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Contents of Aminet CD 40

    | TITLE
    |     Aminet CD 40
    |     Aminet CD 40 contains 650 megabytes of freely distributable 
    |     software. The newest archive included is from Nov 1st. This CD
    |     is mostly filled with new material, some top downloads were
    |     added. The contents are (after decompression):
    |     500M of software newer than Aminet CD 39
    |     150 Utilities
    |     100 Mods
    |     100 Pictures/Anims
    |     100 Communications programs
    |     500 Files of other categories
    |     The commercial highlight is the spreadsheet Turbo Calc 4.0
    | Local files at Aminet CD 40 on 4-Nov-00
    | Sorted by directory and file name. Age in weeks.
    | A wide version of this file can be found in info/index/
    |File              Dir        Size Age Description
    |----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
    ColorType.lha      biz/cloan  581K  29+Cloanto ColorType 3.1 Software
    Personal_GIF.txt   biz/cloan    3K  26+Personal GIF I/O Library
    PP71B_68020.lha    biz/cloan  227K  21+68020-optimized version of PPaint 7.1b
    DataM_II.lha       biz/dbase  777K   4+Spreadsheet using MUI (German only!)
    FLeagues_BB2.lha   biz/dbase  116K   7+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.4)
    FSCP_Txt.lha       biz/dbase   51K   5+Farscape StarBase-Text (40)
    REDD_Txt.lha       biz/dbase   16K   5+Red Dwarf StarBase-Text (52)
    StarBase_CLI.lha   biz/dbase  104K   7+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.7b)
    StarBase_SCR.lha   biz/dbase  109K   7+Star Trek Episodes Database (v2.1b)
    STEP_Txt.lha       biz/dbase  251K   5+Star Trek StarBase-Text (620)
    Videomanage.lha    biz/dbase  1.7M   1+A Videodatabase
    AWeb.lha           biz/demo   705K 120+V 3.2DEMO of this fast WWW browser
    MagicWB20e.lha     biz/demo   270K 260+The standard for the Amiga workbench!
    xtm-twirl.lha      biz/dkg     71K   7+Additional texture for Extreme
    DOpus415JRbin.lha  biz/dopus  329K   8+Great filemanager from GP Software
    DOpus415JRsrc.lha  biz/dopus  707K   8+Great filemanager from GP Software
    Dopus4Manual.lha   biz/dopus   98K   6+Official Directory Opus 4 manual
    DOpus4Plus.lha     biz/dopus   42K   5+The ultimate AddOn collection for DOpus4
    dopus_undms.lha    biz/dopus    2K  76+Unpacks a DMS file to disk with progress
    Exocist.lha        biz/dopus  556K 100+Directory Opus 5.8 Magellan Theme 
    OpusGIFlags.lha    biz/dopus  171K   4++200 Flags NewIcons in OpusGIBar's forma
    OpusMIAll.lha      biz/dopus  1.3M   6+OpusMI and OpusMIupd in one Archive
    OpusMIupd.lha      biz/dopus  585K   9+GlowIcon DOpus Images (Final)
    XADopus.lha        biz/dopus   23K   5+XADopus.module 1.2 - browse XAD archives
    XADopus_NO.lha     biz/dopus    1K   2+Norwegian catalog for XADopus Module 1.2
    FAQs-deutsch.lha   biz/haage   59K   1+FAQs, german version, 27 Sep 2000
    FAQs-english.lha   biz/haage   55K   1+FAQs, english version, 27 Sep 2000
    BondsV178.lha      biz/misc   855K   8+German Stockssoftware
    WW5spCatalog.lha   biz/misc    10K   4+Wordworth5 spanish catalogs. Update 2
    68060-V44_3.lha    biz/p5     180K 121+68040/060 Libs/Utils v44_3 from Phase5
    CandyPro103b.lha   biz/patch  747K   7+Update CandyFactoryPro V1.03b (15.12.99)
    datatypes4442.lha  biz/patch   11K   8+AmigaOS 3.5 datatypes.library V44.42
    MCP_v1.33_fix.lha  biz/patch    2K   7+MCP v1.33 install fix
    PFS3_5153.lha      biz/patch  187K  49+Upgrade patches for PFS3 V5.1 to PFS3 V5
    A-Fix_08102000.lha comm/ambos  77K   3+AmBoS-Fix Rel. 08102000 (Sunday 08-Oct-0
    amirc.lha          comm/irc   767K  18+Fully featured GUI IRC Client (v3.5)
    DalHelper.lha      comm/irc    37K   4+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
    DalWatch.lha       comm/irc     3K   7+Interface to Server-side Notify on Dalne
    KuangEleven3Gm.lha comm/irc   396K  95+3.0 Gamma(17) The ULTIMATE AmIRC2 AddOn
    UnrealIRCd-bin.lha comm/irc   486K   5+Advanced IRC Daemon Based On Dreamforge
    attall.lha         comm/mail   23K   8+Infos about attachment in yam e-mail
    attinfo.lha        comm/mail   24K   8+Creates a logfile from selected mail
    eGroupsScanner.lha comm/mail    4K   6+Strips eGroup adverts, with GUI.  V0.13 
    mboxExtractor.lha  comm/mail   11K   4+Mbox Extractor (extracts mails from an U
    ML-Support.lha     comm/mail   57K   8+Tool to manage MLs, 2.1, MUI
    ML-Support_Src.lha comm/mail   23K   8+C Sources for ML-Support
    MuYaReq.lha        comm/mail   50K   4+Info Req about selected YAM e-mail
    PSMail.lha         comm/mail   93K   4+Prints YAM mails using GhostScript.
    TruncateMail.lha   comm/mail    9K   7+Removes unnecessary parts from e-mail fi
    YAM21.lha          comm/mail  676K  18+MUI Internet mailer V2.1 (basic installa
    YAM21cpu.lha       comm/mail  142K  18+MUI Internet mailer V2.1 (optimized for 
    YAT.lha            comm/mail  518K   3+Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM
    YerYamLogo.lha     comm/mail    3K   4+YerYamLogo, quick and Fun Yam Logo
    amigalog.lha       comm/misc   51K   7+Simple Amateur Radio Logbook 
    Easylink1_12.lha   comm/misc  170K 262+Connect Amiga-PC parallel 
    easytransfer.lzh   comm/misc   87K 222+Amiga<->PC file transfer by serial port
    EZPagerNG_CE.lha   comm/misc  357K   4+Send messages to german pagers (Scall,Sk
    lcr-i.lha          comm/misc  110K   3+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
    lcr.lha            comm/misc  111K   3+LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Pro
    MLogBook.lha       comm/misc  676K   1+HAM Radio LogBook with CallBook
    orion.lzh          comm/misc   18K  79+Amiga<->IBM-PC data transfer program.
    PC2Am308.lha       comm/misc  103K 231+PC<->Amiga Ser/ParNet-like filesystem
    Sashi89.lha        comm/misc   13K   1+Link software between TI calculator and 
    StreAmi.lha        comm/misc   23K   4+Shoutcast/Icecast Amiga client
    StrICQSnd1.lha     comm/misc   86K   3+Sound's for StrICQ in WAV-format
    stricq_1371.lha    comm/misc  227K  76+An Amiga ICQ close based on MUI
    uprc.lha           comm/misc   80K   4+Generates Aminet upload readme files
    LPx.lha            comm/net     3K   2+Print scripts for Samba, v1.0
    speak_freely.lha   comm/net   1.3M   4+Internet Phone application with source
    AKTaskiSMS.lha     comm/tcp     9K   1+V1.3, YAM2-like Toolbar for TaskiSMS 2 +
    AmFTP191.lha       comm/tcp   335K   6+AmFTP - ftp/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client, 
    AmiTCP-demo-40.lha comm/tcp   738K 314+TCP/IP protocol stack
    AmiTradeCenter.lha comm/tcp   624K  22+V1.2 - Powerful FTP-Client with ADT supp
    Amster-locale.lha  comm/tcp   328K   0+Napster client V0.8 (Locale archive)
    Amster-main.lha    comm/tcp   203K   0+Napster client V0.8 (Main archive)
    Amster-source.lha  comm/tcp   144K   0+Napster client V0.8 (Source archive)
    Amster.lha         comm/tcp   472K  13+Napster client for Amiga with nice GUI
    Clarissa_HTTPd.lha comm/tcp   114K   1+AREXX HTTP-Server (german) v1.0
    dct16_src.lzh      comm/tcp    41K   3+DCTelnet 1.6 Source code in C
    facts.lha          comm/tcp    81K   8+V4.1 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
    jl_update.lha      comm/tcp     1K   1+Script for updating your ip at Justlinux
    Miami32b-020.lha   comm/tcp   207K  28+Internet TCP/IP stack (68020+ archive)
    Miami32b-MUI.lha   comm/tcp    82K  28+Internet TCP/IP stack (MUI archive)
    Miami32b2-main.lha comm/tcp   518K  28+Internet TCP/IP stack (main archive)
    MiamiPhone.lha     comm/tcp   152K   3+V2.3 Miami phone.log time & cost (MUI)
    MiamiSSL221.lha    comm/tcp   1.0M  28+SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for Miami
    MP-TelekomSI.lha   comm/tcp     2K   2+Settings for MiamiPhone v1.5
    NullTCP.lha        comm/tcp     6K   7+Amiga<->Win9x TCP/IP using null-modem.Up
    rxsocket.lha       comm/tcp   116K  74+Rxsocket.library - Fixes last one
    samba_2.0.7.lha    comm/tcp   6.3M  11+Port of the free SMB client and server
    SMSEngineerMUI.lha comm/tcp   244K   1+SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.7
    SRTG.lha           comm/tcp    58K   6+Simple Router Traffic Grapher for MiamiD
    T-Rexx.lha         comm/tcp   106K   1+Shows current TV-programs in Finland
    Tango.lha          comm/tcp    94K  25+Samba/smb-handler gui. beta-000512
    TaskiSMS.lha       comm/tcp   431K   4+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI). New plugs
    TcpSpeed.lha       comm/tcp    23K   7+Measure the TCP throughput of a TCP chan
    YGM.lha            comm/tcp   138K   8+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
    js_umsrfc.lha      comm/ums   140K   3+Umsrfc update (1.6)
    UMSLaberFilter.lha comm/ums    16K   6+Filter out uninteresting messages
    AWebMI.lha         comm/www    14K   0+GlowIcons Toolbar for AWeb
    cache2file.lha     comm/www     4K   1+Makes a directorytree from AWEBCACHES!
