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Contents of Aminet CD 34

    | TITLE
    |     Aminet CD 34
    |     Aminet CD 34 contains almost 1 gigabyte of freely distributable 
    |     software. The newest archive included is from Nov 1st. This CD
    |     is mostly filled with new material. The contents are (after
    |     decompression):
    |     900M of software newer than Aminet CD 33
    |     150 Mods
    |     150 Utilities
    |     100 Communications programs
    |     100 Games
    |     100 Pictures/Anims
    |     400 Files of other categories
    |     The commercial highlight the German map software AmiAtlas.
    | Local files at Aminet CD 34 on 9-Nov-99
    | Sorted by directory and file name. Age in weeks.
    | A wide version of this file can be found in info/index/
    |File              Dir        Size Age Description
    |----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
    ColorToHTML.lha    biz/cloan    2K   6+PPaint ColorToHTML.pprx script
    BAB5_Txt.lha       biz/dbase   35K   2+Babylon 5 Episode Text / StarBase (115a)
    cycledbase.lha     biz/dbase   26K   2+Cycle trip database inc. search function
    DiskOrg.lha        biz/dbase   67K   8+DiskOrg - A disk cataloguer (with asm so
    Fiasco_deu_doc.lha biz/dbase  334K   3+2.22 - Multifunctional database program
    Fiasco_eng_doc.lha biz/dbase  295K   3+2.22 - Multifunctional database program
    Fiasco_main.lha    biz/dbase  536K   3+2.22 - Multifunctional database program
    Hingis.lha         biz/dbase  194K   7+Martina Hingis tennis singles matches in
    HomeCINEMA.lha     biz/dbase  132K   3+The coolest German Video Database   biz/dbase   24K   6+French catalog for QuickFile, with sourc
    QuickFile_3.22.lha biz/dbase  306K   3+Powerful, fast and easy database.
    StarBase_xxx.lha   biz/dbase  170K   3+Star Trek Episodes Database 3.1a/1.3a
    STDB-full_1.7.lha  biz/dbase   55K   1+Star Trek Database v1.7 (Main Exec)
    STEP_Txt.lha       biz/dbase  234K   2+Star Trek Episode Text / StarBase (590)
    Trekkie.lha        biz/dbase  900K   3+Star Trek Database, V2.17final Data V2.1
    VorwahlenGUI.lha   biz/dbase  167K   8+Search MUIGUI for german Telephone Codes
    VowaData.lha       biz/dbase   93K   1+Datafile (V1.37) for VorwahlenGUI
    golded6.lha        biz/demo   3.0M   3+GoldED Studio 6 Demo
    STFax4Demo.lha     biz/demo   1.3M   1+STFax 4 Demo (Fax/Voice package)
    TCom150bDEMO.lha   biz/demo    63K   8+An Amiga order program, (COMMESSE ITALIA
    TFat271DEMO.lha    biz/demo    89K   6+An Amiga Invoice program, (FATTURE ITALI
    Dkg-Prices.lha     biz/dkg      1K   3+Pricelist for Amiga products at DarkAge 
    ExtremeDemo.lha    biz/dkg    149K   9+DTV Realtime Effects Generator v1.50 (DE
    xtm-bacteria.lha   biz/dkg     60K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-beige.lha      biz/dkg    106K   3+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-blue5.lha      biz/dkg    105K   3+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-bluerings.lha  biz/dkg     65K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-bluewall.lha   biz/dkg     59K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-brownbump.lha  biz/dkg     46K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-calcare15.lha  biz/dkg    126K   3+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-carnival.lha   biz/dkg     62K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-darkroots.lha  biz/dkg     60K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-FogRipple.lha  biz/dkg    113K   9+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-funkyblue.lha  biz/dkg     61K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-galaxy.lha     biz/dkg     65K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-greenherb.lha  biz/dkg     60K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-greensand.lha  biz/dkg     58K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-greenvege.lha  biz/dkg     59K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-hellsharp.lha  biz/dkg     74K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-huegreen.lha   biz/dkg     77K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-leafzoom.lha   biz/dkg     40K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-life.lha       biz/dkg     65K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-liver.lha      biz/dkg    115K   9+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-lychens.lha    biz/dkg     63K   6+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-merlets.lha    biz/dkg     63K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-munkplasma.lha biz/dkg     61K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-nightmare.lha  biz/dkg     76K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-oakbark.lha    biz/dkg    123K   3+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-orange6.lha    biz/dkg    118K   3+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-pavon.lha      biz/dkg     63K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-plasmadark.lha biz/dkg     57K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-plasmashet.lha biz/dkg     68K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-purplebump.lha biz/dkg     65K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-purplehole.lha biz/dkg     65K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-purplelava.lha biz/dkg     68K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-purpleplsm.lha biz/dkg     64K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-purplerel2.lha biz/dkg     61K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-purplerelf.lha biz/dkg    105K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-redbfly.lha    biz/dkg     56K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-redplasma.lha  biz/dkg     61K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-redsun.lha     biz/dkg     34K   6+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-scratchbmp.lha biz/dkg     63K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-spikewall.lha  biz/dkg     62K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-TheMatrix.lha  biz/dkg    118K   8+Additional texture for Extreme
    xtm-yellowdrm.lha  biz/dkg     60K   1+Additional texture for Extreme
    CutNPaste34.lha    biz/dopus   37K   8+Adds Cut'n'Paste to DOpus5.5+ (many new 
    DOpus58_SP.lha     biz/dopus   27K   3+DOpus v5.8 spanish catalogs. Update
    GDTrash.lha        biz/dopus   64K   1+Win95 recycle bin for Dopus5 MagII V1.1
    OpusGIbar.lha      biz/dopus  159K   7++120 Nice GlowIcons for your DOpus Toolb
    Super_DO58upd.lha  biz/dopus    2K   1+Update to ppaint.dopus5 in Super_Dopus58
    Super_Dopus58.lha  biz/dopus  519K   2+The Best DOpus Filetypes, etc.
    Super_DOpus58u.lha biz/dopus    2K   1+Update to ppaint.dopus5 in Super_Dopus58
    VideoCodec_FTs.lha biz/dopus   24K   1+Update to AVI and QT filetypes
    AE30-nederlnds.lha biz/haage   13K   8+ArtEffect 3.0 - Nederlands locale
    FondsCalc.lha      biz/misc    33K   1+Calculation for money makers
    HomeBank_Dt.lha    biz/misc     8K   1+German catalog for HomeBank v1.3
    StarAm_Plan.lha    biz/misc   798K   8+Spreadsheet, V2.2b,OS 3.0+, 68000 CPU
    StarAm_Plan881.lha biz/misc   800K   8+Spreadsheet, V2.2b,OS 3.0+, needs FPU
    PGSUniFilter17.lha biz/patch  254K   9+V1.7 PageStream V3.x/V4.x Gfx Import Fil
    fwml9909.lha       biz/swood   13K   3+Messages about FW during September 1999
    G5_Aux.lha         comm/bbs    94K   3+Gateway-5-BBS (AUX-Handler)
    G5_Batch.lha       comm/bbs    38K   3+Gateway-5-BBS (batches)
    G5_bin.lha         comm/bbs   325K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (third party programs)
    G5_bin68000.lha    comm/bbs   1.1M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (68000 programs)
    G5_bin68010.lha    comm/bbs   1.1M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (68010 programs)
    G5_bin68020.lha    comm/bbs   1.1M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (68020 programs)
    G5_bin68030.lha    comm/bbs   1.1M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (68030 programs)
    G5_bin68040.lha    comm/bbs   1.3M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (68040 programs)
    G5_bin68060.lha    comm/bbs   1.3M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (68060 programs)
    G5_binppc.lha      comm/bbs   2.1M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (PowerUP programs [beta])
    G5_binwos.lha      comm/bbs   1.3M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (WarpOS programs [beta])
    G5_Bretter.lha     comm/bbs     1K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (boards)
    G5_Default.lha     comm/bbs     1K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (default files)
    G5_Diverses.lha    comm/bbs    18K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (various)
    G5_Doku.lha        comm/bbs   552K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (documentation)
    G5_FTest.lha       comm/bbs   4.8M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (filetester)
    G5_Manual.lha      comm/bbs    88K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (online manuals)
    G5_Menu.lha        comm/bbs    20K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (user menu)
    G5_Netz.lha        comm/bbs   197K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (network)
    G5_Spiele.lha      comm/bbs   1.5M   2+Gateway-5-BBS (online games)
    G5_Statistik.lha   comm/bbs     7K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (statistic files)
    G5_Sys.lha         comm/bbs   770K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (SYS: files)
    G5_System.lha      comm/bbs    55K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (system files)
    G5_Texte.lha       comm/bbs   446K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (online ansi texts)
    G5_User.lha        comm/bbs     3K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (user files)
    G5_VT.lha          comm/bbs     4K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (tools)
    G5_VTX.lha         comm/bbs     0K   2+Gateway-5-BBS (full text search)
    hardchecker1_8.lha comm/bbs   390K   1+Uploadchecker for  PMBS (German only)
    HydraBBSu12.lha    comm/bbs   203K   6+HydraBBS. Update V1.11 to V1.12
    systeminfo1_2.lha  comm/bbs    14K   1+Infoprg for PMBS (German Only)
    warwall1_2.lha     comm/bbs    42K   1+A wall for PMBS (German Only)
    april-src.lha      comm/fido  384K   3+April V1.08 SAS source code release
    amirc.lha          comm/irc   763K   3+Fully featured GUI IRC Client (v3.2)
    amirc_68000.lha    comm/irc   203K   3+68000/OS2.x version of AmIRC (v3.2)
    cybershiela.lha    comm/irc    97K   1+An IRC Script Bot with Interactive conve
    DalHelper.lha      comm/irc    35K   1+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
    MyMatch.lha        comm/irc    16K   3+Display Countries of Users in an IRC Cha
    nickalert.lha      comm/irc     3K   1+Notifies you if your nick is mentioned i
    popupmagic.lha     comm/irc   318K   1+POpUp MaGiC v.5 Beta pOpuP System contai
    UnrealIRCd-bin.lha comm/irc   393K   3+Advanced Elite-based IRCd. v2.1.6-tCx3
    wordalert.lha      comm/irc     9K   1+Notifies you if a specific word is menti
    POP3send.lha       comm/mail    9K   1+Send mail using POP3 protocol and YAM
    PSMail.lha         comm/mail   24K   3+Prints YAM mails using GhostScript.
    StarGate2_2.lha    comm/mail  1.4M   3+StarGate v2.2 MUI internet mailer/news r
    YAM20_HU.lha       comm/mail   23K   3+Unofficial hungarian locale for YAM v2.0
    YAM20_italiano.lha comm/mail   20K   8+Updated italian YAM 2.0 catalog
    yam2_pl.lha        comm/mail   21K   3+Official fixed polish catalog for YAM 2.
    yamexpansion.lha   comm/mail  184K   8+V2.5 handles recent emails with YAM 2.0 
    yamexpDEU.lha      comm/mail    4K   8+Fix german catalog for YamExpansion V2.5
    KewlCaller.lha     comm/maxs   52K   8+Display last xx callers for MaxsBBS.
