
    mv-drago.lha       mods/xm    269K   4+DL: "Dragons Legend" by MyVoice    *****
    mv-space.lha       mods/xm    245K   4+DL: "Spacedream" by MyVoice        *****
    Wait4Spr.lha       mods/xm    541K   5+Waiting for Spring... Slow, nice module 
    303tracker.lha     mus/edit   714K   6+Renders and plays TB-303 bassline loops
    BeatBox2.lha       mus/edit   287K   0+FREEWARE Point and click music editor
    DBPro220.lha       mus/edit   496K   5+Multitracker-TB303emu,PPC support
    Midi_Companion.lha mus/edit    37K   4+Midi Companion for use with OctaMED
    raw2cdda.lha       mus/edit     2K   3+Raw mono 8 bit audio converter to CDDA f
    samed.lha          mus/edit   300K   8+16bit stereo sample editor with plug ins
    samplee.lha        mus/edit   216K   3+A fast 16-Bit Stereo Sample Editor, supp
    SinED.lha          mus/edit   272K   3+V2.10 - 16bit sample editor/generator
    WaveTracer.lha     mus/edit   1.1M   2+Extensive sound-editor/ -converter/ -cre
    WaveTracerUpda.lha mus/edit   345K   2+Extensive sound-editor, update-files
    05rw-base.lha      mus/midi    71K   8+V1.2 KORG 05R/W Edit/Manager (MUI)
    CS1xEdit12.lha     mus/midi   203K   4+V1.2 of the Realtime Editor For CS1x Syn
    Euterpe.lha        mus/midi   683K   4+MultiMedia Sequencer v1.20 (BugFix)
    Euterpe020.lha     mus/midi   335K   3+MultiMedia Sequencer v1.20 (BugFix)
    EuterpeDeutsch.lha mus/midi   102K   3+German files for Euterpe 1.20
    Euterpef20.lha     mus/midi   327K   3+MultiMedia Sequencer v1.20 (BugFix)
    Midi_Companion.lha mus/midi    37K   3+Midi Companion for use with OctaMED
    qsedit.lha         mus/midi    59K   0+Full Editor For ALESIS QS series synthes
    Shos7-2.lha        mus/midi    28K   8+Shostakovich 7th Symphony, 2nd movement 
    UntilTwelve.lha    mus/midi     4K   9+Macabre midi module by Jam/JSI!
    XGTool.lha         mus/midi   130K   8+XG Editor and Librarian for Yamaha MU10
    AmTagEd.lha        mus/misc   231K   8+1.72 - MPEG audio TAG ID3 editor
    AmTagEd172Fr.lha   mus/misc     3K   4+French catalog for AmTagEd V1.72
    AmTAGID3.lha       mus/misc    50K   9+2.0 - MPEG Audio TAGID3 editor and more
    DolbySample.lha    mus/misc   818K   9+Dolby-Surround-encoded sample
    kocmu3.lha         mus/misc    17K   6+Bassline Synth featuring TB-303 style Se
    Med2Xm-GUI.lha     mus/misc   109K   2+GUI for Fileformatconverter Med2Xm
    mpeginfo.lha       mus/misc     8K   9+Extracts info from MPEG files. w/ source
    PlayHD.lha         mus/misc   382K   8+AHI-based harddisk-recording program
    SmpteCtrlDEMO.lha  mus/misc    32K   3+CLI/GUI SMPTE Ctrl program for Studio 16
    SongFace.lha       mus/misc   268K   6+Improve the look of Songplayer!         
    zms-kc3.lha        mus/misc    50K   0+Bassline Synth featuring TB-303 style Se
    AmigaAMP.lha       mus/play   462K   9+MPEG audio player with GUI (68k/PPC)
    coolmod.lha        mus/play   130K   8+CoolMod v1.72. Bug fixed. A multiformat 
    mpega.lha          mus/play    39K   2+MPEG I,II & III audio decoder V3.5 (6802
    playerek3.lha      mus/play    53K   4+V3.3 PT/Med Sprite equ, xpk,lha,lzx,pp i
    SongPlayer.lha     mus/play   208K   7+Cool and powerfull audio player V1.45 68
    SongPlayer_de.lha  mus/play     9K   1+German catalog file for SongPlayer 1.45
    SongPlayer_Por.lha mus/play     4K   4+Portuguese locale Catalog for SongPlayer
    SPlayer_v1.9c.lha  mus/play   156K   1+Mpega/Play16/CD GUI? - You Bet!
    Splayer_v1.9cf.lha mus/play    92K   0+SPlayer 1.9c - Minor Bug Fix
    Swomp.lha          mus/play    39K   6+(Octa)MED player, MUI interface
    TMLG.lha           mus/play   215K   8+MP3 player, beats AmigaAMP!
    2ufos7l.lha        pix/3dani  2.6M   1+Iff-Animation of two UFOs
    Dolby.lha          pix/3dani  2.0M   9+Dolby Surround anim with sound
    ufo7s.lha          pix/3dani  2.2M   1+Iff-Animation of an UFO
    A2Kfl.mpg          pix/anim   879K   2+(ALN) Amiga 2000 Space Anim.
    A4KPPC.mpg         pix/anim   879K   2+(ALN) Amiga 4000 PowerPC Logo Anim.
