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Contents of Aminet CD 49

    | Local files at Aminet CD 49 on 29-May-02
    | Sorted by directory and file name. Age in weeks.
    | A wide version of this file can be found in info/index/
    |File              Dir        Size Age Description
    |----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
    CMLV_II_Key.lha    biz/dbase    1K   9+CMLV II Free Keyfile
    FLeagues.lha       biz/dbase  117K   6+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v3.1)
    hwmrarfs.lha       biz/dbase  193K   6+Home Wine Making Recipe & Record File Sy
    StarBase_SCR.lha   biz/dbase  118K   8+Star Trek Style Database (v4.13)
    STEP_Txt.lha       biz/dbase  824K   8+Star Trek StarBase-Text (657)
    TGest2DEMO.lha     biz/demo   460K   6+V2.0 TurboGest (PACHETTO GESTIONALE ITAL
    CutNPasteMI.lha    biz/dopus   11K   6+GlowIcons Images for CutNPaste
    PJDOpusScripts.lha biz/dopus    8K   6+Some DOpus 4.xx Rexx scripts by PeeJay
    TGestFREE.lha      biz/misc   368K  11+V1.2 TurboGestFREE (PACHETTO GESTIONALE 
    aim-notify.lha     comm/irc    49K   6+ARexx scripts V3.0 for AmigAIM to inform
    amigafun-info.lha  comm/irc   115K   6+German IRC AmigaFun Info Guide V2.0 to c
    CVert.lha          comm/irc    15K  11+Monetary Exchange Converter run from AmI
    Text.lha           comm/irc    16K   6+(3.1) Text effects plugin for AmIRC 3+
    Typo.lha           comm/irc    14K   6+(2.0) Typo fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+
    mgstags.lha        comm/mail    2K   4+Metal Gear Solid - YAM taglines collecti
    sfftagspl.lha      comm/mail    6K   4+SF and Fantasy books - YAM taglines PL
    YAT.lha            comm/mail  584K  10+Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM
    amigalj.lha        comm/misc   27K   5+Amiga LiveJournal Client (0.1 Alpha) (MU
    EZPagerMI.lha      comm/misc   10K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for EZPagerNG
    LCR-I.lha          comm/misc   78K  11+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
    SpitfireMI.lha     comm/misc   16K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for Spitfire
    AMarquee.lha       comm/net   317K   8+V53.0 TCP Data Broadcast System (library
    AmiComSysMI.lha    comm/net    28K   5+GlowIcons Toolbar for AmiComSys
    CharonMI.lha       comm/net    11K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for Charon
    Charon_Fre.lha     comm/net    25K   6+French localization for Charon v1.98
    Charon_Slo.lha     comm/net    25K   6+Slovenian localization for Charon v1.98
    ProNET-C.lha       comm/net    19K   4+Gui for easy use of ProNET. Version 1.0
    NCoasterMI.lha     comm/news   14K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for NewsCoaster
    nc_update_beta.lha comm/news  164K   5+NewsCoaster Full Version (v1.51) (MUI)
    NewsCoasterMI.lha  comm/news   14K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for NewsCoaster
    newscoastersrc.lha comm/news  170K   5+NewsCoaster Source Code (v1.51 - 17.4.20
    newscoaster_b.lha  comm/news  412K   5+NewsCoaster Full Version (v1.51) (MUI)
    slrn-BIN.lha       comm/news  1.2M   9+SLang Read News - A GPL usenet newsreade
    AmiDiction.lha     comm/tcp    26K   6+Online Dictionary
    AmiDynDNS.lha      comm/tcp    57K client v1.0 BETA
    BabelDoc.lha       comm/tcp    34K   6+Translate docs or strings from one langu
    BenderIRC.lha      comm/tcp   115K   6+BenderIRC
    facts.lha          comm/tcp   135K   6+V4.9 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
    gelbesPanel.lha    comm/tcp    25K   6+Another MiamiDx Control Panel
    MiamiPhoneMI.lha   comm/tcp    11K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for MiamiPhone
    muibwmiamipane.lha comm/tcp   145K   5+MUI MiamiDx BWin Control Panel
    MuiMiamiMI.lha     comm/tcp    10K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for MuiNLMiamiPanel
    muinlmiamipane.lha comm/tcp   134K   8+MUI MiamiDx control Panel
    qadsl.lha          comm/tcp    23K   6+QADSL, login utility for Telia AB ADSL a
    QueSO.lha          comm/tcp    42K   8+QueSO/8.0 find out what OS a host runs
    rc-ftpd.lha        comm/tcp    95K   6+The best ftp server for Amiga (main)
    rc-ftpd_cpu.lha    comm/tcp   121K   6+The best ftp server for Amiga (680x0)
    Rc-Ftpd_GR.lha     comm/tcp    23K   6+Greek locale + guide for Rc-Ftpd 2.41
    rc-ftpd_loc.lha    comm/tcp    78K   6+The best ftp server for Amiga (language)
    yaircc.lha         comm/tcp    12K   8+Yet another irc client 
    YGM.lha            comm/tcp   167K   6+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