    Life1_2.lha        comm/maxs   13K   1+Uncrashes Maxs/Paragon BBS Doors
    pmenu.lha          comm/maxs   18K   2+Security door for menus
    Amiganet.txt       comm/misc    2K   1+Information on how to access FIDONET via
    AmigaTNCdevel.lha  comm/misc  177K   3+DEVELOPER ONLY : Packet radio modem driv
    AmTelnet_HU.lha    comm/misc    5K   8+Unofficial hungarian locale for AmTelnet
    CManager.lha       comm/misc  565K   3+Contact Manager, a centralised system-wi
    Connect.lha        comm/misc  107K   3+GUI that starts internet software and co
    DragonDaemon.lha   comm/misc  342K   3+Dialer and more for SpeedDragon and Powe
    dvbcontrol.lha     comm/misc  239K   2+V1.23 D-Box/Mediamaster Settings Editor
    MLocator.lha       comm/misc   30K   2+HAM grid locator <-> lati/long (v1.08)
    MPackMUI.lha       comm/misc   36K   7+V1.0 MUI interface for MPack V1.5
    OLGA_v1-23.lha     comm/misc  104K   6+Olga is a software for using with OLITEC
    PalmBackup.lha     comm/misc  163K   7+1.7 - Backup/Restore/Install for PalmPil
    Scatti.lha         comm/misc   21K   3+Internet Phone Cost V 2.7 By 41 (Italian
    selUser.lha        comm/misc   14K   2+Start tools 'multiUser' likely (yam,ibro
    SMSSuite.lha       comm/misc  105K   3+Sends SMS messages from AmigaShell
    SnoopTAT.lha       comm/misc   22K   1+Internet Phone Cost V 1.0 By 41 (Italian
    uprc.lha           comm/misc   81K   3+Generates Aminet upload readme files
    ViperDaemon.lha    comm/misc  124K   6+ARexx-Port for "Speed Viper"-charge mete
    MM_ChkMsgDate.lha  comm/mmgr    6K   9+Fixes message dates >31 Dec 1999 in Mail
    AmiSSL_info.lha    comm/net     2K   8+Information on AmiSSL, SSL package for A
    FTransAPIv1.2.lha  comm/net   125K   3+Internet's Translator Client API v1.2
    GoFetchFTP.lha     comm/net   201K   3+V0.9b FTP Client designed to download a 
    paradise.lha       comm/net    32K   8+Amiga<->Pc trans. via parallel. v0.53b
    nc_update.lha      comm/news  110K   1+Offline Newsreader Version 1.18 (MUI)
    newscoaster.lha    comm/news  256K   1+Offline Newsreader Version 1.18 (MUI)
    YamNews.lha        comm/news    6K   1+Offline news script for YAM 2
    facts.lha          comm/tcp    60K   2+V2.9/GUI - NTP clock syncroniser/AutoDST
    GetAllHTML.lha     comm/tcp    15K   3+Auto download or link-check entire Web s
    IPScanner.lha      comm/tcp    21K   7+Shows open TCP/IP Port from a given doma
    iTranslate.lha     comm/tcp    54K   8+Internet language translation program
    KgServer.lha       comm/tcp   656K   3+Knowledge Server: Allow worldwide access
    KnowledgeSvr.lha   comm/tcp   656K   2+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
    samba_2.0.5a.lha   comm/tcp   2.7M   3+Native port of the free SMB client and s
    SimpleFTP.lha      comm/tcp    86K   1+SimpleFTP v1.75 - Easy to use FTP client
    TView.lha          comm/tcp    61K   1+List TV-programs in Europe. (V1.0)
    WebVision22a.lha   comm/tcp   140K   3+The ultimate webcam viewer (MUI)
    GMAutoWrite.lha    comm/thor    9K   1+Automatically post messages with Thor, v
    GMSignature.lha    comm/thor    7K   1+Enhances Signature system in Thor, v0.2
    TestUMS1_1.lha     comm/ums     6K   8+Test the UMS message base
    aipw.lha           comm/www    26K   7+MUI IP Watcher. Shows your IP+HostName. 
    alienib.lha        comm/www     4K   6+Cool NewIcons-like buttons for IBrowse
    autoindex2h.lha    comm/www    77K   1+Generates html doc to view pictures with
    AWBNetbt.lha       comm/www     8K   1+Netscape Style buttons for AWebII 3.3
    AWebResume.lha     comm/www    62K   3+Integrate FTP and HTTP resume support in
    gng.lha            comm/www   753K   7+GNU Internet mirroring tool with interfa
    gng_upd101.lha     comm/www    56K   3+GiambyNetGrabber update from V1.0 to V1.
    hrgiicons.lha      comm/www    11K   6+GlowIcons for HTTPResume (EMailware)
    HTTPResume_Cat.lha comm/www     3K   9+Catalan localization for HTTPResume v1.7
    HTTPResume_Cze.lha comm/www     3K   6+Czech localization for HTTPResume v1.7
    HTTPResume_Ger.lha comm/www     3K   6+German localization for HTTPResume v1.7
    HTTPResume_Ita.lha comm/www    24K   6+Italian localization for HTTPResume v1.7
    HTTPResume_Ser.lha comm/www    23K   9+Serbian localization for HTTPResume v1.7
    HTTPResume_Slo.lha comm/www     3K   6+Slovenian localization for HTTPResume v1
    HTTPResume_Sp.lha  comm/www     2K   8+Spanish translation for HTTPResume v1.7 
    ImageMap.lha       comm/www    67K   1+Easy HTML ImageMap creation with mouse
    Lynx283dev8.lha    comm/www   927K   9+Powerful WEB Browser (HTTP,FTP,NEWS...)
    mapPlugv141.lha    comm/www    78K   8+HTML client side image map editor v1.41
    MiamiOnline2.lha   comm/www     3K   1+Load FreePhone Number If Weekend (Miami)
    OpenURL30.lha      comm/www    88K   3+Library for easily sending URL->Browser
    RandAnim.lha       comm/www    83K   8+Start any browser with random xfer anim 
    tablePlugv11.lha   comm/www    79K   2+An HTML catalog creator v1.1
    urlx.lha           comm/www    68K   9+V1.02 Extract URL's from any file+sort++
    APX-SAT9.lha       demo/aga   257K   2+Satellite'99 party invitation.Polish/Eng
    APX-SAT99.lha      demo/aga   254K   2+Satellite'99 party invitation.Polish/Eng
    APX-SATF.lha       demo/aga     2K   2+Satellite'99 Inv.-missed fonts ru
    dcs-klnnfp.lha     demo/aga   2.4M   9+DCS demo "Klone" (NOFPU-version)
    FLP-TTD.lha        demo/aga   3.4M   8+"TTD". Floppy 1st at APOCALYPSE 99'
    hla-smoked.lha     demo/aga   132K   2+Smoked (128k intro) by Horizontal Lamerz
    i2k-dgt2.lha       demo/aga   959K   3+1st place @ Terminal Frost
    mkd_pgs.lha        demo/aga   499K   3+PRO_GEAR_SPEC WarpOS PPC demo by mankind
    MWI-Utopia.lha     demo/aga   1.3M   8+"Utopia" by Madwizards - 3rd at Apocalyp
    RNO-GoesAars.lha   demo/aga   1.1M   3+RNO: Goes Aars - TP8 partyslideshowrepor
    SPO2-InvIntro.lha  demo/aga   380K   3+Invitation intro for SPo2! (Amiga-only d
    tucolor.lha        demo/aga   1.3M   9+Tucolor by Vertical SDC
    wpz-frozen19.lha   demo/aga   847K   8+Frozen#19 - Apocalypse Party Edition
    wpz-frozen20.lha   demo/aga   666K   3+Frozen#2o - Special September Edition
    wpz-frozen21.lha   demo/aga   709K   3+Frozen#21 - Distance Party Edition
    BTF-Demo.lha       demo/ecs    84K   1+A litle ECS Demo ( Back to Future !!! ) 
    SCX.EclipsE.lha    demo/ecs   286K   3+ECLIPSE/SCOOPEX - LTP'99 -
    9999.lha           demo/euro  311K   8+Short and Cheap Anim Thing
    a8s-kdv2.lha       demo/euro   17M   1+"Kassadamo" by After Eights - TG98 wild 
    CdBS_DSoaB.lha     demo/euro  4.0M   3+V1.0 Demo PPC/Warp3D by CdBSSoftware.
    lamebomb.lha       demo/euro  3.2M   1+LAMEBOMB by LAMERS - FIRST PLACE ON XENI
    present.lha        demo/euro  1.7M   3+PRESENT by LAMERS
    sayko.lha          demo/euro   14M   3+SAYKO by LAMERS
    tokyo.lha          demo/euro   22M   3+TOKYO by LAMERS - FIRST PLACE on ASTROSY
    imi-okmp.lha       demo/intro  56K   3+1st place at Terminal Frost
    imi-qrac.lha       demo/intro  48K   3+Da,Qrac by iNDUS3+mindnever+iq2000
    MWI-EclipseFix.lha demo/intro  64K   1+"eclipse fixed" by madwizards - xenium`9
    Anime-X.lha        demo/mag   762K   8+H-Anime disk-mag from Carnage
    Grapevine1-4.lha   demo/mag   635K   9+LSD Grapevine diskmag, issues 1-4
    MWI-SDV20.lha      demo/mag   1.2M   7+SAVE DA VINYL #20 - packmag by Madwizard
    MWI-SDV21.lha      demo/mag   1.2M   1+SAVE DA VINYL #21 - packmag by Madwizard
    obligement17.lha   demo/mag   674K   3+Obligement #17 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
    adv-ita.lha        dev/amos    77K   7+Italian adventures creator for AMOSPro
    modifile.lha       dev/amos    67K   7+File modifier written by AMOSPro
    ESA.lha            dev/asm     62K   2+Extended Syntax Assembly v1.11
    SineWriter.lha     dev/asm      5K   7+Generate fixed point sine/cosine/hybrid 
    ACE_ByteRun.lha    dev/basic    3K   1+Fast ByteRun De/Compression for ACE Basi
    BlitzBoopsi.lha    dev/basic  119K   3+Boopsi examples for blitz
    freegads.lha       dev/basic    1K   3+[Blitz2] Fix for Free GTList when using 
    hookfunc.lha       dev/basic    4K   1+[Blitz2] Working example of hooks
    IFFsave.lha        dev/basic    3K   1+Correctly save an IFF/ILBM picture    
    PureBasic.lha      dev/basic  421K   7+V1.02 - Brand new powerful programming l
    ShapeConverter.lha dev/basic   28K   6+A tool to convert IFF-images to shapes
    SocketFuncs.lha    dev/basic   12K   3+Fix Blitz problems with bsdsocket.librar
    ADOSLib.lha        dev/c       16K   3+Additional DOS Lib for vbcc
    amiga-c-sep99.lha  dev/c       41K   3+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Sept
    GED_Scripts.lha    dev/c       18K   6+Useful ARexx Scripts for C Programming
    MEMLib.lha         dev/c      102K   3+Port of MEM.Lib for vbcc
    MMULib.lha         dev/c       35K   3+Vbcc stubs linklib for mmu.library
    PMM.lha            dev/c      2.8M   1+Project-Make-Manager (PMM) for vbcc
    REQUESTLib.lha     dev/c      155K   3+Requester Lib for vbcc
    stormamigalib.lha  dev/c       80K   1+Small and fast linker lib for StormC (de
    STRINGLib.lha      dev/c       83K   3+Many stringfunctions (linklib for vbcc)
    SUPRALib.lha       dev/c      106K   3+Port of SUPRA linklib for vbcc
    vbccwosnative.lha  dev/c      397K   3+Vbcc executables compiled for PPC/WarpOS
    TRSaferPtch.lha    dev/debug   22K   2+Safer Setfunctions Debug and Control Too
    Vivid.lha          dev/debug   12K   2+Trace the origin of memory flushes.