    GuiSGML.lha        comm/www    79K   7+SGML/HTML Templating Tool, Graphical Mar
    htmlpack.lha       comm/www    14K   1+HTMLPack - HTML code packer
    JavaSScrollTex.lha comm/www     1K   6+JavaScript Scrolling Text Aweb3.3 IBrows
    Lynx.lha           comm/www   785K   4+Great WWW Browser,version 284dev10
    OpenURL30.lha      comm/www    88K  55+Library for easily sending URL->Browser
    simplehtml.lha     comm/www    32K   2+V0.12 of the simple HTML Offline Browser
    Tidy.lha           comm/www   133K   6+Tidy your HTML - fixes common HTML error
    Voyager.lha        comm/www   544K 183+WWW-Browser (USA-Version)
    WebYAM.lha         comm/www    13K   6+Web interface for YAM
    GRH_Zillement.lha  demo/aga   2.4M   4+Greuh!Zillement Beta (2nd @ LTP4)
    kng-unit.lha       demo/aga   699K   1+- United - dentro by Kangooroo in 2k
    nebula.lha         demo/aga    19K   5+V1.01 - Real-time creation of galaxies a
    scl_ill.lha        demo/aga     5K   0+Secretly! - AHX-Module a brave new world
    SPO3-Invtro.lha    demo/aga   101K   1+Invitation intro for SPO3! (Amiga-only d
    TRSI-Ear.lha       demo/aga   229K   6+Ear Brothers Promo-tro by TRSI in the ye
    TRSI-Porky.lha     demo/aga   474K   5+Porky's Disco promo by TRSI in the year 
    TRSI-Shane.lha     demo/aga   234K   6+Shane-tro by TRSI in the year 2000 
    wpz-frozen35.lha   demo/aga   941K   8+Frozen#35 - LTP4 Party Edition
    wpz-frozen36.lha   demo/aga   574K   4+Frozen#36 - Kindergarden Party Edition
    wpz-frozen37.lha   demo/aga   1.4M   2+Frozen#37 - Special October Edition
    wpz-fun.lha        demo/aga     6K   2+4kb intro by Whelpz released on Astrosyn
    wpz-infernal.lha   demo/aga    67K   4+Intro by Whelpz+Destiny - 1st at Fuck Ya
    wpz-info02.lha     demo/aga   100K   1+Whelpz info issue #o2 (january 1999)
    znn_lowb.lha       demo/aga   123K   8+Short intro by khaos of zenon
    Apt-sbs.lha        demo/euro   72K   8+A smashing intro from APATHY
    Apt-vote.lha       demo/euro   42K   8+Vote Now! By Apathy In 2000
    Chronos.lha        demo/euro  637K   5+A nice demo by T. Hoyssa
    Itc-fri.lha        demo/euro   61K   8+An intro by INSTINCT
    Itc-fri2.lha       demo/euro   80K   8+A small intro by INSTINCT
    csl-rodland.lha    demo/intro   7K   0+Rodland cracktro from Crystal
    Hum_mint.lha       demo/intro 474K   0+SHORt iNtRO oF mOOdS - mUSiC fOR yOUR iN
    hzn-ghostngobl.lha demo/intro   7K   0+Ghost n Goblin cracktro from Horizon
    lgd-lemmings.lha   demo/intro  14K   0+Lemmings NY 92/93 cracktro by Legend
    lgd-m_pocket.lha   demo/intro   2K   0+Magic Pocket cracktro by Legend
    ltx-intros.lha     demo/intro 245K   8+Bugfixed intros from Latex (a must for C
    mak-wolfpack.lha   demo/intro   3K   0+Wolfpack cracktro from MakSoft
    mnm-musicx.lha     demo/intro  44K   0+MusicX cracktro from Minamoto
    pdx-m1tank.lha     demo/intro   7K   0+M1 Tank Platoon cracktro by Paradox 
    qtx-smonacogp.lha  demo/intro   2K   0+SuperMonacoGP cracktro from Quartex
    qtz-SMOS.lha       demo/intro   2K   7+Quartz-Sensible Moon Of Soccer cracktro
    tez-superhango.lha demo/intro   1K   0+Ghost n Goblin cracktro from Horizon
    CnS4.lha           demo/mag   290K   3+CnS#4 - Diskmag with 4 new interviews!
    EuroChart41a.lha   demo/mag   692K   5+The Official Eurochart #41 by DEPTH & IR
    EuroChart41b.lha   demo/mag   831K   5+The Official Eurochart #41 by DEPTH & IR
    nah-speed54.lha    demo/mag   1.1M   8+Speed #54 by Nah-Kolor - the last issue.
    MWI-Overview03.lha demo/slide 2.1M   2+OVERVIEW #03 by MAWI. party slideshow an
    RNO-Go.lha         demo/slide 2.8M   8+RNO&Homies: "Go Stockholm&Helsinki" [sli
    Wade-Innocence.lha demo/slide 1.7M   1+Innocence Slideshow by Wade/Faction (ex-
    UP-EP003.lha       demo/sound 1.9M   1+UP ROUGH "Aggression Session EP" feat. S
    UP-EP004.lha       demo/sound 1.8M   4+UP ROUGH "Mixagrip EP" feat. Mortimer Tw
    znn_goo2.lha       demo/sound 219K   1+Chippack by Mice/Zenon
    PureStyle.lha      demo/track 310K   5+Demo Pure Style by Arise
    3DEngine.lha       dev/amos    54K   8+3D Engine (WB window) - Balrog Soft
    Pns-plas.lha       dev/amos     1K   9+Plasma Source For AMOS
    ActiveWindow.lha   dev/basic   12K   9+Sample code for auto activating window
    BitmapPrint.lha    dev/basic   16K   8+A routine for printing text to bitmaps
    BlitzLstAug00.lha  dev/basic  194K   8+Blitz mailing list archives for August 2
    BlitzLstSep00.lha  dev/basic  349K   3+Blitz mailing list archives for Septembe
    DLL.lha            dev/basic   42K   7+Dynamic Linked List Sources for Blitz
    PureBasic.lha      dev/basic  572K   7+V1.60 - Brand new powerful programming l
    PureBasic_Upd.lha  dev/basic  523K   7+V1.60 - Update for registered users (fro
    ScrollText.lha     dev/basic   46K   8+Simple scrolling text routine
    ShapesFix.lha      dev/basic   18K   6+Replacement for buggy shapes commands
    Amiga-C-Aug00.lha  dev/c      117K   8+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Augu
    Amiga-C-Sep00.lha  dev/c      112K   3+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Sept
    AsyncIO.lha        dev/c       52K 154+AsyncIO library for fast IO. V39.2a
    Emperor.lha        dev/c      358K   1+Object-oriented programming language
    ExtrasLib.lha      dev/c      366K   4+Link library
    tox.lha            dev/c       13K   4+Tokenizer for XML
    65816_20.lzh       dev/cross  189K   7+65816 (SNES) assembler & disassembler
    wla_dx_020_6.8.lzh dev/cross  298K   3+WLA DX v6.8 - GB-Z80/Z80/6502/6510/65816
    wla_dx_020_6.9.lzh dev/cross  300K   1+WLA DX v6.9 - GB-Z80/Z80/6502/6510/65816
    checkstack.lha     dev/debug   33K   7+CheckStack tool for WarpUP including Sou
    audio_in_e.lha     dev/e       17K   7+Audio examples using audio and ahi devic
    mpega_in_e.lha     dev/e        5K   7+Example how to use mpega.library with Am
    PTR_Play.lha       dev/e       46K   8+Module Player using PTReplay.library
    ColorWheel.lha     dev/gui     27K   7+Hi-/truecolor colorwheel.gadget (44.7)
    GradientSlider.lha dev/gui      7K   4+Hi-/truecolor gradient slider (44.6)
    MR_Classes.lha     dev/gui    195K   8+Reaction classes
    MultiDesktop.lha   dev/gui    416K   4+An incomplete *Open Source* GUI library 
    ConvertFDPlus.lha  dev/lang    43K   3+ConvertFDPlus - A converter for Amiga FD
    jikes-diffs.lha    dev/lang    16K   8+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.12 (diffs)
    jikes.lha          dev/lang   652K   8+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.12 (source)
    jikes000.lha       dev/lang   628K   8+Fast Java compiler, v1.12 (68000 binary)
    jikes020-060.lha   dev/lang   622K   8+Fast Java compiler,v1.12 (68020-060,FPU)
    Python16.lha       dev/lang   1.5M   3+Python language 1.6 (bin+lib)
    Python16_Src.lha   dev/lang   2.0M   3+Python language 1.6 (source)
    Python20.lha       dev/lang   1.6M   0+Python language 2.0 (bin+lib)
    Python20_Src.lha   dev/lang   2.2M   0+Python language 2.0 (source)
    Regina.lha         dev/lang   111K   6+Alternative REXX interpreter, major upda
    advlite20b8.lha    dev/misc   276K   4+Powerfull & neat AutodocViewer v2.0 BETA
    DigitalLibrary.lha dev/misc    19K   3+DigitalLibrary - An Amiga library with m
    FD2Pragma.lha      dev/misc   126K   7+V2.112 creates pragma, inline, ... files
    guigfxlib.lha      dev/misc   145K  39+Application layer for pixel graphics
    IOBlixDevKitR4.lha dev/misc    68K   8+IOBlix Development Kit R4
    Istar.lha          dev/misc   671K   1+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
    KnowledgeSvr.lha   dev/misc   671K   1+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
    snooprouter.lha    dev/misc    27K   8+V1.01 logs serial transfer between other
    TCS.lha            dev/misc   684K   5+Fast 8-bit Chunky TrueColor on AGA
    MCC_Guigfx.lha     dev/mui    172K   2+Guigfx MUI custom class V19.2
    MCC_Lamp.lha       dev/mui     69K 189+Lamp MUI custom class (Version 11.1)
    MCC_NList0_89.lha  dev/mui    187K  90+MUI List clone with horiz scroll and muc
    MCC_NListtree.lha  dev/mui    157K  13+NListtree.mcc V1.1 (18.2) MUI list tree 
    mui38dev.lha       dev/mui    319K 194+MagicUserInterface 3.8, developer files
    MUIRexx_3_0a.lha   dev/mui    336K 169+Develop MUI apps/GUIs with ARexx
    mrq_library.lha    dev/src     79K   7+Fast C2P + CGX procedures for games, dem
    xad_ar.lha         dev/src      9K   7+Ar(1) xadmaster client
    xad_bzip.lha       dev/src     14K   7+Bzip xadmaster client
    xad_CAB.lha        dev/src     43K   7+Cabinet (CAB) xadmaster client
    xad_DImp.lha       dev/src     11K   7+DImp xadmaster client
    xad_MSA.lha        dev/src      7K   7+Magic Shadow (MSA) xadmaster client
    xad_RPM.lha        dev/src      9K   2+RPM xadmaster client
    xad_Wrapster.lha   dev/src      7K   2+Wrapster xadmaster client
    xad_ZAP.lha        dev/src      9K   7+ZAP xadmaster client
    BackUp.lha         disk/bakup  31K   2+A simple backup tool.. v1.2
    fda-upd.lha        disk/cache  70K   2+Fixed:OS35 checksums ViNCEd faster compa
    fda.lha            disk/cache 352K   2+Linux' buffer-cache v3.0
    fda_DviPS.lha      disk/cache 407K   4+English documentation in DVI, PS & texin
    fda_d_DviPS.lha    disk/cache 444K   4+German documentation in DVI, PS & texinf
    fda_d_GuidHTML.lha disk/cache 102K   4+German documentation in Guide & HTML
    amicdfs240.lha     disk/cdrom 133K 149+AmiCDFS (AmiCDROM) v2.40
    AmiCDROM-1.15.lha  disk/cdrom 197K 149+CDROM disk filesystem (ISO-9660+RR+HFS)
    CDAudioList.lha    disk/cdrom   8K   8+A shell command to list CD audio tracks
    MusicBox-2.1bi.lha disk/cdrom 421K   4+Most powerful CDDA player and CD manager
    MusicBox-2.1os.lha disk/cdrom 264K   4+Most powerful CDDA player and CD manager
    VCDGear.lha        disk/cdrom  79K   4+Create VideoCD images for burning or ext
    adf2disk11.lha     disk/misc    3K 183+Write .adf on amiga disk drives
    adf2fms.lha        disk/misc    2K 148+Transfer ADFs to FMS device
    adfblitzer.lha     disk/misc   23K   5+A program to write & read adf-files!