    ApacheMI.lha       comm/www    86K   6+GlowIcons for Apache Servers
    AWebMI.lha         comm/www    82K   4+A GlowIcons Collection for AWeb
    chameleon.lha      comm/www    24K   8+YAM Web interface - Access YAM via WWW
    GiambyMI.lha       comm/www    12K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for GiambyNetGrabber
    GuardAmy_PL.lha    comm/www    11K  11+GuardAmy v1.2 - polish localization
    IBrowseMI.lha      comm/www    33K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for IBrowse
    MetalWebMI.lha     comm/www    18K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for MetalWeb
    MicroDotMI.lha     comm/www    25K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for MicroDOT 2
    NewsRogMI.lha      comm/www    21K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for NewsRog
    NewsSpeech-0.5.lha comm/www   416K   5+NewsSpeech v0.5 - Just grab the News and
    streamer.lha       comm/www    86K  12+Internet radio - Shoutcast player
    TaskiSMSMI.lha     comm/www    12K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for TaskiSMS
    VoyagerMI.lha      comm/www    14K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for Voyager
    C_S-freebased.lha  demo/aga    60K   9+AGA intro by C-Lous
    IwantToBelieve.lha demo/aga    59K   9+"I Want To Belive It", Arkham's 64kb int
    toroids.lha        demo/aga   1.7M   4+AGA demo created in DemoMania by Horizon
    wpz-frozen48.lha   demo/aga   854K   5+Frozen#48 - Mekka&Symposium Party Editio
    wpz-frozen49.lha   demo/aga   624K   5+Frozen#49 - The Gathering Party Edition 
    Apathy-DolleDo.lha demo/euro  392K   6+"D lle D ck" - A demo by Apathy 
    APT-Get.lha        demo/euro  263K   9+"Get Tough!" - A Demo By Apathy
    APT-LP01.lha       demo/euro  207K   9+"The Lost Puppy" - A Demo By Apathy
    EPH-Coma.lha       demo/euro    4K   6+"Coma" - A 4KB Intro By Ephidrena 
    JennaLovesEPH.lha  demo/euro  145K   6+"JennaLovesEHP" - A Demo By Ephidrena 
    KNG-BackToPlan.lha demo/euro   59K   6+"Back To Planet Earth" - A 64KB Intro by
    LNS-TheCastle.lha  demo/euro   64K   6+"The Castle" - A 64KB Intro by Loonies 
    msresults.txt      demo/euro   26K   6+Results From Mekka^Symposium 2002
    Potion-PlanetP.lha demo/euro  125K   6+"Planet Potion" - A 64KB Intro by Potion
    PsychoticRobot.lha demo/euro    2K   6+"PsychoticRobot" - A 4KB Intro By Squirr
    Scarab-Nano.lha    demo/euro    6K   6+"Nano" - A 4KB intro by Scarab 
    SPB-Spasmania.lha  demo/euro    4K   6+"Spasmania" - A 4KB Intro By Spaceballs 
    SPB-Understand.lha demo/euro   62K   6+"Understand" - A 64KB Intro By Spaceball
    SPT-Bubble2.lha    demo/euro   64K   6+"Bubble 2" - An intro by Specter 
    tlu-pt00.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt01.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt02.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt03.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt04.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt05.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt06.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt07.lha       demo/file   19M  23+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt08.lha       demo/file   19M  22+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt09.lha       demo/file   19M  22+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt10.lha       demo/file   19M  21+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt11.lha       demo/file   19M  22+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt12.lha       demo/file   19M  22+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    tlu-pt13.lha       demo/file  5.0M  22+Wild-demo by Temal/Tulou
    dlm-slamtilt.lha   demo/intro  13K   9+Slamtilt cracktro from Delirium
    EarthQuake.lha     demo/intro  57K  12+Old AGA Intro, just a little bugfix.
    flt-cabal.lha      demo/intro   2K   9+Cabal Cracktro from Fairlight
    isn-primalrage.lha demo/intro   4K   9+Primal Rage cracktro from Insane
    ITC-Squ.lha        demo/intro  36K   9+"Square Porridge" - Intro By Instinct (T
    mad-cabal.lha      demo/intro  27K   9+Cabal Cracktro from MAD
    mln-joeandmac.lha  demo/intro   7K   9+Joe & Mac cracktro from Melon
    mln-zyconix.lha    demo/intro  24K   9+Zyconix cracktro by Melon
    tbd-rampage.lha    demo/intro   5K   9+Rampage cracktro by The Band
    tgnfullcontact.lha demo/intro  10K   9+Full Contact cracktro from The Goonies
    trsiprimalrage.lha demo/intro   7K   9+Primal Rage cracktro from TRSI
    winterolympics.lha demo/intro   2K   9+Winter Olympics cracktro from Amigasoft
    DKG-ST17.lha       demo/mag   2.0M   6+Showtime #17 by Darkage!