    Wipeout.lha        dev/debug   63K   3+Traces and munges memory and detects mem
    2b_Brush2eMui.lha  dev/e       42K   7+Changes brushes to E src for MUI
    2b_CreativE.lha    dev/e       73K   1+AmigaE compiler
    AE_ToolBar.lha     dev/e        9K   8+AmigaE modules: ToolBar.mcc & InfoText.m
    powerd.lha         dev/e      209K   2+New programming language based on E
    TearOff13.3_E.lha  dev/e        8K   7+E Modules for TearOff MUI classes
    jikes-diffs.lha    dev/lang    12K   7+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.04 (diffs)
    jikes.lha          dev/lang   568K   7+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.04 (source)
    jikes000.lha       dev/lang   545K   7+Fast Java compiler, v1.04 (68000 binary)
    jikes020-060.lha   dev/lang   539K   7+Fast Java compiler,v1.04 (68020-060,FPU)
    jlint.lha          dev/lang   421K   8+Lint for Java. Source included.
    perl5_man.lha      dev/lang   319K   8+Perl 5 manual pages (plaintext)
    Python152.lha      dev/lang   1.0M   1+Python language 1.5.2 (bin+lib)
    Python152_Src.lha  dev/lang   744K   1+Python language 1.5.2 (source)
    SlimPython.lha     dev/lang   574K   2+AmigaPython stripped edition (source)
    sofa.lha           dev/lang   3.5M   3+Eiffel compiler and additional libraries
    ARP_13dev.lha      dev/misc   124K   8+ARP developer kit
    Devices.lha        dev/misc     4K   1+Tiny tool to get all infos about DOS dev
    guigfxlib.lha      dev/misc   238K   3+Application layer for pixel graphics
    icqsocket.lha      dev/misc    50K   1+ICQSocket.library V1.0
    Istar.lha          dev/misc   656K   3+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
    simplecat.lha      dev/misc    50K   3+SimpleCat V1.3 - programmers catalog cre
    TransCat120.lha    dev/misc   128K   8+MUI Editor Catalog (.cd .ct)
    WHDLoad_dev.lha    dev/misc   314K   1+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
    WHDLoad_usr.lha    dev/misc   115K   1+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
    HunkFunc.lha       dev/moni    14K   1+V1.8 display executable file structure
    MCC_SpeedBar.lha   dev/mui     61K   1+Highly configurable toolbar class
    MCC_TransferAn.lha dev/mui    106K   3+MUI Custom Class for displaying transfer
    S3DC.lha           dev/mui      4K   7+Simple MUI example source to compile wit
    rablepaint.lha     dev/src     57K   3+Paintprogram with full source code
    Abackup_spa.lha    disk/bakup   7K   8+Spanish translation for ABackup 5.20
    CDCat-AmiNet32.lha disk/cdrom 1.7M   7+CDCat Index Of AmiNet 3-32
    CDCat-Aminet33.lha disk/cdrom 1.8M   2+CDCat Index Of AmiNet 3-33
    FlashROM.lha       disk/cdrom  17K   7+Amiga tool to change the flash ROM of Pl
    GetCDDB.lha        disk/cdrom  74K   3+Easy download of CD disc id files
    MakeCDsvenskaC.lha disk/cdrom  35K   7+Swedish catalog for MakeCD V3.2
    MCDP_AKPanels.lha  disk/cdrom  39K   1+Some 8-col. MWB style panels for MCDPlay
    MCDP_MWBPanel.lha  disk/cdrom  12K   3+8 col. MWB style panel for MCDPlayer 2
    MCDP_XENPanel.lha  disk/cdrom  11K   3+8 col. XEN style panel for MCDPlayer 2
    mountcd.lha        disk/cdrom   9K   1+MountCD - Automount CD / Autoboot from C
    rumeoandjoliet.lha disk/cdrom 122K   3+Copy a Joliet/Win9x CD with full names
    2b_HfMounterNG.lha disk/misc   18K   7+Manager for 'fmsdisk.device' units.
    2b_InBoot.lha      disk/misc   49K   7+Very useful BootBlock utility.
    Diskspace.lha      disk/misc   47K   9+Free Space on Disk via 3-D Diagram
    hdinst.lha         disk/misc   88K   1+HDInstTool - Harddisk Installation Tool
    IDEfix97.lha       disk/misc  404K   1+Use ATAPI devices (CD-ROM) with IDE port
    Ni_diskspace.lha   disk/misc   49K   9+Free Space on Disk via 3-D Diagram
    SCSIQuery.lha      disk/misc   19K   3+Prints internal infos of SCSI devices
    SFSconfig.lha      disk/misc    9K   3+Sets parameters for SFS partitions (1.2)
    SFSobject.lha      disk/misc    8K   3+Sets SFS object attributes with source (
    SmartInfo.lha      disk/misc   19K   2+SFSQuery and SFSdefragmentGUI replacemen
    turbocat-prov2.lha disk/misc  166K   2+Disk cataloguing utility (Made AS coverd
    ZJTools12_Por.lha  disk/misc    3K   3+Portuguese catalogs for ZJTools v1.2
    PFSDefragTry.lha   disk/optim  15K   3+Tries to defrag PFS partitions (1.5), wi
    cc99invi.lha       docs/anno    4K   3+Cologne Conference 99 Invitation
    Mira99.txt         docs/anno    6K   9+Mira Amiga99 ParTy invitation
    musiccharts.txt    docs/anno    0K   7+Announcment regarding.....
    SPO2-Invitat.lha   docs/anno    8K   3+Invitation for SPo2! (TEXT VERSION)
    Ainu.lha           docs/etext   5K   3+Situation of Ainu in Japan
    adosguide.lha      docs/help  284K   1+Detailed AmigaDOS Ref Guide. V2.6
    Amiga_MO_FAQ.lha   docs/help  302K   3+V1.5, Amiga Magneto-Optical Drive FAQ
    dvbcontrdocpdf.lha docs/help  982K   3+DVBControl V1.12 german documentation in
    IBrowse2Print.txt  docs/help    2K   3+Describes how to get Ibrowse2's PostScri
    AmigaInfo.lha      docs/hyper 360K   3+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Settembre 1999
    aMiGaPoWeR.lha     docs/hyper  68K   7+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
    AMIyNET42.lha      docs/hyper 1.4M   3+Spanish Amiga Internet users list. V4.2
    attitude.lha       docs/hyper  56K   9+WWF attitude faq (Amigaguide)
    bruce_dickinso.lha docs/hyper  51K   7+Bruce Dickinson Guide V1.0
    CRUS_Gde.lha       docs/hyper   6K   7+Babylon 5: Crusade Episode Guide (13a)
    iron_maiden.lha    docs/hyper 135K   7+Iron Maiden Guide V2.5
    LEXX_Gde.lha       docs/hyper   9K   6+Lexx Episode Guide (24)
    MusicBase_2.25.lha docs/hyper 276K   2+Music lyrics database v.2.25
    Aminet-CD-33.lha   docs/lists  36K   3+Aminet CD 33 index and description
    amiuserlist.lha    docs/lists  45K   1+AmigaUserList V6.94 of Germany, Switzerl
    CHTM0999.lha       docs/lists  81K   8+CoNnEcTiOnS: September 1999 - UK BBS Sce
    CHTM1099.lha       docs/lists 105K   1+CoNnEcTiOnS: October 1999 - UK BBS Scene
    ClassesGuide.lha   docs/lists  86K   9+A Guide of Amiga custom BOOPSI classes. 
    CNCT0999.lha       docs/lists  41K   8+CoNnEcTiOnS: September 1999 - UK BBS Sce
    CNCT1099.lha       docs/lists  54K   1+CoNnEcTiOnS: October 1999 - UK BBS Scene
    Aakt0999HTML.lha   docs/mags  372K   9+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1099GFX.lha    docs/mags  345K   3+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1099GUIDE.lha  docs/mags  115K   3+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1099HTML.lha   docs/mags  276K   3+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    AaktInt0999.lha    docs/mags  266K   3+International infotainment magazine
    AaktInt0999GFX.lha docs/mags  229K   3+International infotainment magazine (gra
    ACNews_14.lha      docs/mags   80K   3+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #14-Septem
    ACNews_15.lha      docs/mags   27K   1+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #15-Octobr
    agsaku30.lha       docs/mags  1.5M   3+AmigaGuide-Saku #30. Finnish diskmag.
    agsaku30k.lha      docs/mags  172K   3+AmigaGuide-Saku #30. Finnish diskmag. Fi
    AIOV28.lha         docs/mags  427K   3+Amiga Information Online, Issue 28 (Sept
    AIOV29.lha         docs/mags  437K   2+Amiga Information Online, Issue 29 (Octo
    AO_0101.lha        docs/mags    9K   7+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 1 - 3 Se
    AO_0102.lha        docs/mags    9K   7+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 2 - 13 S
    AO_0103.lha        docs/mags   11K   7+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 3 - 17 S
    AO_0104.lha        docs/mags   13K   3+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 4 - 15 O
    AO_0105.lha        docs/mags   14K   2+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 5 - 22 O
    AO_0106.lha        docs/mags    8K   1+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 5 - 29 O
    F0NT07.lha         docs/mags  507K   3+Hungarian all-about mag issue #07
    gadget42.lha       docs/mags  394K   3+German Freeware Magazine
    htsaku30.lha       docs/mags  1.5M   3+HTML-Saku #30. Finnish diskmag.
    Mags_index.lha     docs/mags   45K   8+TEXT indices of magazine articles
    Nintendo01_10.lha  docs/mags  252K   3+German NINTENDO Magazin  01.10.1999
    Nintendo01_11.lha  docs/mags  149K   2+German NINTENDO Magazin  01.11.1999
    NoCover62.lha      docs/mags  2.6M   8+Great german onlinemag
    NoCover63.lha      docs/mags  2.2M   8+Great german onlinemag
    NoCover64.lha      docs/mags  1.6M   8+Great german onlinemag
    NoCover65.lha      docs/mags  1.9M   8+Great german onlinemag
    NoCover67.lha      docs/mags  2.4M   3+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover68.lha      docs/mags  1.7M   3+Great german diskmagazine
    saku30d1.lha       docs/mags  495K   3+Saku #30 (4/99). Finnish diskmag. 1/3
    saku30d2.lha       docs/mags  393K   3+Saku #30 (4/99). Finnish diskmag. 2/3
    saku30d3.lha       docs/mags  432K   3+Saku #30 (4/99). Finnish diskmag. 3/3
    StarMag20.lha      docs/mags  303K   3+Ultimate German Diskmag, DECRUNCH IT!
    woa5.lha           docs/mags  299K   3+World Of Amiga Issue 5 (Oct 99)
    3DWorldArc0999.lha docs/misc  107K   3+Archive of the 3D World ML for 09/99
    3DWorldFAQ.lha     docs/misc   10K   3+FAQ for the 3D World Mailing List
    AFD-Files1-13.lha  docs/misc  121K   1+Standard Copyright Note in 13 languages
    BCPLMagic.lha      docs/misc    8K   3+Doc about BCPL handler startup magic
    EuroChamp.lha      docs/misc   24K   9+Statistics of soccer Euro Champs '60-'96
    F1Champ.lha        docs/misc   35K   9+Statistics of Formula One '50-'99
    F1Results.lha      docs/misc   12K   7+Formula 1 results 1994-1997 (German)
    fc_jul99.txt       docs/misc   15K   3+FreeCell ML messages - July 1999
    fc_jun99.txt       docs/misc    5K   3+FreeCell ML messages - June 1999
    jasep99.lha        docs/misc  179K   3+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
    PetroSaku99.txt    docs/misc    4K   8+Transcript of Petro's speech to Saku99
    TeRmOz.IRC.lha     docs/misc   43K   8+Polish FAQ about IRC and bots.
    thewholetruth.lha  docs/misc    2K   8+The whole truth about Bill G.