    dblocate.lha       disk/misc   21K   2+A quick find util like locate on Linux
    DVD-RAM.lha        disk/misc   62K   4+DVD-RAM FFS/SFS/CrossDOS/FAT95/Allegro D
    fat95.lha          disk/misc   51K   1+Win95/98 compatible file system
    ffstd64.lha        disk/misc   23K 147+FastFileSystem with TD64 (>4GB) support
    hdinst.lha         disk/misc   88K  52+HDInstTool - Harddisk Installation Tool
    IDEfix97.lha       disk/misc  404K  52+Use ATAPI devices (CD-ROM) with IDE port
    JsplitIt.lha       disk/misc   47K   4+Split & join files between Amiga & IBM w
    NoDirCache.lha     disk/misc   33K   4+Reset DirCache partitions to FFS or FFS 
    tequilla.lha       disk/misc  190K  85+Writes Amiga Disks from Amiga Dos Images
    TransADF.lha       disk/misc   97K 108+Makes Compressed ADFs (G/PKZip). v4.0.46
    TransADFGUI.lha    disk/misc   22K  99+GUI for TransADF for uncompessing ADF/Z
    TurboDevice.lha    disk/misc   58K   3+TurboDevice - An Open Source resident RA
    UnADF.lha          disk/misc   13K  37+V1.2, Extract files out of DOS ADF files
    Zip4mat.lha        disk/misc   99K   4+Automatically prep & format your zip dis
    SCSISnoop.lha      disk/moni    7K   8+Snoops accesses to SCSI devices and othe
    ReOrg3_1.lha       disk/optim 326K 149+Disk optimizer with DC-FFS support
    DiskSalv11_32.lha  disk/salv  118K 149+Dave Haynie's DiskSalv version 11.32
    RDBrecov.lha       disk/salv   16K   4+Search lost PFS/SFS partitions on a hard
    AnnuaireAmiga6.txt docs/anno    4K   2+Announce for the new http://www.annuaire
    msworddt.txt       docs/anno    2K  16+Datatype for MS-Word Documents
    reindeer.txt       docs/anno    1K   7+A distributed rendering project
    SATKG2k-inv.lha    docs/anno  920K   3+Satellite&Kindergarden-2000, invitation.
    WarpGIF-DT.txt     docs/anno    2K   1+Datatype for GIF-Images with WarpOS (40.
    MemoryCard_PSX.lha docs/help    4K   9+Table for managing PSX memorycards in FW
    AmigaInfo.lha      docs/hyper 298K   5+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Settembre 2000
    AmigaPoWeR.lha     docs/hyper  69K   3+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
    BuffyGuide.lha     docs/hyper 323K   5+Buffy The Vampire Slayer Guide v2.2 (79)
    BuffyHTML.lha      docs/hyper 403K   5+Buffy Guide HTML edition v2.2 (79)
    FSCP_Gde.lha       docs/hyper  51K   5+Farscape Guide (40)
    hof-html.lha       docs/hyper 1.2M   5+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame September 2000
    hof_html.lha       docs/hyper 1.2M   5+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame September 2000
    STEP_Gde.lha       docs/hyper 263K   5+Star Trek Guide (620)
    VWorksPricelis.lha docs/hyper  23K   2+Virtual Works pricelist 
    Fish881-910.txt    docs/lists  59K 367 Contents of Fish disk 881 to 910
    Aakt0900GFX.lha    docs/mags  459K   8+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0900GUIDE.lha  docs/mags  105K   8+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0900HTML.lha   docs/mags  276K   8+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1000GFX.lha    docs/mags  264K   4+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1000GUIDE.lha  docs/mags   84K   4+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt1000HTML.lha   docs/mags  211K   4+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    AaktInt0900.lha    docs/mags  302K   5+International infotainment magazine
    AaktInt0900GFX.lha docs/mags  459K   5+International infotainment magazine (gra
    AIOV39.lha         docs/mags  1.2M   5+Amiga Information Online, Issue 39 (Sept
    Ami4ev17_LOW.lha   docs/mags  233K   8+Amiga 4ever 17 (GERMAN), no gfx
    Amiga4ever17.lha   docs/mags  2.0M   8+Issue 17 (SEP `00) of GERMAN Freewaremag
    gadget45.lha       docs/mags  429K   7+German Freeware Magazine
    htsaku34.lha       docs/mags  2.1M   0+HTML-Saku #34 (4/2000). Finnish diskmag.
    Info-1-00.lha      docs/mags   19K   1+Internet Amiga Magazine - Polish
    NoCover70.lha      docs/mags  1.9M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover71.lha      docs/mags  1.6M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover72.lha      docs/mags  1.9M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover73.lha      docs/mags  2.3M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover74.lha      docs/mags  1.8M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover75.lha      docs/mags  3.1M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    NoCover76.lha      docs/mags  2.8M   8+Great german diskmagazine
    saku34d1.lha       docs/mags  379K   0+Saku #34 (4/2000). Finnish diskmag. 1/3
    saku34d2.lha       docs/mags  520K   0+Saku #34 (4/2000). Finnish diskmag. 2/3
    saku34d3.lha       docs/mags  281K   0+Saku #34 (4/2000). Finnish diskmag. 3/3
    Starmag23_HT.lha   docs/mags  424K   6+German Amiga-Online-Magazine HTML-Versio
    Starmag24_HT.lha   docs/mags  402K   1+German Amiga-Online-Magazine HTML-Versio
    tam4.lha           docs/mags  2.4M   4+Total Amiga Magazine, issue 4
    3DWorldArc0600.lha docs/misc  104K   2+Archive of the 3D World ML for 06/00
    3DWorldArc0700.lha docs/misc   48K   2+Archive of the 3D World ML for 07/00
    3DWorldArc0800.lha docs/misc   36K   2+Archive of the 3D World ML for 08/00
    3DWorldArc0900.lha docs/misc   10K   2+Archive of the 3D World ML for 09/00
    3DWorldArc1000.lha docs/misc   20K   2+Archive of the 3D World ML for 10/00
    AFD-Files1-18.lha  docs/misc  161K   5+Standard Copyright Note in 18 languages
    EuroChamp.lha      docs/misc   33K   7+Statistics of soccer Euro Champs '60-'00
    F1Champ.lha        docs/misc   59K   7+Statistics of Formula One '50-'00
    FunnynessRel6.txt  docs/misc   26K   6+Funnyness release 6. Some jokes and comp
    ISDN_List109.txt   docs/misc    9K 389+A list of the european ISDN BBS's.
    jaaug00.lha        docs/misc   78K   6+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
    jajul00.lha        docs/misc   71K   6+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
    scenet34.lha       docs/misc  149K   1+SCENET - not just the Scene gateway! - #
    WarpUp-Aug00.lha   docs/misc   86K   8+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in A
    WarpUp-Sep00.lha   docs/misc   30K   3+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in S
    WorldCup.lha       docs/misc  115K   7+Statistics of soccer World Cups '30-'98
    ALEM_0023.lha      docs/rview 351K   1+ALEM's Elbox Keyboard Interface Doc (FR)
    alem_0027.lha      docs/rview   4K   4+ALEM's 1084 monitor guide v1.0 (FR)
    AmigaDOS3.1Dis.txt docs/rview  11K 302 Amigados: Workbench 3.1, disk only (with
    ISDNMaster.txt     docs/rview   8K 344 Datacomm: ISDN Master
    Kickstart1.3RO.txt docs/rview   5K 396 April-fools: Kickstart 1.3 ROM
    AtomicTetris.lzh   game/2play 198K   8+AtomicTetris PC clone
    BruceLee.lha       game/2play 559K   5+BruceLee V1.2
    FirePower.lha      game/2play 406K 191+Big explosions! Blast your mates! Cool!
    Snace.lha          game/2play 283K   0+2pl. snake-like racing game, but in all 
    Fnurr2000.lha      game/actio 137K   6+Simple game by DawnBringer
    spaceball2000.lha  game/actio 142K   8+Futuristic sport game.
    amigo5_7.lha       game/board  81K   5+A "Go" board and player for the Amiga. v
    AMono_source.lha   game/board 770K   5+Source code for AMonopoly
    ChaosLite.lha      game/board 5.4M   6+World's Best Board Game! 1-8 players! Fa
    vchess_dt.lha      game/board  12K   8+German catalog (v1.2) for VChess 4.1
    AKSoliton.lha      game/data   40K   8+Simple Soliton card set (from sol.lha)
    DC-EMBond4_Lvl.lha game/data  366K   3+81 levels for Diamond Caves 1
    F1GP_2000.lha      game/data   11K   1+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (final u
    JB_HellRaiser.lha  game/data  2.0M   6+Hellraiser total conversion for James Bo
    jb_pace.lha        game/data  1.2M   5+Hip Hop gfx/sound patch for James Bond.
    NewNAPALMUnits.lha game/data   11K   1+Unit Data Set s for NAPALM 2Player/CHAOS
    StarFighter.lha    game/data  580K   3+StarFighter Source Code
    swos9798.lha       game/data  395K 158+SWOS 97/98 - The Unofficial Release
    SWOSpl_11.lha      game/data   16K   7+SWOS - Polish League AND some advertisin
    WBPSanta.lha       game/data  207K   2+Animated puzzle for WBPerplexity 1.5+
    xfirelevels.lha    game/data  272K   6+Alternative levels for the game Crossfir
    ACSYS.lha          game/demo  603K   1+A.C.SYS demo V1.0 - AGA Turrican clone
    Mattonite.lha      game/demo  216K   7+BreakOut demo game, working in progress
    MYST-demo7.lha     game/demo  5.3M 133+MYST playable demo (AGA and video board)
    ges3b.lzh          game/hint  7.9M   2+Packet of solutions, cheats cards to gam
    NapalmSG01.lha     game/hint   62K   6+Napalm Saved Games 01 - Missions 2 & 3
    NapalmSG02.lha     game/hint   68K   6+Napalm Saved Games 02 - Missions 4 & 5
    NapalmSG03.lha     game/hint   65K   6+Napalm Saved Games 03 - Missions 6 & 7
    NapalmSG04.lha     game/hint   71K   6+Napalm Saved Games 04 - Missions 8 & 9
    NapalmSG05.lha     game/hint   72K   5+Napalm Saved Games 05 - Missions 10 & 11
    NapalmSG06.lha     game/hint   66K   5+Napalm Saved Games 06 - Missions 12 & 13
    NapalmSG07.lha     game/hint   74K   5+Napalm Saved Games 07 - Missions 14 & 15
    PD_Cheater_V26.lha game/hint  822K   5+PD_Cheater / Cheats for PD Games (german
    bauer.lha          game/misc   85K   7+Farm simulation (German necessary)
    poing2.lha         game/misc  320K 243+A cool pong game with powerups & more
    StarTrekCONN.lha   game/misc  588K   3+Play in the StarTrek:TNG Universe
    TerrainEd-1.0.lha  game/misc   45K   3+TerrainEd - A terrain editor for the gam
    WormWars.lha       game/misc  768K   3+WormWars 6.4: Advanced snake game
    InstallKit3_9.lha  game/patch 823K   1+The ultimate CD32 emulator/hd installer
    jst.lha            game/patch 182K   4+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
    lemmingshd.lha     game/patch  34K  60+HD Installer for Lemmings *9 VERSIONS* V
    mkhd.lha           game/patch  12K   4+HD Installer for Mortal Kombat V1.7
    NewNapalmBoot.lha  game/patch   1K   1+For those of you with problems running N
    ruffhd.lha         game/patch  16K   4+HD Installer & Fix for Ruff'n'Tumble V1.