    obligement30.lha   demo/mag   739K  11+Obligement #30 - The Famous FRENCH fanzi
    obligement31.lha   demo/mag   814K  11+Obligement #31 - The Famous FRENCH fanzi
    MDS-LLO1fix.lha    demo/sound 318K   5+Moods Presents New Chippack "Legloland #
    nlw_source.lha     dev/amos   226K   6+NL_Winner AMOS source code
    PowerBackup.lha    dev/amos   112K  11+Backup program V1.01 - with source
    CRC32.lha          dev/asm      1K   9+CRC32 in 68k assembler by zeeball
    snma_2_11.lha      dev/asm    132K   5+680x0/6888x Amiga macro assembler
    amiblitz2.26.lha   dev/basic  588K   4+New Blitzbasic2 Version with FPU etc (in
    AST_HBRoutines.lha dev/basic   16K  11+AmiSpaTra's Hisoft Basic routines v1.0
    BlitzLstFeb02.lha  dev/basic  303K  11+Blitz mailing list archives for Febuary 
    BlitzLstMar02.lha  dev/basic  101K   4+Blitz mailing list archives for March 20
    MBPrefs.lha        dev/basic   18K   6+Xternal Prefs for MaxonBasic3 (HBC.opts)
    musicnotes.lha     dev/basic    1K   5+Calculate freq of notes in 10 octaves
    Dorkalize.lha      dev/c      181K  11+Very powerful localization tool, v0.91
    cmdline.lha        dev/cross  110K   9+Commandline utilities for C64 crossdevel
    2b_LibSnooper.lha  dev/debug   43K  10+Kind of debugger patching library functi
    Blowup.lha         dev/debug   29K   9+Catches and displays task errors
    codeblue-amiga.lha dev/gg      31K   6+CodeBlue scans Apache access logs for Wo
    ming-0.2.lha       dev/gg     1.3M   6+MING v0.2 - the SWF (Flash) producer too
    ncc-0.5.lha        dev/gg     182K   6+NCC - C source program analysis tool for
    CIT.lha            dev/gui    125K  11+A C++ GUI dev system
    feelin.lha         dev/gui    249K  10+2.00 (14-03-02) Brand new, powerful and 
    Feelin.lha         dev/gui    299K   6+2.10 (07-04-02) New, Powerful and Standa
    AmigaTalk.lha      dev/lang   1.1M   9+V2.0 of AmigaTalk (Smalltalk GUI)
    Rapidoc.lha        dev/lang   509K   5+New document description language
    fd2pragma.lha      dev/misc   196K  11+V2.145 create pragma, inline, ... files
    FlexCat.lha        dev/misc    99K   9+2.5b - Flexible catalogs (C, Asm, Oberon
    FlexCat_0x0.lha    dev/misc    29K   9+2.5b - patch files for 020,040,060 binar
    FlexCat_Demos.lha  dev/misc    35K   9+2.5b - Source examples (C/HSPascal/ARexx
    FlexCat_Src.lha    dev/misc    33K   9+2.5b - portable FlexCat source files
    MCC_BWin.lha       dev/mui     34K   5+MUI public borderless window class
    MCC_SpeedBar.lha   dev/mui    116K   5+Highly configurable toolbar class
    MCC_SpeedBarSP.lha dev/mui      7K   9+SpeedBar 13 spanish catalogs v1.3
    3d-fraktal.lha     dev/src     29K   9+Animated 3D-fractal using OpenGL
    Bouncing_Cube.lha  dev/src    183K   6+Animated bouncing cube (OpenGL)
    CollidingStars.lha dev/src    181K   6+3d collision detection using bounding sp
    CollStars.lha      dev/src    181K   5+3d collision detection using bounding sp
    earth.lha          dev/src    178K   8+OpenGL rotating globe
    RocketCar12.lha    dev/src     44K   6+Drive a raytraced car in a window (OpenG
    teddycvs163.lha    dev/src    665K   8+Gl port of Elite
    CDCat22_HU.lha     disk/cdrom  17K   9+Hungarian catalog for CDCat2.2
    EjectTool.lha      disk/cdrom   2K   6+V1.6 Eject your CD, DVD, ZIP, MO, Tape a
    FryingPan.lha      disk/cdrom 197K   6+A tiny toy for burning CDs [early versio
    GIBing.lha         disk/cdrom  11K   4+Show informations about CDDA using CDDB.
    AllowbadGUI.lha    disk/misc    3K   6+GUI for Allowbad from Mikolaj Calusinski
    cfd.lha            disk/misc   80K   5+Use CompactFlash cards in your PCMCIA sl
    diskimage.lha      disk/misc   67K   5+Mount any disk image file as a DOS devic
    JsplitIt.lha       disk/misc   54K   8+Split & join files between Amiga & IBM w
    muFS4513p.lha      disk/misc   26K   5+MultiUser patch for OS3.5/OS3.9 FastFile
    SFSC4AD.lha        disk/misc   17K   8+SmartFileSystem Config For All Devices
    SFSconfig.lha      disk/misc   64K   5+Sets parameters for SFS partitions (1.4,
    SFSobject.lha      disk/misc   72K   5+Sets SFS object attributes with source (
    Zip4mat.lha        disk/misc   99K   6+Automatically prep & format your zip dis
    Bitplane.txt       docs/anno    2K   6+Bitplane: printed italian Amiga Magazine
    tshooter.lha       docs/help   91K   6+Troubleshooter - problem help system *OL
    AmigaPower.lha     docs/hyper  74K  11+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine (March
    FamAmigaUses.lha   docs/hyper  21K   6+A guide about famous Amiga uses!
    SaltLakeCity_G.lha docs/hyper  14K   8+Results (and more) of 2002 olympic games
    ThePolice_guid.lha docs/hyper  45K   9+The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more
    NotizieAmiga.lha   docs/lists 1.2M   8+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 03/2002 (Itali
    Aakt0302GFX.lha    docs/mags  494K  11+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0302GUIDE.lha  docs/mags   92K  11+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0302HTML.lha   docs/mags  247K  11+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0402GFX.lha    docs/mags  440K   6+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    Aakt0402GUIDE.lha  docs/mags   89K   6+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
    AIOV35.lha         docs/mags  632K  11+Amiga Information Online, Issue 35 (Apri
    AIOV58.lha         docs/mags  752K   4+Amiga Information Online, Issue 58 (Apri
    AmigaFuture35.lha  docs/mags  573K  10+Great german paper mag preview
    AmigaFuture36.lha  docs/mags  514K   4+Great german paper mag preview
    Bitplane2.lha      docs/mags   54K  10+Italian printed magazine preview
    Fireball8.lha      docs/mags  1.2M   6+German Entertainment Magazine
    GorzkaDusza01.lha  docs/mags  194K   6+G.F.A. group's diskmag (AmigaGuide) <<<P
    GorzkaDusza02.lha  docs/mags  183K   6+G.F.A. group's diskmag (AmigaGuide) <<<P
    GorzkaDusza03.lha  docs/mags  487K   6+G.F.A. group's diskmag (AmigaGuide) <<<P
    NoCover97.lha      docs/mags  1.7M   6+German Amiga Disk Mag - April Issue (Nr.