    WorldCup.lha       docs/misc  110K   9+Statistics of soccer World Cups '30-'98
    pfs3.txt           docs/rview  21K   8+REVIEW: Professional File System 3 v5.1
    BattleDuel.lha     game/2play 1.8M   8+The *ULTIMATE* artillery game V1.7.105
    freeciv.lha        game/2play 746K   2+Amiga Version 1.4 => Freeciv 1.9.0
    Megasquad.lha      game/2play  53K   6+2 player combat arena game
    Mortar.lha         game/2play 566K   9+Multiplayer artillery game
    sharks.lha         game/actio 212K   3+Great Action-diving V1.2 !
    wreckage.lha       game/actio 892K   6+Wreckage XV45 - driving simulation
    FreeCell1.8.lha    game/board  97K   3+Logical patience-type card game
    sol_dt.lha         game/board  62K   7+*Inofficial* German exe for Solitaire v1
    vchess_dt.lha      game/board   6K   6+German catalog for VChess 4.1
    DaliDeck.jpg       game/data  3.1M   3+Soliton card set
    EscherDeck.jpg     game/data  2.5M   6+Soliton card set
    F1GP_1999.lha      game/data   10K   1+1999 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (final u
    FreeCell300.lha    game/data    8K   8+Solutions for FreeCell 251 to 300 by D.H
    Lekis_XTR_Trac.lha game/data   78K   7+Tracks for Xtreme Racing
    MaP_Music2.lha     game/data  1.2M   8+New cardset for MarryAmPic
    MaP_Music3.lha     game/data  1.1M   1+New cardset for MarryAmPic
    MRP_Guignols98.lha game/data  2.0M   1+CardSet for Marryampic
    pirouworms.lha     game/data  427K   6+Beautiful Worms Levels
    SWOSFin.lha        game/data    5K   9+Finnish league datafile for SWOS
    vgp_sd99.lha       game/data    2K   3+Virtual GP - Season Data 1999
    wbw_gfx_b.lha      game/data  206K   6+Graphic files for WBWort V3.x
    ExodusTLW_Demo.lha game/demo  5.9M   3+Demo new RTS game from Poland. COOL !!!
    UltimLnds.lha      game/demo   71K   8+Great Ultima clone preview
    AD_Dsolutions.lha  game/hint  322K   8+Walkthroughes of old AD&D SSI Games
    AmberMoon-It.lha   game/hint    9K   1+Translation > Italian Language of the Ex
    FoundCard.lha      game/hint  179K   3+Foundation Card-Hints Miss01-28.
    StreetRod.lha      game/hint   55K   6+Street Rod Savegame with 247.Millions
    TrainerMaker.lha   game/hint   27K   3+Get unlimited lives etc. Full version!
    WaxworksSol.lha    game/hint   11K   3+Waxworks (Elvira 3) Walkthrough and tips
    buzzyneervoort.lha game/jump  154K   1+New Level for the Game Buzzy !
    CrazySue.lha       game/jump  304K   3+Classic PD platform game
    CrazySueII.lha     game/jump  448K   8+Sequel to classic PD platform game
    RackRunner.lha     game/jump  104K   2+Old platform game with level-editor.
    Arkanos.lha        game/misc  148K   2+Break out game with new features
    qbic.lha           game/misc  182K   2+An old but great Q*Bert clone
    SaveEd.lha         game/misc   82K   1+Universal save game editor
    sg2ishi.lha        game/misc   11K   3+Converts Smart Go to Ishi Go matches
    WormWars.lha       game/misc  622K   1+WormWars 5.0: Advanced snake game
    AF1upgrI.lha       game/patch  55K   1+Utilities, new car objects and FAQ for V
    fu_psv_upd-SFX.lha game/patch 6.0M   8+Patch to football management game (PL)
    lemmingshd.lha     game/patch  34K   8+HD Installer for Lemmings *9 VERSIONS* V
    LLamatronHD.lha    game/patch   7K   3+HD-Installer for Llamatron V1.1
    malicemod.lha      game/patch 246K   3+Malice (Quake TC) bot-mod & fpsbooster  
    RevengeHD.lha      game/patch   6K   3+HD-Installer for Revenge of the Mutant C
    skidmarks2hd.lha   game/patch 615K   8+HD-Installer for Skidmarks 2
    WHDArmourGeddn.lha game/patch  30K   8+HD Installer for Armour-Geddon
    WHDFatmanTCC.lha   game/patch  29K   3+HD Installer for Fatman TCC
    WHDIDemos.lzh      game/patch 567K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesA-B.lzh   game/patch 740K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesC-D.lzh   game/patch 870K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesE-F.lzh   game/patch 507K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesG-I.lzh   game/patch 797K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesJ-M.lzh   game/patch 762K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesN-R.lzh   game/patch 892K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesS-T.lzh   game/patch 987K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    WHDIGamesU-Z.lzh   game/patch 515K   1+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
    Z2Install.lha      game/patch  38K   3+HD Installer for Zeewolf 2: Wild Justice
    ZInstall.lha       game/patch  38K   3+HD Installer for Zeewolf
    KC0.6.1.lha        game/role   86K   1+Create your hero for RPG Krysztaly Czasu
    LegendElvesUpd.lha game/role  163K   9+Legend of the Elves v1.5 Update
    LegendofElves.lha  game/role  938K   9+Graphic Adv. (like Monkey Island) v1.5
    YAGAC.lha          game/role  197K   7+Graphic adventure creator (Balrog Soft)
    YAGACFix.lha       game/role  197K   7+Graphic adventure creator (Balrog Soft)F
    YAGACFix2.lha      game/role  193K   7+Graphic adventure creator (Balrog Soft)F
    zangband.lha       game/role  1.1M   9+Zangband 2.2.6c - Roguelike solo RPG
    stefadv.lha        game/text   22K   7+Little italian text adventure
    stefadv2.lha       game/text   65K   7+2nd little italian text adventure
    BrainRace.lha      game/think 774K   7+Brain Race 
    Gallowz.lha        game/think  42K   8+Hangman - but good! v1.1
    Marryampic.lha     game/think 103K   3+A CardSet game to find sound-pairs
    SameGame.lha       game/think  10K   1+Addictive puzzle game with colored balls
    tinytainer.lha     game/think  93K   3+Mines & Master Mind
    BM_V2_78.lha       game/wb    190K   9+Buergermeister V2.78 - manage your city 
    VSV_src.lha        gfx/3d      62K   1+Viewer for Videoscape3D-objects w/source
    r4_Lara_Croft.lha  gfx/3dobj  587K   3+Lara-Croft-like girl for monzoom 3d pro
    PalomAVI.lha       gfx/board   28K   8+AVI capture program for PicassoIV/Paloma
    PVS.lha            gfx/board   26K   2+Global Prefs setter for Picasso96
    JPEG-Box.lha       gfx/conv   211K   6+JPEG generator for WWW graphics V4.15 (6
    JpegTool.lha       gfx/conv    17K   3+Datatypes <-> jpeg converter (1.9)
    mpeg2enc+.lha      gfx/conv   221K   2+MPEG1/2 encoder V1.4 + GUI (PowerUP / Wa
    scene-handler.lha  gfx/conv    22K   2+Direct access to a MovieShop Partition/S
    AmiCAD_2.03.lha    gfx/edit   636K   3+Schematics vectorial electronics program
    IE-openpicture.lha gfx/edit     1K   3+Image Eng. - Open Picture v1.00
    picFXb.lha         gfx/edit    94K   6+Great CARDWARE image deformer (MUI) 1.00
    PicScale.lha       gfx/edit    59K   2+Scale Pics in a WB window
    VE-batchpro.lha    gfx/edit     6K   3+Visual Eng. - Batch process v1.01
    VE-Examples.lha    gfx/edit   520K   3+Visual Eng. - Examples
    VE-Examples2.lha   gfx/edit   423K   3+Visual Eng. - Examples 2
    VE-gausedge.lha    gfx/edit     5K   3+Visual Eng. - Gaussian edge v1.56
    VE-gausfeather.lha gfx/edit     5K   3+Visual Eng. - Gaussian feather v1.21
    VE-logotexture.lha gfx/edit     5K   3+Visual Eng. - Logo texture v1.15
    VE-Masks.lha       gfx/edit   188K   3+Visual Eng. - Masks
    VE-runhook.lha     gfx/edit     5K   3+Visual Eng. - Run Hook v0.01
    VE-shadow.lha      gfx/edit     9K   3+Visual Eng. - Shadow v3.34
    VE-signature.lha   gfx/edit     6K   3+Visual Eng. - Signature v1.03
    VE-Tutorial1.lha   gfx/edit   142K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 1
    VE-Tutorial2.lha   gfx/edit   111K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 2
    VE-Tutorial3.lha   gfx/edit    68K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 3
    VE-Tutorial4.lha   gfx/edit    37K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 4
    VE-Tutorial5.lha   gfx/edit    83K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 5
    VE-Tutorial6.lha   gfx/edit    50K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 6
    VE-Tutorial7.lha   gfx/edit   110K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 7
    VE-Tutorial8.lha   gfx/edit   102K   3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 8
    VE-unkregion.lha   gfx/edit     5K   3+Visual Eng. - Unknown Region v1.02
    VE-VAnim.lha       gfx/edit     9K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Anim v2.35
    VE-VBorderD.lha    gfx/edit   153K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Border Demo v1.20
    VE-VCard.lha       gfx/edit     7K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Card v1.81
    VE-VGradient.lha   gfx/edit     6K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Gradient v1.29
    VE-VLogoD.lha      gfx/edit   150K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Logo Demo v1.20
    VE-VPuzzleP.lha    gfx/edit   154K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Puzzle Preview
    VE-VSurface.lha    gfx/edit     7K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Surface v1.28
    VE-VTexture2.lha   gfx/edit    19K   3+Visual Eng. - Visual Texture 2 v1.00
    wmachine.lha       gfx/edit    50K   6+Easy+accurate image-scaling tool
    SkinCrop09.lha     gfx/ifx     10K   2+Easy xxxAMPxxx Skin creation script for 
    csf.lzh            gfx/misc    21K   8+2/256 color ILBM to cross stitch pattern
    MakeWebPic.lha     gfx/misc    19K   6+ARexx-Packet to work with Pic-Archiv
    SvIIFix837.lha     gfx/misc    33K   2+*Fix* for SViewII V8.37 (19.10.99)
    SvIV-1.lha         gfx/misc   310K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 1/8
    SvIV-2.lha         gfx/misc   213K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 2/8
    SvIV-3a.lha        gfx/misc   136K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 3a/8
    SvIV-3b.lha        gfx/misc   219K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 3b/8
    SvIV-4.lha         gfx/misc    41K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 4/8
    SvIV-5.lha         gfx/misc    60K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 5/8
    SvIV-6.lha         gfx/misc    62K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 6/8 (opt
    SvIV-7.lha         gfx/misc   116K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 7/8 (opt
    SvIV-8.lha         gfx/misc   217K   3+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 8/8 (opt
    SvIV-PPC.lha       gfx/misc   943K   3+Update for SViewIV/PPC V24.1 (PPC)
    akMPEG2.lha        gfx/show   122K   7+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V3.01 (68k/
    AMP.lha            gfx/show   255K   3+MPEG1/2, FLI/FLC, AVI, QT player for War
    Frogger.lha        gfx/show   307K   2+Ultimate MPEG video player (68k & PPC v1
    PhotoFolio1_2.lha  gfx/show   325K   3+V1.2 View/Store/Catalog images
    RiVA.lha           gfx/show    26K   9+MPEG Player for AGA/Cgfx/P96 v0.21, Fast
    sJFIF163.lha       gfx/show    12K   3+JFIF viewer for AGA AmigOS
    SoftCinema.lha     gfx/show   230K   3+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.6
    ViewILBM.lha       gfx/show   159K   3+Displays IFF-ILBM pictures; supports col
    Spitfire.lha       hard/drivr 413K   2+A Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
    Win95MapGB.lha     hard/drivr   8K   7+Win95 British keymap, CTRL+\ support.