    AmigaExp_moa.mpg   pix/anim   246K   5+MPG-Animation with the AmigaLogo ! NICE 
    Cliffdemo.lha      pix/anim    49K   3+Animation of "A guy meets a cliff"
    DinoRex.lha        pix/anim   3.8M   4+T-Rex screaming and smashing stuff
    GoldSpin.lha       pix/anim   2.9M   4+Golden goblet spinning loop anim
    HypaSpeed.lha      pix/anim   793K   4+Speed through hype-space past crazy obje
    Launch_moa.mpg     pix/anim   100K   5+MPG-Animation of a Spacefighter and Spac
    LoopEngine.lha     pix/anim   568K   4+3D Engine looping animation
    NCC1701D_moa.mpg   pix/anim   143K   5+MPG-Animation of the Enterprise NCC1701-
    neues_3sat.lha     pix/anim   2.0M   4+Video-sequence of a german TV show
    THX.lha            pix/anim   471K   4+THX -trailer with sound
    WDR_CC_Nacht.lha   pix/anim   3.5M   4+Interview of Petro T. at the CC_Night
    ACG_Manga_7.lha    pix/art    446K   0+Anime Style Graphics 
    Anabolic_Koala.lha pix/art     65K   5+Anabolic Koala
    Celestia.jpg       pix/art     47K   3+Graphic Art by William F. Maddock
    Doggy.lha          pix/art    5.1M   8+Slide show of nices grey pictures-PART1
    Doggy_2.lha        pix/art    4.1M   8+Slide show of Nices grey pictures-PART2
    Doggy_fixed.lha    pix/art      1K   8+Fixed script for Doggyslide_go-Music sto
    FireBrigade.lha    pix/art     10K   1+Fire brigade using a Phoenix fire truck.
    FlightOF.lha       pix/art    237K   3 Can You See A Bird In Here ???
    fr-hhd.lha         pix/art     29K   0+'Happy holidays' PiXeL by FReaK
    fr-zinko.lha       pix/art     20K   3+Another PiXeL by fREAK!
    Gods.lha           pix/art    100K   4+Gods ... 1st at TG95 gfx compo
    HAM-7_Logo.jpg     pix/art     30K   5+Logo of HAM #7 private party.
    IO5_gfx.lha        pix/art    194K   7+Selected pictures from iNtel outside 5
    Japan.lha          pix/art     88K   0+Japanese Sunglasses (GFX compo - TP'98)
    JrnyThruChaos.jpg  pix/art     66K   5+Graphic Art by William F. Maddock
    KillGatesScree.jpg pix/art     61K   6+Screen for Worbench (KillGates - Spain )
    M987_Fuel_truc.lha pix/art     11K   1+This is an M987 Fuel Serivicing truck.
    martika.jpg        pix/art    171K   1+Martika hand-drawn by recoil
    PositiveSigns.jpg  pix/art     26K   8+Graphic Art by William F. Maddock
    RS-Luchs.jpg       pix/art    165K   1+Pencil drawing
    RS-Model.jpg       pix/art    428K   1+Pencil drawing
    RS-Santa.jpg       pix/art    268K   1+Pencil drawing
    RS-SexySnail.jpg   pix/art    215K   1+Pencil drawing
    StarFish.jpg       pix/art    116K   7+Graphic Art by William F. Maddock
    XmasRachel98.jpg   pix/art    217K   0+Rachel Raccoon Christmas decorating
    gm_wbdrops.lha     pix/back   1.0M   1+Replacement Backdrops for F1GP
    SaturnWB.lha       pix/back   126K   9+Cool Saturn Backdrop.
    A1200Boot.lha      pix/boot   319K   1+A1200 Boot configuration for Rainboot2
    A4000Boot.lha      pix/boot   210K   3+Nice Rainboot2 Boot-Configuration
    Amiga1999.lha      pix/boot   239K   5+The bootpicture for 1999
    AstronomieBoot.lha pix/boot   312K   1+Astronomie Boot configuration for Rainbo
    mad_cbp4.lha       pix/boot   4.8M   1+Crazy BootPics #4 by MadBart/Appendix
    MicrosoftBoot.lha  pix/boot    28K   1+Microsoft Boot configuration for Rainboo
    PulverBoot.lha     pix/boot   777K   3+Rainboot2 Bootup with Techno Rhythm
    Saturn.lha         pix/boot   126K   9+Cool Saturn Backdrop.
    SabOn_03.lha       pix/eric   463K   4+Sabrina Online comic strips (PNG format)
    HN-SheepInMoti.jpg pix/fauna  229K   6+Motion blurred sheep running amok
    HN-TheCygnus.jpg   pix/fauna  299K   6+The Cygnus olor
    HN-TheFamily.jpg   pix/fauna  418K   4+A sheep family
    BoP_Anim.lha       pix/heiko  3.4M   8+Birds of Prey passing a sun (mov)
    BOP_Anim_Prev1.jpg pix/heiko  128K   8+Preview picture for BoP Animation
    BOP_Anim_Prev2.jpg pix/heiko  126K   8+Preview picture for BoP Animation
    BOP_Anim_Prev3.jpg pix/heiko  117K   8+Preview picture for BoP Animation
    DockAnim1_pre1.jpg pix/heiko  146K   6+Preview picture for Spacedock 1 Animatio
    DockAnim1_pre2.jpg pix/heiko  102K   6+Preview picture for Spacedock 1 Animatio
    DockAnim1_pre3.jpg pix/heiko  107K   6+Preview picture for Spacedock 1 Animatio
    Dock_Anim.mpg      pix/heiko  2.8M   6+Ship leaving Spacedock (mpg)
    Dock_Anim1_pre.jpg pix/heiko  146K   6+Preview picture for Spacedock 1 Animatio
    Meet_1.mpg         pix/heiko  2.8M   5+Two ships passing nebula (mpg)
    Meet_2.mpg         pix/heiko  2.8M   5+Two ships passing nebula (mpg)
    Meet_3.mpg         pix/heiko  2.8M   4+Two ships passing nebula (mpg)
    Meet_all.mpg       pix/heiko  8.3M   5+Two ships passing nebula 1-3 (mpg)
    Meet_old1.mpg      pix/heiko  2.8M   4+Three ships in orbiting planet (mpg)
    Meet_old2.mpg      pix/heiko  1.4M   4+Three ships in orbiting planet (mpg)
    Meet_old3.mpg      pix/heiko  2.9M   4+Three ships in orbiting planet (mpg)
    Meet_old4.mpg      pix/heiko  2.8M   4+Three ships in orbiting planet (mpg)
    Meet_old5.mpg      pix/heiko  1.4M   4+Three ships in orbiting planet (mpg)
    Starbase17_10.jpg  pix/heiko  233K   8+Ship docked inside Spacedock
    Starbase17_10h.jpg pix/heiko  225K   8+Ship docked inside Spacedock
    Starbase17_4.jpg   pix/heiko  121K   8+Outpost 17
    Starbase17_4h.jpg  pix/heiko  116K   8+Outpost 17
    Starbase17_5.jpg   pix/heiko  131K   8+Outpost 17
    Starbase17_5h.jpg  pix/heiko  128K   8+Outpost 17
    Starbase17_6.jpg   pix/heiko  174K   8+Ship appraoching Spacedock
    Starbase17_6h.jpg  pix/heiko  179K   8+Ship approaching Spacedock
    Starbase17_7.jpg   pix/heiko  138K   8+Ship entering Spacedock
    Starbase17_7h.jpg  pix/heiko  157K   8+Ship entering Spacedock
    Starbase17_8.jpg   pix/heiko  196K   8+Ship entering Spacedock
    Starbase17_8h.jpg  pix/heiko  182K   8+Ship entering Spacedock
    Starbase17_9.jpg   pix/heiko  233K   8+Ship inside Spacedock
    Starbase17_9h.jpg  pix/heiko  220K   8+Ship inside Spacedock
    Col-Drawer.lha     pix/icon   1.7M   9+64 color drawers
    SouthParkNI.lha    pix/icon   229K   6+SouthPark NewIcons
    tk_sc2k_icons.lha  pix/icon     4K   5+Newicons for SimCity2000 (standard style
    tk_sngplyr.lha     pix/icon    29K   5+Yet Another Gadgets for SongPlayer 
    YAMIGfx.lha        pix/icon    41K   6+YAM images in Iconographics format.