    Soul01.lha         docs/mags   43K   6+Packmag Soul (AmigaGuide) - news about A
    Kalisz.lha         docs/misc  513K   6+Guide ***POLISH ONLY*** about city of Ka
    AxisAlliesGM.lha   game/board 480K   6+World War II simulation wargame
    TTT-3D.lha         game/board 216K   6+A raytraced TicTacToe Game (German only)
    twarden.lha        game/board 281K   5+Oh No! Traffic Warden (board game)
    F1GP_2002.lha      game/data    9K   4+2002 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (28 Apri
    HiredGuns_Maps.lha game/data  202K  10+Hired Guns extra levels
    Mailman2_Track.lha game/data    8K   6+Extra track for XTR
    MRP_Amelie.lha     game/data  1.0M   8+New Cardset for MarryAmPic
    PBDemoUp01.lha     game/demo  107K   9+PuzzleBOBS DEMO Update 01
    PBDemoUp02.lha     game/demo   95K   9+PuzzleBOBS DEMO Update 02
    PuzzleBOBS.lha     game/demo  3.3M   9+PuzzleBOBS DEMO
    minerunner18.lha   game/jump  366K   5+Arcade like Loderunner, 1-4 Players
    Labyrinth.lha      game/misc   12K   5+Find your way through the Labyrinth.
    TCOT.lha           game/misc  704K   6+Blitz Basic maze game.
    TotalChaosAGA.lha  game/misc   30M   4+640x512x256 colors @24fps Magic & Monste
    WarringWorms.lha   game/misc  375K   9+Warring Worms - Atari2600 Game, translat
    WormWars.lha       game/misc  689K   5+Worm Wars 7.0: Advanced snake game
    PBTrainer.lha      game/patch   1K   5+Payback Trainer with cool features!
    SongPlayer_GR.lha  game/patch  18K   9+Greek locale + guide for SongPlayer 1.53
    SWOSEdLoc_GR.lha   game/patch   5K  10+Greek locale catalog for SWOS Ed 1.85
    eyangband.lha      game/role  856K   4+EyAngband 0.4.3 - Roguelike solo RPG
    Scott.lha          game/role   74K  10+Adventure interpreter for Scott Adams cl
    kill_em.lha        game/shoot 161K   6+A "Kill'em all" game
    poweroids13.lha    game/shoot 333K   5+Arcade game like Asteroids, 1-4 Players
    stardefender11.lha game/shoot 286K   5+Arcade classic, runs in multitasking
    zerberk14.lha      game/shoot 110K   5+Arcade game like Berzerk, 1-4 Players
    Chips.lha          game/think  43K   5+Build computer from Chips.
    colourlines.lha    game/think 107K   5+Logical ball game
    Kostky_v1.96.lha   game/think 332K  11+Czech logical game KOSTKY v1.96
    Seachess.lha       game/think  19K   5+Tic-Tac-Toe; Source included. V1.2
    Swapper.lha        game/think  53K  11+A nice game for 1-4 players
    AmiKniffel.lha     game/wb    158K   6+A Yet another YahZee for WB (German only
    BM_II_Key.lha      game/wb      0K   9+Buergermeister Free Key - manage your ci
    Create_a_Q.lha     game/wb     46K   4+Create and play your own 'Q' games!
    TTT.lha            game/wb    111K   6+A simple TicTacToe Game (German only)
    X_Q.lha            game/wb     41K   8+An 'X' shaped peg game (Update)
    kray.lha           gfx/3d     515K   9+Freeware raytracer v1.0
    lookat.lha         gfx/3d     547K   6+VRML2 viewer from the openvrml distro
    w3d_cpu_ppc.lha    gfx/3d      19K  12+Warp3D software render driver for PPC/WO
    cgxbplib.lha       gfx/board   96K  10+CXGBootPic.Library for CyberGraphX Syste
    Anim2gif.lha       gfx/conv   152K   6+Converts and rescales an amiga animation
    Anim2mpegB.lha     gfx/conv   264K   8+Converts amiga animations to mpeg animat
    Anim2mpegS.lha     gfx/conv   282K   8+Converts amiga animations to mpeg animat
    Anim2qt.lha        gfx/conv   167K   8+Converts and rescales an amiga animation
    Mp2anim.lha        gfx/conv   272K   8+Converts & scales mpeg animations to ami
    PNGTool.lha        gfx/conv   102K   8+Converts any type of image to PNG (1.3)
    WhirlPool.lha      gfx/conv   196K   9+Yet another Gui for WhirlGIF v2.2 (D)
    onda.lha           gfx/edit   162K   4+Make AnimGif with GFX effetcs x web page
    PhotoMI.lha        gfx/edit    46K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for Photogenics
    FlashMandelWOS.lha gfx/fract  967K   9+The best Mandelbrot & Julia fractals ren
    AmiMDCMI.lha       gfx/misc    15K  11+A GlowIconsSet for AmiMDS800
    GetMpegInfo.lha    gfx/misc    23K   5+Shows a lot of Mpeg Informations
    palette.lha        gfx/misc    22K  11+Color setup tool with 5 register values
    ppmtovtx.lha       gfx/pbm     33K   9+PPM to Videotex (Teletext/Viewdata)
    PegaThlon.lha      gfx/show    62K   4+Mpeg Video player suitable for Amithlon 
    PicShow.lha        gfx/show    60K   4+Datatype picture viewer for directory to
    wbmpview.lha       gfx/show     6K   6+Cli tool to view wbmp files
    BetaScanDev.lha    hard/drivr 186K   5+BetaScan Device Development
    a1200kbpcb.lha     hard/hack   96K   5+A Logical choice in A1200 tower keyboard
    DiabloMon.lha      hard/hack   33K   9+Diavolo Backup monitor on i2c LED displa
    mccontrol.lha      hard/hack  772K  11+V1.68 PSX MemoryCard Reader
    MMKeyboard.lha     hard/hack  340K   6+V2.11 Use entire Multmedia Keyboard on A
    protapp.lha        hard/hack   18K   5+Protection for Amiga parallel port 
    TestCard.lha       hard/hack  232K   6+Testcard generator for PAL/NTSC systems.