    slamtilthd.lha     game/patch  26K   4+HD-Installer for SlamTilt V2.0
    swoshd.lha         game/patch  12K 121+HD installer for SWOS 96/97 (v2.1)
    ultbbcd32hd.lha    game/patch  23K   4+HD-Installer for Ultimate BodyBlows CD32
    WHDShdWarriors.lha game/patch  23K   2+HD Installer for Shadow Warriors V1.1
    zouthd.lha         game/patch  32K   4+HD Installer & Fix for Z-Out V2.0
    FatePL.lha         game/role   14K   2+FatePL - Ultimate Dice Simulator for RPG
    KC.lha             game/role   93K   7+Create your hero for RPG Krysztaly Czasu
    LordIII.lha        game/role  2.4M   6+Lord of Alcandria - chapter III
    LordIII_S.lha      game/role  2.7M   1+Spanish version
    mangband.lha       game/role  328K   2+Mangband 0.7.0 beta - client
    ADoom-1.2.lha      game/shoot 403K 138+Amiga port of DOOM v1.2
    ADoomPPC.lha       game/shoot 551K   4+Amiga PPC port of ADoom v1.6
    ADoomPPC_src.lha   game/shoot 532K   4+Source code of Amiga PPC port of DOOM v1
    TigersBane.lha     game/shoot 846K 155+Side-view Attack Helicopter action/sim
    nam.lha            game/text  126K   2+Czech text adventure game
    BStones.lha        game/think 183K   1+BubbleStones 1.4, Bust a Move like
    pairsw3d.lha       game/think 1.0M   3+Simple pairs card game using W3D.
    PiH.lha            game/think  39K   6+People in History Revision
    PureBrain.lha      game/think 162K   7+Put back the symbols in the right order.
    SameGame.lha       game/think  15K   7+Addictive puzzle game with coloured ball
    Detris.lha         game/wb     45K   2+Tetris for WB by Deniil 715!
    simplepac.lha      game/wb     74K   2+Version 1.3 of the simple WB Pacman Game
    WBArmy.lha         game/wb    211K   7+Like Scorched Tanks, but in WB window.
    WBPacman.lha       game/wb     49K   4+V1.10 BETA - Small workbench Pacman
    WBsteroids.lha     game/wb    174K   1+Asteroids-clone in scaleable wb-window
    Skulpt_68k.lha     gfx/3d     1.2M   3+Sculpt3D clone (68k + Warp3D)
    Skulpt_doc.lha     gfx/3d     746K   3+Sculpt3D clone Documentation (68k + Warp
    Skulpt_exe.lha     gfx/3d     318K   8+Sculpt3D clone (68k + Warp3D)
    Skulpt_ppc.lha     gfx/3d     1.2M   3+Sculpt3D clone (PPC (WarpOS) + Warp3D)
    Skulpt_src.lha     gfx/3d     386K   3+Sculpt3D clone sources (68k / PPC + Warp
    R4_Delta-Flyer.lha gfx/3dobj  466K   2+Delta Flyer (ST: Voyager) for monzoom
    rtgmaster_user.lha gfx/board  372K 107+Rtgmaster User Archive
    Anim2gif.lha       gfx/conv   152K   4+Converts and rescales an amiga animation
    Anim2mpegB.lha     gfx/conv   264K   3+Converts amiga animations to mpeg animat
    Anim2mpegS.lha     gfx/conv   282K   4+Converts amiga animations to mpeg animat
    Anim2qt.lha        gfx/conv   167K   4+Converts and rescales an amiga animation gfx/conv    16K   6+Translation into Italian Language of the
    Mp2anim.lha        gfx/conv   272K   4+Converts & scales mpeg animations to ami
    SmartScale.lha     gfx/conv    12K   0+A CLI program used for graphics conversi
    vlab_macro.lha     gfx/conv    52K   8+VLab-Macro V 1.1 Convert YUV + VLAB to I
    DiamondBOX.lha     gfx/edit   356K   8+Layer based 24 bit image editing V1.04
    PfPaint_ENG.lha    gfx/edit    29K   7+English documentation for PerfectPaint V
    PfPaint_FRA.lha    gfx/edit    32K   7+French documentation for PerfectPaint V2
    PfPaint_V22.lha    gfx/edit   900K   7+Paint,Anim from 1 to 24bits
    PhotoMI.lha        gfx/edit    21K   0+GlowIcons Toolbar for Photogenics
    SvIVFix910.lha     gfx/misc    27K   0+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.10 (30.10.2000)
    TV-Logo.lha        gfx/misc    73K   4+Small but capable logotype display
    akMPEG4.lha        gfx/show   196K   2+MPEG player (CGfx/P96/AGA) V4.50 (68k/PP
    AMP.lha            gfx/show   197K  19+MPEG1/2,MP2/3,AVI,QT/MOV,FLI/FLC,NSF pla
    Apdf020.lha        gfx/show   205K  68+PDF doc. viewer, 020/030+fpu
    Apdf040.lha        gfx/show   204K  68+PDF doc. viewer, 040+fpu
    Apdf060.lha        gfx/show   203K  67+PDF doc. viewer, 060+fpu
    Apdfppc.lha        gfx/show   275K  68+PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp)
    Apdf_68030fpu.lha  gfx/show   237K  29+PDF doc. viewer, 68030 with fpu
    Apdf_68040fpu.lha  gfx/show   238K  29+PDF doc. viewer, 68040 with fpu
    Apdf_68060fpu.lha  gfx/show   237K  29+PDF doc. viewer, 68060 with fpu
    Apdf_common.lha    gfx/show   244K  29+PDF doc. viewer, main archive
    Apdf_fonts.lha     gfx/show   470K  29+Base fonts for Apdf
    Apdf_ppc.lha       gfx/show   330K  29+PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp or emulati
    fastview.lha       gfx/show    14K  98+Pic Viewer 4 jpg/gif/tif/iff/pcx images 
    Frogger.lha        gfx/show   886K  12+Ultimate MPEG video player (MOS|PUP|WOS|
    RiVA.lha           gfx/show    28K  29+Very Fast MPEG Player for AGA/P96/CGFX
    RivaAudio.lha      gfx/show     4K   4+Real Fast Mpeg video 1 Player with sound
    tapavi15.lha       gfx/show    21K 295+AVI player for 020+ KS2.0 Picasso-II
    VideoMPEGA.lha     gfx/show   127K   8+Fast Mpeg video play 1&2 with sound 68k/
    View.lha           gfx/show    15K   4+Shows Pics via Datatypes
    BetaScan.lha       hard/drivr 170K   9+Scan program for virtually any scanner
    BetaScanMustek.lha hard/drivr  71K   4+Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver For BetaScan
    cnetdevice.lha     hard/drivr 134K   8+PCMCIA Network Card driver. V1.4
    IOBlixUsr.lha      hard/drivr 283K   8+V37.16, IOBlixZ2 and IOBlix1200 software
    pcmser.lha         hard/drivr  14K   6+PCMCIA modem driver. V0.15. PD w/ src.
    1084Siz.txt        hard/hack    9K 316+Modify 1084S vertical height externally
    15khzhack.txt      hard/hack    5K 295+Flicker free screens on 15khz monitor
    15khz_vga.txt      hard/hack    2K 171+15khz and VGA monitor without switchers
    2HDsOn1200.lha     hard/hack    2K 219+How to get 2HD's on a 1200 or 1HD and a 
    4IDE.lha           hard/hack   14K 144+Connect 4 IDE drivers to your A1200/4000
    500hacks.txt       hard/hack   45K  13+Hardware hacks for the A500
    A1200-ccreset.txt  hard/hack    1K  13+How to fix the A1200 PCMCIA Reset proble
    A1200tower_XTR.txt hard/hack   14K 179+EXTRA help on putting your 1200 in a Tow
    A12Hack2.lha       hard/hack   11K 403+3.5" IDE instead of DF0:
    a500ide.lha        hard/hack  210K 112+Connect IDE-harddisk to Amiga 500 V1.2
    a500keyhack.txt    hard/hack    6K 508 Make A500 keyboard detachable
    ami2vga.lha        hard/hack    7K 461 Build an Amiga to Multisync VGA buffered
    Amigafix.txt       hard/hack   36K  13+Repair information for the A500, A1000 a
    amiram.lzh         hard/hack  309K   5+An idea of how to get A4000 RAM to STAY 
    ATkeyboard.lha     hard/hack   77K 199+Connect an (PC) AT-keyboard to an Amiga
    CGX2TV.lha         hard/hack    9K   3+Very simple TVout for GFX card v0.2
    clock_port.txt     hard/hack    3K  13+Information on the A1200 clock port
    drv-1.44.lha       hard/hack   16K 470+Connect PC HD floppies
    floppyinterfac.lha hard/hack   72K 464+Connect PC HD floppies
    Genes_PC_Mouse.lha hard/hack    3K 190+Make an AMiga mouse from a pc mouse
    Gyromouse.txt      hard/hack    2K 148+PC gyromouse adaptor
    IBM-Keyboard.lha   hard/hack   43K 420+How to connect an IBM keyb to Amiga
    ide1200cdrom.lzh   hard/hack    5K 227+How to connect an IDE CDROM to an A1200
    Kick31onA600.txt   hard/hack    3K 220+Using Kick3.1 roms on A600 NO HACKS
    kickswitch.lha     hard/hack  102K 211+Automatic Kickstartswitch (16 bit ROMs)
    mccontrol.lha      hard/hack  420K   1+V1.52 PSX MemoryCard Reader
    Mice.lha           hard/hack   42K  43+Schematics for converting PC mice to the
    mousehack.txt      hard/hack   13K 504 Connect standard mice to Amiga
    my_pc_mouse.lha    hard/hack    6K 118+How to modify a serial mouse to work on 
    PAL_on_SVGA.lha    hard/hack    3K 252+Use 15kHz PAL on SVGA monitors! IT WORKS
    PCDrive.lha        hard/hack    4K 143+Use PC 3.5" floppy drive as external
    PcF2AmF.lha        hard/hack   32K  16+Use 1.44 PC drive as 880k amiga drive.