    A500Tower1.jpg     pix/illu    24K   3+Picture 1/3 of an old Tower-project
    A500Tower2.jpg     pix/illu    17K   3+Picture 2/3 of an old Tower-project
    A500Tower3.jpg     pix/illu    17K   3+Picture 3/3 of an old Tower-project
    ateoa1200tower.lha pix/illu   141K   5+Pictures of A1200 At o Tower
    ateoa3000tower.lha pix/illu   202K   4+Detailled pictures of At o A3000 Tower c
    ateotowers.lha     pix/illu   324K   5+Detailled pictures of At o Tower case
    CycasPictures2.lha pix/illu   126K   0+CYCAS Architecture Design, rendered Imag
    fp-amiwriter2.jpg  pix/illu   258K   6+Screenshot of AmigaOS 5.0 userinterface
    fp-bingo2.jpg      pix/illu   237K   6+Screenshots of AmigaOS 5.0 userinterface
    fp-netscape.jpg    pix/illu   299K   6+Screenshots of AmigaOS 5.0 userinterface
    Marblelous2Pix.lha pix/illu   308K   4+Marblelous 2 is NOW Available! New Scree
    M64pic.lha         pix/imagi  213K   4+A funny Mario 64 inspired pic
    MysticIsland.jpg   pix/imagi   24K   4+A Mystical Island in the fog
    PhotoDay.jpg       pix/imagi   57K   4+An Independance Day inspired pic
    ZeldaPic.lha       pix/imagi  225K   3+A Zelda Ocarina of Time inspired pic
    2guitars.jpg       pix/jason   16K   1+Rock Chick for Guitarist mag 1/7 (small)
    batchick.jpg       pix/jason   13K   1+Rock Chick for Guitarist mag 2/7 (small)
    byebye.jpg         pix/jason   11K   1+Rock Chick for Guitarist mag 3/7 (small)
    confusing200.jpg   pix/jason  170K   1+PC Answers magazine commission. 24 bit.
    defragdrives.jpg   pix/jason  125K   1+PC Answers magazine commission. 24 bit.
    hexworkshop75.jpg  pix/jason   16K   1+PC Answers magazine commission. 75 DPI.
    rattleandhum75.jpg pix/jason   26K   1+PC Answers magazine commission. 75 DPI.
    A-Wings.jpg        pix/mark   366K   6+A red and a green A-Wing side-by-side
    AllEnterprises.jpg pix/mark    95K   8+All six vessels named Enterprise
    Calamari.jpg       pix/mark   167K   6+My first monzoom pic featuring VolLight
    Escort.jpg         pix/mark   402K   6+AN A-Wing escorting a Calamari cruiser
    ExcelsiorKlass.jpg pix/mark   142K   8+Excelsior meets Enterprise-B and Ingram
    Interceptor.jpg    pix/mark   238K   8+A new Tie-Interceptor
    Khitomer.jpg       pix/mark   485K   8+Excelsior meets Enterprise and BoP
    MixedFlight.jpg    pix/mark   293K   0+A-, B- and X-Wing-Fighter from Star Wars
    Reliant.jpg        pix/mark   245K   5+The U.S.S. Reliant from Star Trek II
    SuperVolume.jpg    pix/mark   276K   6+Superman in volumetric light
    TheMaquis.jpg      pix/mark   342K   8+A Maquis-Fighter attacking Enterprise-D
    TieFighter.jpg     pix/mark   320K   8+A Tie-Fighter, hunted by an A-Wing
    Transporter.jpg    pix/mark   229K   8+TieInterceptor attacking Rebel Transport
    Travelpod.jpg      pix/mark   212K   8+Star Trek travelpod with interieur
    X-Wing.jpg         pix/mark   319K   1+A New X-Wing Fighter from Star Wars
    2SLO.lha           pix/misc   404K   1+Pictures of my school (IISLO)   
    3D_Pics_III.lha    pix/misc   527K   1+3D pictures for red/green-glasses
    4ages.lha          pix/misc     3K   3+Age meter... Use this in your games!