    TestGear-Notes.lha hard/hack  740K   4+Test equipment projects, general notes.
    TestGear1.lha      hard/hack  332K   4+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 1. 
    MyLang_HU.lha      misc/edu     2K   9+Hungarian catalog for MyLang
    akiko.lzh          misc/emu   1.7M   4+The CD32/CDTV emulator for Win95 and up
    ASpEmu_NOROM.lha   misc/emu    97K  11+V0.82 48K/128K/+2 Spectrum emulator.
    bnuview.lha        misc/emu    27K   9+Shows graphics within a ROM file. GB NES
    mamediff.lha       misc/emu    26K   5+Util to identify Mame Rom V1.09
    mame_NCK.lha       misc/emu   1.2M   4+Little version of Mame Based on 0.36.8
    NuLib22.lha        misc/emu   191K   4+Extract files from Apple // ShrinkIt arc
    cfaves1.lha        misc/kids  358K   6+Children's Favourites 1
    cfaves2.lha        misc/kids  336K   5+Children's Favourites 2
    cfaves3.lha        misc/kids  295K   6+Children's Favourites 3
    yacas-mos.lha      misc/math  654K  11+Math Program like MatLab, v1.0.49 -Morph
    yacas.lha          misc/math  1.0M  11+Math Program like MatLab, v1.0.49
    Bible_Search.lha   misc/misc  1.9M   5+Bible_Search v1.0a
    NotifyWait.lha     misc/misc    3K  12+"Wait For File" by zeeball (+asm source)
    Traduct_Fr.lha     misc/misc  100K  11+Various French Translations (French Only
    atomactivity.lha   misc/sci    18K   9+A turbocalc sheet to compute atom activi
    cont_sim.lha       misc/sci    41K  11+PID/Fuzzy Control Simulator
    da3v48.lha         misc/sci   2.1M  10+Update Digital Almanac III V4.0 to V4.8
    drawgraph.lha      misc/sci    42K  11+Draws graphs from data sets
    radii.lha          misc/sci     1K   9+A turbocalc sheet to compute atom radius
    4chrlz.lha         mods/blkha 119K  11+Techno PT mod by blakkhar
    easy.lha           mods/blkha  24K   6+Chip PT mod by blakkhar
    onesmptrk.lha      mods/blkha  11K   6+Techno PT mod by blakkhar
    64K_RAM.lzh        mods/chip   58K   9+Chip tune with SID samples by Pero-Fotar
    Blue_Clouds.lzh    mods/chip    7K   8+Chip tune by Pero-Fotar
    Parallel_World.lzh mods/melod 716K   8+Melodic module by Pero-Fotar 
    1-Sharks_CD32.mpg  mods/mpg   3.7M   9+Orig. Soundrack (1) of Sharks!CD32
    2-Sharks_CD32.mpg  mods/mpg   5.3M   6+Orig. Soundrack (2) of Sharks!CD32
    3-Sharks_CD32.mpg  mods/mpg   3.7M   6+Orig. Soundrack (3) of Sharks!CD32
    4-Sharks_CD32.mpg  mods/mpg   3.2M   6+Orig. Soundrack (4) of Sharks!CD32
    rno-r071.mpg       mods/mpg   6.9M  10+Rno-records release #71 by Deeq(Goa)
    rno-r072.mpg       mods/mpg   5.2M   8+Rno-records release #72 by CIE(dNb)
    rno-r073.mpg       mods/mpg   5.0M   5+Rno-records release #73 by Jipsu(progres
    rno-r074.mpg       mods/mpg   8.3M   5+Rno-records release #74 by Krii(tekno)
    WildMachine.mpg    mods/mpg   3.1M   5+Revealing 5 mix of an old 8 bit mod by '
    Terminator2mix.lha mods/pro   182K   6+"Terminator 2 - MIX", techno-style, by E
    vdo_neur.lha       mods/vdo   339K   6+Neurostatic plasma [xm 18ch]
    si-lsfrg.lzh       mods/xm    176K   5+Happy Rave
    si-tranc.lzh       mods/xm    244K   5+D.I.A.C.'s last track - Dreamdance Tranc
    AmySequencer.lha   mus/edit   150K   5+MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
    CrapTrack.lha      mus/edit   303K  11+Ultimate back-to-basics tracker
    MP3TagEditor.lha   mus/edit    39K  10+Editor of MP3's ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags
    GetAudioInfo.lha   mus/misc    19K   5+Shows audio infos without datatypes
    Lame68k.lha        mus/misc   336K   5+Lame 3.91, mp3 encoder
    mp32html.lha       mus/misc    76K   5+V3.0 - HTML listings of your MP3 files!
    mp32html_deu.lha   mus/misc     3K   5+German locale for MP3-2-HTML 3.0.
    mp3tocdda.lha      mus/misc    11K   9+Decode mp3-files to CDDA (intel & Motoro
    SecondSpin_GR.lha  mus/misc     5K   8+Greek locale catalog for SecondSpin 2.18
    TheMPegEncGUI.lha  mus/misc    91K   6+GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pe
    Amoralplay1.7.lha  mus/play   151K   4+Plays SIDSONGS, OctamedSS, mods etc!