    PCFloppy2Amiga.lha hard/hack   56K 292+=Use 1.44 PC drives as Amiga HD drives.=
    pckeybhack.lha     hard/hack   74K 228+Plug a PC keyboard to your Amiga (1.3)
    ppazip.lha         hard/hack   81K 113+Iomega ZIP Parallel Interface 0.8
    sdii.lzh           hard/hack  732K 111+Show 15khz on VGA Monitor, no Patch
    SerialCable.lha    hard/hack    7K 281+Instructions to make a null modem cable.
    Syncdoubler.lha    hard/hack  273K 231+Show 15khz on VGA Monitor, no Patch
    TestGear1.lha      hard/hack  325K   5+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 1.
    TestGear2.lha      hard/hack  330K   5+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 2.
    TestGear3.lha      hard/hack  194K   5+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 3.
    VGA_Hack.lha       hard/hack    7K 284+Connect VGA-monitor to Amiga RGB
    vtxthack.lha       hard/hack    6K   5+At the I C BUS adapts the signal lengths
    Waveblaster.lha    hard/hack   23K 180+How to connect PC soundcards to your Ami
    A1200KbdMtx.txt    hard/misc    3K 258+A1200 keyboard matrix
    TrackDiskSync.lha  hard/misc   11K   5+Recalibration tool for floppy drives
    Trouble.txt        hard/misc   58K 434+Trouble shooting guide for Amigas
    Juggler.lha        misc/antiq 241K   5+The famous Juggler ray-traced animation 
    RoboCity.lha       misc/antiq  44K   5+The famous "Robo City" animation demo
    Mentat.lha         misc/edu   199K   7+Mentat 0.5.2 english2english Longman dic
    Mentat_data.lha    misc/edu   842K   6+Mentat 0.5.2 english2english Longman dic
    anescgfx.lha       misc/emu    98K   0+A/NES CGFX v1.21 - Nintendo emulator
    ASpEmu_NOROM.lha   misc/emu    65K   1+V0.76 48K/128K/+2 Spectrum emulator.
    atari800.lha       misc/emu   187K   2+V1.2 of the Atari 8-bit emulator
    ATUtil-PCSide.lha  misc/emu   279K   3+Some additional PC-side sources for ATUt
    ATUtilities.lha    misc/emu   919K   4+ATUtilities 4.0 - Replacement for the CB
    ChipEm.lha         misc/emu    71K   7+Chip 8 v0.4 Emulator by Balrog Soft
    DarcNES.lha        misc/emu   136K   5+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9a092
    GBE.lha            misc/emu    79K   6+GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulator for WarpU
    msh-156.lha        misc/emu   271K 201+Messydos File System 1.56 - read/write p
    Nostalgia.lha      misc/emu   201K   7+THE Multi-Emulation system (1.8)
    ShapeShiftr310.lha misc/emu   282K  95+Macintosh II emulator, V3.10
    stlist.lha         misc/emu    24K   1+Lists Atari .ST diskimage content
    TDMouse-1.1os.lha  misc/emu    48K   3+Use a serial PC mouse on the Amiga! Vers
    TTU.lha            misc/emu     5K   4+Create TAP images with Amiga
    TWINEXPRESS.lha    misc/emu   104K 421+Amiga-><-IBM serial transfer system
    winguide.lha       misc/emu   194K 141+Win95 prog to display AmigaGuide Files.
    lotolib.lha        misc/misc   22K   9+Lotolib for LOTO v2.3+ (1976 au 30-sept.
    lotto-v8.lha       misc/misc   94K   7+UK National Lottery Database v8 inc. 
    LottoPL.lha        misc/misc  398K   3+Lotto for players. (Polish - Duzy Lotek)
    ArtiAmiga.lha      misc/sci   693K   6+Artificial Intelligence simulator
    DA3Demo.lha        misc/sci   2.5M   1+Demo of Digital Almanac III
    distance.lha       misc/sci    13K   5+A program to compute the distance betwee
    32bc_drunk.mpg     mods/32bit 2.6M   8+New tune by salty/32bit  -  8 drunk gods
    4mat_1.lha         mods/4mat  650K 194+4MAT Modules - Details inside!
    4mat_2.lha         mods/4mat  503K 194+4MAT Modules - Details inside!
    ACityAtNight.lha   mods/4mat  138K 213+Melodic mod by 4mat           ****
    BD-Dominator.lha   mods/bladr  49K   3+"Dominator" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED.
    BD-Emperor.lha     mods/bladr  35K   3+"Emperor" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED.
    asphmix.lha        mods/blkha 153K   6+Protracker mod by blakkhar
    crazyphasemix.lha  mods/blkha  93K   6+Remix Protracker mod by blakkhar
    getrennteZeite.lha mods/blkha 559K   6+Protracker mod by blakkhar
    likdamind.lha      mods/blkha 210K   6+Digibooster mod by blakkhar with DSP-Ech
    likdamind_II.lha   mods/blkha 330K   4+Digibooster mod by blakkhar with DSP-Ech
    ABlues.mpg         mods/boray 3.2M  31+Mp3 tune by Boray 2000
    chippendale.lha    mods/chip    7K   8+DBM 4ch mod by Tripper^Stx^Moods
    ChupaChip.lha      mods/chip    5K   1+Excellent CHIP modul by Night Knight
    JochenHippelST.lha mods/chip  197K   2+Atari ST Mods by famous musicians
    scl_braveworld.lha mods/chip    2K   0+Secretly! - AHX-Module a brave new world
    VartiMods2.lha     mods/chip    6K   5+4 new AHX tunes by Varthall
    20enero.mpg        mods/darde 1.2M 170+MPEG Song -> "20 de enero del 2000" *by 
    ApagaLuc.mpg       mods/darde 2.3M 170+MPEG Song -> "Apaga las luces del cuadro
    AyConLa2.mpg       mods/darde 670K 123+Another great song on mpg audio format
    BailanRio.mpg      mods/darde 1.3M 123+Another great song on mpg audio format
    CabaSoba.mpg       mods/darde 2.1M 170+MPEG Song -> "Caballeros del Sobaco" *by
    Carolina.mpg       mods/darde 953K 171+MPEG Song -> "Carolina" *by FReDiuS*
    ElFinal.mpg        mods/darde 782K 160+Mpg Song "El final"
    elsol.mpg          mods/darde 1.8M  63+MPEG Song - Techno-heavy style - by Fred
    JoSupMan.mpg       mods/darde 1.0M 162+Mpg Audio Song *Jo!, Superman*
    MiEnamor.mpg       mods/darde 735K 159+Mpg Song "Mi enamorada"
    Odrusba.mpg        mods/darde 1.1M 162+Mpg Audio Song *Himno de oDRuSBa*
    PalPueblo.mpg      mods/darde 1.2M 123+Another great song on mpg audio format
    ParaBebe.mpg       mods/darde 4.9M 162+Mpg Audio Song *Y no paraba de beber*
    Paranoia.mpg       mods/darde 2.6M 162+Mpg Audio Song *Paranoia*
    RapOso.mpg         mods/darde 605K 123+Another great song on mpg audio format
    Riegate.mpg        mods/darde 776K 124+Another great song on mpg audio format
    RockBirr.mpg       mods/darde 2.2M 159+Mpg Song "El rock de la birra"
    Rq2Death.mpg       mods/darde 723K 162+Mpg Audio Song: Requiem - II The Death
    Rq4Funer.mpg       mods/darde 3.0M 162+Mpg Audio Song: Requiem - IV The Funeral
    Travesti.mpg       mods/darde 1.2M 159+Mpg Song "Travesti"
    illusion.lha       mods/demo  138K 296+Mod by Groo from Virtual Dreams demo
    positron.mpg       mods/elbie 3.0M   4+Positronic Robotique [Synth] by ElbiE^t1
    Str_elec.mpg       mods/elbie 7.5M   6+Stripped Electronique [Synth] by ElbiE^t
    AfterMidnight.lha  mods/funk   43K 213+Jazz mod by Accord+Deelite    *****
    aprils.lha         mods/funk   98K  65+By racoon/C-LOUS & DKG '98
    DeeGroovie.lha     mods/funk  118K 213+Funk mod by Accord+Deelite    ****+
    HarbourBizarre.lha mods/funk  124K 256 Funk mod by Brainbug          *****
    ProForma.lha       mods/funk  126K 213+Jazz mod by Accord+Deelite    ****+
    solution.lha       mods/funk  185K 187+"No Solution!" by racoon/ward
    SoulOMatic.lha     mods/funk   92K 244 Funk mod by Purple Motion     ****+
    tunesia.lha        mods/funk  171K 394+A protracker module by the Weasel
    Kickstart.lha      mods/hardc  11K 325 Hardcore mod by Merlin        ****+
    pie_dprs.lha       mods/hardc 687K   4+Speedcore By Dj Pie / Lunatic 2k
    SunsetBlues.lha    mods/instr 138K 213+Guitar mod by Brainbug        *****+
    AmigaFuture.lha    mods/misc  105K   9+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
    ILoveYou.lha       mods/misc  165K   9+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
    July.lha           mods/misc   98K   9+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
    JulySun.lha        mods/misc   79K   9+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
    Obitus.lha         mods/misc   80K   3+Custom module from "Obitus"
    Protector.lha      mods/misc   30K   3+Custom module from "Protector"
    rno-r045.lha       mods/misc  562K   7+Rno-label release no.45 by kure&stefan (
    rno-r048.lha       mods/misc  300K   4+Rno-records release no.48 by Roz (Funkyh
    sbf_ls2k.lha       mods/misc   20K   6+Little Song 2k - sbf/phx
    Softrock.lha       mods/misc  615K   9+SoftMetal by MadMan/FunDesign
    SunshineRain.lha   mods/misc   35K   9+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
    ThunderBlade.lha   mods/misc  253K   2+Custom modules from "Thunder Blade"
    VictoryRoad.lha    mods/misc    6K   3+Custom module from "Victory Road"
    01Project_kill.mpg mods/mpg   5.6M  35+UNDEFINABLE TUNEs -> Track01 -> Project_
    Eldorado.mpg       mods/mpg   5.1M   7+Eldorado County by Vincent & McGahey
    lnsM28_ClorEp2.mpg mods/mpg   6.4M   5+After we have gone - slowbeat techno (Cl
    rno-r046.mpg       mods/mpg   3.3M   7+Rno-label release no.46 by FarFar (Chill
    SWAP.mpg           mods/mpg   721K  54+262BPM-Gabber-MPEG audio by "Borschtsch"
    atdt.lha           mods/pro   291K   2+'ATDT' - a protracked MOD by  &.
    g-nainenjatotu.lha mods/pro   404K   2+'G-nainen ja Totuus' - a protracked MOD 
    jehovantodista.lha mods/pro   253K   2+'Jehovan Todistaja' - a protracked MOD b
    mechno.lha         mods/pro   377K   2+'Mechno' - a protracked MOD by  &.
    Phm_Rmsc.lha       mods/pro   141K   4+014: "Reminiscenes" [Dance]
    suurivalkoinen.lha mods/pro   251K   2+'Suuri Valkoinen' - a protracked MOD by 
    twinblade.lha      mods/pro   811K   2+'Twin Blade' - a protracked MOD by  &.
    worthless.lha      mods/pro   265K   2+'Worthless' - a protracked MOD by  &.