    allergic_1.lha     pix/misc   185K   4+[ANCOR] comic part 1
    allergic_2.lha     pix/misc   157K   4+[ANCOR] comic part 2
    AP1Recto.jpg       pix/misc    54K   9+AMiGa=PoWeR N 1 Cover Recto
    AP1Verso.jpg       pix/misc    72K   9+AMiGa=PoWeR N 1 Cover Verso
    AP2Recto.jpg       pix/misc    84K   0+AMiGa=PoWeR N 2 Cover Recto
    AP2Verso.jpg       pix/misc    59K   0+AMiGa=PoWeR N 2 Cover Verso
    dmn-line.jpg       pix/misc    63K   9+Dmn-line picture maked in Cinema&ImageFX
    HN-DeadTree.jpg    pix/misc   194K   6+A dead tree deep down in Lake Sisjon
    HN-UWSunlight.jpg  pix/misc   215K   2+Underwater sunlight in Lake Sisjon
    HN-UWSunlight2.jpg pix/misc   229K   2+Underwater sunlight in Lake Oxsjon
    HN-UWSunlight3.jpg pix/misc   204K   2+Underwater sunlight in Lake Fisjon
    Kosh-Logo.lha      pix/misc     3K   4+Two simple small (unofficial) KOSH-Logos
    mexufo.jpg         pix/misc    56K   6+UFO over Leon/Mexico
    sakupj98.lha       pix/misc   446K   2+Pics: Finnish Amiga UG christmas meeting
    sleepless.lha      pix/misc   214K   9+[ANCOR] a comic with Sarah
    xmas_98.lha        pix/misc   162K   0+[ANCOR] a xmas pic
    annanim.mpg        pix/mpg    617K   1+Amiga Music Group ANNEX Anim (Tornado3D)
    pic.mpg            pix/mpg    114K   6+A Tornado3D MPEG - D. McKie
    shark.mpg          pix/mpg     78K   6+A Tornado3D MPEG - D. McKie
    sub.mpg            pix/mpg    122K   6+A Tornado3D MPEG - D. McKie
    T3DFlame.lha       pix/mpg    125K   7+Short anim made with Tornado3D (MPEG)
    T3DShip.lha        pix/mpg    153K   7+Short anim made with Tornado3D (MPEG)
    Aquaricon_Old.lha  pix/mwb    234K   8+32color Icons with screen palette contro
    BNSMWBicons8.lha   pix/mwb    384K   3+8th BNS MWB Enhancement
    Ville9Iconz.lha    pix/mwb      6K   6+Some MWB icons and ToolManager brushes
    AndysNewIcons.lha  pix/nicon   10K   6+A few NewIcons by Andy Kavanagh
    Aquaricon.lha      pix/nicon  195K   0+32color NIcons with screen palette contr
    LucyNIcons.lha     pix/nicon  296K   4+Great NewIcons for many games
    Santa.jpg          pix/real3  193K   2+Real3D Xmas render
    Tex2Birdie2AGA.lha pix/textu   84K   6+Textures on AGA for Birdie
    3eblho.jpg         pix/trace  191K   1+3e-Fighter at a black hole
    annex.jpg          pix/trace   74K   4+Music Group ANNEX Logo (Tornado 3D)
    annex2.jpg         pix/trace   50K   4+Music Group ANNEX Logo on the Water(Torn
    Attack.jpg         pix/trace  313K   6+A10 Thunderbolts attacking at sunset
    borgcube.jpg       pix/trace  285K   4+Borg Cube (Tornado 3D)
    caught.jpg         pix/trace  229K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    CityBurn.jpg       pix/trace   71K   5+3D Image of a city burning in hell, by S
    exorcersWishes.jpg pix/trace  252K   1+Best Wishes from exorcer!
    FactoryOfCola.jpg  pix/trace   89K   9+FactoryOfCola picture made on Cinema
    FlyingCows.jpg     pix/trace   51K   9+FlyingCows picture made on Cinema
    Frontier_moa.jpg   pix/trace   46K   9+800x600 JPG of an Eagle MKIII (Frontier)
    galrw.jpg          pix/trace  203K   4+Galactica leaving the Ringworld
    intelsarg.lha      pix/trace  135K   0+Traced pic for all PC-User
    kgside3.jpg        pix/trace  101K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    Landes14.jpg       pix/trace  323K   2+"Landes14" trace picture 768x576x24
    landes4.jpg        pix/trace  224K   6+"Landes4" trace picture 800x600x24
    landes5.jpg        pix/trace  340K   6+"Landes5" trace picture 800x600x24
    LB-03.jpg          pix/trace   36K   5+Battle ship LB-03 (Panther Clipper Refit
    LF_Images_1.lha    pix/trace  253K   6+Some rendered images using Imagine for A
    mad-tls.lha        pix/trace  865K   1+Teklords logo by Madbart/Appendix
    offgrass.jpg       pix/trace   42K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    Office.jpg         pix/trace  168K   6+"Office" trace picture 800x600x24
    Planetami_moa.jpg  pix/trace   65K   9+800x600 JPG of Planet Amiga
    power2.jpg         pix/trace  109K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    PsyTech.jpg        pix/trace   34K   5+Kravina
    pyramid3.jpg       pix/trace  260K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    robot1.jpg         pix/trace   55K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    robots2.jpg        pix/trace   55K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    sharkb.jpg         pix/trace   25K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    skys.jpg           pix/trace  277K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    SpaceBattle01p.jpg pix/trace  113K   4+(ALN) StarTrek SpaceBattle Szene Preview
    SpaceBattle02p.jpg pix/trace  107K   4+(ALN) StarTrek SpaceBattle Szene Preview
    starwar6.jpg       pix/trace  154K   6+TIE-Fighter (Tornado 3D)
    starwar7.jpg       pix/trace   58K   6+TIE-Bomber (Tornado 3D)
    swim.jpg           pix/trace   58K   6+A Tornado3D image - D. McKie
    t3dcover.jpg       pix/trace   78K   6+Tornado 3D Cover
    T3DPics1.lha       pix/trace    0K   7 --
    Uboot107.jpg       pix/trace  205K   2+"Uboot107" trace picture 768x576x24
    Zhastemple01.jpg   pix/trace   78K   4+(ALN) Zha`s Temple inside! Preview of a 
    HawkWBPics.lha     pix/wb     411K   5+Grabs of my MANGA Workbench! 