    APPE1_2.lha        hard/hack   82K   7+Use any PlayStation Pad in your Amiga
    maxsampler.lha     hard/hack   63K   1+Audio sampler (MONO) for Amiga with Maxi
    mccontrol.lha      hard/hack  200K   3+V1.29 PSX MemoryCard Reader
    TP3.lha            hard/hack  275K   1+A SAVE TriplePlay MIDI-Interface for Bar
    TPPtools.lha       hard/hack    5K   3+TriplePlayTools for Bars&Pipes & TripleP
    TriplePlay2.lha    hard/hack  474K   3+TriplePlay 2 MIDI-Interface for Bars&Pip
    A4KTower.lha       hard/misc  608K   7+How to towerise your A4K easily! 
    ICS.lha            hard/misc  1.6M   3+V1.07 ICS - professional color correctio
    ICSmanlj.lha       hard/misc  1.5M   9+V1.06 ICS manual as 300dpi Laserjet file
    ICSmanps.lha       hard/misc  522K   9+V1.06 ICS manual as PostScript file
    mplay.lha          hard/misc   10K   8+Simple mp3-player for MAS3507
    NewMouse12.lha     hard/misc   14K   3+Serial mouse driver w/ wheel and D'n'D s
    ARP_13.lha         misc/antiq 137K   8+The AmigaDOS Resource Project
    AGChinese.lha      misc/edu   432K   9+Chinese Language Tutorial, GFX, Sound 
    AGEngChi.lha       misc/edu   416K   9+English for Chinese/Japanese Speakers La
    AGEngRom.lha       misc/edu   396K   9+English for Spanish/French/German Speake
    AGRussian.lha      misc/edu   310K   9+Russian Language Tutorial, GFX, Sound 
    AGSpanish.lha      misc/edu   316K   9+Spanish Language Tutorial, GFX, Sound 
    DkMineProf.lha     misc/edu    42K   3+MineProf-Mineralanalysator (German)
    vokabeltr2.3.lha   misc/edu    59K   3+Powerful and easy word trainer. Freeware    misc/emu     2K   2+Amiga Mousecursors for PC
    AmiMasterGear.lha  misc/emu    55K   1+Master System and Game Gear Emulator
    AmiOS35amp.lha     misc/emu    20K   7+Skin for WinAMP with the Amiga-look
    anescgfx.lha       misc/emu    36K   7+A/NES CGFX 1.0 preview 2 - NES emulator
    ASpEmu.lha         misc/emu    16K   1+V064. ZXSpectrum48K emulator. AGA only.
    cp4.lha            misc/emu   578K   2+C= Plus4 Emulator - V0.68
    DarcNES.lha        misc/emu   132K   3+NES, SMS/GG, PCE emulator for WarpUP v99
    darkNESs0.30.lha   misc/emu    45K   3+Nintendo Entertainment System emulator v
    Electrostatic.lha  misc/emu   103K   1+Atari 2600 emulator/translator. V2.2
    execute64.lha      misc/emu    50K   3+V1.18 Amiga->C64 Transfer and Execute.
    Handy.lha          misc/emu   115K   7+Atari Lynx emulator for WarpUP, v1.03 (9
    Mac_Troub3_PDF.lha misc/emu   1.2M   1+Macintosh Troubleshooter v3.0 PDF
    snes9x-wos.lha     misc/emu   419K   3+Snes9X / Amiga v1.26 (WarpOS port)
    SShifter310Pt.lha  misc/emu     3K   3+Final portuguese catalog for ShapeShifte
    warpsnes.lha       misc/emu   359K   7+SNES Emulator for PowerPC (WarpUP) V4.1
    TotalCalc1_23.lha  misc/math   48K   7+Calculator with interesting features
    AmiTarot.lha       misc/misc   33K   6+Tarot card reader program v1.70
    ELFCv1.lha         misc/misc   89K   3+English League Football Compiler
    lotolib.lha        misc/misc   21K   3+Lotolib for LOTO v2.3+ (1976 au 29-sept.
    Lotto.lha          misc/misc  771K   1+Play (Ger) Lotto! Print forms. (V1.33)
    pissed.lha         misc/misc   37K   9+Measures your level of drunkenness
    Settler.lha        misc/misc   55K   3+Horse Racing/Football Odds Compiler
    SpaTra04.lha       misc/misc  109K   9+Spanish Translations Pack 04 v0.6
    SpaTra05.lha       misc/misc  147K   1+Spanish Translations Pack 05 v0.6
    TotoSei.lha        misc/misc   73K   8+TotoSei v2.1 DEMO (ITALIAN)
    WiseMan1_1.lha     misc/misc   21K   6+Displays random wise words in Workbench!
    Gravita.lha        misc/sci    20K   8+Simulatore della gravitazione (only ital
    ptoe_demo.lha      misc/sci   161K   3+A periodic table of elements
    ConditionGreen.lha mods/8voic  77K   3+Upbeat OctaMED SoundStudio mod
    sbf_bopt.lha       mods/chip    4K   1+Back on PT - PT mod - sbf/phx (Slarti)
    sbf_matl.lha       mods/chip    7K   1+Mat Lead - PT mod - sbf/phx (slarti)
    Now.mpg            mods/elbie 2.0M   3+Now [Trance] by ElbiE^t13n!
    Riot_v1-01.mpg     mods/elbie 2.0M   3+Riot_v1,01 [hard Industrial] by ElbiE^t1
    Robotic.mpg        mods/elbie 4.8M   7+Robotic Love Vocoder Synthpop by ElbiE^t
    Vargoga_II.mpg     mods/elbie 2.1M   3+Varg ga_II [Electronic] by ElbiE^t13n!
    Whispers.mpg       mods/elbie 4.4M   3+Whispers [hallowene gothic] by ElbiE^t13
    A-crowd.lha        mods/hardc 220K   8+-amorel- Music for the masses =)
    pie_fkit.lha       mods/hardc 409K   1+Hardcore by Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
    pie_hallwn.lha     mods/hardc 1.1M   1+Halloween HC. by Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
    pie_killer.lha     mods/hardc 1.2M   1+Hardcore by Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
    pie_tedge.lha      mods/hardc 418K   1+Hardcore by Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
    sad-dubidu.lha     mods/hardc 339K   3+246 BPM Hard Acid by Sadista (DBM 6ch)
    sad-wake_up.lha    mods/hardc 204K   3+320 BPM Pain Core by Sadista (DBM 12ch)
    deep_lyra.lha      mods/house 520K   3+Deep House Octamed SS Module by Olethros
    lnsS11_HHb1.lha    mods/inst  543K   3+Happyhardcore beats - sampel pack nr 1
    lnsS11_HHb2.lha    mods/inst  582K   3+Happyhardcore beats - sampel pack nr 2
    lnsS11_HHb3.lha    mods/inst  378K   3+Happyhardcore beats - sampel pack nr 3
    crystal.lha        mods/jungl 347K   2+Drum'n'bass by spook
    akvaario.lha       mods/k4k   187K   8+"Akvaario Provokator" ambient by Kure/RN
    delicious.lha      mods/k4k   404K   8+"Deliciously" trance with house flavour 
    distract.lha       mods/k4k   313K   7+"Distracted" trance-song by Kure/RNO^WPZ
    havanna.lha        mods/k4k   271K   8+"Club Havanna" trancey rave by Kure/RNO^
    hs-edit.lha        mods/k4k   422K   8+"Headswitch edit" techno/detroit by Kure
    martys.lha         mods/k4k   262K   7+"Martysbear" trance-song by Kure/RNO^WPZ
    murska.lha         mods/k4k   1.6M   8+Murska-lp by Kure/RNO^WPZ
    peacemaker.lha     mods/k4k   233K   8+"The Peacemaker" techno/detroit by Kure/
    provokeidor.lha    mods/k4k    31K   8+Asm99 tiny-music entry by Kure/RNO^WPZ
    uus_pimp.lha       mods/k4k   327K   8+"Uusier Pimp" jungle by Kure/RNO^WPZ
    uv-dreams.lha      mods/k4k   199K   8+"Ultraviolet Dreams" tekno/acid by Kure/
    Immortal2.lha      mods/med    49K   3+Mod.Immortal  by sTiLsKiN
    mediterranean.lha  mods/med   159K   3+A 10-channel OSS module by Riley
    octa_med_musi.lha  mods/med   1.1M   3+Some Octamed Songs from me
    PartyOn.lha        mods/med   243K   3+Mod.Party on by sTiLsKiN
    sparrow.lha        mods/med    99K   3+Lovely little OSS dance module
    Unknowncause1.lha  mods/med   356K   1+....A Dance/Hiphop song with harmonic,me
    divert12.lha       mods/midi   19K   2+Divertimento12, GM song by Stefano Regat
    ConJustice.lha     mods/misc  400K   3+DBM synthesizer by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Prod
    daybyday.lha       mods/misc  187K   7+DBM dance by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Production
    DiscoShit.lha      mods/misc  382K   8+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
    HalfPowerOfMe.lha  mods/misc  639K   8+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
    IStupidity.lha     mods/misc  319K   6+DBM Trance/Dance by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Pro
    KillingInstinc.lha mods/misc  719K   8+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
    MieszkaWNimEsk.lha mods/misc   24K   8+DBM module (DSP echo used!)             