    Dreamworld.mpg     mods/smpl  6.7M 255+MPEG Audio of a synthesizer song
    paranoia.lha       mods/synth  90K   0+LCP2000 Compotune by Clone/Wrath Designs
    03suckyo.lha       mods/techn 272K 240+By Kanyar/Dj Tieum  Gabber/Hardcore Tek
    10deadjp.lha       mods/techn 163K 204+By Kanyar/J Point  Olive Oiled HardCore!
    A-el.mpg           mods/techn 6.2M   1+Electroish d&b techno carnage
    A-geron.mpg        mods/techn 2.9M   1+Electroish d&b soothing techno
    brm_cook.lha       mods/techn 400K   3+DBM by brm.
    brm_prop.lha       mods/techn 758K   3+DBM by brm.
    brm_refu.lha       mods/techn 251K   3+DBM by brm.
    brm_sala.lha       mods/techn 519K   3+DBM by brm.
    crs_brd.lha        mods/techn 2.5M   5+CRS00056: hardcorrosion :: brain damage
    indamix2k.lha      mods/techn 1.5M   2+Ultimate Club Megamix from Psycho/MOODS
    OctRave97.lha      mods/techn 178K 157+RAVE tune by MrOLI of DATISTICS
    tek_mtone.lha      mods/techn  57K   7+Monotone - minimalistic stomper
    tek_pnoia.lha      mods/techn 227K   8+Paranoia - psycho intelligent drum
    tek_vacum.lha      mods/techn  58K   8+Vacuum - minimalistic move
    tek_vacum_mmx.lha  mods/techn  64K   6+Vacuum mmx - minimalistic stomp
    vdo_thec.lha       mods/techn 115K   8+The 47th voodoo release
    LoveLand.lha       mods/voice 517K 182+Exellent Dance-Techno by MrOLI
    hypnvamp.lha       mods/wmr   7.4M  89+IMM: "Hypnotic Vampire" by Heatseeker
    Protracker3.61.lha mus/edit   373K 219+Protracker 3.61, music composing program
    SampleZ.lha        mus/edit   117K   5+16Bit HD-Edit SampleEditor successor of 
    GMPlay13.lha       mus/midi   6.6M 179+Plays MIDI-Files with your Amiga (020+)
    Timidity270.lha    mus/midi   1.9M   6+TiMidity++ 2.7.0 -- MIDI to WAVE convert
    XGToolset7.lha     mus/midi   184K   4+Version 1.7 of the XGToolset for Bars&Pi
    XGToolset7_src.lha mus/midi   303K   4+Source of the XGToolset7 for Bars&Pipes
    ahiusr.lha         mus/misc   287K 155+Retargetable audio v4.16, User's Archive
    DelfScope.lha      mus/misc    51K   4+Oscilloscope/analyzer for Delfina DSP
    Lame68k.lha        mus/misc   148K   4+Lame 3.87, mp3 encoder
    MP3Info.lha        mus/misc    19K   1+Writes the Title, Author, etc into MP3s.
    MpegAnalys-r.lha   mus/misc    41K   4+Checks Mpeg audio files for errors
    MPEG_S_LAMEppc.lha mus/misc   232K   2+MPEG_S_LAME the MP3 Encoder for SoundFX 
    Pegase.lha         mus/misc   202K   4+VHQ MPEG audio encoder (68k/PPC)
    rsss.lha           mus/misc    75K   7+Realtime Sound Synthesis System (preview
    TheMPegEncGUI.lha  mus/misc    81K   2+GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pe
    wavetompg.lha      mus/misc     3K   1+Repairs mp3/mp2 header from broken files
    ac3dec.lha         mus/play    44K   8+AC3 (Dolby Digital) audio decoder. (PPC)
    AmigaAMP.lha       mus/play   421K  51+MPEG audio player with GUI (68k/PPC)
    DeliDecrunch.lha   mus/play     9K   2+XFD/XAD DeliTracker Decruncher v2.1
    EP_MFP.lha         mus/play    10K   7+EaglePlayer "Magnetic Fields Packer" ext
    EP_MikeDavies.lha  mus/play     5K   4+EaglePlayer "Mike Davies" external repla
    EP_Norsk.lha       mus/play    23K   1+Norwegian catalog for Eagleplayer V2.01 
    EP_PaulSummers.lha mus/play     5K   2+EaglePlayer "Paul Summers" external repl
    EP_PSA.lha         mus/play     5K   4+EaglePlayer "Professional Sound Artists"
    hippoplayer.lha    mus/play   688K  43+V2.45, multiformat module player. 
    MPEGA.lha          mus/play    39K  97+MPEG I,II & III audio decoder V3.5 (6802
    Play16.lha         mus/play   178K 164+Multi format sound player, supports AHI
    PlayGUI.lha        mus/play   574K   7+GUI for HIPPO,MPEGA,PLAY16 AND GMPLAY!
    PlayGUIUpd.lha     mus/play    20K   1+PlayGUI Update 3.0 -> 3.a
    plone.lha          mus/play   450K   1+V1.6 - PlayList AddOn for PlayGui
    SongPlayer.lha     mus/play   295K  89+Cool and powerfull audio player V1.53 68
    TMLG.lha           mus/play   215K 104+MP3 player, beats AmigaAMP!
    01Enterprise.mpg   pix/3dani  2.3M 116+(ALN) USS Enterprise fly by Planet....
    Ballenave.mpg      pix/3dani  817K 149+War Whale 3D (MAMOMO)
    Granade.mpg        pix/3dani  6.1M   7+Animation of a hand granade
    TIM_0035.lha       pix/3dani  251K   5+TIM's rendered animations (Cinema4D)
    3ds_max.mpg        pix/anim   1.9M 205+Really great MPEG you cannot afford to i
    A2Kfl.mpg          pix/anim   879K  98+(ALN) Amiga 2000 Space Anim.
    AMIvsMIC.mpg       pix/anim   388K 172+Mpeg version of Amiga vs Microsoft
    PobreJoaquim.lha   pix/anim   991K   4+The famous Joaquim anim. Now with sound!
    shoot.lha          pix/anim   2.3M   7+Working on our latest film.
    w_ttrmpg.mpg       pix/anim   100K 175+Tabletop robot a Cinema 4d animation in 
    1MoDansa.lha       pix/art     90K 220+Picture done by Abe with Brilliance.Danc
    2grey-sw.jpg       pix/art     40K  79+Nice pic of 2 aliens Hand drawn in DPain
    a1200.jpg          pix/art     29K 141+Airbrush-Design by Mathias Wengler
    Anabolic_Koala.lha pix/art     65K   4+Anabolic Koala
    Melbourne-show.jpg pix/art     16K   3+Jpg picture with fxPaint
    VR-family.jpg      pix/art     11K   3+Jpg picture with fxPaint
    oops.jpg           pix/astro  213K 292 A Rocket Doing a Spiral an about ready t
    AF-AmigaPower.jpg  pix/back   232K  75+Cool marble backdrop with glowing "Amiga
    AF-Infinity.jpg    pix/back   603K 115+Cool  raytraced Chrome-WB-Back (1280x102
    AMIBill.jpg        pix/back    74K  78+Bill Gates thinks about AMIGA ?
    amyback.jpg        pix/back   105K  38+A new background for your new OS 3.5!
    AnimeWP.lha        pix/back   2.0M   1+Big Anime Wallpapers
    BoingA4000JP.jpg   pix/back   468K 108+24Bit Boing A4000 
    Gc-BoingBack64.lha pix/back   160K   1+Quality 640x512 Workbench backdrop (64co
    GC-BoingBackdr.lha pix/back   480K   1+Quality 640x512 Workbench backdrop.
    wboingb.jpg        pix/back    67K  90+Boingballbackground for big WBs
    AladdinBoot.lha    pix/boot   510K   2+Aladdin Bootup for Rainboot3
    BaaackBoot.lha     pix/boot   455K   2+Baaack Bootup for Rainboot3
    BeatboxBoot.lha    pix/boot   227K   2+Beatbox Bootup for Rainboot3
    BileLeague_Rai.lha pix/boot   535K   6+BileLeague Rainboot config
    Bile_Rainboot.lha  pix/boot   433K   6+Bile Rainboot config
    LionKingBoot.lha   pix/boot   142K   2+LionKing Bootup for Rainboot3
    tek_aos35.lha      pix/boot   516K   8+AmigaOS 35 - rainboot2 config (upd2nd)
    tek_aos35_prv.jpg  pix/boot    33K   8+Amigaos 35 - rainboot2 pview (upd2nd)
    tek_rwb85.lha      pix/boot   1.4M   8+Workbench 85 - rainboot2 config (upd2nd)
    tek_rwb85_prv.jpg  pix/boot    90K   8+Workbench 85 - rainboot2 pview (upd2nd)
    WSucksBoot.lha     pix/boot   865K   2+WindowsSucks Bootup for Rainboot3
    GW_Amiga.jpg       pix/eric   124K 188+Reaction to Gateway 2000 announcement
    WereBack.jpg       pix/eric    62K 179+Another Amiga "we're back" pic 
    AF-Elephant.jpg    pix/fauna  125K 174+Photograph of an elephant reaching for f
    wolves01.jpg       pix/fauna  139K 292 Wolf                        733x 900
    wolves02.jpg       pix/fauna  128K 292 Wolf in winter             1152x 900
    wolves03.jpg       pix/fauna   79K 292 Wolf in winter              694x 900
    wolves05.jpg       pix/fauna  172K 292 Wolves in winter           1152x 900
    wolves07.jpg       pix/fauna  244K 292+A wolf at the edge of a st 1152x 900
    GlowIcons.lha      pix/gicon  288K 116+Realistic, shaded, anti-aliased NewIcons
    HSGlowIcons.lha    pix/gicon   18K   8+OS3.5 GlowIcon Set for HSPascal
    PowerTowerIcon.lha pix/gicon    4K   3+An OS 3.5 GlowIcon for the PowerTower 40
    synotec_icon12.lha pix/gicon  474K   9+More than 400 small icons in glow icons 
    TinyGICollectn.lha pix/gicon   47K   0+GlowIcons - size doesn't matter ;-)
    fom3p17.jpg        pix/henz   291K   1+Cloned Triceratops on Venus
    fom3p18.jpg        pix/henz   138K   1+Faces of Mars-Logo
    fom3p19.jpg        pix/henz   151K   1+3Pyramids at night
    fom3p20.jpg        pix/henz   196K   1+3Pyramids at night (through night-glasse
    fomsw22.jpg        pix/henz     9K   1+C-3PO and R2-D2 (Star Wars)
    fomsw23.jpg        pix/henz   120K   1+TIE-Fighter chasing a Spitfire-plane
    fomsw24.jpg        pix/henz    86K   1+TIE-Fighter chasing a Spitfire-plane
    OS3.5-HQ-icons.lha pix/icon   263K   4+High quality OS3.5 icons for games P1
    SIL51_Icons_r1.lha pix/icon   207K   3+Few icons in OS3.5 Icon format.