    OCoWBs.lha         pix/wb     247K   1+Screenshots of my NewIcons Workbench
    OpusM2Preview.lha  pix/wb     258K   7+Shows off power of new DOpus Magellan2
    Ours_WB.lha        pix/wb     167K   6+Scalos WB from l'Ours.
    recoilwb05.jpg     pix/wb     336K   8+*Recoils 'EXPLANATION' Workbench* 1024x7
    TrodaWB.lha        pix/wb     100K   6+Another WB grab, PNG. Troda of PEGAS
    wbench.jpg         pix/wb     163K   2+Snapshot of BAs WB-Screen
    wb_wax2.lha        pix/wb     405K   1+So schut a WB be!!! Exelent :)
    Whiskas-Opus2.jpg  pix/wb     301K   4+It has never been hip to be square.
    Fixed.lha          text/bfont  14K   0+Fixed Fonts, size 8,9,12,14,16
    MUIFontsSi.lha     text/bfont  13K   4+Latin2 fonts for MUI and WorkBench
    NonFixed.lha       text/bfont  16K   0+Proportional Fonts, size 8,9,12,14,16
    WebFontsSi.lha     text/bfont  64K   4+Latin2 fonts for Web Browsers
    BusinessCards.lha  text/dtp     2K   0+PageStream template for business cards
    GS510-Install.lha  text/dtp    15K   8+GS5.10-Installation-Routine (V1.02)
    Amitex.lha         text/edit  131K   5+Text editor (French and english versions
    guidecheck.lha     text/edit   26K   8+V1.13 AmigaGuide syntax checker (and mor
    JanoEditor.lha     text/edit   19K   6+TextEditor (font choice!)  7 14-nov-98
    Skriptmanagr10.lha text/edit  177K   2+Create Script, AmigaGuide -)simple to do
    Spanish_Cygnus.lha text/edit    9K   1+*NO* official Spanish translation for Cy
    Textloader_e.lha   text/edit  146K   8+TextEd 7.4 English Version (translated)
    vim53big.lha       text/edit  267K   0+Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, binaries
    vim53bin.lha       text/edit  254K   0+Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, binaries
    vim53rt.lha        text/edit  849K   0+Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, runtime
    vim53src.lha       text/edit  891K   0+Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, sources
    WW7cat-NL.lha      text/edit   11K   3+Dutch catalogs for WordWorth 7
    Sleeper-fonts.lha  text/font   31K   0+C00l polish (B/W&Color) fonts by Sleeper
    viewfont.lha       text/font   82K   5+Font manager, copy, delete, view fonts
    GuideMission.lha   text/hyper  71K   3+German multifeatured amiguide-'compiler'
    hsc-ps.lha         text/hyper 116K   6+V0.917; html-preprocessor (ps-docs)
    Change.lha         text/misc   34K   0+V2.35 change text/data in all files
    cin4dcds.lha       text/misc    1K   8+Cin4dcds this was the codes left off of 
    MrCookie.lha       text/misc   16K   6+Fully Functional FORTUNE Flinger! (v1.0)
    RTCopy.lha         text/misc   11K   0+Cyrillic (russian) text converter 2.0 be
    CanonDisk398d.lha  text/print 620K   4+V3.98d Official Canon BJ/BJC Printer Dri
    CanonTextomat.lha  text/print   1K   8+Canon printer driver for Textomat
    Epson_400.lha      text/print  12K   2+Epson Stylus 400/440 Driver for WB V1.2
    Epson_600.lha      text/print  13K   5+Epson Stylus 600 Driver for WB V1.5
    ESCUtil.lha        text/print 131K   1+EPSON Stylus COLOR Series Utilitiy
    HP_Deskjet600C.lha text/print   8K   8+Deskjet 600C Driver for WB V1.7
    HP_Deskjet870C.lha text/print   8K   8+Deskjet 870C/890C Driver for WB V1.5
    OlivettiJP790.lha  text/print   8K   8+Olivetti JP 790 (HPDJ560C) Driver for WB
    prtman39.lha       text/print 113K   4+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.17)
    ConDios.lha        text/show  210K   0+FAST ANSI text/gfx/anim viewer (own engi
    EvenMore.lha       text/show  306K   9+V0.51 - Multiple files, locale, iconify 
    CheckX.lha         util/arc   156K   0+V1.44 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
    emarc.lha          util/arc    31K   3+Emarc0.82 a mui archiver
    entise.lha         util/arc    30K   2+EntiseV2.2.1 - Multi(de)cruncher
    FileDiz.lha        util/arc     3K   2+FILE_ID.DIZ Extractor!
    LhA194.lha         util/arc    91K   9+Full LhA plus LhX (extract-only)
    PPCUnACE.lha       util/arc    62K   4+UnACE v1.2b (PPC), incl. source
    repack36.lha       util/arc    26K   0+Bugfix of the best ->LZX repacker, GUI!
    SNESDiz.lha        util/arc    27K   5+Creates File_Id.diz from SNES Games
    ViewDiz-catalo.lha util/arc     3K   8+Extra catalogs for ViewDiz v2.1
    xadmaster.lha      util/arc    71K   5+V1.1 Powerful unarchiving system
    BoingBlank.lha     util/blank  78K   5+Screen saver with a classic Boing! ball
    hpc3dblnkr.lha     util/blank 194K   4+H&P CV64/3D (Virge) blanker
    Madhouse260.lha    util/blank 574K   2+Modular Screensaver, unchanged re-upload
    MadhouseKey.lha    util/blank  14K   4+Freeware Keyfile for Madhouse 2.6
    MilleniumBlnkr.lha util/blank 234K   4+Millenium CV64/3D blanker
    access.lha         util/boot   46K   5+A Cool password program for ya Amiga.
    BlizKick.lha       util/boot  142K   8+MapROM tool for Blizzard turbos. V1.16.
    bootpic.lha        util/boot   20K   1+Boot program that shows your system conf
    Bootsound.lha      util/boot   41K   4+Boot sound player, sound and mpeg files
    CMQ030.lha         util/boot    3K   3+Patch CopyMem/Quick for 68030 v1.0
    CMQ060.lha         util/boot    9K   3+Patch CopyMem/Quick for 68060(040) v1.2
    FastIPrefs4036.lha util/boot   40K   2+FastIPrefs 40.36b & FastWBPattern 40.06
    FBlit.lha          util/boot   98K   0+V2.63a Use CPU in place of the blitter.
    ffppatch.lha       util/boot    7K   4+Mathffp.library FPU speedup patch 1.10b
    JinxChoice08.lha   util/boot   49K   9+Nice selector 4 different emulators
    jpboot.lha         util/boot   63K   0+Best startup selector available. V4.1.