    BaxPlayer.lha      mus/play    32K  10+Multi-format module player.
    EP_Polski.lha      mus/play    25K   4+Catalog files for Eagleplayer V2.01
    EP_Soundcontr.lha  mus/play    15K   4+EaglePlayer "Soundcontrol" external repl
    EP_SoundMaster.lha mus/play     5K   9+EaglePlayer "Sound Master" external repl
    EP_SpecialFX.lha   mus/play     7K   4+EaglePlayer "Special FX" external replay
    EP_TFMX.lha        mus/play    11K   9+EaglePlayer "TFMX" external replayer
    EP_TFMX7V.lha      mus/play    13K   9+EaglePlayer "TFMX 7V" external player
    EP_TFMXPro.lha     mus/play    20K   9+EaglePlayer "TFMX Pro" external replayer
    mayhem_deli.lha    mus/play    38K   9+MAYhem replayer for DT2 (test version)
    SongPlayer_GR.lha  mus/play    18K   9+Greek locale + guide for SongPlayer 1.53
    SongPlayer_pl.lha  mus/play     3K  11+Polish locale for SongPlayer 1.53
    caveman.lha        pix/anim   227K   8+A moviesetter animation
    Anabolic_Koala.lha pix/art     63K   8+Anabolic Koala
    CoolOS11.jpg       pix/art     82K  12+A cool wallpaper for your WB
    CoolOS12.jpg       pix/art    117K  12+A cool wallpaper for your WB
    expicon_wallpa.jpg pix/art    106K  12+A cool wallpaper for your WB
    funkydesktop1.jpg  pix/art    101K  12+A cool wallpaper for your WB
    funkydesktop2.jpg  pix/art     94K  10+A cool wallpaper for your WB
    invasion.jpg       pix/art    100K  10+Amiga invasion wallpaper
    AncientOwl.jpg     pix/back   178K   5+Workbench backgorund (1280x1024)
    AOSbackground.jpg  pix/back   264K   8+Background for Workbench(1024x768)
    BrightEyes.jpg     pix/back   162K   6+Background for Workbench(800X600)
    FromHell.lha       pix/back   607K   4+3 Pictures of an Amiga surrounded by fla
    JackdropHR1_Eu.jpg pix/back   394K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR1_Oz.jpg pix/back   391K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR1_US.jpg pix/back   393K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR2_Oz.jpg pix/back   462K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR2_US.jpg pix/back   462K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR3_Eu.jpg pix/back   304K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR3_Oz.jpg pix/back   304K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR3_US.jpg pix/back   303K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR4_Eu.jpg pix/back   473K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR4_Oz.jpg pix/back   449K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropHR4_US.jpg pix/back   461K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR1_Eu.jpg pix/back   139K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR1_Oz.jpg pix/back   138K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR1_US.jpg pix/back   138K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR2_Eu.jpg pix/back   158K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR2_Oz.jpg pix/back   158K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR2_US.jpg pix/back   158K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR3_Eu.jpg pix/back   106K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR3_US.jpg pix/back   105K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR4_Eu.jpg pix/back   179K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR4_Oz.jpg pix/back   174K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    JackdropLR4_US.jpg pix/back   177K  11+Boing themed Hi-Res backdrop for Workben
    Y_LAcunaWB.lha     pix/back   279K   4+WB Background (800x600)
    AmiSDMI.lha        pix/gicon   14K   6+Images for AmiShutdown (German only)
    ClassMI.lha        pix/gicon   33K   4+A GlowIconsSet for ClassAction
    DataMI.lha         pix/gicon  105K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for DataM II
    muiMI.lha          pix/gicon   13K   6+Images for MUI
    PlayMI.lha         pix/gicon   38K   4+A GlowIconsSet for PlayGUI
    strICQMI.lha       pix/gicon   11K   6+GlowIcons for strICQ (ReAction GUI)
    VideoMI.lha        pix/gicon   11K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for MUIVideo
    WB2000MI.lha       pix/gicon   61K   4+GlowIcons Toolbar for Workbench 2000
    WorkOnMI.lha       pix/gicon   26K   4+A GlowIconsSet for WorkOn
    cesw03.jpg         pix/henz   263K   9+C-3PO and R2-D2
    cesw05.jpg         pix/henz   219K   9+Yoda on Dagobah (Star Wars)
    Albatross.jpg      pix/imagi   10K   4+Imagining a bridge
    3PMguiMI.lha       pix/misc     5K   5+A Skin for 3MGgui based on AppMI
    AmigaBoingV.lha    pix/misc   247K   5+Amiga Logo 1600x1200 (ILBM24) for printi
    AmigaWizard.jpg    pix/misc   104K   5+Magic in my hand
    AmiMDCMI.lha       pix/misc    16K   5+A GlowIconsSet for AmiMDS800
    AudioMI.lha        pix/misc    24K  11+A GlowIconsSet for AudioMaster 2k
    Bridge.jpg         pix/misc   133K   6+Picture of very strange bridge
    Corridor.jpg       pix/misc   133K   6+Picture of Corridor of...