    TinyGICollecti.lha pix/icon    39K   5+GlowIcons - archive size doesn't matter 
    02_photo.jpg       pix/imagi  136K 360+Imagine rendered Jpeg of room
    JaseDarren.jpg     pix/irc     53K   5+Dave and Jay (D from #Wasteland, UNet)
    Alien.jpg          pix/jason   92K 195+Sketchwork including alien character
    Horny.jpg          pix/jason   43K 195+Sketch of a horny head
    Lash.jpg           pix/jason   40K 195+Sketch of a weird looking bloke
    Zac.jpg            pix/jason   71K 195+Phwoooar she's nice
    000001.jpg         pix/misc   199K 335+JPEG Picture made with VistaPro
    ALEM_0032.lha      pix/misc   2.2M   5+ALEM's ScalaMM Digitized Backgrounds
    AP11Recto.jpg      pix/misc    84K   3+AMiGa=PoWeR N 11 Cover Recto
    CommodoreShare.jpg pix/misc   286K 294+Scanned image of Commodore shares
    OS35InputImg.lha   pix/misc   110K   4+OS3.5 Input Prefs remplacememt images
    OS35LocaleImg.lha  pix/misc    78K   4+OS3.5 Locale Prefs remplacememt images
    sYn_deathplane.lha pix/misc    72K   8+Death planet - pixel by sYntic/Teklords
    sYn_derzeldako.lha pix/misc    44K   8+Der zelda konflikt - pixel by sYntic/Tek
    sYn_otaku.jpg      pix/misc    51K   8+Otaku - composed pic by sYntic/Teklords
    Tp7pics.lha        pix/misc   612K   9+Photos From The Party 1997
    years_ago.lha      pix/misc    71K   8+[ancor] Sandra and Sarah young V1.1
    1_ExplBalP1.mpg    pix/mpg    121K  39+Paticle simulation with c4d 1/10
    audiolabs.mpg      pix/mpg    2.8M  34+A commercial for ProStationAudio
    crazyGranny.lha    pix/mpg    529K   7+Mpeg anim of my granny playing football
    HowToKillAPC.mpg   pix/mpg     21M   3+How to kill a PC
    scene3.lha         pix/mpg    2.1M   7+Scene from the set of an upcoming film.
    sYn_cdgroove.mpg   pix/mpg    1.5M   8+Cd-groove XX - mpg by sYntic/Teklords
    AKIconz4.lha       pix/mwb    274K   3+A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 4)
    R-P-G_NewIcons.lha pix/nicon  403K   9+Newicon Drawer images in RPG style.
    01_organic.jpg     pix/real3   76K 360+Real 3D v2 rendered Jpeg of lake
    1701-D_1.jpg       pix/trace   79K 220+Lightwave traced NCC1701-D
    1701-D_10.jpg      pix/trace   61K 216+Lightwave traced NCC1701-D
    Pris38.jpg         pix/trace  121K   1+Pris at night
    Pris39.jpg         pix/trace  173K   1+Pris at night (through night-glasses)
    scl_waspattack.lha pix/trace  113K   0+Secretly! traced pic,2nd at comparade8
    Statue.jpg         pix/trace   78K   8+Americans Statue
    sYn_escape.jpg     pix/trace  223K   8+Escape - trace by sYntic/Teklords
    sYn_fernsehzim.jpg pix/trace  118K   8+Fernsehzimmer - trace by sYntic/Teklords
    sYn_hkommblase.jpg pix/trace  246K   8+Hyperkommunikationsblase - trace by sYnt
    sYn_lifeanddea.jpg pix/trace   62K   8+Life and death - trace by sYntic/Teklord
    sYn_marstrip.lha   pix/trace   86K   8+Marstrip - composed pic by sYntic/Teklor
    Silver_Gate.jpg    pix/vehic   96K   4+M/S Silver Gate
    Guanajuato06.jpg   pix/views  167K   1+The university of Guanajuato (Mexico)
    Rio91.jpg          pix/views   90K   1+Rio de Janeiro - Take from the Photo-CD 
    Rio96.jpg          pix/views  107K   1+Rio de Janeiro - Take from the Photo-CD 
    Rio98.jpg          pix/views  156K   1+Rio de Janeiro - Take from the Photo-CD 
    SarajevoNight.jpg  pix/views   54K   7+768x512, Sarajevo at night (2000)
    Sierra01.jpg       pix/views  167K   1+Little town in the Sierra Madre (Mexico)
    Zagreb.jpg         pix/views   71K   7+768x512, Zagreb (2000)
    A4000T_Kosh.jpg    pix/wb     208K  58+K.O.S.H. Workbench in 16bit
    a500ocs.jpg        pix/wb     150K  89+Amiga500-WB-Shot in 724x566x4 by TMU
    AIAB-Grab.jpg      pix/wb     243K  42+Latest 'AmigaInABox' grab [WinUAE] - Wha
    AKNewWB.lha        pix/wb     497K   1+Screenshots of AK's *32-col.* MagicWB
    ALS_WB.jpg         pix/wb     338K  76+Pic of my 24bit BVision WB using Glowico
    AWebMIPre.jpg      pix/wb     145K   0+Preview of AWebMI
    LombiWB.lha        pix/wb     261K   4+Two grabs of my WB, one with RTG & one w
    recoilwb01.jpg     pix/wb     218K   5+*recoilBENCH 2000* 1024x768x16bit Picass
    WB2000-screens.jpg pix/wb      20K   8+Workbench2000-Screenshot (taskbar only)
    OFS001.jpg         pix/wfm    316K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    OFS002.jpg         pix/wfm    564K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    OFS003.jpg         pix/wfm    332K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    OFS004.jpg         pix/wfm    183K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    OFS005.jpg         pix/wfm    854K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    OFS006.jpg         pix/wfm    767K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    OFS007.jpg         pix/wfm    705K   0+What Hubble might see in Fractal Space
    ALEM_0020.lha      text/dtp     6K   1+ALEM's AudioK7 template for PageSetterII
    alem_0022.lha      text/dtp   192K   0+ALEM's VideoK7 template for PageSetterII
    GS510-data.lha     text/dtp   326K 138+Postscript-pdf prtr/viewer new printers
    GS510-fonts-st.lha text/dtp   1.5M 138+Postscript-pdf prtr/viewer new printers
    GS510FontMap.lha   text/dtp     5K 133+GS5.10's missing fontmap file
    TileNum.lha        text/dtp     9K   8+Generates unique numbered document tiles
    Amitex_3.25.lha    text/edit  290K   8+Text editor (French and english versions
    Dutch_dict.lha     text/edit  1.2M   8+Dutch dictionary for Ispell and GoldEd
    FreeEd.lha         text/edit  190K   7+This is a simple text editor. (It has a 
    GED_Hexedit.lha    text/edit  234K   8+Hexedit Environment for GOLDED V1.50
    guidecheck.lha     text/edit   60K   2+V1.21 AmigaGuide syntax checker (and mor
    ttf2pfb.lha        text/font   70K   4+Convert TrueType to Postscript Type1 fon
    ttfr.lha           text/font   16K   4+Rename true type fonts file correctly
    TRAGuideCheck.lha  text/hyper  13K   8+Checks AGuide docs for consistency & syn
    ascii2jascii.lha   text/misc   35K   1+ASCII to Japanese ASCII (68k/ppc/wos)
    Kill0D.lha         text/misc    2K   7+Remove PC CR+LF End-Of-Lines and replace
    tw-wabl_sep93.txt  text/misc   45K 371+The WoRLD-WiDe AMiGa BBS LiST!(tm) 9/93
    DSLT02.lha         text/print  20K   7+DrawStudio's Templates for labels 02 v1.
    Epson_400.lha      text/print  34K   1+Epson Stylus 400/440/460 Driver for WB V
    Epson_600.lha      text/print  41K   3+Epson Stylus 600/700 Driver for WB V40.2
    bzip2.lha          util/arc   244K  46+File compressor for 68k/PowerUp/WarpOS
    CheckX.lha         util/arc    28K   8+V1.79 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses         util/arc    40K 429 V1.11 of the popoular Disk Archiver
    dz95.exe           util/arc   1.1M  47 .lha unpacker for Windows
    ExChanger.lha      util/arc    45K   8+Helps converting lha and zip files to lz            util/arc   141K  71+LhA / LhX v2.1 archiver, German docs (!)
    lhant.lha          util/arc    38K  89+Windows LHA with LONG FILE NAMES       util/arc   107K 426 LhA evaluation version 1.38
    lzx121r1.lha       util/arc   194K 150+The Ultimate Archiver V1.21R Registered,
    lzxkeyfile.lha     util/arc     1K 151+Generic Keyfile for LZX authorized by Jo
    msdos-lha.exe      util/arc    64K 210+LhA archiver 2.55 for MSDOS. Check .read
    Packmaster127.lha  util/arc   152K  36+GUI for ADF,D64,LHA,RUN,LZX,DMS,ZIP,MIME
    UnLZX2.lha         util/arc   111K  13+UnLZX with new args (68k/PPC/i486)
    UnRAR250_wos.lha   util/arc   119K   8+UnRAR 2.50 for WarpOS
    untgz.lha          util/arc    10K 191+Small and efficient tar.gz unarchiver
    UnZip.lha          util/arc   135K  51+UnZip v5.32 .ZIP archive extracter
    ViewDiz_NO.lha     util/arc     1K   3+Norwegian catalog for ViewDiz 2.1
    W95unlzx.lha       util/arc    41K 124+Unpack .lzx files (Windows 95)
    xadmaster.lha      util/arc   392K   8+V8.0 Powerful unarchiving system
    xDMS.lha           util/arc   161K  84+Portable DMS unpacker v1.3
    Zip.lha            util/arc   133K 150+Zip v2.2 .ZIP archive creator
    MiniMen.lha        util/batch  97K   4+A GUI menu program with many application
    AntiBlanker.lha    util/blank   9K   7+A tool that disables your screen blanker
    DPMSManager.lha    util/blank  13K   4+CyberGfx/P96 DPMS energy saving manager
    Matrix.lha         util/blank  40K   3+DPMS Matrix screen blanker (v1.4)
    MTX.lha            util/blank  68K  37+Matrix Screen Blanker
    BlizKick.lha       util/boot  228K   8+MapROM tool for phase5/DCE turbos. V1.23
    BPPCFixFix.lha     util/boot    5K   8+BlizzPPC 0x0 & ppc library disk loadable
    FBlit.lha          util/boot  141K   8+V3.69a Use CPU in place of the blitter.
    loadppclib.lha     util/boot   13K   8+Blizzard PPC libs loaders V1.0.0
    mathlibspatch.lha  util/boot    3K   8+Mathffp, ieeesingtrans libs SpeedUp Patc
    PPS.lha            util/boot   48K   7+Password Protection for your WB / No mor
    Rainboot3.lha      util/boot  864K   7+Multimedia Has Got A Name v3.0
    RandomScenery.lha  util/boot   15K   7+More than just workbench backdrops
    RemAPollo.lha      util/boot   61K   1+A1200 040\060 MMU Apollo Turboboard Rema
    SystemPatch.lha    util/boot    6K   1+Speedup patch for 68020+
    TurboVal.lha       util/boot   17K   7+The best validator for FFS (v1.9)
    AHelp15_NO.lha     util/cdity   2K   3+Norwegian catalog for AHelp v1.5
    AHelp_NO.lha       util/cdity   2K   3+Norwegian catalog for AHelp 1.5
    AutoRunNG_NO.lha   util/cdity   1K   3+Norwegian catalog for AutoRunNG
    MagicCX12.lha      util/cdity 623K 253+Great modular commodity system
    MCP130.lha         util/cdity 629K 163+THE Ultimate WB-Enhancer!