    NewStuffBeta.lha   util/boot   27K   3+Keep track of new files (early Beta)
    Rainboot2_42.lha   util/boot  224K   9+The ultimate Multimedia Boot v2.42
    SetMan21.lha       util/boot   23K   4+Patches SetFunction() to new better one 
    ShkROM2File.lha    util/boot    1K   8+Create a rom-kick file.
    ShowAmiga96.lha    util/boot  363K   8+Fast bootpic-viewer for Picasso96
    ShowAmiga96_Up.lha util/boot  243K   8+ShowAmiga96 v2.2 without default image
    ToolsDaemonPor.lha util/boot    3K   4+Portuguese locale Catalog for ToolsDaemo
    Winblow95Keyma.lha util/boot    2K   8+Win95 GB Keyboard Keymap
    CentreQuest.lha    util/cdity  11K   5+Force requesters to open in the centre o
    meexchange.lha     util/cdity  28K   2+Exchange-Replac.,with new features,2.1
    mereset.lha        util/cdity  15K   5+Commodity to reset the computer, V3.0
    mewandel.lha       util/cdity  16K   5+Change Basis 2-62 and rom-numbers, V2.0
    ModePro.lha        util/cdity 202K   4+4.61 Screenmode Promotion & Public Scree
    MRQ.lha            util/cdity  82K   4+The MUI requester improver
    screensurf.lha     util/cdity  85K   3+ScreenSurf  surf to one screen to anothe
    ScreenSurfV24.lha  util/cdity  70K   6+ScreenSurf  surf to one screen to anothe
    AmSound.lha        util/cli     6K   6+Plays random soundfile when booting Amig
    ASCII-Trim.lha     util/cli    22K   1+Strips redundant spaces from ASCII files
    Assigner.lha       util/cli     6K   0+A program to supplement/replace the "ass
    AsyncRun_1.8.lha   util/cli     3K   6+Like "RunBack" or "System" but much shor
    DayCopy.lha        util/cli     9K   3+DayCopy 1.15 - Copy files (+/-)x days ol
    DayDelete.lha      util/cli     7K   3+DayDelete 1.14 - Delete files (+/-)x day
    DayList.lha        util/cli     6K   3+DayList 1.12 - List files (+/-)x days ol
    DayMove.lha        util/cli    10K   3+DayMove 1.24 - Move files (+/-)x days ol
    DlxRename.lha      util/cli    26K   4+Easy Cli utility to rename multiple file
    iconcopy.lha       util/cli     3K   0+V1.1 of the shell Command to copy icons
    LastGuru.lha       util/cli    10K   5+Keeps data about the last "Software Fail
    LoadCMAP.lha       util/cli     8K   1+Sets and locks WB-Palette.C-Source inc.
    LstVersn.lzh       util/cli    18K   0+Cli-ListVersion-Cmd v1.36   (German-Doc)
    RequestStringX.lha util/cli    36K   1+Requests a string. CXX source inc.
    SD-PPC.lha         util/cli    20K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD-WARP.lha        util/cli    16K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD68000.lha        util/cli    13K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD68010.lha        util/cli    13K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD68020.lha        util/cli    12K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD68030.lha        util/cli    12K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD68040.lha        util/cli    15K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SD68060.lha        util/cli    15K   3+StarDate-Clock 68000 (CLI) for free use
    SizeCopy.lha       util/cli     9K   6+SizeCopy 1.02 - Copy files depending on 
    SizeDelete.lha     util/cli     9K   6+SizeDelete 1.02 - Delete files depending
    SizeList.lha       util/cli     6K   6+SizeList 1.01 - List files depending on 
    SizeMove.lha       util/cli     9K   6+SizeMove 1.02 - Move files depending on 
    SRename.lha        util/cli    31K   2+Advanced rename/renumber CLI program.
    WinInfo.lha        util/cli     4K   9+Get info about a windows location. w/ So
    HTML-2-AGuide.lha  util/conv   72K   5+Converts HTML to AmigaGuide. Whole direc
    x2y.lha            util/conv    1K   2+A script to enhance AmiSOX
    PGPgoesMUI_HU.lha  util/crypt   6K   6+Hungarian catalog for PGPgoesMUI v2.0
    SHA-1SUM.lha       util/crypt   3K   1+SHA-1 message digest generator
    dir2html.lha       util/dir    32K   0+Create directory indexes in HTML format
    Drawersize.lha     util/dir    13K   2+Shows size of drawer on WB titlebar
    simplehtml.lha     util/dir    23K   1+A simple HTML Offline Browser
    Sufferer.lha       util/dir    21K   8+Mass-renaming of file suffixes
    aiffdt41.lha       util/dtype  17K   2+Datatype for aiff sounds (41.2)
    akTIFF-dt.lha      util/dtype 278K   6+AkTIFF-dt V44.8 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC)
    IconDT41.lha       util/dtype   5K   0+Yet another dt for .info files (41.0)
    ilbmdt.lha         util/dtype   6K   3+Improved ilbmdt (44.14)
    ilbmdt44.lha       util/dtype   7K   0+Improved ilbmdt (44.16)
    mauddt41.lha       util/dtype   4K   3+Datatype for maud sounds (41.1)
    SoundDT41.lha      util/dtype  30K   5+Sounddt 41.7, svxdt 41.3
    wavdt41.lha        util/dtype   7K   3+Datatype for wave sounds (41.2)
    XBM_DT.lha         util/dtype  42K   6+V43.8, X BitMap DataType.