    Hell.lha           pix/misc   607K   4+3 Pictures of an Amiga surrounded by fla
    obligement-32.jpg  pix/misc   155K  10+Obligement's cover
    Pentium1Toilet.jpg pix/misc   500K   9+A Pentium1 chip in my toilet (where it b
    Satire01-Apr01.jpg pix/misc    31K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire02-May01.jpg pix/misc    45K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire03-May01.jpg pix/misc    41K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire04-May01.jpg pix/misc    37K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire05-Jun01.jpg pix/misc    33K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire06-Oct01.jpg pix/misc    37K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire07-Nov01.jpg pix/misc    36K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire08-Nov01.jpg pix/misc    20K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    Satire09-Mar02.jpg pix/misc    49K   4+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on 
    sgd-strip_7.lha    pix/misc    46K   8+[ancor] StarGround darkness
    sgd-strip_8.lha    pix/misc    47K   8+[ancor] StarGround darkness
    TotalChaosS1.jpg   pix/misc   187K   5+TotalChaosAGA Screenshot of Dungeon Wars
    TotalChaosS2.jpg   pix/misc   305K   5+TotalChaosAGA Screenshot of Exploration 
    BillTechTV.mpg     pix/mpg     82M  10+Bill McEwen on TechTV
    TA_Intro.mpg       pix/mpg     32M   8+Alien Breed Tower Assault CD32 Intro
    TA_Outro.mpg       pix/mpg    7.5M   8+Alien Breed Tower Assault CD32 Outro
    cepris01.jpg       pix/trace  266K   9+Pris with her cameras
    Alecos-WB-07.jpg   pix/wb     180K   7+Workbench Screenshot 1024x768 16 Bit by 
    Alecos-WB-08.jpg   pix/wb     210K   6+Workbench Screenshot 1024x768 16 Bit by 
    Alecos-WB-09.jpg   pix/wb     188K   6+Workbench Screenshot 1024x768 16 Bit by 
    Alecos-WB-10.jpg   pix/wb     215K   5+Workbench Screenshot 1024x768 16 Bit by 
    Alecos-WB-11.jpg   pix/wb     183K   5+Workbench Screenshot 1024x768 16 Bit by 
    beautifulamiga.jpg pix/wb      62K   6+Beautiful MorphOS/Amiga Backdrop
    BobbensWB3.0.jpg   pix/wb     126K   6+Screenshot of Bobbens WB 3.0...
    BobbensWB3.5.jpg   pix/wb     196K   6+Screenshot of Bobbens WB 3.5...
    BobbensWB3.9-1.jpg pix/wb     220K   6+Screenshot of Bobbens WB 3.9-1...
    BobbensWB3.9-2.jpg pix/wb     147K   6+Screenshot of Bobbens WB 3.9-2...
    BobbensWB3.9-3.jpg pix/wb     169K   6+Screenshot of Bobbens WB 3.9-3...
    jackdrops.lha      pix/wb      12M  11+Boing themed backdrops for Workbench
    jzwb.lha           pix/wb     273K   5+The Ultimate Mind Extension
    LombiWB.lha        pix/wb     570K   8+Two grabs of my WB, one with RTG & one w
    lorys_SS.lha       pix/wb     359K   8+My grab of shapeshifter on my A1200t Bli
    winuae_mail.jpg    pix/wb     224K  12+My WinUAE WB
    winuae_media.jpg   pix/wb     167K  12+My WinUAE WB
    winuae_sdl.jpg     pix/wb     158K  12+My WinUAE WB
    winuae_wb.jpg      pix/wb     182K  12+My WinUAE WB
    winuae_web.jpg     pix/wb     239K  12+My WinUAE WB
    AGJustify.lha      text/edit   12K  12+ARexx script for formatting AmigaGuides
    html-php.lha       text/edit   25K   6+Parser: HTML,PHP,JavaScript,HSC,JSP,ASP.
    CharMap.lha        text/font   75K   4+Display the whole charset of a given fon
    AntiwordAmigaP.lha text/misc    3K  11+AmigaPL Charset 4 Antiword 
    htmldoc.lha        text/misc  2.1M   5+Convert HTML to PDF,PostScript...v1.8.19
    HTMLstrip.lha      text/misc   26K   8+HTML stripper which can also replace HTM
    OneLine.lha        text/misc  167K   5+Fixes Text Faults with GUI
    StripCR.lha        text/misc   25K   8+Removes CR (carriage returns) from text 
    Typeface124.lha    text/misc  261K   8+Bitmap font editor
    xsltproc.lha       text/misc  314K   8+XSLT processor, transform an XML file wi
    SimplePostMI.lha   text/print  23K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for SimplePost
    EvenMI.lha         text/show   36K   4+A GlowIconsSet for Evenmore
    EvenMore.lha       text/show  884K  10+V0.59: Prof. textviewer. Now plugin supp
    Ucode.lha          text/show  1.1M   9+A Unicode implementation for the Amiga
    UcodeGlyphPak1.lha text/show  541K   9+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 1
    UcodeGlyphs2.lha   text/show   95K   5+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 2
    UcodeGlyphs3.lha   text/show  706K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 3
    UcodeGlyphs4.lha   text/show  906K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 4
    UcodeGlyphs5.lha   text/show  963K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 5
    UcodeGlyphs6.lha   text/show  944K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 6
    UcodeGlyphs7.lha   text/show  922K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 7
    UcodeGlyphs8.lha   text/show  954K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 8
    UcodeGlyphs9.lha   text/show  915K   4+Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 9
    CheckX.lha         util/arc    29K  11+V1.87 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus
    MiniMen.lha        util/batch  97K   8+A GUI menu program with many application
    autoexec.bat.lha   util/boot   13K   8+The best easy way to boot on 2 startup-s
    Bekuna.lha         util/boot  102K   8+Hallo user programm V1.5 German only!