    ModeProSrc.lha     util/cdity 691K   4+Source code to the Screenmode Promotion 
    MRQ.lha            util/cdity 151K   2+The MUI requester improver, now OpenSour
    Scheduler.lha      util/cdity  33K   7+Schedule manager and viewer, v1.8
    APT-WBOpen11.lha   util/cli    14K   8+Use CLI/req. to open WB-drawers/files (w
    Cmp.lha            util/cli     4K   2+Nice and tiny binary file compare tool
    DiskLED1.2.lha     util/cli    15K   8+DiskLED V1.2 + Source(asm), Moves the LE
    Find.lha           util/cli    30K   3+Find utility with many options
    FixNI.lha          util/cli    13K   2+Fix NewIcons for OS3.5
    HexShow.lha        util/cli     5K   2+Shows files as Hex
    InitPPCLib.lha     util/cli     2K   6+InitPPCLib: brings ppc.library back
    r.lha              util/cli    49K   2+V1.56 Just in time GUIs for every DOS Co
    rebootscript.lha   util/cli     4K   8+Reboots and runs script or exe file.
    SED.lha            util/cli    13K   2+Amiga stream editor
    WbOpen1_11.lha     util/cli    15K   4+Open WB-drawers/files using CLI/Asl-requ
    agocr.lha          util/conv  2.0M   0+Converts pcx, iff, pnm to text. v0.2.7
    EasyConvert.lha    util/conv   21K   6+Easy Convert - converts miles - km, etc.
    akJFIF-dt.lha      util/dtype 232K  12+AkJFIF-dt V44.81 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/W
    akPNG-dt.lha       util/dtype 247K  12+AkPNG-dt V44.81 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/WOS
    gifanimdtc203.lha  util/dtype 239K 127+GIF Animation DataType V2.3
    GIFdatatype-39.lha util/dtype   5K 396+GIF datatype for OS 3.0 and up
    IcoDT.lha          util/dtype  11K   2+Dt for .ICO files (43.4)
    ilbmdt44.lha       util/dtype   8K   6+Improved ilbmdt (44.21)
    mpegadt203.lha     util/dtype 255K 113+MPEG audio datatype V2.3
    RGFX-DT.lha        util/dtype 126K   6+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (43.14)
    RGFX-DT35.lha      util/dtype  51K   6+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (44.2)
    WarpJPEGdt.lha     util/dtype 103K   7+JFIF-JPEG datatype (68k,WarpOS,MorphOS) 
    WarpPNGdt.lha      util/dtype 131K   7+PNG image datatype (68k,WarpOS,MorphOS) 
    dtypes454upd.lha   util/libs   44K 155+New datatypes.library, V45.4
    ixemul-48.0.lha    util/libs  598K  55+Ixemul.library V48.0
    MMULib.lha         util/libs  448K  24+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
    mpega-WarpUP.lha   util/libs  101K  47+MPEG Audio decoder library V2.4 (WarpUP,
    mpega_library.lha  util/libs  346K  59+MPEG Audio decoder library V2.4 (68020+)
    mui38usr.lha       util/libs  1.0M 194+MagicUserInterface 3.8, user files
    muitoolkit_src.lha util/libs   48K   7+V1.1 - The MUI Toolkit library SRC (FREE
    ReqToolsUsr.lha    util/libs  167K 192+ReqTools 2.9a - the requester toolkit (u
    ttflib68000.lha    util/libs  253K   3+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
    ttflib68020.lha    util/libs  252K   3+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
    ttflib68030.lha    util/libs  251K   3+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
    ttflib68040.lha    util/libs  251K   3+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
    ttflib68060.lha    util/libs  251K   3+Ttf.library v0.8.3 truetype font engine
    Dictionary.lha     util/misc    5K   3+A very useful dictionary script
    DirMaid.lha        util/misc   12K   3+Sort your directories automatically.
    Installer-43_3.lha util/misc  104K 233+Amiga Technologies V43.3 Installer dev. 
    LC2.lha            util/misc  151K   4+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
    MultiRen.lha       util/misc  173K   2+Powerful multi-file renaming tool (with 
    RC5Control.lha     util/misc   11K   4+Automated RC5 client control (FREEWARE)
    ReportPlus.lha     util/misc   62K   3+Report+ 3.5: 9-function utility
    ReqAttackUpd.lha   util/misc  200K   6+Rel6: ReqAttack1.3, RAPrefsMUI 1.64, Req
    ResetRun2.lha      util/misc   10K   4+Resets your computer and runs a given pr
    Resistor.lha       util/misc   50K   7+Code&Decode the color rings at resistors
    Widerstand.lha     util/misc   50K   4+Decoding resistor color rings (german)
    zkick301.lzh       util/misc   56K 421 Load kickstart from disk
    SnoopDos34.lha     util/moni  131K   9+SnoopDos 3.4, the well known system moni
    gzip124x2.lha      util/pack   63K 342+gzip-1.2.4 RESPIN 2, GNU archiving util
    xfdmaster.lha      util/pack  151K   8+Rel1.34 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
    xfdmaster_dev.lha  util/pack  168K   9+Rel1.34 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
    XPKPatch18.lha     util/pack   22K   1+Unpacks XPK, PP & CrM files "on the fly"
    xpk_User.lha       util/pack  225K  60+V5.2 Compression package, user edition
    addrexx11.lha      util/rexx    3K   8+Small & fast addressbook (And envvar ed)
    arc2arc28.lha      util/rexx    5K   3+Convert any archive format easily
    CAF_10.lha         util/rexx    4K   5+CommentAminetFiles v1.0 - Rexx script to
    cdmp.lha           util/rexx   22K   7+Helps to create mp3 from CD's (german)
    FWCalendar.lha     util/rexx  422K   1+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
    rmh.lha            util/rexx   53K   1+Rmh.library 6.0 - Rexx Must Have library
    Scion2html.lha     util/rexx   33K   2+WWW browser HTML's from Scion Genealogy 
    counter.lha        util/shell  13K   1+Keeps track of the times it has been exe
    KingCON_1.3.lha    util/shell 128K 335+Replaces CON: (Review, menus, TAB-exp...
    ViNCEd.lha         util/shell 729K   8+ViNCEd, the final CON: solution. ^Z, TAB
    2b_mv_os2.lha      util/sys    74K   8+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement - full ver
    2b_mv_os2_src.lha  util/sys    55K   8+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement - sources
    Dev-Handler.lha    util/sys    22K   6+Un*x like raw device access handler plus
    InstallerNG.lha    util/sys   485K   0+C= Installer 100% compatible replacement
    NewSearch.lha      util/sys     7K   1+Open-source replacement for "C:Search".
    QuickROM.lha       util/sys    12K 128+Boosts Kickstart speed on 68040 or 68060
    RAWBInfo.lha       util/sys    91K   8+ReAction based icon information (1.18)
    RAWBInfo_SI.lha    util/sys     2K   4+Slovenian catalog for RAWBInfo v1.18
    reshunt.lha        util/sys    44K   1+ResHunt - Executable programs resource h
    StringSnip.lha     util/sys    12K   6+Much better editing features in string g
    TransPrefs171.lha  util/sys    15K   7+Translator Prefs (German) 
    y2four.lha         util/sys     1K   4+Year showing with four digits for list- 
    CyberClock_mag.lha util/time    5K   3+Hungarian translation for CyberClock
    CyberClock_slk.lha util/time    5K   3+Slovak translation for CyberClock
    DRemind.lha        util/time  216K   2+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.56!
    DRemind_HU.lha     util/time    9K   4+Hungarian catalogs for DRemind 1.55
    simpleclock.lha    util/time   17K   8+Version 1.5 of the analog clock (OS3.5)
    trackdisplaycl.lha util/time   37K   8+V1.12 Use hardware track display as cloc
    Safe.lha           util/virus  19K   4+Safe v14.5 - virus dicovering system
    VEPatchBrain.lha   util/virus  18K   1+PatchBrain v1.20 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
    vht-vc25.lha       util/virus 587K  54+VirusChecker II v2.5 (Brain v3.0)
    vht-vg31.lha       util/virus  85K   6+VirusWarning.Guide v3.1 (VHT-DK)
    VirusExecutor.lha  util/virus 218K   5+VirusExecutor v2.06
    xvslibrary.lha     util/virus  51K  15+V33.22 External Virus Support Library
    aafont.lha         util/wb      3K   4+Antialiased fonts on wb (1.0)
    BackDrop.lha       util/wb    122K   8+Auto-cycles WB window images at random.
    bc-machines.lha    util/wb    390K   4+Stylish set for VisualPrefs and Birdie
    BosnianLocale.lha  util/wb     27K   7+Bosnian AmigaOS 3.1 localization v2
    CopyIcon44.lha     util/wb      6K   7+CopyNewIcon clone for os3.5 (44.3)
    DefIcons44.lha     util/wb     64K   7+DefIcons clone for os3.5 (44.6a)
    DirScanner.lha     util/wb     74K   4+V2.12: Small but powerful filefinder. (M
    Dynamite.lha       util/wb     57K   7+Start button and explorer in one. Fast.
    extractico.lha     util/wb      3K   2+Extract ICO files from exe and dll's (1.
    Fix.backdrop.lha   util/wb     46K   4+A GUI to clean up .backdrop files
    Ico2Info.lha       util/wb      5K   2+Converts .ICO to .info (44.7)
    IconLink.lha       util/wb     23K   6+Creates Links to icons (OS 3.5 only!)
    Image2Icon.lha     util/wb     29K   2+Creates thumbnail icons from images (1.1
    MagicMenu_II.lha   util/wb    202K  11+THE Intuition Menus Enhancer (V2.30)
    MagicUser.lha      util/wb    552K   5+MultiUser System for the Amiga Workbench
    MagicWB21p.lha     util/wb    600K 177+The standard Workbench enhancer
    mainprefs.lha      util/wb     39K   8+OS 3.5 Preferences GUI
    MUISearch13_NO.lha util/wb      2K   3+Norwegian catalog for MUISearch 1.3
    NewIcons46.lha     util/wb    659K  71+The Ultimate GUI Enhancement System, V4.
    remember.lha       util/wb     10K   1+Restarts programms after a crash or rebo
    ToolManagerBin.lha util/wb     91K 126+ToolManager - binaries (V3.1)
    tv-prog.lha        util/wb    306K   7+(PL/CZ) TV programe on computer! [v0.80]
    VisualPrefs.lha    util/wb    456K  18+Configure the look of the Amiga GUI!
    WB2000_16.lha      util/wb    411K   6+Win98 Menu & Task bar (MUI)
    WB2000_NO.lha      util/wb      5K   3+Norwegian catalog for WorkBench2000 1.6
    WorkBench2000.lha  util/wb    293K  25+Win98 Menu & Task bar
    Workbench2000N.lha util/wb      4K   6+Norwegian catalog for Workbench2000
    yStart.lha         util/wb     18K   1+Start menu for standard WB icons (v1.1)
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>