    amrtl040.lha       util/libs  314K   6+AmigaMesaRTL '040 compiled library
    amrtl881.lha       util/libs  309K   6+AmigaMesaRTL '030/'881 compiled library
    board220.lha       util/libs   27K   6+Boards.library V 2.20 - 388 Expansion bo
    dbplayer.lha       util/libs   20K   3+Digi Booster replayer as Shared library 
    GatewayLib.lha     util/libs   70K   3+Gateway.library incl. stringfunctions fo
    graphics3d.lha     util/libs  248K   1+3D graphics shared library V13.01(beta)
    graphics3d_lib.lha util/libs   58K   9+3D graphics library V13.01(correct file)
    HSMathLibs_040.lha util/libs   82K   6+Very fast replacement for all math libra
    HSMathLibs_060.lha util/libs   83K   6+Very fast replacement for all math libra
    IdentifyDev.lha    util/libs   72K   8+ListExp, identifies expansions and more 
    IdentifyUsr.lha    util/libs  118K   6+ListExp, identifies expansions and more 
    MagicASL.lha       util/libs  145K   4+MUIfied ASL replacement 40.7 (020+ OS3 M
    mpega-WarpUP.lha   util/libs   99K   4+MPEG Audio decoder library V2.0 (WarpUP,
    OpenUL20.lha       util/libs  119K   6+V2.0, allround function collection
    PalmGUI.lha        util/libs   16K   1+A GUI for PalmTransfer, V2.0
    ppclibemu.lha      util/libs   56K   2+Ppc.library emulation under WarpOS
    ttflib.lha         util/libs  227K   0+Ttf.library v0.7.8 truetype font engine
    zlib.lha           util/libs   56K   8+Data compression library V1.1.3
    Action.lha         util/misc  102K   4+Performs filetype-dependant action on fi
    adsg-regtool.lha   util/misc   34K   4+Universal Registration Tool for programm
    Allocator.lha      util/misc   26K   8+A tool to control avail memory; V1.22
    AmiMirror.lha      util/misc  146K   8+Amiga Mirror System. v.1.0
    AmiSuperLotto.lha  util/misc   36K   4+SuperEnalotto for Amiga!
    Change.lha         util/misc    7K   3+Alters a file by following commands give
    DelIcon.lha        util/misc    7K   2+Deletes icons easily
    DragBox.lha        util/misc   23K   6+V1.6 Drag/Size window before opening it
    EuraToolsUpd.lha   util/misc   17K   8+EuraTools Minor Update, Rel. 9+
    EuroConv.lha       util/misc   19K   6+V1.0 Euro converter (french)
    gpatch.lha         util/misc   96K   6+Patch system for software updates
    JoinSpliter.lha    util/misc   24K   2+The best join- and splitprogram!
    loto98a.lha        util/misc   54K   3+A lottery predictor and checker program
    mclear.lha         util/misc    4K   6+Fills memory with NULL
    MemEat.lha         util/misc   16K   3+Degrader like utility for allocating mem
    mpgerman.lha       util/misc    4K   1+German Catalog for Miamiphone V1.4
    MultiMover.lha     util/misc   17K   2+File requester to easily move files
    mvslink.lha        util/misc  106K   6+Splitting utilities with gui. v.1.2 15/N
    Myzar.lha          util/misc   92K   2+GUI for RC5 contest. Help Amiga win it!
    pdr.lha            util/misc   65K   0+Repairs Physically Bad Disks for ReUSE v
    pdr1.lha           util/misc   64K   1+Repairs Physically Bad Disks for Re-USE
    ProPassWord.lha    util/misc  103K   6+PPW is a FOF securty System 0.16b (Rev 2
    RHelfer.lha        util/misc  152K   9+Helps to solve german crosswords. V2.10
    StripHunks.lha     util/misc    9K   3+V1.6 CLI tool to strip useless hunks
    talkmaster.lha     util/misc   74K   8+Speech program, has buttons and type-in 
    TaskersFlush.lha   util/misc   20K   0+To periodically flush the memory. It's v
    Tottogol2.lha      util/misc   40K   2+V2.5-Italian prog for Totogol-Needs MUI
    WinCopy.lha        util/misc    9K   2+Fast copy (supports renaming in 8+3 form
    YAC.lha            util/misc    6K   9+Yet Another Calculator
    Bliz1240-40pat.lha util/moni    1K   6+AIBB Module for Blizzard 1240/40 +more p
    Bliz1240-40pch.lha util/moni    1K   6+AIBB Module for Blizzard 1240/40MHz and 
    CpuLoadII.lha      util/moni   11K   7+Nice (looking?) CPU-usage meter
    MuiWheel12.lha     util/mouse  25K   3+Mouse wheel support for MUI (IBrowse!)
    newmouse.lha       util/mouse   0K   1+Mouse-Pointer, NewIcon-Style
    xfdmaster.lha      util/pack  218K   0+Rel1.23 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
    xpk_Develop.lha    util/pack  105K   8+V5.0 Compression package, developer cut
    xpk_Source.lha     util/pack  174K   8+V5.0 Compression package, source files
    xpk_User.lha       util/pack  217K   8+V5.0 Compression package, user edition
    dofile42.lha       util/rexx   31K   6+Launch tools based on datatype of files
    FWCalendar.lha     util/rexx  360K   0+Create calendars w/ events in FW
    Holidays.lha       util/rexx    1K   1+Script that detects holidays in 1999
    Kronk.lha          util/rexx   13K   5+DT-based app launcher with nice features
    MicroRexx201.lha   util/rexx   49K   1+ARexx Intuition extension
    RexxDecoder.lha    util/rexx    2K   0+Decoder for RexxMasher and ExecRexx
    RexxMathLib.lha    util/rexx   20K   8+Faster & shorter math support for ARexx.