    rNO-L004.lha       mods/misc  792K   7+RNO-LABEL release nO.4
    rNO-L005.lha       mods/misc  275K   2+Rno-label release no.5 by cie (detroit)
    rNO-L006.lha       mods/misc  200K   3+RNO-LABEL release nO.6
    rNO-L007.lha       mods/misc  224K   2+Rno-label release no.7 by tang (funkyhou
    rNO-L009.lha       mods/misc  177K   1+Rno-label release no.9 by roz (house)
    sbf_dawa.lha       mods/misc   33K   1+Dark Water - XM - sbf/phx (Slarti)
    sbf_ncrx.lha       mods/misc  214K   1+No Chance REMIX - XM - sbf/phx (slarti)
    sbf_waar.lha       mods/misc  115K   1+Wall around - XM - sbf/phx (slarti)
    TheBeggar.lha      mods/misc  337K   2+DBM Relaxe by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Productio
    turntable_suxx.lha mods/misc  113K   3+How 2 Scratch without TurnTable ? hiP-hO
    32bc_collapse.mpg  mods/mpg   5.1M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_darkbird.mpg  mods/mpg   4.6M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_fruit.mpg     mods/mpg   6.0M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_punish.mpg    mods/mpg    10M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_purple.mpg    mods/mpg   3.3M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_return.mpg    mods/mpg   5.2M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_soundcl.mpg   mods/mpg   5.5M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    32bc_tequest.mpg   mods/mpg   5.8M   8+Dnb by 32bit choonz boyz
    Atmosfear.mpg      mods/mpg   3.0M   2+Dark experimental Drum`n`Bass tune by No
    CIE-Forward.mpg    mods/mpg   4.8M   1+Rno-label release no.10 by cie (detroit)
    DarkNight.mpg      mods/mpg   5.5M   1+Dark Night by DanDude  Halloween tune
    is-Bitstopper.mpg  mods/mpg   5.0M   3+Funky Drum and Bass by istari
    is-BrainDamage.mpg mods/mpg   5.5M   6+Jungle Drum and Bass by istari
    is-KaosFractal.mpg mods/mpg   2.6M   6+Fractal Breaks by istari
    Kure-Sun.mpg       mods/mpg   5.0M   3+"The Sun Shower" trance-song by Kure/RNO
    MindlessThough.mpg mods/mpg   5.2M   1+A trance-stylish mp3 by spook/kahvila^ih
    mosquito_gigue.mpg mods/mpg   1.0M   1+A weird tune for weird folks.
    pie_intro.mpg      mods/mpg   678K   1+Hard gabber intro by Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
    prometheus.mpg     mods/mpg   3.8M   3+Experimental noise made with amigas and 
    rondo.mpg          mods/mpg   2.6M   1+Piano tune in a late classical/early rom
    saku99sp.mpg       mods/mpg   1.2M   8+Petro Tyschtschenko's Saku 99 speech
    SH-Blessed.mpg     mods/mpg   1.4M   3+Industrial/EBM by MatriX Wired
    SpaceCrusade.mpg   mods/mpg   6.0M   3+Hardtrance track by Planet G 
    SWAP.mpg           mods/mpg   721K   2+262BPM-Gabber-MPEG audio by "Borschtsch"
    synth_quartet.mpg  mods/mpg   5.5M   1+"Synth Quartet" in a late classical/earl
    thomabelscanon.mpg mods/mpg   3.5M   3+Thomabel's Canon by Thom Heppleston
    Up_Down.mpg        mods/mpg   1.3M   2+140BPM-Gabber-MPEG audio by "Borschtsch"
    brm_mod1.lha       mods/pro   588K   3+Modules by Broom.
    brm_mod4.lha       mods/pro   647K   3+Modules by Broom.
    brm_mod5.lha       mods/pro   679K   3+Modules by Broom.
    CrazySueII_mus.lha mods/pro   306K   8+Music from Crazy Sue II game
    CrazySue_mus.lha   mods/pro   305K   8+Music from Crazy Sue game
    sbf_2m4y.lha       mods/pro   402K   1+2 Mad 4 you - PT mod - sbf/phx (slarti)
    solotunes.lha      mods/pro   108K   6+PT MOD BY BLUEBEAR '96
    handsom.lha        mods/roz   140K   8+Sum house by Roz/RNO^Fit^pJz
    orchest.lha        mods/roz   448K   8+Asm99 entry by Roz/RNO^Fit^pJz
    phatkhem.lha       mods/roz   394K   8+Weird breakbeat stuff by Roz/RNO^Fit^pJz
    junokit02.lha      mods/smpl  414K   8+Juno-106 sample kit vol 2
    trpack1.lha        mods/smpl  472K   3+Trinity Kit vol. 1 By Roz
    trpack2.lha        mods/smpl  474K   3+Trinity Kit vol. 2 By Roz
    2000.lha           mods/stame 129K   6+"2000", module by Stamen 1999
    9D.lha             mods/stame 114K   6+"Dimension Nine", module by Stamen 1999
    allbgins.lha       mods/stame  86K   6+"When The All Begins", module by Stamen 
    hermit.lha         mods/stame  59K   6+"Hermit Livin'", module by Stamen 1999
    typhoon.lha        mods/stame 129K   6+"Typhoon", module by Stamen 1999
    whydontu.lha       mods/stame  89K   6+"Why Don't You Dance", module by Stamen 
    RussianONE.lha     mods/symph 1.3M   7+Simphonie music module
    advent_oss.lha     mods/techn 513K   3+Ambient Octamed SS Module by Olethros, 1
    af-deep.lha        mods/techn 2.2M   3+DBM10ch ->Acid Frog<- acidtrance 144bpm
    af-mental_code.lha mods/techn 167K   3+DBM 7ch ->Acid Frog<- detroit 142bpm
    crs_360.lha        mods/techn 1.1M   3+CRS00034: "360 degrees" EP by Jocko
    crs_agon.lha       mods/techn 193K   3+CRS00032: "agony" by domin8r
    crs_ansu.lha       mods/techn 115K   3+CRS00048: "analogue summer" EP by asarha
    crs_cons.lha       mods/techn 240K   3+CRS00013: "conspirators" by dominator
    crs_dp.lha         mods/techn 245K   3+CRS00036: "dead people" by phuzzy logik
    crs_drth.lha       mods/techn 221K   3+CRS00027: "dirty harry" by domin8r
    crs_fapr.lha       mods/techn 117K   3+CRS00029: "fake progress" by domin8r
    crs_gphk.lha       mods/techn 999K   3+CRS00046: "green photekamera" by phase
    crs_hcsr.lha       mods/techn 112K   3+CRS00033: "hardcoded sorrow" by domin8r
    crs_htts.lha       mods/techn 127K   3+CRS00028: "higher than the sun" by ilke
    crs_nakd.lha       mods/techn  99K   3+CRS00014: "naked" by phuzzy logik
    crs_pk.lha         mods/techn 110K   3+CRS00035: "pain killa'" by Asarhad
    crs_sfaw.lha       mods/techn 110K   1+CRS00049: "so far away..." by domin8r
    crs_subn.lha       mods/techn  96K   3+CRS00015: "subsidive neophyte" by .A.
    crs_trfm.lha       mods/techn 233K   3+CRS00047: "transformation" by domin8r
    crs_wdan.lha       mods/techn 371K   3+CRS00030: "Wu-dan EP" by Asarhad (a.k.a.
    gen-bad_trip.lha   mods/techn 1.7M   3+142 BPM Mono Acid by Genacid (DBM 10ch)
    gen-geno-steal.lha mods/techn 1.3M   6+138 BPM Acid by Genacid (DBM 24ch)
    gen-gnoj.lha       mods/techn 1.3M   6+143 BPM Acid House by Genacid (DBM 12ch)
    gen-old_s.lha      mods/techn 2.5M   6+146 BPM Pure Acid by Genacid (DBM 12ch)
    gen-shrotara.lha   mods/techn 642K   6+160 BPM Trance by Genacid (DBM 10ch)
    lns54_sun.lha      mods/techn 143K   3+Waiting for the sun - minimalism 
    lns55_trip.lha     mods/techn 170K   3+Tripping on sunshine - minimalism 
    lns56_amph.lha     mods/techn 109K   3+Old people on amphetamines - minimalism 
    lns57_rub.lha      mods/techn 218K   3+The innocent rubberduck - minimalism 
    lns58_form.lha     mods/techn 257K   3+Starting a new life form - minimalism 
    lns59_bark.lha     mods/techn 261K   3+My shoe is barking - minimalism 
    lns60_diss.lha     mods/techn 229K   3+When people dissapear - trancy minimalis
    lns61_puk.lha      mods/techn 308K   3+Puk in the Nazi dwarf kingdom - funny ac
    ReturnOfClassi.lha mods/techn 100K   3+One of the latest production of MadMan o
    SparDas.lha        mods/techn  66K   8+Techno like mod using Assampler sounds
    TheArtOfTechno.lha mods/techn 263K   3+Techno Tune made with ProTracker by MadM
    lns62_psyEp1.lha   mods/tranc 468K   3+Psycho-active - psychedelictrance (psy E
    lns62_psyEp2.lha   mods/tranc 548K   3+Super-drug - psychedelictrance (psy Ep p
    lns63_elec.lha     mods/tranc 435K   3+Electrodelica - psychedelictrance / goat
    onesmallst.lha     mods/tranc 150K   8+Space-Trance by Eraser/Sector B
    ms-dance.lha       mods/xm    6.2M   3+Macabre Studios "The dance of a thousand
    ms-orbit.lha       mods/xm    4.2M   3+Macabre Studios "In Orbit" (XM)
    ms-parna.lha       mods/xm    3.0M   3+Macabre Studios "Parnass" (XM)
    ms-pod1.lha        mods/xm    1.1M   6+Macabre Studios "Creation" (XM)
    ms-pod2.lha        mods/xm    1.8M   2+Macabre Studios "Picture of Distance" (X
    ms-pod3.lha        mods/xm    946K   6+Macabre Studios "Evolution" (XM)
    ms-pod4.lha        mods/xm    1.2M   6+Macabre Studios "Son of Man" (XM)
    ms-pod5.lha        mods/xm    3.0M   3+Macabre Studios "On the Shoulder of Orio
    ms-pod6.lha        mods/xm    1.1M   3+Macabre Studios "Wonder" (XM)
    ms-pod7.lha        mods/xm    3.0M   3+Macabre Studios "In the Heart of the Sun
    ms-pod8.lha        mods/xm    922K   3+Macabre Studios "On a Leash" (XM)
    ms-pod9.lha        mods/xm    2.4M   3+Macabre Studios "Moonmadness" (XM)
    ms-tysk2.lha       mods/xm    973K   3+Macabre Studios "Tyskar II" (XM)
    pie_garbage.lha    mods/xm     97K   3+New xm module by Dj Pie / Lunatic
    Assampler.lha      mus/edit   626K   8+Object oriented sound processor program
    AssamplerDebug.lha mus/edit   329K   8+Debug version of Assampler
    AssamplerExtra.lha mus/edit   178K   8+Some extravagances for Assampler
    bladeenc.lha       mus/edit     8K   3+BladeEnc V0.82 MP3 Encoder REMOVED!
    CDMix11demo.lha    mus/edit    13K   3+Prog to mix a number of CDDA files. DEMO
    fade_cdda.lha      mus/edit    12K   6+Prog to mix several CDDA files into one 
    SampleE.lha        mus/edit   266K   2+16Bit Stereo HD-Edit Sample Editor AHI-s
    sox-12.16-base.lha mus/edit   267K   6+Multiformat sound converter (src)
    sox-12.16-bin.lha  mus/edit   194K   6+Multiformat sound converter (bin)
    ataruita.lha       mus/midi    20K   7+Urusei Yatsura italian song
    AutoMapper.lha     mus/midi    19K   1+TX16W utility; if you own this box get v
    divert12.lha       mus/midi    56K   7+Divertimento12, GM song by Stefano Regat
    divert3.lha        mus/midi    31K   7+Divertimento3, GM song by Stefano Regatt
    felicida.lha       mus/midi    19K   7+Felicidad, GM song by Stefano Regattin
    SampleDumper.lha   mus/midi    28K   3+Dump Samples to your synth, via MIDI (SD
    LAMEbeta.lha       mus/misc   298K   8+The best MP3 encoder for 040/060/PPC v3.