    PatchRAM.lha       util/boot   19K   6+Patch Os 3.9 BB2 RAM-Handler to show rig
    ShellUpdate.lha    util/boot  100K   6+Update Os 3.9 BB2 Shell to 45.8
    ToolsDaemon22.lha  util/boot   15K  11+Patches for ToolsDaemon to work with OS 
    WBSP_Prefs.lha     util/boot   68K  11+New preferences editor for WBStartup+ an
    Execution.lha      util/cli   122K  10+A "Execute Command..." Replacement (Ger)
    pcopy.lha          util/cli    12K   9+Like AmigaDos copy; with progress, time 
    AmCurrency.lha     util/conv  198K   6+Currency converter - uses rates from www
    lex2txt.lha        util/conv    8K   6+Lexicon to ASCII converter
    TxtToHTMLv1.2.lha  util/conv   61K   9+Converts txt files to HTML Docs (+GUI)
    xlhtml-mos.lha     util/conv  101K   5+Convert Excel/PowerPoint files to HTML, 
    xlhtml.lha         util/conv   83K   5+Convert Excel/PowerPoint files to HTML, 
    BrowserII_key.lha  util/dir     0K  11+V3.09 key, Workbench-like directory/file
    FolderSync.lha     util/dir    33K   6+Synchronise two folders automagically!
    GEMImageDT.lha     util/dtype  21K   8+Datatype for GEM pictures (IMG files)
    JPEG-DT.lha        util/dtype 434K   8+New Datatype for JPEG Images (43.6a)
    PCD-DT.lha         util/dtype 141K   8+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (43.14a)
    RGFX-DT.lha        util/dtype 126K   8+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (43.16a)
    cvs-1.11.1p1.lha   util/gnu   724K  11+CVS 1.11.1p1 - Concurrent Versions Syste
    muitoolkit-2.1.lha util/libs   42K   6+The MUI Toolkit library (FREE)
    muitoolkit-src.lha util/libs   44K   6+The MUI Toolkit library (FREE)
    ttrender.lha       util/libs  467K   5+TrueType text rendering engine (v 2.0)
    AminetIdxMI.lha    util/misc   12K   5+GlowIcons Toolbar for AminetIdx
    AslToRT.lha        util/misc   24K   6+Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
    LC2.lha            util/misc  274K   8+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
    MetaToolPrefs.lha  util/misc  118K   5+Edits MetaTool config files. Good for M.
    nlwinner.lha       util/misc  349K   6+UK National Lottery Predictor/Database
    ReportPlus.lha     util/misc  539K   5+Report+ 5.4: Multipurpose utility
    ResetRun2.lha      util/misc   10K   8+Resets your computer and runs a given pr
    ssutils.lha        util/misc  220K   6+Garden Designer and property database
    RunTime.lha        util/moni   49K   9+V1.10 computer run time monitor (Germany
    Sysmon120.lha      util/moni  158K   6+System monitor and enhancer based on a s
    WheelMouseSupp.lha util/mouse  22K   6+V1.21 Wheel Mouse Driver
    xpkBZP2.lha        util/pack   80K   6+Bzip2 xpk compression library (68k,WarpO
    FWCalendar.lha     util/rexx  424K  12+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
    Pixload-1.70.lha   util/rexx  523K   5+Pixload 1.70 (an "Amidock style" Rxmui a
    ral3p7a.lha        util/rexx   60K   5+RexxArpLib.library - open up some OS fun
    ral3p7a_all.lha    util/rexx  398K   5+RexxArpLib.library - open up some OS fun
    ral3p8.lha         util/rexx   61K   4+RexxArpLib.library - open up some OS fun
    ral3p8all.lha      util/rexx  519K   4+RexxArpLib.library - open up some OS fun
    AmberRAM.lha       util/sys    45K  11+Replacement RAM disk. GPL.
    Date2Weekday.lha   util/time   18K   5+Show weekday of a date (incl.Source)
    Safe.lha           util/virus  19K   5+Chaff file/virus memory killer v17.9
    VirusZ.lha         util/virus  56K   6+VirusZ III 0.99 - Antivirus Software
    xvslibrary.lha     util/virus  80K   9+External Virus Scanner Library v33.38
    AmiShutDown.lha    util/wb    216K   9+Amiga Version of Shutdown (German only)
    DateView.lha       util/wb    102K   5+A Desktop-Calendar
    g2000_html_d.lha   util/wb    307K   4+Gurus2000 shows infos about Gurus (Germa
    G2000_HTML_E.lha   util/wb    305K   4+Gurus2000 shows infos about Gurus (Engli
    g2000_html_e.lha   util/wb    305K   4+Gurus2000 shows infos about Gurus (Engli
    GHelpDeluxeMUI.lha util/wb    121K   6+Provides access to all your AmigaGuides 
    ItalyMagicMenu.lha util/wb     10K   8+Italian MagicMenu.catalog
    MemView_DE.lha     util/wb    123K   6+A very tiny Memory Viewer (German only)
    ProcessIcon.lha    util/wb     19K  11+V1.19 CLI tool to manipulate icon data
    RandomWBPatt.lha   util/wb     23K   8+Slideshow-like random WBPattern change
    ScalosPlugin96.lha util/wb     11K   6+Avail Picasso96 plugin for Scalos
    sgrab.lha          util/wb    175K   8+Screen grabber with GUI (1.20)
    SmartMenu.lha      util/wb    126K   9+Yet the another StartMenu (German)
    VisualMI.lha       util/wb     16K  11+GlowIcons Toolbar for VisualPrefs
    VolumeMeter.lha    util/wb     25K   6+Transparent graphical hard drive usage m
    WBSCtrl.lha        util/wb    124K   9+Start Tools from oth. Dirs on WBStatup D
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>