    RexxPatchError.lha util/rexx    9K   2+Localize ARexx Errors ver 1.4
    RexxSerDevFix.lha  util/rexx   12K   9+Fixes a serious bug in rexxserdev.librar
    rmh.lha            util/rexx   26K   5+Rmh.library 3.3
    royalbridge11.lha  util/rexx   40K   9+Use ANY shared library within Arexx prog
    rxasl.lha          util/rexx   16K   4+Rxasl.library 3.5 asl functions for ARex
    Scion2html.lha     util/rexx   32K   4+WWW browser HTML's from Scion Genealogy 
    SeekHTTP.lha       util/rexx   74K   6+V3.21! Search for urls in a file & write
    sendrexx.lha       util/rexx    7K   5+Send ARexx-messages with SINGLE cli-comm
    WW_Rechnung.lha    util/rexx    7K   5+A new bill-assistant for WordWorth
    mcliutils.lha      util/shell 106K   4+Several (un)useful cli programs
    ViNCEd.lha         util/shell 663K   2+ViNCEd, the final CON: solution. ^Z, TAB
    ViNCUpdate.lha     util/shell 425K   9+Update ViNCEd 3.6x to 3.64
    2b_mv_deutsch.lha  util/sys    38K   3+OS 2.0+ MultiView - deutsch catalog & do
    2b_mv_os2.lha      util/sys    74K   5+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement
    2b_mv_polski.lha   util/sys    35K   5+OS 2.0+ MultiView - polski catalog i dok
    2b_mv_prefs.lha    util/sys    32K   5+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement Preference
    2b_RqChoiceMUI.lha util/sys    20K   4+RequestChoice MUI replacement v1.1
    FormatDemo.lha     util/sys    26K   9+R&MFORMAT, Replacment for CBM's Format
    info.lha           util/sys    21K   4+AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.14
    PoolMem.lha        util/sys    57K   5+Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset
    porthandler.lha    util/sys    11K   4+Improved L:port-handler (41.2a)
    SavInstaller.lha   util/sys   159K   2+C= Installer replacement (Nov 22, 1998)
    SerPrefs.lha       util/sys    79K   0+Serial Preferences v42.2 * FULL RELEASE
    sort1_80.lha       util/sys    66K   4+Sorts ASCII-Files, FAAAAST, many differe
    Speakhandler.lha   util/sys     4K   4+A replacement for the Commodore Speak-Ha
    Swipe1.180.lha     util/sys    16K   3+Delete-replacem., removes assigns, handl
    CTTM2.lha          util/time   42K   1+Countdown to the Millennium V2
    DRemind.lha        util/time   97K   2+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.4!
    ResClock.lha       util/time    4K   8+Software-only resetproof clock
    TimeSwipe.lha      util/time   40K   1+Does your clock lose the time?
    UpToDate.lha       util/time   49K   8+Date/Calendar utility
    VClock_1.4.lha     util/time  315K   0+Real Voice Speaking Clock v1.4
    vht-vg26.lha       util/virus  78K   0+VirusWarning.Guide v2.6 (VHT-DK)
    vhtvc110.lha       util/virus 374K   3+Version 1.10 of Virus_Checker II
    VirusExecutor.lha  util/virus  68K   0+VirusExecutor v1.81b
    VT_Binary.lha      util/virus 408K   3+V3.11 virus killer, binary files
    VT_DocFiles.lha    util/virus 486K   3+V3.11 virus killer, German documentation
    xvsLibrary.lha     util/virus  46K   1+V33.15 External Virus Support Library
    Adage.lha          util/wb     13K   4+French program which display msgs
    AMFv07.lha         util/wb     90K   8+MUI File Manager v. 0.7 (last alpha rele
    AmigaEYE.lha       util/wb     83K   0+Colorized 'PointerEYEs', former MagicEYE
    asciicodes.lha     util/wb     38K   8+A little ascii value program
    assmas.lha         util/wb     33K   2+Program for easy assigning from wb
    Executor1_2.lha    util/wb     38K   1+Selection list for running 1000 prgs.
    Explorer46.lha     util/wb    697K   0+Displays File_ID`s.Converts Archives.Cre
    GlobalTrash.lha    util/wb    293K   9+The trashcan-system for the amiga 
    Iconer.lha         util/wb      8K   8+Gives a file or drawer an icon
    InfoDelve.lha      util/wb     14K   8+Icon info for files buried deep-down!
    locked.lha         util/wb     28K   1+Secure Selected by you 6 drivers
    MemWinV11.lha      util/wb      4K   4+Displays free fast, chip  and total mem 
    mouse_control.lha  util/wb     54K   2+Control mouse pointer via ARexx v1.21
    MrIcon.lha         util/wb     47K   5+V1.6 A GUI for easy copying (new)icons
    Runner12.lha       util/wb    168K   2+Not just another Start Program!
    searcher38.lha     util/wb    164K   6+The Ultimate File Finder
    SGrab18_Port.lha   util/wb      2K   8+Portuguese Catalog for SGrab v1.8 
    sgrab_cz.lha       util/wb      1K   8+Czech catalog for SGrab
    Starter.lha        util/wb     20K   0+Run programs from file requester
    StartPanel.lha     util/wb    192K   3+App. launcher, BeOS TrackBar style.
    StopMenu.lha       util/wb    299K   4+Yet another bottom bar for amiga (v 0.79
    TheBossV2_00.lha   util/wb    122K   9+A new easy-to-use and powerful system ma
    TTManager34.lha    util/wb     90K   1+Powerful, easy to use ToolType editor.
    VisualPrefs_CZ.lha util/wb     33K   3+VisualPrefs: Czech catalog and docs
    VisualPrefs_DE.lha util/wb     38K   4+VisualPrefs: German catalog and docs
    VisualPrefs_ES.lha util/wb     36K   3+VisualPrefs: Spanish catalog and docs
    VisualPrefs_RU.lha util/wb     13K   4+VisualPrefs: Russian catalog and docs
    VisualPrefs_SE.lha util/wb     31K   2+VisualPrefs: Swedish catalog and docs
    VisualPrefs_SI.lha util/wb     36K   4+VisualPrefs: Slovenian catalog and docs
    WB-AnimAL.lha      util/wb    369K   4+Display animbrush on WB screen (+ remap)
    WB-AnimAL_Lite.lha util/wb    206K   4+Display animbrush on WB screen (+ remap)
    WB-Tidy.lha        util/wb     29K   6+Tidy up your Workbench windows
    WBSMgr.lha         util/wb     22K   0+Easy config of WBStartup launch-order
    WindowSize.lha     util/wb     25K   1+Size window, get size. C++ source.
    X-Panel_6.5.lha    util/wb     22K   6+Add in the Workbench some useful options
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>