    MiraMP3GUI11a.lha  mus/misc    49K   1+8hz,MusicIN,Pegase,NCode,Lame&MPEGA GUI
    MP3TEDv26.lha      mus/misc   161K   1+MP3-TagEditor v2.6 - (Free Keyfile)
    MPTool_1.23.lha    mus/misc    66K   3+Lists, adds & edits TAGs, cleans your MP
    NCodeGUI.lha       mus/misc    26K   6+A GUI for NCode V1.0
    TheMPegEncGui.lha  mus/misc    73K   3+GUI 4 Ncode,Lame,BladeEnc,Pegase,MusicIn
    DelfAIFF.lha       mus/play    23K   3+AIFF sound player for Delfina DSP
    DelfMPEG.lha       mus/play    49K   1+MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP
    EasyPlayer.lha     mus/play    88K   3+GUI for *all* shell-based module players
    EP_Mugician.lha    mus/play     7K   2+EaglePlayer "Mugician" external replayer
    EP_Mugician2.lha   mus/play     8K   2+EaglePlayer "Mugician II" external repla
    EP_PaulShields.lha mus/play     4K   2+EaglePlayer "Paul Shields" external repl
    EP_RobHubbard.lha  mus/play     5K   2+EaglePlayer "Rob Hubbard" external repla
    EP_TFMX.lha        mus/play     7K   2+EaglePlayer "TFMX" external replayer
    Prayer2.lha        mus/play   342K   3+MPEG audio player with fancy GUI and mor
    Sid4Amiga.lha      mus/play   360K   2+Plays C64 Sid Music Files - PPC/68K/GUI
    Aus_Greets.lha     pix/anim   657K   3+GREETS from Australia - AGA anim by Olly
    falcon_new.lha     pix/anim    10M   3+STAR WARS Millenium Falcon anim (ham8)
    povo.lha           pix/anim   143K   1+Very elite anim i made... bla gamm
    raider_moa.mpg     pix/anim   209K   1+MPG-Animation with Babylon5 Raider Objec
    CUFAmiguera.lha    pix/art    382K   3+Image of an Amiga User - WB Background
    Earthfx.jpg        pix/art     43K   1+Example of pyro-plugins in fxPaint
    fr-goth.lha        pix/art     35K logo by FReaK
    fr-smog.lha        pix/art     99K   3+SMOG picture by freak
    fr-trsi.lha        pix/art     53K   3+TRSI logo by FReaK
    Harakiri-Flip.lha  pix/art    170K   1+Pics from unreleased Harakiri Slideshow
    Harakiri-Not.lha   pix/art    434K   1+Pics from unreleased Harakiri Slideshow
    Lch-Caramba.lha    pix/art     10K   2+Handdrawn italian policemen [PNG format]
    Lch-RisikoPlus.lha pix/art     65K   2+Pixelled Risiko Plus Logo
    Sahara_Girl.jpg    pix/art    101K   3+"Sahara_Girl" created by Dr.Ferkel
    Eclipse99.jpg      pix/astro   59K   9+An AMIGA created montage of my recent so
    BG_MB1.lha         pix/back   404K   1+Background from Marmalade Boy, 800x600x2
    InterFC_Wb.lha     pix/back    25K   3+Inter Soccer Team WB backgrounds
    Lazio_WB.lha       pix/back   106K   3+2 Lazio's Soccer Team WB Backgrounds
    MagicaRoma_Wb.lha  pix/back    79K   1+Magica Roma WB Backgrounds
    Napoli_Wb.lha      pix/back    52K   3+Napoli Soccer Team WB Background
    AF-Eclipse1.jpg    pix/boot   184K   8+Colorful image of the sky w/ sun and ref
    AliciaBoot.lha     pix/boot   300K   6+Cool Alicia Silverstone Rainboot-config
    AliciaBoot2.lha    pix/boot   304K   6+Cool Alicia Silverstone config #2
    AmigaOS_bootpi.lha pix/boot   301K   7+AmigaOS - BootPicture and cgxbootpic.lib
    alienni1.lha       pix/icon   266K   6+Cool + Useful Misc NewIcons (NI4 format)
    pirouspecial.lha   pix/icon    24K   6+Fine pOS-like gadget set for Urouhack
    WolfB_IGfx.lha     pix/icon    79K   9+Misc beautiful Icons in IconoGfx-Design
    A4000D2T_hi.lha    pix/illu   1.5M   3+Images from my custom towered A4000 desk
    AssimilateThis.jpg pix/mark   589K   3+A Klingon inside a Borg cube
    Collective.jpg     pix/mark   599K   3+Inside a Borg cube
    Delta.jpg          pix/mark   359K   3+The Delta Flyer (Voyager in background)
    EnterpIncident.jpg pix/mark   284K   8+Enterprise meets Romulans
    Enterprise.jpg     pix/mark   284K   8+Classic Enterprise in Deep Space
    MessageInBotle.jpg pix/mark   412K   3+USS Prometheus beneath a Romulan Warbird
    ResistnceFutil.jpg pix/mark   538K   3+We are Borg! You will be assimilated!
    Amigalogo.lha      pix/misc    16K   6+2547 x 856 Amigalogo with Alpha Channel
    AP6Recto.jpg       pix/misc   301K   3+AMiGa=PoWeR N 6 Cover Recto
    Rise2.jpg          pix/misc    27K   3+Impression from WoA'99, slightly changed
    saku99k1.lha       pix/misc   3.5M   8+Pics from Saku 99, Finnish Amiga event.
    saku99k2.lha       pix/misc   1.3M   8+More Saku 99 pics (Finnish Amiga event).
    SBillBan.lha       pix/misc   151K   3+Various anti-MS/MS-Free pictures
    ToyBox.mpg         pix/mpg    3.5M   8+Toy Box Animation
    MWBIcons.lha       pix/mwb     24K   3+MagicWB icons collection
    GameNIcons2-pr.jpg pix/nicon   37K   3+More of Jaybee's NewIcons for HD-Install
    GameNIcons2.lha    pix/nicon   49K   3+More of Jaybee's NewIcons for HD-Install
    LightnngIcons2.lha pix/nicon   12K   3+NewIcons v4 iconset by Lightning
    PS-GlowIcons.lha   pix/nicon  1.1M   6+New GlowIcons2, Icons/ImageDrawers/...
    PSGlowIconsPre.lha pix/nicon  1.8M   3+New GlowIcons Expansion (Icons/ImageDraw
    SJI-Aurora-Pre.lha pix/nicon  654K   9+SadJesterIcons Aurora Set Prerelease 3. 
    SJI-Paola-P3.lha   pix/nicon  620K   3+SadJesterIcons Paola Set Prerelease 3.
    YAM2logo.lha       pix/nicon   17K   2+Unreal's Yam Newicon Logo
    LAW_01.lha         pix/sport  1.0M   8+Ladies Arm Wrestling pics - Archive 1
    LAW_02A.lha        pix/sport  1.2M   8+Ladies Arm Wrestling pics - Archive 2 (1
    LAW_02B.lha        pix/sport  1.2M   8+Ladies Arm Wrestling pics - Archive 2 (2
    Borgs.jpg          pix/trace  243K   3+Borgs in a Borg Cubus
    Faster.jpg         pix/trace  225K   1+"Faster" trace picture 800x600x24
    fr-handfs.lha      pix/trace  113K   3+HandsFreeSet by freak
    mirrors.jpg        pix/trace  328K   3+Lightwave traced mirrors room
    A4000T_Kosh.jpg    pix/wb     208K   7+K.O.S.H. Workbench in 16bit
    ATWB.lha           pix/wb     160K   8+Pics from my nice WB
    BeatleWB.jpg       pix/wb     562K   6+WB grab 16bit 1600x1200
    bondshot.lha       pix/wb      99K   1+WB snapshot (1024x768x16)
    eraserwb.lha       pix/wb      70K   8+Eraser's 16col "Trekkie-Workbench"
    MurphyWB.lha       pix/wb     158K   3+My WB: A1260 CV3D 800x600x16b
    MyWorkbench.jpg    pix/wb     104K   3+Old School Amiga Workbench
    OS3.5Snaps.lha     pix/wb     282K   2+Some snaps of my OS 3.5 setup.
    Velox.lha          pix/wb     154K   3+My nice Wb with Blizzard Vision in 16bit
    wbgrab.jpg         pix/wb     153K   3+[Skyman] s Workbench - 1024x768x16BIT WB
    wbgrab05.jpg       pix/wb     187K   2+JPG Grab of my 16Bit CV64/3D DOpus WB
    ThinpazB.lha       text/bfont   3K   9+Great thin font for use with Workbench!
    Amitex_3.19.lha    text/edit  281K   9+Text editor (French and english versions
    BAH.lha            text/edit   93K   8+Adds configurable toolbars to BED. V3.6
    GED_Hexedit.lha    text/edit  118K   3+Hexedit Environment for GOLDED V1.20
    guidecheck.lha     text/edit   43K   3+V1.19 AmigaGuide syntax checker (and mor
    MUISpell_Por.lha   text/edit    2K   3+Portuguese catalog for MUISpell v1.2
    Portuguese.lha     text/edit  272K   3+Portuguese dictionary for AlphaSpell v6.
    Textloader.lha     text/edit  579K   3+TextEd 8.0.1 german/english SuperED!!
    charmap.lha        text/font   28K   3+Display the whole charset of a given fon
    SearchGuide_hu.lha text/hyper   1K   3+Hungarian (magyar) catalog for SearchGui
    TRAGuideCheck.lha  text/hyper  12K   3+Checks AGuide docs for consistency & syn
    rSrT.lha           text/misc    3K   8+Repeated Search/Replace in Textfile(s)
    search.lha         text/misc    3K   3+Searches in files for texts ( 68K / Powe
    WordConverter.lha  text/misc   89K   7+Converts Word 2,4,5,6,7,8 files to text,
    WordConv_Por.lha   text/misc    2K   3+Portuguese catalogs for WordConverter v0
    Epson_600.lha      text/print  15K   3+Epson Stylus 600 Driver for WB V1.12
    HP_Deskjet400C.lha text/print  14K   3+Deskjet 400C/L Driver for WB 1.7
    HP_Deskjet670C.lha text/print  19K   3+Deskjet 670C/680C/690C Driver V1.19
    HP_Deskjet870C.lha text/print  15K   3+Deskjet 870C/890C Driver for WB V1.7
    Printout.lha       text/print  15K   7+Print Zweckform Labels NO. 4738/4739
    prtman39.lha       text/print 161K   1+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.29a)
    pspool.lha         text/print  22K   3+Print spooler and switcher v1.0
    EvenMore.lha       text/show  253K   3+V0.55 - A lovely textviewer (WWW change 
    Next2.8.lha        text/show   75K   1+Viewer for text/guides/html/datatypes
    TextDisplay.lha    text/show   28K   6+Fast MUI text viewer (w/ source)
    Zoom.lha           util/app   199K   1+The "do everything" appicon (FREEWARE)
    appxtrakt.lha      util/arc    30K   7+Little tool to extract Lha,Lzx & Zip fil
    Archiver.lha       util/arc   275K   7+A very good MUIGui for Lha, Lzx...etc.V2
    AutoExt.lha        util/arc     3K   7+Auto Extract Archives (Lzx, Lha, Rar...)
    xadmaster.lha      util/arc   225K   3+V3.0 Powerful unarchiving system
    bootstartupv2.lha  util/batch   6K   8+Programmable boot menu script v2
    Cybermagic.lha     util/blank 472K   3+Blanker for Cybergraphix (0.4.1)
    1TouchMac2.lha     util/boot   99K   7+Boot others startup files with mouse
    alba.lha           util/boot   47K   3+Lock your Amiga with a password ITA-ENG
    ConsoleFix.lha     util/boot    4K   2+Fix a bug in the console.device
    CovertBoot.lha     util/boot   45K   9+Covert Bootup for Syspic 4.00
    PatchRAM.lha       util/boot    4K   3+Patch RAM to show right size, and more..
    Rainboot2_67.lha   util/boot  997K   6+The Ultimate Multimedia Boot v2.67
    RemAPollo.lha      util/boot   33K   3+A1200 040\060 MMU Apollo Turboboard Rema
    startupsound.lha   util/boot   20K   6+Plays a sample at Startup (Cool!);v1.3
    EsperantoCX.lha    util/cdity  90K   8+Esperanto Commodity - Easy Access to Sup
    MCXPrefs.lha       util/cdity 108K   9+Gadtools GUI for MultiCX 2.80 (FREEWARE)
    PowerPalette.lha   util/cdity  41K   3+V1.01a private screen palette editor *BU
    find.lha           util/cli     0K   3+Finds files on disk. Shell based
    GatewayTools.lha   util/cli   842K   2+Various tools for use in CLI
    iconcopy.lha       util/cli     4K   1+V1.3 of the shell command to copy icons
    JazTools.lha       util/cli    15K   3+Iomega JAZ tools
    MirrorCopy.lha     util/cli    20K   6+Create/maintain exact copy of dir (V1.4)
    PSFlipper.lha      util/cli     2K   3+Send public screens to front/back.
    pwdgen.lha         util/cli     7K   1+Generates random password
    r.lha              util/cli    42K   3+V1.49 Just in time GUIs for every DOS co
    RunFromWB.lha      util/cli    11K   8+Runs file in WB way
    StarDate.lha       util/cli   106K   3+StarDate-Clock (CLI) for free use
    tsHandleMyClip.lha util/cli    17K   3+Could You handle clipboard better ?
    VersCheck.lha      util/cli   527K   1+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
    VersCheckGUI.lha   util/cli   166K   2+A simple GUI for VersCheck (incl. source
    charconv.lha       util/conv   14K   3+Character converter (ASCII <-> EBCDIC)
    Sumniki.lha        util/conv    9K   3+(CSZ) standards converter (Slovene)
    EcoDisk206.lha     util/dir   177K   1+User-friendly and powerfull file manager
    akJFIF-dt.lha      util/dtype 319K   2+AkJFIF-dt V44.48 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/W
    akNAIL-dt.lha      util/dtype  91K   2+AkNAIL-dt V44.6 (NAIL, 68000-060)
    akPNG-dt.lha       util/dtype 351K   2+AkPNG-dt V44.48 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/WOS
    akTIFF-dt.lha      util/dtype 401K   2+AkTIFF-dt V44.48 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC/W
    IconDT44.lha       util/dtype   4K   2+Os3.5 dt for .info files (44.0)
    PCD-DT.lha         util/dtype 143K   3+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (43.11)
    RGFX-DT.lha        util/dtype 127K   3+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (43.11)
    sdiREKO-DT.lha     util/dtype   9K   2+40.6 datatype for .REKO/.RKP cardsets
    russian.hash.lha   util/gnu   762K   8+* iSpell Russian Dictionary (Ami1251) v1
    unixcmds.lha       util/gnu   478K   3+Port of simple un*x commands
    DateLib.lha        util/libs  218K   1+Library to help you calculate dates
    GatewayLibrary.lha util/libs   80K   2+Shared Library with many functions
    ixemul-48.0.lha    util/libs  598K   3+Ixemul.library V48.0
    mpega_library.lha  util/libs  346K   8+MPEG Audio decoder library V2.4 (68020+)
    muitoolkit.lha     util/libs   42K   7+1.0 - The MUI Toolkit library (FREE)
    PortugueseAcce.lha util/libs    2K   7+Portuguese accent for translator lib.
    Port_Accent.lha    util/libs    2K   3+Portuguese accent for translator lib.
    RecentLib.lha      util/libs   18K   3+Recent file menus for Amiga apps
    WBStartEmu.lha     util/libs    4K   2+Os3.5 version of wbstart.library
    ButtonBar.lha      util/misc   77K   8+Button launching interface.
    bws_progs.lha      util/misc   22K   9+Various Wanted Commands and GUI's
    cycledbase.lha     util/misc   35K   3+Database of bicycle trips
    DelfInit.lha       util/misc   14K   8+Initialization utility for Delfina sound
    dial.lha           util/misc   55K   6+DTMF dialling over speaker (MUI) +src
    DreamCDGuide.lha   util/misc   42K   1+DreamCDGuide MUI: FrontEnd for Aminet&Lo
    EnalTrisDemo.lha   util/misc  444K   3+Program SuperEnalotto 
    LightReqAttack.lha util/misc   11K   3+Images for ReqAttack by Lightning
    loto99.lha         util/misc  105K   1+National Lottery & *Thunderball* checker
    loto99a.lha        util/misc  104K   8+National Lottery & Thunderball checker
    MultiRen.lha       util/misc   44K   1+Powerful multi-file renaming tool
    mvslink.lha        util/misc  133K   8+Splitting utilities with gui. v.1.4  
    PaletteDeckV9.lha  util/misc   14K   3+A Palette Program done in CanDo.
    ProPassWord.lha    util/misc  163K   7+PPW is a FOF securty System 0.17b2
    Quinielista.lha    util/misc   27K   3+Design, development and analysis of quin
    ReqAttack.lha      util/misc  515K   8+V1.1 Cool new requester improver (animat
    StripHunks.lha     util/misc    9K   3+V1.8 CLI tool to strip useless hunks
    SuperToto_New.lha  util/misc  276K   3+Program TotoGol & TotoCalcio (only italy
    TNM.lha            util/misc   19K   7+MUI Make ThumbNails and HTML files.
    WOSprefs.lha       util/misc   32K   1+WarpOS/StormMESA/Warp3D prefs program
    FreeMouse.lha      util/mouse  36K   3+Revolutionary mouse speeder - 1% steps!
    agf.lha            util/pack   20K   8+AGF V0.9 - n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Pr
    agf_030fpu.lha     util/pack   11K   9+AGF - n*8-bit Sample Pre-Packing Process
    De-Archiveur.lha   util/pack   97K   3+GUI for LHA.LZH.LZX.ZIP.DMS.UNARJ.UNRAR 
    xpk_Develop.lha    util/pack  106K   8+V5.2 Compression package, developer cut
    xpk_Source.lha     util/pack  176K   8+V5.2 Compression package, source files
    xpk_User.lha       util/pack  225K   8+V5.2 Compression package, user edition
    FWCalendar.lha     util/rexx  106K   3+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
    Homebanking.lha    util/rexx   29K   8+Homebanking mit ADM und Multitermkit (Ge
    MergePacScores.lha util/rexx    7K   8+ARexx script for merging two PACMAN.HISC
    Scion2html.lha     util/rexx   32K   7+WWW browser HTML's from Scion Genealogy 
    InstallerNG.lha    util/sys   346K   3+C= Installer 100% compatible replacement
    JoinReplace.lha    util/sys    16K   8+V1.19 powerful Join replacement
    PatchMore.lha      util/sys     1K   1+Patch 'More' 44.3 to use 800x400 window
    PoolMem.lha        util/sys    70K   1+Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset
    RAWBInfo.lha       util/sys    16K   2+ReAction based icon information (1.3)
    Sort_44.2.lha      util/sys     4K   1+Sort V44.2
    StringSnip.lha     util/sys    12K   2+Much better editing features in string g
    VersionWB.lha      util/sys    34K   1+V2.10 AmigaDos Version replacement.
    WBCtrl.lha         util/sys     2K   2+Controls undocumentated wb3.5 features (
    ABeat.lha          util/time   12K   2+Simple Swatch-Beat clock.
    AlarmClock.lha     util/time    9K   7+Alarms by playing a MP3 at a specified t
    AT.lha             util/time  101K   8+New database and reminder (german only)
    backclock.lha      util/time  125K   3+Transparent clock. You must try this !!!
    CyberClock.lha     util/time   23K   3+Digital clock w/ changeable digits
    DRemind.lha        util/time   90K   1+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.5!
    LCD_Clock.lha      util/time   10K   3+Simple LCD clock with configurable colou
    Millenium.lha      util/time    8K   7+Millenium-Countdown
    ohac13.lha         util/time   90K   3+Oh Heck, Another Calendar!
    SetDST.lha         util/time   52K   8+Adjusts time for Daylight Saving Time
    Y2k_Clock.lha      util/time   10K   3+Shows time left to year 2000 (configurab
    FileShield.lha     util/virus  28K   7+Protect Your executables against linkvir
    Safe.lha           util/virus  24K   2+Best new linkviruses detector v11.5
    vht-vc25.lha       util/virus 587K   2+VirusChecker II v2.5 (Brain v3.0)
    vhtvb222.lha       util/virus  20K   6+Version 2.22 of Virus_Checker II brainfi
    VirusExecutor.lha  util/virus 117K   6+VirusExecutor v1.83a
    VTDocsEng.lha      util/virus  46K   7+English translation of VTx.yz docs
    xvsLibrary.lha     util/virus  47K   2+V33.18 External Virus Support Library
    count.lha          util/wb     15K   7+Recursivly counts the size of files/dirs
    DMAmon.lha         util/wb     19K   1+Workbench monitor for floppies and sound
    Executor1_21.lha   util/wb     38K   3+Selection list for running 1000 prgs.
    FreakBar.lha       util/wb      2K   3+Toolbar. V1.1.
    getsize14.lha      util/wb     17K   6+Shows information about the size of file
    Gurus2000_1610.lha util/wb    1.2M   2+Shows infos about Gurus (German + Engl.)
    IconType.lha       util/wb     25K   9+IconType converts the type of an icon
    JoyTest1_04.lha    util/wb     24K   7+Test operation of joystick
    MiraWizRUN10.lha   util/wb     41K   1+THE Launcher Program ! -MUI-
    ProcessIcon.lha    util/wb     12K   3+V1.12 CLI tool to manipulate icon data
    ScreenToIFF122.lha util/wb     33K   3+Save screens as IFF-ILBM pictures
    Sgrab.lha          util/wb     46K   3+Screen grabber with GUI (1.11)
    THE.lha            util/wb     82K   1+Prefseditor for Tools-Menu and Hotkeys
    UpBR.lha           util/wb    101K   8+Portugues-BRASIL v1.6 upgrade kit for Am
    VisualPrefs_PT.lha util/wb     55K   2+VisualPrefs: Portuguese catalog and docs
    WBJoyTest1_12.lha  util/wb     55K   3+Test the joystick playing samples
    wbthemes.lha       util/wb    328K   3+Themes for workbench, like dopus
    WBWelcome.lha      util/wb    313K   9+Random Workbench greeter
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>